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Ps3 Vs Xbox 360 Vs Nintendo Revolution


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My bad with Sonic.  I dont think you can compare GTA with Mario, Zelda, or Metroid.  Just my thoughts.

Ok, I hear this comment over and over so please help me out.

"Nintendo does not make enuff adult games."  I would like to know what that means.  And give me a list of some adult games.  GTA is not an adult game cause kids play that also.  And I can show you plenty of adults who will flock to the nearest store to purchase the next Legend of Zelda game or Metroid Prime.  Please help me out here when you guys say adult games.  PS2 and Xbox make plenty of the the kiddie games or they wouldnt be in buisiness. Are  shooting games adult with men doing hookers and then stabbing them for their money back?  I just dont get it.  How many soccer games are necessary on the PS2?  Do we need more racing games on the XBox? 

Let me hear it cause I am at a lost.


Until you have played the GTA games you can not appreciate just how good they are, especially the latest one.

I have friends that are Nintendo followers and even they complain that whilst there are some truly brilliant games for the Cube there simply aren’t the diversity of games available. Some of the curtsy games are great but there are too many of them. I was tempted to buy the Cube simply for Zelda, as a few of my friends did, but didn’t bother in the end.

I am now contemplating the DS, after the rave reviews on here. The problem is that my Nintendo friends are putting me off. Maybe they aren’t Nintendo any more.

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Check Nintendo.com for all the technical details.

You could also find help on the gamefaqs.com boards.

I think Nintendo is considered kiddie more so by the "casual" gaming crowd.

You could own an Xbox or even play a shitload of games and still be a "casual" gamer.

It is hard to describe. It would be like talking about movies with your friends and they keep bringing up "Matrix Reloaded" or "Titanic", while you go on about Quentin, or Coppala, etc...

You can really tell who has been playing games for decades instead of years by bringing up titles like Ikaruga, Virtua Fighter 4, Metroid Prime, Mr. Driller, and getting blank stares and maybe a reply like "dude have you seen the grafix on Doom3??!!"

There is a certain blandness/shallowness that -Playstation-/Xbox games have brought to the table, like skimming through a copy of Maxim and tossing it away after you squeak one off in the bathroom.

Of course there are gems here and there, but mostly it is just disposable fluff.

With alot Nintendo titles, they just screams polish and class.

I could find over 100 hours of deep and enjoyable gameplay in Mario Golf for GameBoy, that is missing in the over the top God of Wars/Halo/Madden Football titles on other consoles.

When somebody tells me they own a GameCube I think "hardcore gamer".

I have been gaming for almost 30 years, have studied Japanese and lived in Tokyo just to get closer to the heart of this culture, and have spent countless unreturnable hours and money on this one consuming hobby, but I still meet people (gaming-age.com) who are way way way more into games than me.

I think they would feel the same way I do about console ownership:

owning 2 is better than 1. 3 is better than 2. And having an open mind and not letting "kiddie

grafix" stand between your masculinity and non-nerdness ( they are all games, when it comes down to it. It is just a toy for nerdy man boys and always will be no matter how many hookers you beat down in GTA3)

is the real gaming spirit.

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I do get blank stares from many of my gaming friends who say," Metroid Pirme? What is that?"

Or "Zelda? Never heard of it!" Then I know I am talking to someone who is just new to gaming. I get your point. The crowd of people who appreciate Nintendo have been around a long time. GTA is nothing special. A similar game to GTA was Streets of LA. GTA doesnt take me into a fantasy world like a Zelda or Metroid game. I think that is what gets me. The uniqueness of the Ninetndo games is special. As us said polished and professional.

Oh man! Your rite. Mario Golf on the Gameboy was awesome. I spent months on it and still play it. And with the hook up to the Cube with Toadstool Tour, I was hitting 360 yard drives with Neil. That is a great game! I see so many of my friends run to MBK and buy 20 or 30 PS2 copies at a time. Then never finish any game. Just buy to say they own. It took me almost 3 months to finish Metroid Prime. Maybe I suck but those bosses were tough. Metroid Prime:Echoes was even harder. Few save stations. But, I completed them both. When i defeted the last bosses I was pumping the fist like Tiger on the 18th green after sinking a 20 foot putt! .

So, to me the story gets me not flashy grafix and "fluff" as you say. I will always buy Nintendo. You know when the guys and girls come over, we spend more time playing SSBM then any other game. Why is this? Or we bowl on Super Monkey Ball 2. Can u name me a good 4 person game for PS2 or Xbox?

Speaking of "squeaking" one, have u seen Peaches outfit in MArio Baseball? :o


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My bad with Sonic.  I dont think you can compare GTA with Mario, Zelda, or Metroid.  Just my thoughts.

Ok, I hear this comment over and over so please help me out.

"Nintendo does not make enuff adult games."  I would like to know what that means.  And give me a list of some adult games.  GTA is not an adult game cause kids play that also.  And I can show you plenty of adults who will flock to the nearest store to purchase the next Legend of Zelda game or Metroid Prime.  Please help me out here when you guys say adult games.  PS2 and Xbox make plenty of the the kiddie games or they wouldnt be in buisiness. Are  shooting games adult with men doing hookers and then stabbing them for their money back?  I just dont get it.  How many soccer games are necessary on the PS2?  Do we need more racing games on the XBox? 

Let me hear it cause I am at a lost.


Until you have played the GTA games you can not appreciate just how good they are, especially the latest one.

I have friends that are Nintendo followers and even they complain that whilst there are some truly brilliant games for the Cube there simply aren’t the diversity of games available. Some of the curtsy games are great but there are too many of them. I was tempted to buy the Cube simply for Zelda, as a few of my friends did, but didn’t bother in the end.

I am now contemplating the DS, after the rave reviews on here. The problem is that my Nintendo friends are putting me off. Maybe they aren’t Nintendo any more.

The thing about GTA is that they are much better on the PC because you can dowload mods, go into edit mode etc and really really have some fun.

A lot of games are like that, with the PC versions you have mods, skins, new levels, and the ability to really explore the open enviroment of the game.

Take HL2, you can download GARRYS MOD and then have access to every model in the game. You can then place them around, animate them, paint them, make movies with them all kinds of cool stuff. Dont know if you're familiar with HL2 but you can actually animate the faces and pose the characters, its good fun.

They even have contests, and some are very artistic,



and some are NOT :o , this link is for KEN :D



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My bad with Sonic.  I dont think you can compare GTA with Mario, Zelda, or Metroid.  Just my thoughts.

Ok, I hear this comment over and over so please help me out.

Mate if it weren't true why would everyone keep saying it? The games while very good are often quite twee and to a lot of adults they'd assume they're geared towards children.

Isn't the Nintendo the least selling of the machines? Thus it seems a lot of people seem to think the same, rightly or wrongly.

Like the old Betamax was better than VHS, but VHS became the biggest (okay nowt to do with adults, but still similar in some ways).

"Nintendo does not make enuff adult games."  I would like to know what that means.  And give me a list of some adult games.  GTA is not an adult game cause kids play that also.
It is indeed an adult game as while kids do play it (they also smoke and drink....but that don't mean they should as these are ADULT tings to do) they shouldn't as it's rated 18. So yeah GTA is, Max Payne is, Manhunt is, God of War to an extent is (has nudity etc.), The Warriors, The Getaway....I can go on if you like, there are tons of adult only games for the PS2....I'm not saying these games are better than Nintendo games, just that it seems the general public would rather kill people and listen to swearing etc. than play Animal Crossing :o
And I can show you plenty of adults who will flock to the nearest store to purchase the next Legend of Zelda game or Metroid Prime.

Yeah but I can show you more that flock to GTA old bean :D A lot more!

Please help me out here when you guys say adult games.
It's quite simple mate, games primarily geared towards adults, with swearing , nudity etc. in and an 18 rating.
PS2 and Xbox make plenty of the the kiddie games or they wouldnt be in buisiness.

Indeed, but by also gearing games towards adults they get double the market place as is proven with the games sales.

Are  shooting games adult with men doing hookers and then stabbing them for their money back?  I just dont get it.
It doesn't matter what you get, it's whatever everyone else gets mate....and it seems the majority of people think different to you....don't make Nintendo worse gaming wise, but it does selling wise :D
How many soccer games are necessary on the PS2?

How many Mario games are....blah blah blah....same same mate.

One every year with updated engine and stats etc. is cool by me, I probably by 3 or 4 Japanese updates of Winning Eleven though.

Do we need more racing games on the XBox?
I don't play racing games personally (other than Burnout which one GAME OF THE YEAR last year :D ), but do we need more Zelda games on the Nintendo? Again same same mate.
Let me hear it cause I am at a lost.

As is Nintendo unless they lift their game. I was always a BIG Nintendo fan, but while the quality is often superb....the quantity ain't there, and neither is a lot of the big games or publishers.

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I do get blank stares from many of my gaming friends who say,"  Metroid Pirme?  What is that?"

Or "Zelda?  Never heard of it!"  Then I know I am talking to someone who is just new to gaming.

I've been playing games for a while on my old Dragon PC and my Intellivision (which was much better than the Atari or Colecovision, but just didn't catch on). I've had a NES, SNES, Mega Drive et al. I've got a PS2 with over 700 odd games and an X-Box with say 50 or so games (although I've just found out my mate can download them). I'd love a Nintendo, but only for a few of the games (and when their games are good they are very, very good).

I get your point.  The crowd of people who appreciate Nintendo have been around a long time.  GTA is nothing special.
Actually yeah it is VERY special indeed mate.
A similar game to GTA was Streets of LA.

What was that on, I remember Streets of Rage (the side scrolling fighting one)?

TA doesnt take me into a fantasy world like a Zelda or Metroid game.
Some people don't like fantasy mate, you can't judge everyone by your likes or dislikes I'm afraid.
I think that is what gets me.  The uniqueness of the Ninetndo games is special.  As us said polished and professional.

Played Ico or Shadow of the Colossus (sp?) AMAZINGLY original and fantastic fantasy games. Dark Cloud is excellent. The FF series is also excellent.

So, to me the story gets me  not flashy grafix and "fluff" as you say.  I will always buy Nintendo.
Some people like a combination of good graphics and good game play.
You know when the guys and girls come over, we spend more time playing SSBM then any other game.  Why is this?  Or we bowl on Super Monkey Ball 2.  Can u name me a good 4 person game for PS2 or Xbox?

Yeah Super Monkey Ball Deluxe is on both the PS2 and X-Box mate, so a moot point to be honest :o

Football on the PS2 and X-Box is cool for 4 players. The new Music quiz game for the PS2 is supposed to be good fun as well. Have you tried the Eye Toy? Great for all the family (from the kids to grandma). Tried any of the singing games on there? Again superb fun.

I'm not saying what's best, just that for every argument you bring up about the Nintendo it's pretty easy to trump it.

Mate if they were really THAT good then they'd be selling better than they are now, so something isn't quite right, is it??? They went from being THE games machine to coming in third behind Sony and Microsoft.

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Was at MBK today. I am interested in the new Nintendo DS. The online feature sounds too cool. OK. I have highspeed through Loxinfo. MBK has the little Nintendo USB device that plugs into the computer too make it a wireless or something like that. That was 2500baht.

Games are about 1700 baht.

Mario Kart and Animal Crossing online sounds like way too much fun.

My question is: Do any of you gamers have the DS and are u currently able to play online with it in Thailand? Do i need to switch internet providers? Did u have to do anything to ur computer? Are you having any problems with it?

Let me hear ur thoughts please.


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Broke down and got the DS. Bought the Wi Fi adapter and it works great. Have MArio KArt DS, Animal Crossing, and bought Trama Center Under the Knife. U are a surgeon! Too cool. Does PS2 or XBox make games liek this? Just more soccer and driving games. Anyways, do we have any of you guys out there who are connected and play MArio Kart or Animal Crossing online? Let me know.


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I don't want to put a damper on things, but I think the DS is almost dead already. I don't have any portable console and don't plan on getting one, but I feel the DS has been passed by the PSP. have you see the games available for the DS? Not much of a selection. The PSP has been out less time and it seems to have a better selection already. I don't want a PSP since I have a PS2 already, but I would have considered a DS if it had looked more promising. It will be a shame if Nintendo loose out again.

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Weekly Hardware Sales in Jpn

DS 299,328

PSP 86,403

PS2 45,893

Xbox360 43,970:o less than half Xbox1 first debut sales (Xbox360 first week sales=DOA)

GC 12,212

GBASP 10,456

GBM 8,326

GBA 396

Xbox 164


Now I know the guy above me is just semi-trolling, but the recent sales explosion and domination of the DS is not because of a lack of titles!

1/3 of a million DS sales in 1 week...Yeah its dead...

Dont even get me started on Million sellers and top 50 charts for software. PSP and its games are nowhere to be seen.

Nintendo is the only console gaming related company that made a profit in 2005, so take that "Nintendo is Doomed" shit

over to www.myfirstgamingmessageboard.com. Kthxbye

Turok how is Mario Kart DS? I will be down in BKK at the end of the month to pick it up. Maybe we can get together for some drinks and gaming?

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Dude, it's the Japanese. It doesn't take much to entertain these people. You could make a game about being a pooper scooper and they would play it 24/7. I can't remember the name of it, but there is a game in which you are a fast food employee and the object of the game is to do that "job". That's it, that's all. It's a huge hit in Japan. So, using stats from the Japanese market to to defend a products position in another market is pretty pointless. Apple n' oranges, ya know.

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Mr Sticky:

MArio Kart is great! I got ths computer all hooked up for Wi Fi. 8 people Mario KArt. Can PSP top that? You know when I got the DS I thought it was neat to see the variety of games. I picked up Trauma Center. I am a surgeon now. I mean that is cool. Not another soccer game like the PSP is offering. Nintendo will always rule the handheld. By the way, get Mario Tennis for the Gamebiy Advance. I think it is super. If you liked Mario Golf for the GAmboy then you'll like tennis. Yea I am always looking for gamers. Get yourself hooked up with the DS wifi.


Thaibepop: Can I get that fast food game in Thailand? That sounds different. Better than another driving or football game on the PSP. Hey they got one where you are a lawyer. I think its called Phoenix Wright. Got to get me that one.

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Dude, it's the Japanese. It doesn't take much to entertain these people. You could make a game about being a pooper scooper and they would play it 24/7. I can't remember the name of it, but there is a game in which you are a fast food employee and the object of the game is to do that "job". That's it, that's all. It's a huge hit in Japan. So, using stats from the Japanese market to to defend a products position in another market is pretty pointless. Apple n' oranges, ya know.

Spot on! They buy games and platforms that often those in the West don't/won't!

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Mr Sticky:

MArio Kart is great!  I got ths computer all hooked up for Wi Fi.  8 people Mario KArt.  Can PSP top that?  You know when I got the DS I thought it was neat to see the variety of games.  I picked up Trauma Center.  I am a surgeon now.  I mean that is cool.  Not another soccer game like the PSP is offering.  Nintendo will always rule the handheld. By the way, get Mario Tennis for the Gamebiy Advance.  I think it is super.  If you liked Mario Golf for the GAmboy then you'll like tennis.  Yea I am always looking for gamers.  Get yourself hooked up with the DS wifi. 


Thaibepop:  Can I get that fast food game in Thailand?  That sounds different.  Better than another driving or football game on the PSP.  Hey they got one where you are a lawyer.  I think its called Phoenix Wright.  Got to get me that one.

I don't know if you can get it in Thailand. I know that it is in Japanese and for the DS, so maybe you could order it from Japan. The lawyer game is crap dude, don't waste your time, unless that is what your in to. I have been able to check it out, maybe a six year would think it's cool, but even I doubt that. Kids today have the V-tech gaming system for pre-K and even up to I think 4th grade with much better games than the lawyer game.
Dude, it's the Japanese. It doesn't take much to entertain these people. You could make a game about being a pooper scooper and they would play it 24/7. I can't remember the name of it, but there is a game in which you are a fast food employee and the object of the game is to do that "job". That's it, that's all. It's a huge hit in Japan. So, using stats from the Japanese market to to defend a products position in another market is pretty pointless. Apple n' oranges, ya know.

Spot on! They buy games and platforms that often those in the West don't/won't!

That isn't always a good thing. Some of these games are crap. I am glad that Japanese game developers want to do something different, that means new ideas can't help but enter the market, that doesn't mean every game they come up with is going to be a winner. Sometimes Japanese will smiply just play anything, they are that crazy about games, not a great control group to use when you agrue gaming trends. Many games they come up with are rip offs of other great Japanese games. How many copies of Dynasty Warriors can you find? So, the reality here is that the Japanese aren't that orginal, they ripoff just as much as the west does maybe even more. Now, I am not defending western games over eastern. Some people just love to get in to that B.S. agruement, not me, a game is a game and it should be viewed that way. I have just as many complaints over what western game developers are doing, or not doing. Yet, even in the west great games are being made, go play Oddworld: Strangers Wrath. Or wait and play Okami went it comes out in the spring of 2006, if you want something from Japan that will break a mold or two. But, just because it comes from Japan doesn't mean it's the best or even good.

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  • 1 month later...

Anyone else buy the Ninetndo DS?

Any thoudhts?

I have had mine for about a month and find it super. Mario KArt Racing is worth every baht. Im having trouble connecting at some of the WiFi hotspots around Bangkok. What do I need to do? I am able to go wirelss at home with the little Nintendo accesory.

Anybody else out there hooked up wirelss?


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Weekly Hardware Sales in Jpn

DS 299,328

PSP 86,403

PS2 45,893

Xbox360 43,970:o less than half Xbox1 first debut sales (Xbox360 first week sales=DOA)

GC 12,212

GBASP 10,456

GBM 8,326

GBA 396

Xbox 164


Now I know the guy above me is just semi-trolling, but the recent sales explosion and domination of the DS is not because of a lack of titles!

1/3 of a million DS sales in 1 week...Yeah its dead...

Dont even get me started on Million sellers and top 50 charts for software. PSP and its games are nowhere to be seen.

Nintendo is the only console gaming related company that made a profit in 2005, so take that "Nintendo is Doomed" shit

over to www.myfirstgamingmessageboard.com. Kthxbye

Turok how is Mario Kart DS? I will be down in BKK at the end of the month to pick it up. Maybe we can get together for some drinks and gaming?

You are wrong. I was certainly not trolling. I was offering my opinion. I would love to see the DS do well, however I don't see that they are. Your stats are very impressive and make the future of the DS look healthy, which I hope that it is. However I am making my judgment on reaction to the DS from my gaming friends, many of them being past Game Cube die hards. None of them have the DS, but some of them have the PSP. I get the same feed back from non gamers who are looking to buy a portable. I am unable to convince any of them to take a look at the DS. They are all taken in by the Sony name and the big shinny screen.

From a personal view point I have seen the PSP in action and it is very impressive. I have not seen the DS except in screen shots. It is not so impressive. This is only accounting for the graphics of course. For many, including me, that is an important feature of any games machine. If I wanted great games rather than great games with fantastic graphics I would dig out my Spectrum, BBC or Amiga.

Feel free to add a reply on www.myheadisupmyownarse.com

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The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

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The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

And that I do not have. :D

I do have Call Of Duty though. Love that game! :D

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The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

And that I do not have. :D

I do have Call Of Duty though. Love that game! :D

Ohh dear, i am afraid call of duty just doesnt come anywhere near battlefield 2

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The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

And that I do not have. :D

I do have Call Of Duty though. Love that game! :D

Ohh dear, i am afraid call of duty just doesnt come anywhere near battlefield 2

I know, I have seen Battlefield 2 ( :D ) would love to play that game. Can't have everything though.

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The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

And that I do not have. :D

I do have Call Of Duty though. Love that game! :D

Ohh dear, i am afraid call of duty just doesnt come anywhere near battlefield 2

BF2 is the King right now, the only problem is there is no way I can play online with this THai bandwidth bottleneck. what servers do you play on? are there any Thai servers? Are there any game centers in Bangkok where people get together to play?

I like all games and would like to meet up with some fellow gamers.

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The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

Got it for my X-Box and PS2 :D

Dude, it's the Japanese. It doesn't take much to entertain these people. You could make a game about being a pooper scooper and they would play it 24/7. I can't remember the name of it, but there is a game in which you are a fast food employee and the object of the game is to do that "job". That's it, that's all. It's a huge hit in Japan. So, using stats from the Japanese market to to defend a products position in another market is pretty pointless. Apple n' oranges, ya know.

Spot on! They buy games and platforms that often those in the West don't/won't!

That isn't always a good thing. Some of these games are crap. I am glad that Japanese game developers want to do something different, that means new ideas can't help but enter the market, that doesn't mean every game they come up with is going to be a winner. Sometimes Japanese will smiply just play anything, they are that crazy about games, not a great control group to use when you agrue gaming trends. Many games they come up with are rip offs of other great Japanese games. How many copies of Dynasty Warriors can you find? So, the reality here is that the Japanese aren't that orginal, they ripoff just as much as the west does maybe even more. Now, I am not defending western games over eastern. Some people just love to get in to that B.S. agruement, not me, a game is a game and it should be viewed that way. I have just as many complaints over what western game developers are doing, or not doing. Yet, even in the west great games are being made, go play Oddworld: Strangers Wrath. Or wait and play Okami went it comes out in the spring of 2006, if you want something from Japan that will break a mold or two. But, just because it comes from Japan doesn't mean it's the best or even good.

Agreed, some are just toooo wacky and out there (and often mind numbingly boring).

Okami Western though??? I thought it was a Japanese made game (not checked though).

Anyways Turok got a Gamecube now so please....what other games should I get for it?

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The DS needs something beside puppies to sell it to the masses. These games for Japanese high school girls are getting old. :D

Right now I am playing Star Wars Battlefront II. Now, that's a game! :o

Nah you need to be playing battlefield 2 mate, now that is a game. Trouble is you need a powerful pc to run it well.

Got it for my X-Box and PS2 :D

Well, I guess I can play it! Cool!

Dude, it's the Japanese. It doesn't take much to entertain these people. You could make a game about being a pooper scooper and they would play it 24/7. I can't remember the name of it, but there is a game in which you are a fast food employee and the object of the game is to do that "job". That's it, that's all. It's a huge hit in Japan. So, using stats from the Japanese market to to defend a products position in another market is pretty pointless. Apple n' oranges, ya know.

Spot on! They buy games and platforms that often those in the West don't/won't!

That isn't always a good thing. Some of these games are crap. I am glad that Japanese game developers want to do something different, that means new ideas can't help but enter the market, that doesn't mean every game they come up with is going to be a winner. Sometimes Japanese will smiply just play anything, they are that crazy about games, not a great control group to use when you agrue gaming trends. Many games they come up with are rip offs of other great Japanese games. How many copies of Dynasty Warriors can you find? So, the reality here is that the Japanese aren't that orginal, they ripoff just as much as the west does maybe even more. Now, I am not defending western games over eastern. Some people just love to get in to that B.S. agruement, not me, a game is a game and it should be viewed that way. I have just as many complaints over what western game developers are doing, or not doing. Yet, even in the west great games are being made, go play Oddworld: Strangers Wrath. Or wait and play Okami went it comes out in the spring of 2006, if you want something from Japan that will break a mold or two. But, just because it comes from Japan doesn't mean it's the best or even good.

Agreed, some are just toooo wacky and out there (and often mind numbingly boring).

Okami Western though??? I thought it was a Japanese made game (not checked though). It is being put out by Capcom and is made by the same guy (Japanese) that made Viewitful Joe 1&2. It will be released in Japan first and Spring is as close as it gets to a Western release date. Can't wait!

Anyways Turok got a Gamecube now so please....what other games should I get for it?

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