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A Idle Moment Of Disparity


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Quote Kayo:

rumour has it they are going to be laying down some Baileys (military) bridges in the meantime... So many rumours. 720 people dead so far, and cholera is starting to rear its ugly head.

We are getting frustrated and tired.

Unquote :o

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i am so glad to see that your sense of humor is alive and well!

i have been tripping around BKK for a week now, truly having the time of my life. since my days in BKK are numbered, haven't been doing a lot of hanging in the internet room, but i do pop in and check this thread for your updates (see, thaibebop, there is reason for existence). my prayers and good thoughts continue to be with you, a true unsung hero willing to stay and shovel to make things aright--i don't care what tots says about you!

'hang in there,' as the saying goes! :D

love n stuff,



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hi lezz- leezer... : :o Thank you for your kind wishes.

You guys... Easy on the hero thing... I´m just trying to keep the bar open. That´s my contribution to rebuilding the village, is having our place open so people can feel a sense of normality.

Thaibebop, the only whore house in Panajachel is unsurprisingly near the local church. It is inhabited by 4 ladies all over 50 years of age and mostly withering away.

Competition is prohibited.

I believe I saw one of the ol´girls with a shovel in her hand too.

Leezer when do you go out "to the Countryside"? It´s nice that you are still logging on.

Please give BKK a big hug and kiss for me.

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Leezer when do you go out "to the Countryside"? It´s nice that you are still logging on.

Please give BKK a big hug and kiss for me.


from all accounts, BKK has a huge hug and kiss for you! talk about an 'embracing' place!

for now, i am about 'touristed' out. will do another post surgery follow-up tomorrow, then on wednesday have a flight to koh samui to spend a couple of weeks, after that, probably phukett...the beach is 'countryside' to me! am restricted from diving for four weeks, so will no doubt find myself plugged into a computer a bit more....

bars, churches, whorehouses, the mainstays of civilization. you keep shoveling--you are doing a good turn! :o




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I JUST had to SAVE this thread............. even KAYO is ignoring it these days. How disparate!!!! I'm disparately bored :o (that was a cute lil face )

Anyways, it's about 3 am-ish, I just finished work.. could go on but I won't. Bambi, please spank me and send me to bed :D

Come on guys.... we used to have so much fun in here! What happened? KAYO???

Totster??????? DR PP????????? BAMBINA????????? All that stalking and silliness.... where did it go? :D

Oh lament!!!! (just checked my dictionary. It means: to feel or express sorrow for......)

Big hugs............. :D

(you know where to find me....) :D


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Icey... do a search for a song called "What About Me?" by Moving Pictures.

Of course I thought about you........... you were our adopted delinquent child remember? :o Sorry I left you off the script.

Hugs beautiful........ A big group hug for Icey!!!! :D

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make me laugh or make me cry,

I could go on, and on, but then again -Why?

So for now my loves, and Common Decency COmpanions,

I shall endeavour to laeve you with a kiss and a smile,

For this hangover is taking its toll and the pain it´s time.

My last bartender/waitress is going back to her home country of Chile on the 8th of November, and that means all three of the original team will have left.

She informed me last night, and I closed the bar and got drunk by myself....I´m still a wee bit worse for wear, but then - I don´t really care anymore.

A kiss and a melancholic hug.


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..... and I closed the bar and got drunk by myself....I´m still a wee bit worse for wear, but then  - I don´t really care anymore.

A kiss and a melancholic hug.


kayo, 'not caring anymore' happens to all of us when just the little stuff of everyday life seems to be overwhelming. you have just been through something INCREDIBLY HUGE! go easy on yourself.....(and be grateful that you are young enough to only be a 'wee bit worse for wear') :o

i'm with you in spirit!



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Thanks Leezie.

A little better etoday as I have heard that my Salvadopean waitress may be rreturing...

She had to leave about 5 months ago, cos her boyfriend was in trouble with some local guys.

Seems she broke up with the idiot and is looking to return here.

Hope she comes back cos I miss my "dream team".

I´ve also decided to move house and organise the biggest festival EVER for the end of this month, to raise money for damages done. I´m getting most of the local businesses involved and we are egoing ot close down the stret, and bring the whole town to its knees.

I hope this WIlma HUrricane doesn´t come our way.

Panajachel finally made it into the Guatemalan papers yesterday, as the quen of Spain was here greeting us all.

Still no sign of any aid for us though. (I don´t need any, but many people here do) I wonder if maybe more should have died so that we may get aid??

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Panajachel finally made it into the Guatemalan papers yesterday, as the quen of Spain was here greeting us all.

Still no sign of any aid for us though. (I don´t need any, but many people here do) I wonder if maybe more should have died so that we may get aid??


Kayo, I can't believe this........... I shake my head in disbelief :o

As I organise a concert to bring the world focus back to forgotten tsunami victims ... you guys are there with no aid?

Seems like the whole world needs aid right now? :D

Is there a clear picture of what is needed in your area? Can any of us help? Are there any major charities in the country accepting donations, etc?????

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So the last of our dream team had her last night working with us yesterday (sunday) and with no clientele we got ourselves well past hammered o´clock.... Pamela is an excellent waitress, friend, person, and will be sorely missed at the bar... It´s just the owner, the dog, and me now.....

Anybody looking for work?

I´m looking for a drink... Anybody got a drink for me?? :o It´s not THAT early...

So what does one do....

"what do you say, when it´s all gone away... It never rains when you want it to." :D:D

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