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Red Helen, Papilio helenus........(Please correct me if I am wrong)


First time in my life that I have ever managed to capture a butterfly in flight.

It must of been a funny sight to see me darting around chasing that butterfly with the viewfinder glued to my eye.w00t.gif

Red Helen looks right.

Me I gotta wait till they stop, good one.

Get some strange looks when people see me pointing a camera up a tree, at a bush or at something on the ground, tingtong farang, join the club.

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This image I purposely left a little blurred to conceal the identity of the procreators , heavens knows what could come of this photo if those partaking

were to be identified , but the aliases are Roblow and Parishilton ,

Must get that doctors number on speed dial facepalm.gif

That looks like insect necrophilia.

The poor thing's drowning/drowned.

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Nice , you sure that's a Frog sunshine ?

I'm sure nowadays Goomps. Used to think they were toads however have been informed

by many people they're padi field frogs and I have eaten a bunch of em since then. Don't

reckon one can eat a toad & survive...not sure about that but that's the rumour I've heard.

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^^^Bill...Nice shot. At our place we have the small iguana's which live in bushes & coconut

trees. Light tan & light brown in colour with a bit of yellow on their "spikes". Been trying

for ages t get one to be co-operative in a photo session but they simply scoot away

whenever I or our dogs approach.

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