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Homemade Beauty Recipes


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I use the standard coconut oil on my hair as its dry and prone to frizz but I then put a plastic bag covering my hair (not my face for the smartarses, james) and sit out in the sun to let it heat up. Kinda like one of those hair steamers.

Another good one is using a kaffir lime for hair, but be careful using too much as it can lighten.

I've heard crushed aspirin is good for a pimple but never tried it (tried the toothpaste idea, it didn't work at all)

mashed bananas is really good for skin as is an eggwhite facial mask

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I also use coconut oil. Its one of the oils known to penetrate the hair shaft, not just coat the hair.

Im a big fan of crushed asprin. I use two crushed asprin and mix with a little apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, then make a paste. I dab this onto my skin as a salicylic acid mask and wash off after about 10 mins. Word of warning though, only for those with dry skin that is used to strong astringents. The asprin is gentle enough however, just mix with water instead of vinegar or lemon.

Talking of apple cider vinegar..its a great astringent toner for the skin. Again..it can be quite harsh for those not used to it..so use diluted. I also only use this at night..it can have a bit of a strong smell!

baking soda..i use this as a facial scrub (its actually one of the few "safe" scrubs for the skin as the particles are so small. Regular shop scrubs beads are much larger and usually harsher on the skin.) It also works well as a deodorant. (..and great for getting whites white in the wash too.}

Lemon. I often like to drink lemon (well limes here) in water in the morning (sometimes with vit c tablet). Use the remaining lemon to rub on knees and elbows and (again if your skin is tolerant) any areas that you have patchiness from the sun. Lemon helps to lighten the skin. Dont forget to moisturise after though.

Love eggwhites too. Fantastic for the skin.

Thats all i can think of for now. But i do love natural home preparations. Not only cheaper, but, i find for certain things, much better for the skin.

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I second eek's aspirin mask, that's my favourite. 2 tablets uncoated aspirin, a couple of drops water (to dissolve tablets) and a table spoon honey. Rub into skin to exfoliate and then leave for 10 minutes. Regardless of pimples, I find this mask extremely helpful and usually do about once a week.

Another nice treatment is a slice of tomato. Dip into sugar, then rub into skin (to exfoliate) and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Nice thread, I'd be curious to learn more tricks, especially with local ingredients.

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Funny how you are conditioned to pre-qualify your posts these days SBK. 

Back on topic now, beauty secrets. For me this is simple. 

Coffee works from the inside out. Not only great at ensuring regular bowel movements, it helps to get rid of those blood shot eyes and are full of antioxymorons.

Recipe for a younger looking you:

  1. Get out of bed
  2. Walk to espresso maker
  3. Drink two double shots of the best coffee you can afford
  4. Visit the washroom with the latest copy of TV's guide to a better looking you (be careful to avoid looking in the mirror)
  5. Go back to espresso maker and make one more shot - just to ensure you are fully caffeinated 
  6. Skip breakfast and go to work. Rinse, repeat.

In two-to-three weeks you will notice an improvement. Not in your looks per say but in your ability to recognize that the old saying "Don't judge my looks by my cover". With this knowledge in hand, you can set out on your daily shopping duties with a calmer mind knowing that men don't really care what they look at, it's how they look doing it.

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Papaya apparently can whiten skin, but it also does a pretty good job of brightening it as well, blend ripe papaya in a blender (no seeds no skin) until a thick paste and use that on your skin, also papaya mixed with oatmeal is a good face mask too-- papaya mashed (no seeds no skin) egg white and lime juice. Also, mashed papaya with honey is good too. Avoid the eye area

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  • 3 months later...

Ah...I like this stuff, I only use natural cosmetics.

Sugar scrub

Sugar + oil you like (I like almond oil, makes your skin soft, but any 100% oil will do)

Salt and baking soda tend to make my skin dry.

Honey facemask, softens and tightens the skin.

Milk in footbath, softens the callus and makes it easier to remove.

I also use milk (or yoghurt) when my skin itches (face)

Lukewarm olive oil as hairmask before washing. For my hair (thick, heavy) this works better than coconut oil. Sesame oil is also OK.

But I noticed this isn't enough for Thai weather, even a conditioner I use in Europe can't take the dryness. So I am going to experiment with avocado soon.

Itchy skin?: cold camomile tea

Will try the papaya -blub- for my face.

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Great topic

We use high quality virgin coconut oil as eye make up remover . Many eye make up removers have mineral oil (petroleum product). This is just a very processed by product of CRUDE oil! ick.

Also we use it as an evening moisturizer and also as a moisturizer for the day time.

For me I put it on my face after I shower and before my make up. Feels better knowing that I am not putting chemicals on my face.

Also a good defrizzer for hair.

Hydrogen peroxide with water as a mouth wash

Bentanite clay and apple cider vinegar as a mask (can be quite strong though)

http://www.earthclinic.com has some great natural home made remedies..

It is important to know what all mainstream cosmetics have chemicals and potentially toxic chemicals. Annie Leonard who was in Bangkok recently made this terrific clip. A MUST see for anyone who uses cosmetics.

It is not sensational.


Edited by goodkarma
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