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Thai Meteorological Dept Denies Speculation Of Massive Quake, Tsunami


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Anyone know what time this is due to take place,

I need to pop down to 7-Eleven in the morning


Look here!!!;-) But check every five minutes again, otherwise you feel it to late.:D

They have a newsletterservice for the newest earthquakes to. Then you're up to date everytime.

Edited by snowgard
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<br />So what the heck was all that about on 107 the other morning? Not internet waffle it was someone who was trying to speak with authority about the earthquake...Fortune Teller? Nut case.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

A week or more ago there was a show on TV, a Thai scientist and authority was arguing about the comming end of the world and great quakes, and there was a lot of footage of past earthquakes. Seems to be going around in Thailand.

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'Fishman1967' date='2010-06-11 12:10' timestamp='1276233020' post='3679603']

The only two predictions in life that I know will happen are death and taxes. The rest I will take ond step at a time....

There is yet another for sure prediction -______________________

It will rain or get dark before the morning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Oh no, the same fellow predicts Cullifornia's next! ph34r.gif


Thank you so much and you know I live in California with my family. We take Earthquake seriously and we know it is coming. The Question is When?? In 1989 we experienced 7.1 and now we hear it going to be higher...Well I have to be ready at all time. My hometown the City manager is doing so much for Earth quake and disaster preparation. My husband always reminds me to stock up can food, and water plus candle etc....Well let wait and see..about Thailand and Tsunami...this coming weekend.....

Thanks for posting.

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Fact: One seismologist at the Chinese State Seismological Bureau predicted the Tangshan earthquake (1976). No-one took much notice, except in one county where major loss of life was avoided. The dorks elsewhere were too busy with the Cultural Revolution to act to save lives.

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Come one, Come all, Come and get your koolaid here, get it while it last, one drink and you to will be a believer.

lol :):D:D

Amen brother. Where is my glass?


We need Karen from Mean Girls. More specifically, Karen's breasts. Using them, she can estimate with 70% confidence level that it's already raining.


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I wish we could place all the fortune tellers and physics and set them adrift on the open seas. Thailand would be a better place and I wouldn't deal with all this garbage. People would have to pick their own lotto numbers, oh the horror.

I share your sentiment but I suspect fortune tellers are so universally popular because they provide a crutch for people who, for whatever reason, cannot take reality at face value. Bangkok will be utterly destroyed by biblical sized flood in 2012, earthquakes predicted on particular dates (I think last year it was July), answering your phone and bleeding from orifices, and of course the perennial monk who pronounces lotto numbers to millions (but surely one of them wins!!). It doesn't matter how many times these predictions fail to come true, the same people will just as fervently believe the next one. There has to be a medicine for that. blink.gif

Most countries lock these people away in metal institute but here in Thailand we elevate them to higher status. Even the most prestigious Orical of all times the Orical of Delphi was a hoax. The majority of their very accurate predictions were done from operatives in the field, but history has never been a strong point for most Thais.

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About a year or so ago my then 12 yr old Thai niece was reading something and became visible upset. I asked her what was wrong. She said she was reading an "ancient Buddhist writing" that clearly stated that in the year 2553 that Bangkok would be totally destroyed and sink beneath the sea. She asked what would happen to us here in Chiang Mai. I told her we would probably have a party, grateful that BKK was gone, but then a merit ceremony for all the lost lives, and that Chiang Mai would then become the capitol of what was left of Thailand. She thanked me, saying now she wasn't afraid, and went back to reading.

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These Thais want to scare away all the tourists. Shoot themselves in the foot again and go back to a "self sufficient economy" aka Cambodia Kamer Rouge.

Me thinks you should do a bit more thinking before posting such a thing.

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:lol:They can't predict rain let alone earthquakes.

So true.

They seem to do a good job most of the time (90 - 95%) up here in Khon Kaen. They are on a par with Accuweather and other weather services. :)

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The Meteorological Department assured that a quake, if occurring in the Andaman Sea, would have little impacts on Thailand. A tsunami, if occurring in the Pacific, can only be caused by the movement of the underwater fault line lying west of the Philippines.

They forgotten allready Tsunami 2005 what took a reason in the Andaman sea ?

And they are waiting for the 2nd part of the falt breaking ...

But imagine about a Tsunami going into Bangkok Bay ... ohmy.gif

Habe a nice Day - but until now really only birds and elefants can feel a few minutes ago - and we lost the sense to hear to them !

German Greetings

A Tsunami rolling into the Bangkok Bay won t ever happen !

Reason is, the Bay of Bangkok is much too shallow over a long distance to allow a wave to build up. Tsunamis need deep sea for a start and then a sudden, steep rise in seafloor, in order to build and grow. This cannot happen effectively in shallow waters. Remember, the Bangkok bay is a mere 20 - 25 meters in depth in most parts.

What can happen and has happened in the past, is a major Tsunami hitting Koh Chang and the Trat coast , triggered from a volcano blast in the Indonesian archipelagos. It happened in the 19 th century when

the Krakatao blast occured.

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I like how it's the weather department warning of an earthquake.

It doesn't matter which Thai Govt department makes the warning because they all use the same numerology charts and green parrots and fan chan sticks.

Edited by Roachiebkk
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So what the heck was all that about on 107 the other morning? Not internet waffle it was someone who was trying to speak with authority about the earthquake...Fortune Teller? Nut case.

I've heard that nonsense twice now, he goes on and on and contradicts himself with each sentence. The funny thing was that I wanted to get the transcript of it as it was so funny but found that Radio Thailand news website has been blocked by "The ministry of information"  LOL  :)
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I don't know about HAARP and the NWO and David Icke and his reptile people from planet V - but there's lots of animals running pass my window and going up to the mountains. Does that mean anything?

hel_l, yeah, it's Thaskin ,he's up on dat mountain, speculation he's a gonna walk on water Sunday at 5pm at a Patpong massage palour.

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I heard about this from my GF more than a week ago. I said, no one has ever predicted an earthquake. They make predictions for that one may happen in the next twenty years or more, even those don't come true. Growing up in California, I've felt many earthquakes! You never know they're coming until you hear and feel them!

I grew up in California also and not even Cal Tech can predict earthquakes. Stupid people love to spread rumors.

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I don't know about HAARP and the NWO and David Icke and his reptile people from planet V - but there's lots of animals running pass my window and going up to the mountains. Does that mean anything?

hel_l, yeah, it's Thaskin ,he's up on dat mountain, speculation he's a gonna walk on water Sunday at 5pm at a Patpong massage palour.

Wish Taki would come with an ark, fill it with the reds and sail away to Montenegro, they would all be welcome there. Oh I forgot, most reds are broke. Well all the red leaders at least seeing that those that got away may as well have won the lottery Edited by VictorMeldrewBKK
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Um, if the Thai fortune tellers were real, why are they working at all. Wouldn't they just pick the right lotto numbers and retire in luxury?

The thing that scares me the most about these snake oil peddlers, is that they have a huge base of believing customers. Please don't make them angry, who knows what they could achieve if they all got together?

Predicting earthquakes, so far not possible, sort of. The only scientifically proven method of predicting earthquakes has been watching and noting the restless behaviour of animals able to hear infra-sound, elephants ect. The main problem with this is that they give real-time warnings, as the quake is happening, so you don't really have much time to react.

As for HAARP, this is a huge radio antenna first invented by the Russians and is designed to transmit extremely strong radio waves toward the atmosphere. Its affects are sketchy and probably hard to prove, but are believed to affect weather by heating up parts of the atmosphere directly above the transmitter. There is anecdotal evidence that this has occurred, however how this is supposed to affect the Earths crust, and plate tectonics I have no idea.

Sounds like a huge amount of fertiliser to me.

I seriously need an English spell checker, colour is spelt colour and spelt is spelt spelt.

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