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Insurance For Farangs...

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Havent looked into this one in that much detail so would appreciate your advice alot....

My back ground is that I have a year contract in BKK and have some concerns about the different kinds of insurance I need and what is the best.

* Health - I know Bupa Thai do a good deal and I get this with the job aswell, but I dont know how good it is. Bupa Thai dont seem to be that expensive, also, unless it is a big/serious job, most things can be dealt with there and then (Thats a novelty to me - I'm from the UK :D )

* Possessions - I know that I get alot on my UK house insurance and I need to check if I'm covered for an extended period away. If I'm not then whats the best to get in Thailand ? Also are there options that will cover me outside of Thailand - sort of like travel insurance from Thailand as a base. Wonder if anybody had had experience with any Thai Co's that offer this when it comes to making a claim.

* Life - I've all ready got this in the UK but again need to check if I am covered for extended periods away. If not are there Thai or other SEAsian companies (or any other part of the world) that offer this

* Travel - (mentioned this above) - I know that the travel insurance I can get in the UK will only cover me for up to a certain time away - I usually get the cheap ones :o . Do you get travel insurance in Thialand or would it be better to go for a more expensive, but possibly more reliable, policy in the UK ?

* Any other - I'm thinking hard but have I missed anything ?

Look forward to hear from you.


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Havent looked into this one in that much detail so would appreciate your advice alot....

My back ground is that I have a year contract in BKK and have some concerns about the different kinds of insurance I need and what is the best.

* Health - I know Bupa Thai do a good deal and I get this with the job aswell, but I dont know how good it is.  Bupa Thai dont seem to be that expensive, also, unless it is a big/serious job, most things can be dealt with there and then (Thats a novelty to me - I'm from the UK  :D )

* Possessions - I know that I get alot on my UK house insurance and I need to check if I'm covered for an extended period away.  If I'm not then whats the best to get in Thailand ?  Also are there options that will cover me outside of Thailand - sort of like travel insurance from Thailand as a base.  Wonder if anybody had had experience with any Thai Co's that offer this when it comes to making a claim.

* Life - I've all ready got this in the UK but again need to check if I am covered for extended periods away.  If not are there Thai or other SEAsian companies (or any other part of the world) that offer this

* Travel - (mentioned this above) - I know that the travel insurance I can get in the UK will only cover me for up to a certain time away - I usually get the cheap ones  :o .  Do you get travel insurance in Thialand or would it be better to go for a more expensive, but possibly more reliable, policy in the UK ?

* Any other - I'm thinking hard but have I missed anything ?

Look forward to hear from you.


Just got some prices for single trip travel insurance for a year to SEAsia and its around £200 and there is high excesses £80 and low limits on high value items £100-£150 - I think this is more aimed at backpackers though.

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Insurance isn't really a concept that appeals very much to Thais, so you will find coverage plans here on the whole to be far less useful and well marketed than in western countries. BUPA is the only game in town for health insurance (there are others, of course, but I've had a look at most and found them unattractive). The coverage doesn't seem like much because health care costs so little here compared to out in the real world. What's the point of health insurance other than for major hospitalization when the cost of visiting a doctor is B200 or so? I don't know a single Thai that carries health insurance, not one, and if you do the math, you'll find that it may not be of real economic value to you either unless you are statistically very, very unlucky.

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Insurance isn't really a concept that appeals very much to Thais, so you will find coverage plans here on the whole to be far less useful and well marketed than in western countries. BUPA is the only game in town for health insurance (there are others, of course, but I've had a look at most and found them unattractive). The coverage doesn't seem like much because health care costs so little here compared to out in the real world. What's the point of health insurance other than for major hospitalization when the cost of visiting a doctor is B200 or so? I don't know a single Thai that carries health insurance, not one, and if you do the math, you'll find that it may not be of real economic value to you either unless you are statistically very, very unlucky.

If you not farang.

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I think that Health Insurance isnt a problem as my bkk employer provides that, and if that isnt so good I can either pay for it and/or go with Bupa Thai.

What does concern me though is havng posessions and cash insurance. My "amazing" house policy will only cover up to 2 months outside of the house ! So, some options now are to look for an extension of this with them, or a seperate policy. When I look at single trip policies there are elements that I would like and other parts that i dont need. But i guess that if i travel around SEAsia then i will be covered where ever i am.

Compared to a resonable annual, multi trip, which I can get for about £60, the best single trip for a year, I have come across so far is £200. But this does include everything - Personal Liability and the stuff with big numbers, that I've never claimed on (yet anyway!)

Can you get reliable posessions and travel insurance in Thailand ? Would they cover items up to £1000 in value ?

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Try Trafalgar International Ltd - 026451170

I have a polcy through them that covers my house and contents, personal possessions outside the house, some life insurance and liability insurance.

The policy is with Royal & SunAlliance.

They do all types of policies so I am sure you will find what you are looking for.

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Hi and thanks for your feedback

dereklev - the policy you have sounds like the kind of thing i am looking for. Do you know if Trafalgar International Ltd have a website as i would like to have a look at their policies. Also would you mind saying how much you pay and what you get for that ?

Basically I have to make a decision pretty soon on whether to get insurance in Thailand or back here in the UK.

Thanks in advance...

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