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Forming A Band In Thailand

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I've been working on some songs tonight for the first time in ages and have put together a very rough concept album.

Not easy when I don't have my keyboard to hand (I always compose the music first) but I would eventually like to end up with a proper band in Thailand, playing original songs that would appeal to Thai's and farangs alike about life in Thailand for both of us.

Don't know if anything could ever come of this or how easy it is to obtain a licence to perform in Thailand but I will find a way, and i'll come up with tunes that are catchier than herpes.

Anyone out there interested?


For example, Gate 7 is about a man who quits his job and returns to Thailand to see his sweetheart who has been learning English while he's been away saving for his return trip.

'And as the carousel turns, the malignant yearns of a man detatched from the 9 to 5...

Consume the ultimate skive - and as the passion burns, his tee rak learns imperfect English and she looks into his eyes,

- she says "I'm glad to be arrive"'

The Loop is about getting stuck in a rut with no plan in Thailand - as I have.

'I'm out of work and out of money... And I'm out of cigarettes

But I hated my last job, so I've got no regrets

My camera's been stolen, full of memories I cherished

I need a new pair of sandals, 'cause these ones have perished'

Emission Impossible focuses on Bangkok's traffic problems.

'In 2057 there'll be flatulent flying methane cars, Red Bull powered motorbikes and strapless push up bras.

And the day the city died would be remembered with a day for all the ancestors who boiled at the wheel...' :o

No chorus yet for that one, but they are all slowly coming together from notes written on bits of paper, it would be a shame to waste something creative would it not?

Not all the songs are funny, some will tackle more serious issues, for instance, Equal Whites is about the hypocracy many of us are guilty of when we hate to see how westernized Thailand is becoming.

'You copy ID's and CD's unreleased DVD's and we like it, we buy it, but why do you copy these?

These awful traits of ours, and our pallid white skin?

We brown on the beach while you girls apply bleach can't you see it's a breach of the natural being within?

And I'm sorry to preach I've got no right to teach or impeach, I can't start when my culture made all this begin.'


Please bear in mind that it was a rainy Sunday today and there was nothing to do except do something about an idea I have had for ages.

What are the possibilities for a farang wishing to make a modest living by creating original and very catchy expat related songs and getting on the live band scene with Thai and Farang musicians, touring around LOS and flogging a few home burned Cd's to a small but loyal following?

I'm interested. :D

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Go for it Scampy :D

Your ideas change every day. That is a good thing, as long as you settle on something soon.

you do give me a chuckle, I think you might need some ritilin for that ADD. :D

wonder what it will be tomorrow? :o

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My eldest, when he was 15 wanted to be a drummer in a rock band.

I said, ok but you’ve got to learn how to play. We did a deal and I bought him a drum kit. He learnt with some of the best teachers in the world.

Now he is a professional drummer playing in several bands. He plays his drums night and day (whatever that means – when he’s working I’m sleeping and vice versa, so I only see him when he’s on Television).

My point here is that drummers drum, musicians play, writers write etc etc – how many of them use their valuable time designing concept album covers and promoting unfinished work via Thaivisa, is a debatable point.

You are a good salesman, Scamp. You try to sell yourself and your ideas in original and entertaining ways, but as far as being a full-time video director or a writer or a rock musician – there’s too much bullshit and not enough hard work.

Get your foot inside the door of an advertising agency – you could write some great by-lines.

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You may well have found your niche Scamp, however in the moody pic, u cant be called The Gentleman Scamp, you look mean and moody, certainly no Gentleman. Its a great pic, but it seems like you are looking at a bogey you just picked out of your nose, or at where one had just been before you flicked it off :o

On the face of it (excuse the pun) I think there could well be mileage in this.

You are a musician , can you sing ? If so how well?

What about Poetry, you could put your observations into poetry and read them out like that Rasta Man Benjamin Zacharia (or something like that). Otherwise if you can sing as well as write and play you could do quite well like that guy who started out like you are proposing, oh what was his name... oh yeah, David Bowie :D

I'm sure Billy at the Bulls Head, Dave Thailand, Lampard etc would give you a PAID FOR slot if you could pull it all together.

The ideas are there, just a little jumbled at the moment.

Better name would be the "Leg end of Thai Visa" (only kidding)

Why not just plain "Scamp"

need to give it some more thinking, don't know how the Visa situation would apply? Is there an Entertainment Visa that can give more lattitude.

You are definatley on the right track, keep on huffing and puffing Scamp.



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I'd agree with ThaiPauly that taking out the music and putting those verses into print could work. It's a whole load more eloquent than half the stuff that gets published and sold by the likes of Asia Books / Bookazine etc.

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Sounds cool! I have had similar thoughs about a band orientated around english written songs about the Land of Smiles. Where are you based in Thailand? I am in Phuket. If you need a rubbish guitarist without a guitar then PM me.

I've been working on some songs tonight for the first time in ages and have put together a very rough concept album.

Not easy when I don't have my keyboard to hand (I always compose the music first) but I would eventually like to end up with a proper band in Thailand, playing original songs that would appeal to Thai's and farangs alike about life in Thailand for both of us.

Don't know if anything could ever come of this or how easy it is to obtain a licence to perform in Thailand but I will find a way, and i'll come up with tunes that are catchier than herpes.

Anyone out there interested?


For example, Gate 7 is about a man who quits his job and returns to Thailand to see his sweetheart who has been learning English while he's been away saving for his return trip.

'And as the carousel turns, the malignant yearns of a man detatched from the 9 to 5...

Consume the ultimate skive - and as the passion burns, his tee rak learns imperfect English and she looks into his eyes,

- she says "I'm glad to be arrive"'

The Loop is about getting stuck in a rut with no plan in Thailand - as I have.

'I'm out of work and out of money...  And I'm out of cigarettes

But I hated my last job, so I've got no regrets

My camera's been stolen, full of memories I cherished

I need a new pair of sandals, 'cause these ones have perished'

Emission Impossible focuses on Bangkok's traffic problems.

'In 2057 there'll be flatulent flying methane cars, Red Bull powered motorbikes and strapless push up bras.

And the day the city died would be remembered with a day for all the ancestors who boiled at the wheel...'  :o

No chorus yet for that one, but they are all slowly coming together from notes written on bits of paper, it would be a shame to waste something creative would it not?

Not all the songs are funny, some will tackle more serious issues, for instance, Equal Whites is about the hypocracy many of us are guilty of when we hate to see how westernized Thailand is becoming.

'You copy ID's and CD's unreleased DVD's and we like it, we buy it, but why do you copy these?

These awful traits of ours, and our pallid white skin?

We brown on the beach while you girls apply bleach can't you see it's a breach of the natural being within?

And I'm sorry to preach I've got no right to teach or impeach, I can't start when my culture made all this begin.'


Please bear in mind that it was a rainy Sunday today and there was nothing to do except do something about an idea I have had for ages.

What are the possibilities for a farang wishing to make a modest living by creating original and very catchy expat related songs and getting on the live band scene with Thai and Farang musicians, touring around LOS and flogging a few home burned Cd's to a small but loyal following?

I'm interested. :D

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You may well have found your niche Scamp, however in the moody pic, u cant be called The Gentleman Scamp, you look mean and moody, certainly no Gentleman. Its a great pic, but it seems like you are looking at a bogey you just picked out of your nose, or at where one had just been before you flicked it off  :D

:o It was always my niche Pauly, as for the covers, they were both just something I knocked up. It was creating names of songs that didn't exist that was the difficult bit and if I stick with this plan there will be many changes.

The cover shot is actually an enlargement from my original CD design from five years ago which is a photo of two of me, one in a suit and one in a T-Shirt, the me in the suit had just punched the me in the T-Shirt and the finger is supposed to be saying (to myself) 'Sort your ######ing life out and get this done or you'll get another one' portraying a constant battle with myself.

On the face of it (excuse the pun) I think there could well be mileage in this
It's what I've always been best at, and I can't ignore it which in a way is my problem as I'll never be settled until I'm fulfilling as much as my potential as possible.
You are a musician , can you sing ? If so how well?

On my original CD, nothing special at all, in fact not very good on a couple of songs, however, live I have belted out My Way's, Hey Jude's Mustang Sally's and Be Bop A Lula's and drank free beer all night at live venues in Australia, Bangkok, Ko Samui, England and Cape Town and have won a few karaoke competitions in the same way. Just need to have the right song but I find it hard to write to suit my own vocals.

I can compose music on a keyboard, play basic piano and the accordion, though I haven't touched one of those in years.

I can't read or write music or play guitar to save my life.

The main problem with my previous songs is that all the music is programmed on a keyboard, albeit a good one but you can't beat the sound of a real band, and for that reason the songs are too synthetic for some and many say I 'overproduced' them and that they were better live, even though I was in effect doing karaoke to my own material.

Tornado can even confirm that when drunk I sound awful but when I want to prove myself with a live band I do surprise.

What about Poetry, you could put your observations into poetry and read them out like that Rasta Man Benjamin Zacharia (or something like that). Otherwise if you can sing  as well as write and play you could do quite well like that guy who started out like you are proposing, oh what was his name... oh yeah, David Bowie :D
Poetry is a bit sissy isn't it, let's face it. :D Can't beat rock n' roll really, but if all else fails...
I'm sure Billy at the Bulls Head, Dave Thailand, Lampard etc  would give you a PAID FOR slot if you could pull it all together.

I got to know Billy and was given his card on my very last day in Thailand, however we didn't discuss this. Perhaps I should e-mail him if this starts to go anywhere.

The ideas are there, just a little jumbled at the moment.
Story of my life mate, story of my life. :D
Better name would be the "Leg end of Thai Visa" (only kidding)

Why not just plain "Scamp"

It would probably end up being either my full TV title or nothing, maybe a different name altogether if a band ever formed.

need to give it some more thinking, don't know how the Visa situation would apply? Is there an Entertainment Visa that can give more lattitude.
I think I do enough thinking and talking, it would be wonderful to start doing.

I'm awaiting posts on the very subject of visas and licences etc... My main concern is what I would do for a day job until this was up and running.

You are definatley on the right track, keep on huffing and puffing Scamp.

Alway have and I'm sure I will for a long time yet.



Let's hope so.

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if you go to a place called the blues cafe on samsen near soi 3 in bangkok, there are several talented and bored musicians who would love to play together.

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if you go to a place called the blues cafe on samsen near soi 3 in bangkok, there are several talented and bored musicians who would love to play together.

That's fustrating... Not much I can do about it now except make people aware of what I want to do and get myself back out as soon as possible, maybe early next year.

I assume they are Thai, but if not, what do they do in the daytime?

Jimbob and Daleyboy, all I can say is keep in contact and let's see what happens, but wouldn't it be great if it did, it's flattering to get some interest not to mention encouraging and I want to hear from anyone interested who plays an instrument be it a tuba or a sampler.

I've honestly never seen it as a posibility because I've always been dissapointed when I've hoped for anything, so I'm just laying it down on a public forum instead of keeping it under my cranium, and how seriously I am taken depends on my commitment to the idea and I could show that by completing the songs in my spare time and in the meantime saving some cash.

This could also easily be seen as just another one of my hairbriain schemes that falls by the wayside but I honestly don't want it to.

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if you go to a place called the blues cafe on samsen near soi 3 in bangkok, there are several talented and bored musicians who would love to play together.

That's fustrating... Not much I can do about it now except make people aware of what I want to do and get myself back out as soon as possible, maybe early next year.

Just Keep everbody up-to date as to where you are at and how things are progressing

I assume they are Thai, but if not, what do they do in the daytime?

Get drunk probably

Jimbob and Daleyboy, all I can say is keep in contact and let's see what happens, but wouldn't it be great if it did,

Hey don't forget me scamp, I've been told I am an icon on the tamborine (After 10 pints!!)

I am truly amazed to find out about the talents you have kept hidden, I think you have it in you to do something POSITIVE

Already got a name for the group:

The Gentleman Scamp and the TV Posters (well it's to the point :o )


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How about Scampy and the Ambassadors? :o

My very first post on ThaiVisa was on February 7th 2004 and it was...

I've been interested in forming a band for some time but never known how to go about it. I've only just joined this forum and this is an ideal place to appeal.

I'm a songwriter and vocalist if you need either of them Spanky?

I'd like to start a covers band and write some original humourous songs based on expat life to chuck into a set, maybe even a song in Thai.

I'm 29, reside near On Nut and I like Madness. (The band)

Any suggestions?

There wasn't much response though the Gent did suggest we do a duet. :D

So it's not a new idea, it's actually the reason I joined ThaiVisa but back then I didn't know anyone and nobody knew me.

No that I'm a known name round these parts, for better or for worse, that may be to my advantage.

This latest post required a lot more bravery and I was half dreading seeing the responses as not everyone likes me here, but I've learned that if you can't accept that in life not all will like you then you will fail before you've started which could be why I'm where I am in life because I've not had the confidence to go for what I'm good at but I've been too ambitious to settle in a 'normal' job.

Still waiting for info on legalities etc...

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Scamp, you have no hope to make the Thai cross over with this repertoire.

You are going to struggle in Thailand, unless your songs (all of them) are filled with a mindless ‘chun ruk terr’ (I love you) every second line. Additionally, to promote, I am afraid the Bulls Head ain’t going to do. You are going to have to put together a dance routine for Saturday morning TV on channel 3 that resemble the 1980’s ‘Flash Dance’ or ‘Break Dance 2: Electric Boogaloo’.

The upside of all of this is that you’ll have great looking back-up dancers.


Edited by samran
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How about Scampy and the Ambassadors?  :o

Hang on Scamp, just a few posts ago you said it would have to be "The Gentleman Scamp" or nothing or even changing your name altogether.

You may as well call your band "Scampi and the French Fries" at least it would raise a laugh! but thats not what you are looking or is it?

Scampi or Scampy is definatley a no no IMHO



S L O W down a bit- take it E A S Y Plenty of time we ain't going anywhere, we are still rootin and tootin for ya

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Scamp, you have no hope to make the Thai cross over with this repertoire.

You are going to struggle in Thailand, unless your songs (all of them) are filled with a mindless ‘chun ruk terr’ (I love you) every second line.

:o So true...

Hope you're not worried about IP rights. All your (unique) ideas exposed on a public forum, before you've made anything out of it.

At least there's a solid user base here on your side if anybody does try to blatently rip you off.

My piano playing skills are probably a bit knackered given the length of time I've been away from the keyboard... :D

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Personally I think that just plain "Scamp" is a great name and I think that if you could write songs that combine both Thai and English within the same meaning then there is a dual market for it.....it would help Thais to learn some English and also Farangs to learn some Thai....But as both could understand the lyrics and meaning it may appeal to both.....

Rock and roll has lost a lot of its original meaning...Bob Seeger played rock and roll....Chuck Berry played rock and roll......not many bands do play true rock and roll now. So I guess it would depend on what your perception of rock and roll is ???

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You may well have found your niche Scamp, however in the moody pic, u cant be called The Gentleman Scamp, you look mean and moody, certainly no Gentleman. Its a great pic, but it seems like you are looking at a bogey you just picked out of your nose, or at where one had just been before you flicked it off  :D

:o It was always my niche Pauly, as for the covers, they were both just something I knocked up. It was creating names of songs that didn't exist that was the difficult bit and if I stick with this plan there will be many changes.

The cover shot is actually an enlargement from my original CD design from five years ago which is a photo of two of me, one in a suit and one in a T-Shirt, the me in the suit had just punched the me in the T-Shirt and the finger is supposed to be saying (to myself) 'Sort your ######ing life out and get this done or you'll get another one' portraying a constant battle with myself.

On the face of it (excuse the pun) I think there could well be mileage in this
It's what I've always been best at, and I can't ignore it which in a way is my problem as I'll never be settled until I'm fulfilling as much as my potential as possible.
You are a musician , can you sing ? If so how well?

On my original CD, nothing special at all, in fact not very good on a couple of songs, however, live I have belted out My Way's, Hey Jude's Mustang Sally's and Be Bop A Lula's and drank free beer all night at live venues in Australia, Bangkok, Ko Samui, England and Cape Town and have won a few karaoke competitions in the same way. Just need to have the right song but I find it hard to write to suit my own vocals.

I can compose music on a keyboard, play basic piano and the accordion, though I haven't touched one of those in years.

I can't read or write music or play guitar to save my life.

The main problem with my previous songs is that all the music is programmed on a keyboard, albeit a good one but you can't beat the sound of a real band, and for that reason the songs are too synthetic for some and many say I 'overproduced' them and that they were better live, even though I was in effect doing karaoke to my own material.

Tornado can even confirm that when drunk I sound awful but when I want to prove myself with a live band I do surprise.

What about Poetry, you could put your observations into poetry and read them out like that Rasta Man Benjamin Zacharia (or something like that). Otherwise if you can sing  as well as write and play you could do quite well like that guy who started out like you are proposing, oh what was his name... oh yeah, David Bowie :D
Poetry is a bit sissy isn't it, let's face it. :D Can't beat rock n' roll really, but if all else fails...
I'm sure Billy at the Bulls Head, Dave Thailand, Lampard etc  would give you a PAID FOR slot if you could pull it all together.

I got to know Billy and was given his card on my very last day in Thailand, however we didn't discuss this. Perhaps I should e-mail him if this starts to go anywhere.

The ideas are there, just a little jumbled at the moment.
Story of my life mate, story of my life. :D
Better name would be the "Leg end of Thai Visa" (only kidding)

Why not just plain "Scamp"

It would probably end up being either my full TV title or nothing, maybe a different name altogether if a band ever formed.

need to give it some more thinking, don't know how the Visa situation would apply? Is there an Entertainment Visa that can give more lattitude.
I think I do enough thinking and talking, it would be wonderful to start doing.

I'm awaiting posts on the very subject of visas and licences etc... My main concern is what I would do for a day job until this was up and running.

You are definatley on the right track, keep on huffing and puffing Scamp.

Alway have and I'm sure I will for a long time yet.



Let's hope so.

If you come back down OXford way Scamp let me know. I have been teaching/playing/writing/gigging on the guitar since I was in my teens. Lets have a jam and knock up some songs.

Just try not to phone when I'm driving home..lol


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I am also looking to get a band together.....But it seems that musicians in Pattaya are all overweight depressed old alcoholic geysers...... :D That is not entirely true, there are some amazing talented people here....The problem is that the Thai musicians need a regular gig (which is understandable), and some of the foreign musicians are only passing through..therefore members need to be replaced.

Scamp, you would probably have better luck in Bangkok! Lots of rehearsal studios and budding musicians willing to do session work....You might want to check out the guys in koh samui...Big Buddha Blues Band...They have some songs about koh Samui and Thailand on their website..... :D And they have a regular Jam every Sunday..... :o

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Pluto, I haven't forgotten about us jammin'. Been busy last week-ends. Still up for it. Got new gear, midi controller, guitar.

I've met a Fin drummer, been here for months but he's leaving in August :o



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Scamp, you have no hope to make the Thai cross over with this repertoire.

You are going to struggle in Thailand, unless your songs (all of them) are filled with a mindless ‘chun ruk terr’ (I love you) every second line.

Very, very good point Sam that I had not overlooked but there's no way I could write a soppy love song without cringing with embarrassment, it's not any sort of challenge to write mush and I'd like to show the Thai's that there's more out there than mush.

Love Is A Four Letter Word is about the Thai's attitude to love compared with ours and there's a line in it that goes...

'Can you feel my heart? ..Hope your wearing latex gloves, and a surgical mask'

At the end of the day I would be catering for expats and Thai's who had a very good understanding of English... It would also be great to have Thai band members.

I also thought of re-writing existing songs to begin with, just change the lyrics to well known songs to make them relevant to life in LOS.

My Girl by Madness could be sung, 'Thai girl's mad at me.. etc..' and it could grow from there.

Whatever happens it won't happen overnight and I still would need to find a way of keeping myself in the country (legally) whilst I undertook this project.

Hang on Scamp, just a few posts ago you said it would have to be "The Gentleman Scamp" or nothing or even changing your name altogether.

You may as well call your band "Scampi and the French Fries" at least it would raise a laugh! but thats not what you are looking or is it?

A name at this stage is the least of my worries, but it would be nice to keep my ThaiVisa handle even though i'd be trying to cater for the entire expat community.

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How do farang performers obtain a licence to perform legally...

...and what do they usually do as a day job if any?

There's a guy who plays at the Irish pubs called Le Shamrock who is basically a busker but is good at what he does, but how did he start?

Any chance we could move this topic into farang pub/entertainment?

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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How do farang performers obtain a licence to perform legally...

...and what do they usually do as a day job if any?

There's a guy who plays at the Irish pubs called Le Shamrock who is basically a busker but is good at what he does, but how did he start?

Any chance we could move this topic into farang pub/entertainment?

I would say Davethailand is the person to ask .... :o

totster :D

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I've contacted DaveThailand and a couple of Thai friends for their advice and last night I fully completed one of the new songs, first time I've written the lyrics before the music.

Sent off for copyright this morning for what it's worth, but at least by posting this as an example it may help me 'get noticed' so to speak by those who could help make it happen.

The following will be one of two songs that reflects my own situation in Thailand and will have a fast paced punchy tempo.

Just Like Andrew Biggs

I’m in pursuit of the good life :o

Where I can do the things I should life

Just isn’t moving this is still life

Here in the land of smiles

I want to live the high life :D

Soak up the culture and the wildlife

Get well accustomed to the nightlife

In justified exile…


I wish I had the wisdom of Joe Cummings :D

I wish I’d seen the visa changes coming

I wish I had the wealth of Mr T

Or even just a quarter would do me

I wish I could play the perfect gig…

And I wish I could be as Thai as Andrew Biggs

[2nd verse]

There’s far too many low life’s :D

Only out here for a sex life

All I wanted was a love life

And a non immigrant B

But all I’m living is a dog’s life :D

Don’t want to wait until the next life

(Is the milk of) human kindness long life?

Tham-mai phom chok mai dee?

[2nd Chorus]

I wish I had friends within the law :D

I wish I had conceived the Segway tour

I wish I was a Thompson or a Jim

I wish I had a cure for dark brown skin

I wish I could amount to something big…

And I wish I could be as Thai as Andrew Biggs

[Guitar/Organ solo]

I don’t know what feeling settled is…

But I wish I could be part of it just like Andrew Biggs.

Edited by The Gentleman Scamp
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'Can you feel my heart? ..Hope your wearing latex gloves, and a surgical mask'

At the end of the day I would be catering for expats and Thai's who had a very good understanding of English... It would also be great to have Thai band members.

I also thought of re-writing existing songs to begin with, just change the lyrics to well known songs to make them relevant to life in LOS.

"If I gave my heart to you

I'd have none and you'd have two".

Scampy, I sometimes pitch up at a local bar in Phuket and play my guitar and sing. Everyone there is Thai and haven't a clue what I'm singing, but it does mean that I can get the words wrong without embarrassment. For what it's worth, I think your idea is outstanding. And for a local flavour:

"Thai a yellow libbon lound the ode oak tlee" (my Thai mate and his wife sing this after a few Chang).

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In a land far far away...

Our mighty green and gold cricket team...

Held Lampard's and Pro Farts dreams at bay....

Lampie gloats and Pro Fart agree's...

That Australia will soon be on their knee's....

Tis the Test's that they forget...

Tis the thumping that their gonna get.... :D

Poetry for the people by...

The Fly :o

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Scampy, I sometimes pitch up at a local bar in Phuket and play my guitar and sing. Everyone there is Thai and haven't a clue what I'm singing, but it does mean that I can get the words wrong without embarrassment. For what it's worth, I think your idea is outstanding.

Thankyou, I hope the government feels the same why. :o

Seriously though, musically it is very important to be appealing to the Thai's and I will also try to keep chorus's simple in the other songs.

Still don't know where I would stand with the law but I can't see how Thailand would object either.

In fact there's been a couple of farang that have become very well known and I assume have made a fair sum of cash from singing Thai songs and making albums, and although they are singing in the country's native tounge, the fact is they are still farang at the end of the day so how did they get there?

Is the secret to lean Thai until I can speak it just like Andrew Biggs?

"If I gave my heart to you

I'd have none and you'd have two".

That's a good little couplet, is that one of your own?

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