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In Praise Of Thai Girls


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You know, it's been a while since I've posted on this forum, and I'm sure there's dozens of posts similar to this, but I must express my observations as to how vastly superior Thai girls are compared to other girls in the world when you're a (now) single guy, mid-twenties looking to meet people.

Maybe I'm just a socially-incompetent creepy expat weirdo, but more often than not, I've found the women in this country more charming, easy-going, funny (even despite the language barrier!), reasonable, under control, and physically attractive than even the best "highly desirable" women back in the West. I've tried dating in my home country and it's just so profoundly awful- all the girls have their little agendas, mental and social "issues", ridiculous preconceived notions of the "right man", insecurities about gender roles, feigned feelings and artificial sentiments, playing "hard to get", and a whole litany of other problems that make relationships with them seem inconceivable to me. Not to mention that our women are so obese, if there's even one that's mildly attractive, there's automatically a dozen guys to compete with and she undoubtedly has a f-cked up, deva personality.

Well, I assume this forum gets posts like this a lot, and it's not intended to be an affront to you honest guys out there I know have been screwed by some thai girls in the past... I just thought I'd throw it out there and see if anyone else in my situation that agrees with me?? Anyway, I look forward to the encouraging replies, and the half-sentence snarky quips that will undoubtedly follow as well. :lol:

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We aren't going to have another round of western women bashing courtesy of the guys they rejected again. If that's your preference then search the archives because there's plenty of these clichéd topics there.


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