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Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I agree 10000%

Can we take it then that neither of you actually live in a "failed state"?

But I guess in one way you are correct --- It has political motovations in that Thaksin is the leader of an insurrection that has a political component. You are wrong in just about every other way in that the world still condemns terrorism when done for political reasons. Simply providing funds to a group that has a terrorist element is enough in the 21st century to get action from "The western world", particularly when Thailand has been a significant player in dealing with terrorist groups that have targetted the West.

I found the journalism in this opinion piece to be rather shoddy ... and the piece not worthy of a thread of its own. It really belongs in "Will Interpol act?"

When he was a rank-and-file member of the Phalang Dharma Party in the late 1990s, Thaksin boasted repeatedly that for the right amount of money you could get anyone to work for you. Everybody has a price.

This is the key to the whole thing. Thaksin always thought like this. He found out the hard way there are some genuinely good and moral people in Thailand who actually care more about the Thai people than they do about themselves.

No matter how rich he became, he couldn't buy off one group. They were not interested in money. They were interested in helping all Thais with no thoughts towards themselves. This idea is totally incompatible with Thaksin's distorted world view. For Thaksin, somebody with values and morals is a non sequitur.

I will never understand how anyone can support this evil cretin. He is truly an abomination to the human race, and the TV posters who are on his payroll should keep in mind just where that money is coming from. Are those few pieces of silver truly worth going over to the dark side?

The world will be a better place once this hellion of Satan is gone.

"especially from young Thai people who don't read anything longer than 40 words at a time."

This says a lot for the so-called education that the elite offer to the young of Thailand.

I have worked in the system for over 17 years now and it is dreadful.

Example: One of my ex-students has just begun studying dentistry at a small college.

One of her tutors demands food and gifts from the students or he refuses to teach.

How are the young of this country going to get an education in a system that allows this type of behaviour from the teaching staff?

I've worked in the educations system here for nearly a decade. There is a huge myth that the education system here is deplorable. This is wrong. What is substandard is the students, their work ethic, the parenting, and the culture of corruption.

A young person can get a decent education here. They simply need to study, do their homework, don't copy the work of others, avoid cheating on tests, read the books, and take their education seriously. It is rare to come across a student who does this, maybe 1 in 20. The parents don't guide their kids into an appreciation of hard work, discipline, and motivation.

That isn't what this thread is about though so I will leave it there.

"especially from young Thai people who don't read anything longer than 40 words at a time."

This says a lot for the so-called education that the elite offer to the young of Thailand.

I have worked in the system for over 17 years now and it is dreadful.

Example: One of my ex-students has just begun studying dentistry at a small college.

One of her tutors demands food and gifts from the students or he refuses to teach.

How are the young of this country going to get an education in a system that allows this type of behaviour from the teaching staff?

I've worked in the educations system here for nearly a decade. There is a huge myth that the education system here is deplorable. This is wrong. What is substandard is the students, their work ethic, the parenting, and the culture of corruption.

A young person can get a decent education here. They simply need to study, do their homework, don't copy the work of others, avoid cheating on tests, read the books, and take their education seriously. It is rare to come across a student who does this, maybe 1 in 20. The parents mostly don't guide their kids into an appreciation of hard work, discipline, and motivation.

I generally agree with everything you say, but this comment is a bit too extreme. A student as you describe doesn't need a teacher at all. He might need a tutor in a few difficult places, but that is completely different from an educational system. I would say you are correct that only 1 in 20 can do this in Thailand, because these students are basically teaching themselves.

In a real education system, the lies, cheating and laziness endemic to the education system in Thailand would simply not be tolerated. The students would fail, and all the screaming and threats by the parents would be ignored. True, it is always easier to teach when you have the support of the parents, but even without it the school system could do something to improve.

The Thai education system in most schools is fundamentally broken. Teachers can not fail students, and students are not adequately punished for their transgressions. More importantly, parents support their children rather than the school who is trying to help them. It is a vicious cycle.

The Thai educators need to take a stand and say "no more". If you cheat, if you lie, if you don't do the work, you will fail. The school administrators need to back the teachers over the influential parents. The parents will eventually come around when they realize the rules have changed. That is the only way anything will ever improve.

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I agree 10000%

Well, while the person you are quoting & agreeing with is busy branding people as 'idiots', do you realise that there is no such thing as 10000%. The maximum you can have is actually 100% of anything. :)

well, my favorite athlete promises to give it 110% every time he goes out on the field. i'm pretty sure you aren't calling him stupid.

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I think the western world is in a big enough mess at the moment that it isn't really in the mood to laugh at anyone. As for Thaksin, the man was a major figure behind a movement that blocked the center of Bangkok for weeks, in a "peaceful protest" that ended up as a mob of looters and arsonists. I'm sure all that "the western world", not to mention the rest of the international community, wants is a stable Thailand and Thaksin is clearly an obstacle to that. He has already been barred entry to a number of western countries, so I think your opinion on how the western world feels about him is not justified.

I suggest a little research into the Thaksin years (2001-2006). He was not exactly the champion of "western-style" democracy he likes to portray him self as, and this should be obvious to anyone who looks at his record with an open mind.

"especially from young Thai people who don't read anything longer than 40 words at a time."

This says a lot for the so-called education that the elite offer to the young of Thailand.

I have worked in the system for over 17 years now and it is dreadful.

Example: One of my ex-students has just begun studying dentistry at a small college.

One of her tutors demands food and gifts from the students or he refuses to teach.

How are the young of this country going to get an education in a system that allows this type of behaviour from the teaching staff?

I've worked in the educations system here for nearly a decade. There is a huge myth that the education system here is deplorable. This is wrong. What is substandard is the students, their work ethic, the parenting, and the culture of corruption.

A young person can get a decent education here. They simply need to study, do their homework, don't copy the work of others, avoid cheating on tests, read the books, and take their education seriously. It is rare to come across a student who does this, maybe 1 in 20. The parents mostly don't guide their kids into an appreciation of hard work, discipline, and motivation.

I generally agree with everything you say, but this comment is a bit too extreme. A student as you describe doesn't need a teacher at all. He might need a tutor in a few difficult places, but that is completely different from an educational system. I would say you are correct that only 1 in 20 can do this in Thailand, because these students are basically teaching themselves.

In a real education system, the lies, cheating and laziness endemic to the education system in Thailand would simply not be tolerated. The students would fail, and all the screaming and threats by the parents would be ignored. True, it is always easier to teach when you have the support of the parents, but even without it the school system could do something to improve.

The Thai education system in most schools is fundamentally broken. Teachers can not fail students, and students are not adequately punished for their transgressions. More importantly, parents support their children rather than the school who is trying to help them. It is a vicious cycle.

The Thai educators need to take a stand and say "no more". If you cheat, if you lie, if you don't do the work, you will fail. The school administrators need to back the teachers over the influential parents. The parents will eventually come around when they realize the rules have changed. That is the only way anything will ever improve.

Very good points.

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

i'm the one to had noticed that the nation's articles are quite never signed by a single person?


Thaksin is a failed state.

The only power he has is given to him by the press.

He has hired a team not to protect him but to keep his memory alive in Thailand.

The press is doing a good job of that.

Articles like this one do nothing except give the malcontents room to spew there nonsense

news flash

Thailand is alive and well on the road to recovery after terrorists attacks. If you don't like it go back to where you came from.

"especially from young Thai people who don't read anything longer than 40 words at a time."

This says a lot for the so-called education that the elite offer to the young of Thailand.

I have worked in the system for over 17 years now and it is dreadful.

Example: One of my ex-students has just begun studying dentistry at a small college.

One of her tutors demands food and gifts from the students or he refuses to teach.

How are the young of this country going to get an education in a system that allows this type of behaviour from the teaching staff?

I've worked in the educations system here for nearly a decade. There is a huge myth that the education system here is deplorable. This is wrong. What is substandard is the students, their work ethic, the parenting, and the culture of corruption.

A young person can get a decent education here. They simply need to study, do their homework, don't copy the work of others, avoid cheating on tests, read the books, and take their education seriously. It is rare to come across a student who does this, maybe 1 in 20. The parents mostly don't guide their kids into an appreciation of hard work, discipline, and motivation.

I generally agree with everything you say, but this comment is a bit too extreme. A student as you describe doesn't need a teacher at all. He might need a tutor in a few difficult places, but that is completely different from an educational system. I would say you are correct that only 1 in 20 can do this in Thailand, because these students are basically teaching themselves.

In a real education system, the lies, cheating and laziness endemic to the education system in Thailand would simply not be tolerated. The students would fail, and all the screaming and threats by the parents would be ignored. True, it is always easier to teach when you have the support of the parents, but even without it the school system could do something to improve.

The Thai education system in most schools is fundamentally broken. Teachers can not fail students, and students are not adequately punished for their transgressions. More importantly, parents support their children rather than the school who is trying to help them. It is a vicious cycle.

The Thai educators need to take a stand and say "no more". If you cheat, if you lie, if you don't do the work, you will fail. The school administrators need to back the teachers over the influential parents. The parents will eventually come around when they realize the rules have changed. That is the only way anything will ever improve.

This deserves a thread of its own it certainly bares discussion. :)

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

Just how is Thailand a failed state?

There is food in the shops, good transport infrastructure, medical care available to everyone, an education system in place, water and electricity flow with no major problems, it is safe to walk the street. taxes are collected, the police force works (just) foreign companies can invest here, the stock market works, elections, both national and local are held within prescribed time frames.

So what is failed about Thailand. Thailand has problems, but so does every country in the world - Think of the US heath care system for example.

I think your statement about the western world 'laughing' at Thailand is extremely cynical. I think the western word is concerned with recent events and the loss of life. Foreigners and western governments take no pleasure in seeing conflict and death on the streets of Thailand. When Hilary Clinton steps up at a press conference and says " Thailand... Yeah its f*cking hilarious, Barrack and I have been pissing ourselves laughing, watching the events on CNN" Then I'll believe the western world is laughing at Thailand.

Finally we get to political motivation - All politicians and actions thereof are politically motivated.

Ever hear the phrase, "Five thousand flies can't be wrong?"

Failed state?

  1. A coup or coup attempt every 4.33 years (18) since 1932. Most countries have never had one.
  2. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/cndy/2010-05/...ent_9870331.htm
  3. http://www.asianewsnet.net/news.php?id=11982&sec=3
  4. http://www.bangkokpost.com/opinion/opinion...-a-failed-state
  5. http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/eo20081209a2.html
  6. http://www.nationmultimedia.com/breakingne...and-on-the-rise
  7. http://www.stratfor.com/memberships/40030/...state_former_pm
  8. http://us.asiancorrespondent.com/bangkok-p...a-and-vice.html
  9. etc.
  10. etc.
  11. etc.


  • Your credibility is comrpomised when you take Hillary Clinton, and to a lesser extent, Barry Sotero Obama, as your bastions of faith in search of honesty and truth.

"especially from young Thai people who don't read anything longer than 40 words at a time."

This says a lot for the so-called education that the elite offer to the young of Thailand.

I have worked in the system for over 17 years now and it is dreadful.

Example: One of my ex-students has just begun studying dentistry at a small college.

One of her tutors demands food and gifts from the students or he refuses to teach.

How are the young of this country going to get an education in a system that allows this type of behaviour from the teaching staff?

I've worked in the educations system here for nearly a decade. There is a huge myth that the education system here is deplorable. This is wrong. What is substandard is the students, their work ethic, the parenting, and the culture of corruption.

A young person can get a decent education here. They simply need to study, do their homework, don't copy the work of others, avoid cheating on tests, read the books, and take their education seriously. It is rare to come across a student who does this, maybe 1 in 20. The parents mostly don't guide their kids into an appreciation of hard work, discipline, and motivation.

I generally agree with everything you say, but this comment is a bit too extreme. A student as you describe doesn't need a teacher at all. He might need a tutor in a few difficult places, but that is completely different from an educational system. I would say you are correct that only 1 in 20 can do this in Thailand, because these students are basically teaching themselves.

In a real education system, the lies, cheating and laziness endemic to the education system in Thailand would simply not be tolerated. The students would fail, and all the screaming and threats by the parents would be ignored. True, it is always easier to teach when you have the support of the parents, but even without it the school system could do something to improve.

The Thai education system in most schools is fundamentally broken. Teachers can not fail students, and students are not adequately punished for their transgressions. More importantly, parents support their children rather than the school who is trying to help them. It is a vicious cycle.

The Thai educators need to take a stand and say "no more". If you cheat, if you lie, if you don't do the work, you will fail. The school administrators need to back the teachers over the influential parents. The parents will eventually come around when they realize the rules have changed. That is the only way anything will ever improve.

This deserves a thread of its own it certainly bares discussion. :)

What about all the times you hear that teachers refuse to teach during regular sessions so that they can get paid to tutor after hours?

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I agree 10000%

Well, while the person you are quoting & agreeing with is busy branding people as 'idiots', do you realise that there is no such thing as 10000%. The maximum you can have is actually 100% of anything. :)

well, my favorite athlete promises to give it 110% every time he goes out on the field. i'm pretty sure you aren't calling him stupid.

If you have 100 baht in your hand and you increase it by 1,000 baht to 1,100 baht, by how many percent have you increased your baht?

Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

I agree 10000%

EGGsactly! Break up into 3 countries is around the next corner.

Houdini #2, Sondhi is right up in their noses and he's not in jail. That's the real magic show.


Of course they don't care what farangs think. Wouldn't want any 'interference', unless of course your name is Marx, Mussolini, Browning, CIA; then you ARE allowed to build a piece of junk political system to destroy a once great Kingdom.


The Joseph Plan = G30 Nation within 5 to 10 years, too bad nobody wants to ruin the FUN!

Thaksin is a failed state.

The only power he has is given to him by the press.

He has hired a team not to protect him but to keep his memory alive in Thailand.

The press is doing a good job of that.

Articles like this one do nothing except give the malcontents room to spew there nonsense

news flash

Thailand is alive and well on the road to recovery after terrorists attacks. If you don't like it go back to where you came from.

yes, right back on the road to ABnormal. Name the countries in the World that would allow someone who commandeered and terrorised an International Airport to be free to run the affairs of the country. Are you one of the hecklers who could not believe the red movement was underestimated, when a few of us were warning?

Only 2 words are needed to prove Thailand is a broken country. Thaksin / Sondhi <<< That is what is killing a beautiful Kingdom folks. That is what is going to destroy it.

What happened in May was the warning shots across the bow. The calm before the storm.

Does anybody think the situation is not, now, worse? One side now has martyrs. NEVER give the enemy martyrs. Oh, there is still the little thing about 'elections' and when the criminal Sondhi will allow that. I think all sides learned, or should have, to not rely on Divine Intervention!

I really, really, really do NOT want to be right, again.

Instead of a complete break up, may I suggest a 'lesser of evils' alternative. Keep the country together by going completely North Korean and Burmese style, instead of only half/half. That would be less bad than the worse bad coming up.

"especially from young Thai people who don't read anything longer than 40 words at a time."

This says a lot for the so-called education that the elite offer to the young of Thailand.

I have worked in the system for over 17 years now and it is dreadful.

Example: One of my ex-students has just begun studying dentistry at a small college.

One of her tutors demands food and gifts from the students or he refuses to teach.

How are the young of this country going to get an education in a system that allows this type of behaviour from the teaching staff?

This country will never fully develop, it will only become further retarded, while governments such as the present one rule the roost.

Nice to see so many comments disagreeing with the post from the crazy Nation.

Try reading Thai history - that really puts it in perspective. The juggling, the murder, the power struggles etc. No public schools or education until 1923 and so on. The Thais (really) have evolved by default not by planning and somehow they keep falling on their feet! Their claim to literacy of over 90% may be correct - if an adult is acceptable with a kindergarten education and that is what the reds have been up in arms about. The poor people and the education system they have to work with is pathetic.

The ridiculous 'handing out' ceremonies of degrees like bus tickets - laughable. Try asking simple questions to the majority of the degree holders and see what responses you get. Its scary! But Thailand will continue to evolve, it will continue to respect the monarchy, and it will continue on its road of corruption as it is an accepted way of life and no one here knows how to stop it! :)


RE: Catching the Thai Houdini won't be easy

What happened with our dear, old Gen. Chavalit? He reported to DSI in his former uniform and turned back because there were no important people to meet him (apart from PTP MP's, who would not be let in for lack of appointment). Then he had an urgent need to go abroad.

Anyone knows how and where he is?

Total Retard ! ..Somalia is a failed state no government/no organised water/electric supply/medical care/schooling/rule of law etc...THAT is a failed state..

If that is how you feel you should not be living here ..or..move to Somalia and get a real taste of what it means..

cccccc- the sound of me clapping!!! amen!!!

failed state? yes.

with this government thailand has become a failed state.

Thailand isn't perfect but I still love it here. Now, we have retards who have the cheek to call it a 'failed state'. Do you even know what a 'failed state' is? If you hate it here so much as to call it a 'failed state' then fuc_k off. Seriously.

I don't see how someone who can hate a place so much can still stay. I mean if I were so pissed off and filled with bile over here, I'd leave immediately.

If you don't know what you're talking about, shut the fuc_k up. And if you really mean what you say and still stay, it goes to show what a loser you are. Failed state! Pffft.

From wikipedia: Mazel tov lit. "good luck [has occurred]" This only shows you can't believe all you read :)

Thaksin is a failed state.

The only power he has is given to him by the press.

He has hired a team not to protect him but to keep his memory alive in Thailand.

The press is doing a good job of that.

Articles like this one do nothing except give the malcontents room to spew there nonsense

news flash

Thailand is alive and well on the road to recovery after terrorists attacks. If you don't like it go back to where you came from.

yes, right back on the road to ABnormal. Name the countries in the World that would allow someone who commandeered and terrorised an International Airport to be free to run the affairs of the country. Are you one of the hecklers who could not believe the red movement was underestimated, when a few of us were warning?

Only 2 words are needed to prove Thailand is a broken country. Thaksin / Sondhi <<< That is what is killing a beautiful Kingdom folks. That is what is going to destroy it.

What happened in May was the warning shots across the bow. The calm before the storm.

Does anybody think the situation is not, now, worse? One side now has martyrs. NEVER give the enemy martyrs. Oh, there is still the little thing about 'elections' and when the criminal Sondhi will allow that. I think all sides learned, or should have, to not rely on Divine Intervention!

I really, really, really do NOT want to be right, again.

Instead of a complete break up, may I suggest a 'lesser of evils' alternative. Keep the country together by going completely North Korean and Burmese style, instead of only half/half. That would be less bad than the worse bad coming up.

Perhaps I should have added in spite of the doomsayers. If you look very closely you will notice that Abhist was not a yellow shirt leader. I suppose to a dedicated doomsayer that is a unimportant fact.

You remind me of the story my father told me when a was a little tyke. About chicken little running around yelling the sky is falling the sky is falling the sky is falling.etc ect ect.

Out of curiosity what is there in it for you to gain if the country does not recover?


Thailand a failed state, what's wrong with your peoples judgement????????

Thailand is a very advanced developed state, compared to a lot of others, so get a grip and stop posting nonsens like that!!!!!


the only reason i'm staying is because the u.k. is a failed state,the amount of british tax payers money going to the e.u. is (by coincidence)exactly the same spain spends on it's infrastructure,yet you can't drive for 3-4 miles in the u.k. without meeting a pothole the size of the spainish budget deficit,like someone says if you don't like this beautiful country with(mostly)good people then go home(&lt;deleted&gt; off)


Thailand isnt a failed state. There may be some who wish it were. There may be some who fear it will be.

Interesting comment by someone that Thailand is a failed state with this government. The whole concept of a failed state is that no government of any persuasion will work or have worked. Still musnt let facts get in the way of a good (Amsterdam?) meme


Failed state Yes right

Just won a seat on the Human rights Commission, film maker just won the top prize a Caines, see on TV that some school kids recently won a top international science prize, something to do with robots if I remember correctly.

The present PM came to power in the middle of the world financial crisis, he has had to deal with the red shirt idiots riots and bombings as well as the mess he inherited in the south.

Thaksins efforts to wreak the country havent helped either nor has the legisy left by the two previous banned administrations,

This country actually runs at a profit IE; sells more than it buys. How many western countries can say the same? Look at Greece, Spain, the UK and of course the US is mortgaged to the hilt to China and still runs at a huge deficite.

Now the PM has seen off the censure debate and the budget is a foregone conclusion we will see what he can do within the year and a half he has left on his term in office. He has to be given a chance to show what he can do without anyone stepping outside the bounds of reasonable behavior, or comment for that matter.

I'm picking he will do some great things and get the country back on track in that time.

Then if he can organise anything like a free and fair election he will be likely be back for a long time.

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