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61.91.xxx.xxx Oh Yeah!


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Unbeliveable TRUE have given me their latest offering 61.91.xxx.xxx now i am into the second mth of my contract. I have the 1mb package (890)baht.Previously i was on 58.XX.XXX or 202.xx.xxx which was too fast for downloading everything (ie movies,drivers,songs)all not P2P,direct link!.Before i was D/L @ speeds of 64 kbps now i have a much more comfortable 7kbps, and my P2P is an astonishing 3kbpsNow i have time to walk the dog, wash the car, sleep, die, slap the missis around for half an hour, and wot not.Im so glad TRUE have taken all this into account to fit around my lifestyle!! They dont understand when i ring them up and tell them its too fast.We all have too live as well without this THAI SPEED INTERNET

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when I open the newspaper homepage or the internetbanking. I can make a coffee and eat a little bit, and when I come back the page is already open and ready.

if I compare that 10 min. for loading an easy page with buying a ticket to Europe, visit the bank personaly and fly back. the true internet saved me 48 hours.......

But maybe I should call True and tell them, there is a new technologie. No it is not necessary anymore to send one stuff with a bag full of bits and bytes per airplain to europe. Now it is possible to send these requests thru cables.

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Same here. I'm on the 2560 DL deal and speed never over 300.

Mainly in the afternoons the international websites are not accessible.

I'm corresponding with them via email and they are obviously not getting it.

According to them it has to do with CAT, which can not "deliver" or something is broken. Of course they are not doing anything to repair this/

Point re. speed is that they are selling too many connection per access point (I understood from a specialist 50 to 60 : 1 where normal would be 20 : 1).

I told them to stop sending me standard emails to their "valued customers".


Only thing we need is about 100 "valued customers" incl. enough Thais to show up at their offices, tell the press about it and "pull a Honda CRV stunt". See what happens then. Takers ?

Unbeliveable TRUE have given me their latest offering 61.91.xxx.xxx now i am into the second mth of my contract. I have the 1mb package (890)baht.Previously i was on 58.XX.XXX or 202.xx.xxx which was too fast for downloading everything (ie movies,drivers,songs)all not P2P,direct link!.Before i was D/L @ speeds of 64 kbps now i have a much more comfortable 7kbps, and my P2P is an astonishing 3kbpsNow i have time to walk the dog, wash the car, sleep, die, slap the missis around for half an hour, and wot not.Im so glad TRUE have taken all this into account to fit around my lifestyle!! They dont understand when i ring them up and tell them its too fast.We all have too live as well without this THAI SPEED INTERNET

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i am totally up for doing the smash the router stunt in front of CAT , as that is where the problem is probably really coming from. they prolly put pressure on the other ISP's to reduce bandwidth so the ball doesn't bounce into their court.

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