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True Visons Hdtv Morons


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Who the hel_l are the monkeys in charge of programming at True visions ? Just how many times do we have to watch the French Tennis Open ? 3 times a day of replays of a week old event ! And to add insult to injury they pre-empt the NHL championship deciding game between Chicago and Philadelphia to show for the third time , "thats the third time today I mean ".

I signed up for the HDTV but so far the pretty much means tennis 2o hours a day which interupts all other programming even though it ended over a week ago .

This is a heads up to any other poor bastards that are thinking about ordering this crap service , true has no idea how to run a company and are completely without a clue , and I know this is not news to most of us , but save your money and avoid true like the plague .

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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

Subscribe to Astra if you require a service catering for IQ's above 50

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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

Subscribe to Astra if you require a service catering for IQ's above 50

Do Astra cover Thailand?

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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

Subscribe to Astra if you require a service catering for IQ's above 50

Do Astra cover Thailand?

Typo - Astro

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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

Admittedly True sucks. Totally overpriced too. I don't agree with your assumptions though. Thai or not Thai has nothing to do with it. They get away with it because of their monopoly on the EPL and other things. In order to improve True, you'd have to outlaw exclusive per-country rights. But since not even western governments have figured this out, it's not gonna happen in Thailand either. The only reason I and most other people got HD is the world cup.

Maybe they keep showing the FO because it's really excellent quality? I noticed that HBO HD is nowhere near as good in terms of picture quality. Anyway you can bet the World Cup 2010 production will be as good as it can be at 1080i.

I don't suppose Astro is HD? Impossible to go back once you go HD. This is like black and white TV vs Color.

Edited by nikster
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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

I don't think that you can get Astro here in Chiang Mai , but I do think that they have HDTV though .

Refering to the picture quality of the French Open , yes it is an excellent quality picture but so are many of the programmes that they get from the ASN feed .

What I don't understand is why they have live sports that they can and do show from ASN on the sports hdtv channel , but then they cut them off half way thru a live game and then show the French Open for the third time in that same day from a week earlier .

So far the sports they are airing are in great quality , thats not the problem , the problem is the morons in the programming department that decide to air the same show over and over and over again while there is live sports going on that they have the rights to show .

The mind boggles .

Admittedly True sucks. Totally overpriced too. I don't agree with your assumptions though. Thai or not Thai has nothing to do with it. They get away with it because of their monopoly on the EPL and other things. In order to improve True, you'd have to outlaw exclusive per-country rights. But since not even western governments have figured this out, it's not gonna happen in Thailand either. The only reason I and most other people got HD is the world cup.

Maybe they keep showing the FO because it's really excellent quality? I noticed that HBO HD is nowhere near as good in terms of picture quality. Anyway you can bet the World Cup 2010 production will be as good as it can be at 1080i.

I don't suppose Astro is HD? Impossible to go back once you go HD. This is like black and white TV vs Color.

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I think I could list at least 50 reasons why True sucks......thank Buddha for SLINGBOX!

Yeah well SD solutions have suddenly become very uninteresting. I am sure slingbox would do HD easily but I imagine bandwidth is the problem...

@maamoot - why they show the FO over and over when there's live sports they could show is definitely a mystery. I love Tennis but I'd take any other live sports over reruns any day. Even Cricket. :)

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Well, my Thai neighbors "who have plenty of money" are dumping their TrueVisions system and Gold subscription today (they don't think the programming is worth the monthly cost) and installing a 3 outlet C Band system today. Now I will admit my neighbors don't really care about CNN, farang soap show reruns, etc.,...they just want Thai shows & news. Their C Band investment will pay for itself in approx 6 months due to no more TrueVisions monthly subscription cost--and they will still have TV even when it rains!

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Well, my Thai neighbors "who have plenty of money" are dumping their TrueVisions system and Gold subscription today (they don't think the programming is worth the monthly cost) and installing a 3 outlet C Band system today. Now I will admit my neighbors don't really care about CNN, farang soap show reruns, etc.,...they just want Thai shows & news. Their C Band investment will pay for itself in approx 6 months due to no more TrueVisions monthly subscription cost--and they will still have TV even when it rains!

when you really look at true visions line up you are better off with C-band for the wife's soapies and download all the very latest U.S. U.K. & AUS shows in HD.

As you say a PSI setup costs less in the long run and no rain interference.

Hope all the World Cup games end up as torrents in HD.

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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

Subscribe to Astra if you require a service catering for IQ's above 50

Do Astra cover Thailand?

Astra does not cover northern Thailand only BK south.

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Well, my Thai neighbors "who have plenty of money" are dumping their TrueVisions system and Gold subscription today (they don't think the programming is worth the monthly cost) and installing a 3 outlet C Band system today. Now I will admit my neighbors don't really care about CNN, farang soap show reruns, etc.,...they just want Thai shows & news. Their C Band investment will pay for itself in approx 6 months due to no more TrueVisions monthly subscription cost--and they will still have TV even when it rains!

when you really look at true visions line up you are better off with C-band for the wife's soapies and download all the very latest U.S. U.K. & AUS shows in HD.

As you say a PSI setup costs less in the long run and no rain interference.

Hope all the World Cup games end up as torrents in HD.

I think that you will be able to find all the World Cup games on very high quality mkv files within a very short time of ending . I download all the tv shows and movies from various files sharing networks in close to bluray quality . The only reason that I ordered truevisions was to watch live sports in hdtv but they just cant seem to get their shit together in this regard . They interupt live coverage of games to show week old replays of other tennis . Just no rhyme nor reason to it , there is no use calling true and compaining as trying to reason with them or get an explaination for the logic in what they are doing is like trying to reason with an 2 year old child .

I have asked many times to talk to a supervisor or manager and they have never being available but of course they were there , they just did not want to talk to an irate subscriber .

Very sad that a company this size is being run by incompetent ninnies .

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I am pretty sure too that all the games will end up as torrents. love those mkv files the quality is great. I know it is not live but at least will have english commentary and don't have to stay up till 1.30 in the morning to watch.

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I am pretty sure too that all the games will end up as torrents. love those mkv files the quality is great. I know it is not live but at least will have english commentary and don't have to stay up till 1.30 in the morning to watch.

I feel the same way , it would have been nice to watch the games live with English commentary , but it does not look like that is going to happen unless we can find an internet commentary that is insync with the pic here and that might be very difficult .

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They interupt live coverage of games to show week old replays of other tennis . Just no rhyme nor reason to it , there is no use calling true and compaining as trying to reason with them or get an explaination for the logic in what they are doing is like trying to reason with an 2 year old child .

I have asked many times to talk to a supervisor or manager and they have never being available but of course they were there , they just did not want to talk to an irate subscriber .

Very sad that a company this size is being run by incompetent ninnies .

What do you mean the week old replays of shows ain't live--the people running around on the screen are alive! Maybe this is TrueVisions' definition of live TV.:)

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Good point on the WC games as torrents - I am sure they'll crop up all over the internet immediately following a match, and with so many people downloading should be very fast.

I guess I'm just too lazy; I'll do 6 months of True (after that I get the deposit back) and then look at other options. What's C band and how is one to get it? Is that one of those dishes with a fixed install cost and no monthly? Have one of those in my country home, definitely good enough for the soaps and Thai "news", which like all TV "news" is just another version of soaps;

I don't watch TV except sports. I guess all I'd need is a HD sports sat ... and AFAIK True is my only choice for that.

I am not going to watch sports "streaming" over my internet - quality way too bad, it's like SD but with the occasional total freeze - not my idea of fun.

Now torrenting them in HD after the game is a pretty good idea. Just not live, and probably only works for the WC. I don't think, for example, Wimbledon can be torrented - not enough people uploading this kind of thing. All in all, 2000 baht / month for True isn't all that bad if you consider that the HD box alone (standalone Dreambox) costs about 16,000 baht. Torrents vs TV then gets to be a trade-off of time vs money. Again 2000 baht / month isn't that much if you look at it like that. I'll catch the world cup, Wimbledon, and the US Open, then it's goodbye True again :)

Edited by nikster
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Good point on the WC games as torrents - I am sure they'll crop up all over the internet immediately following a match, and with so many people downloading should be very fast.

I guess I'm just too lazy; I'll do 6 months of True (after that I get the deposit back) and then look at other options. What's C band and how is one to get it? Is that one of those dishes with a fixed install cost and no monthly? Have one of those in my country home, definitely good enough for the soaps and Thai "news", which like all TV "news" is just another version of soaps;

I don't watch TV except sports. I guess all I'd need is a HD sports sat ... and AFAIK True is my only choice for that.

I am not going to watch sports "streaming" over my internet - quality way too bad, it's like SD but with the occasional total freeze - not my idea of fun.

Now torrenting them in HD after the game is a pretty good idea. Just not live, and probably only works for the WC. I don't think, for example, Wimbledon can be torrented - not enough people uploading this kind of thing. All in all, 2000 baht / month for True isn't all that bad if you consider that the HD box alone (standalone Dreambox) costs about 16,000 baht. Torrents vs TV then gets to be a trade-off of time vs money. Again 2000 baht / month isn't that much if you look at it like that. I'll catch the world cup, Wimbledon, and the US Open, then it's goodbye True again :)

I pretty much agree with everything that you said . True visons is pretty much a joke , nobody there really knows what the hel_l is going on or how to do their job , talk to 10 different people there and you will get 10 different answers . For instance this is a email I received from true a few hours ago .

"Dear Mr. XXXXXX

We would also like to inform you that when you switch to English on the remote control, you will hear no English commentary, but only the sound of environment in the field. We are not sure if it is acceptable.

Thank you for your kindness and continued support. Write us again whenever we can be of further help to you. Please contact us at 02-7252525 or [email protected] "

Well there was no Thai commentary for about the first 10 minutes or so on when I changed it to English but now it is back to Thai commentary on both the English and Thai settings . So either this is a mistake that they will soon correct or its just the usual bull shit from True where one hand does not know what the other hand is doing .

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Truevisions isn't perfect by any means but the lack of English commentary for the World Cup isn't their fault and I for one am grateful for their significant investment in the the live rights for the EPL (which thankfully does have English commentary).

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Somebody on another recent thread about the "decease" of the MultiChoice channels mentioned that Astra was available in the Korat areas as well....

That's ASTRO, ASTRO not astra..:) And yes it is available in Korat by JSat a TV Sponsor and other outlets for as low as 14000 baht. It is not available in northern Thailand due to satellite foot print.

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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

Admittedly True sucks. Totally overpriced too. I don't agree with your assumptions though. Thai or not Thai has nothing to do with it. They get away with it because of their monopoly on the EPL and other things. In order to improve True, you'd have to outlaw exclusive per-country rights. But since not even western governments have figured this out, it's not gonna happen in Thailand either. The only reason I and most other people got HD is the world cup.

Maybe they keep showing the FO because it's really excellent quality? I noticed that HBO HD is nowhere near as good in terms of picture quality. Anyway you can bet the World Cup 2010 production will be as good as it can be at 1080i.

I don't suppose Astro is HD? Impossible to go back once you go HD. This is like black and white TV vs Color.

Yes asto is now in HD. The following Channels are available Astro Super Sport HD, ESPN HD, HBO HD, National Geographic HD, History Channel HD. So what is it going to be 2 Channels and crappy service from True, or 5 channels from Astro. A point on passing for all the Brits out there Astro are also now transmiting the Granada tv channel!! Only problem as mentioned before you cant normaly receive Astro in the North of Thailand, Bangkok is OK!

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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

Admittedly True sucks. Totally overpriced too. I don't agree with your assumptions though. Thai or not Thai has nothing to do with it. They get away with it because of their monopoly on the EPL and other things. In order to improve True, you'd have to outlaw exclusive per-country rights. But since not even western governments have figured this out, it's not gonna happen in Thailand either. The only reason I and most other people got HD is the world cup.

Maybe they keep showing the FO because it's really excellent quality? I noticed that HBO HD is nowhere near as good in terms of picture quality. Anyway you can bet the World Cup 2010 production will be as good as it can be at 1080i.

I don't suppose Astro is HD? Impossible to go back once you go HD. This is like black and white TV vs Color.

Yes asto is now in HD. The following Channels are available Astro Super Sport HD, ESPN HD, HBO HD, National Geographic HD, History Channel HD. So what is it going to be 2 Channels and crappy service from True, or 5 channels from Astro. A point on passing for all the Brits out there Astro are also now transmiting the Granada tv channel!! Only problem as mentioned before you cant normaly receive Astro in the North of Thailand, Bangkok is OK!

That's ASTRO NOT ASTO.:D What are you going to do when True Vision with their muscle gets ASTRO cut off in Thailand for being pirated? As True Vision hold the license in Thailand for HD.:)

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when you have to cater for the lowest common denominator what do you expect ? It's a Thai run service for Thais. They do not complain as they are brainwashed into not doing so hence the better educated Thais rip them off i.e. many many repeats. Don't complain about the service as they are only suppling it at a level to meet such low aspirations.

Admittedly True sucks. Totally overpriced too. I don't agree with your assumptions though. Thai or not Thai has nothing to do with it. They get away with it because of their monopoly on the EPL and other things. In order to improve True, you'd have to outlaw exclusive per-country rights. But since not even western governments have figured this out, it's not gonna happen in Thailand either. The only reason I and most other people got HD is the world cup.

Maybe they keep showing the FO because it's really excellent quality? I noticed that HBO HD is nowhere near as good in terms of picture quality. Anyway you can bet the World Cup 2010 production will be as good as it can be at 1080i.

That wont happen! In fact its not possible for True to "Cut off ' ASTRO's signal into Thailand. "Multichoise DSTV" transmitting from South Africa, a much favored alternative to True has very recently stopped transmitting here into Thailand due to a change in satellite band (you can do a search and find the info on this) True had no say in the matter. Now that DSTV has stopped transmitting the only viable alternative is ASTRO. So you go ahead and pay inflated prices for an inferior service, and enjoy your 2 HD channels. I will pay less and get a superior service topped with 5 HD channels . . . .

I don't suppose Astro is HD? Impossible to go back once you go HD. This is like black and white TV vs Color.

Yes asto is now in HD. The following Channels are available Astro Super Sport HD, ESPN HD, HBO HD, National Geographic HD, History Channel HD. So what is it going to be 2 Channels and crappy service from True, or 5 channels from Astro. A point on passing for all the Brits out there Astro are also now transmiting the Granada tv channel!! Only problem as mentioned before you cant normaly receive Astro in the North of Thailand, Bangkok is OK!

That's ASTRO NOT ASTO.:D What are you going to do when True Vision with their muscle gets ASTRO cut off in Thailand for being pirated? As True Vision hold the license in Thailand for HD.:)

That wont happen! In fact its not possible for True to "Cut off ' ASTRO's signal into Thailand. "Multichoise DSTV" transmitting from South Africa, a much favoured alternative to True has very recently stopped transmitting here into Thailand due to a change in satellite band (you can do a search and find the info on this) True had no say in the matter. Now that DSTV has stopped transmitting the only viable alternative is ASTRO. So you go ahead and pay inflated prices for an inferior service, and enjoy your 2 HD channels. I will pay less and get a superior service topped with 5 HD channels . . . .

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Anyone using Astro in northern Thailand? Sounds more and more interesting! Is the HD signal 1080p or 1080i, or 720p? I need to find my way to a SAT shop soon, I am sure they'd know... a 15' dish is a bit out of the question for me though, tiny garden in moo ban.

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Anyone using Astro in northern Thailand? Sounds more and more interesting! Is the HD signal 1080p or 1080i, or 720p? I need to find my way to a SAT shop soon, I am sure they'd know... a 15' dish is a bit out of the question for me though, tiny garden in moo ban.

1920x1080i - but someone forgot to mention that there are also 5 new HD channels for the world cup as well, and the signal gets real rough past Prae even on a 3.2m dish in SD so no HD I suspect up there.

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Truevisions isn't perfect by any means but the lack of English commentary for the World Cup isn't their fault and I for one am grateful for their significant investment in the the live rights for the EPL (which thankfully does have English commentary).

Well even if it is not Truevisions fault that there is no English commentary for the World Cup (and I will believe that if and when FIFA confirms that they would not let True Visons broadcast it in English ) Truevisions handled this very poorly . If when they had started to advertise the World Cup in English language newspapers and on tv in English , letting everyone know that they wanted to have an English feed but were not able to because of FIFA , then I think people would have understood and not bitched (well we would have bitched at FIFA instead lol) . But instead they waited until the last second as far as I can tell to explain their position .

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Admittedly True sucks. Totally overpriced too. I don't agree with your assumptions though. Thai or not Thai has nothing to do with it. They get away with it because of their monopoly on the EPL and other things. In order to improve True, you'd have to outlaw exclusive per-country rights. But since not even western governments have figured this out, it's not gonna happen in Thailand either. The only reason I and most other people got HD is the world cup.

Maybe they keep showing the FO because it's really excellent quality? I noticed that HBO HD is nowhere near as good in terms of picture quality. Anyway you can bet the World Cup 2010 production will be as good as it can be at 1080i.

I don't suppose Astro is HD? Impossible to go back once you go HD. This is like black and white TV vs Color.

Yes asto is now in HD. The following Channels are available Astro Super Sport HD, ESPN HD, HBO HD, National Geographic HD, History Channel HD. So what is it going to be 2 Channels and crappy service from True, or 5 channels from Astro. A point on passing for all the Brits out there Astro are also now transmiting the Granada tv channel!! Only problem as mentioned before you cant normaly receive Astro in the North of Thailand, Bangkok is OK!

That's ASTRO NOT ASTO.:D What are you going to do when True Vision with their muscle gets ASTRO cut off in Thailand for being pirated? As True Vision hold the license in Thailand for HD.:)

Who are you quoting when you say that Astro is not available in Northern Thailand?

JSat said that it may, or may not be available with a 15' dish in Laos - to me that would suggest with a big enough dish that Northern Thailand should be fine...

Not that I care as I don't live there, but i'd be interested to know where you get your info from.

And True cannot cut off Astro, not possible. They could probably work out a way of fining bars that used it if they had their heads screwed on, but residential would still be fine.


If you read my post correctly you will see I quote "you cant normaly receive Astro in the North of Thailand" ofcourse if you have a NASA sized dish, not normal, you may be able to receive it depending on the Astro footprint!!

Best way to find out as in the last post. Any Astro subscribers from Northern Thailand please . . . . . . .

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