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weigh a pig with a string.xls

I have talked about this with numerous other people and always said I would find the How To and let them know. So for those I have dispoointed by not sharing this with you, I include a calculator in excel format where you can take two measurements of the pig in question with string or tailor tape and have a good idea of the weight without dragging the scales and a crate to the pig's pen. Or causing all that noise. It easy to do if you spend enough time with the pigs and they trust you.

The attached excel file has a picture of the measurement locations, but to be more precise you need to measure the length from the rear centreline of the ears to the forward point the tail meets the body. The girth measurement is taken around your pig just behind it's front legs. Type in both values in centimetres and the answer is calulated in Kilograms.

If it helps, let me know.


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