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Visa Run Padang Besar Then Back To Hat Yai?

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Hi all, Going south to exit/re-enter for another 90 days on a one year multiple non "o" visa. I usually get the train to Hat Yai and get a taxi down to border next day but am wondering if I can go to Padang Besar by train, stamp out and back into Thailand at the railaway station and get a taxi, bus or train back to Hat Yai. Piers

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That's what I used to do when doing a "border" run but I'm talking about 15 years ago. I'd get off the train at the border, enter Malaysia and then walk over the footbridge to the road border and back into Thailand and then get a taxi to Hat Yai. In Malaysia for all of a half hour! I'd be surprised if you couldn't do the same nowadays.

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Check the train schedules online. The only Thai train that runs down there now is AC, The fans stop in HY. So, your worry is to get back up to HY relatively quickly. Waiting in that station would be a bit dire me thinks.

Another option is to take a mb to the border from the station (b55) and a bus back (b40). That's the way I'd been doing it in recent years.

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Believe he was talking about leaving station and return on a bus. Am not sure how the entry/exit should be processed in that case but know that about 10 years ago there appeared to be overpass walkways available for that.

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The train station at Padang Besar was on the Malaysian side of the border. Everyone had to get off the train and do the exit/entry formalities on the platform. Those that were carrying on to Butterworth would re-board the train. As I have already said, if I was just doing a "border" run I would use the walkway over to the road border which was just besides the station and re-enter Thailand. I would have a night out in Hat Yai and catch the train for Bangkok the next day which left Hat Yai at about 6pm if my memory serves me right.

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Thanks for the replies chaps. I will be arriving at Padang Besar on the train early morning in a couple of days.

I would assume I stamp out from Thailand and into Malaysia at the train station and then get across to the road border and stamp out Malaysia and into Thailand again there.

Though as both Thai and Malaysian immigration posts will be open at the train station I wonder if I can do it all there and if so am I then legal to walk across to the land border (i.e while still in Malaysia but already stamped back into Thailand) to get a bus or taxi I wonder.

I will keep my eye on this post for any further advice and will also ask what to do when I get to Padang Besar train station. Bound to be someone speaking English there somewhere!

I will let you know the outcome in a couple of days anyway.


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Your second paragraph is correct but what you suggest in your third paragraph is a definite no - no. In effect, the train border and the road border are at two different locations although in reality only a few hundred meters apart. I suppose you could hang around on the platform until the train up from Butterworth gets there and then do your exit/entry formalities in reverse. i.e. stamp out of Malaysia and stamp into Thailand again. Hope you have a good book to read!

With the train arriving at Pedang Besar in the morning you should have plenty of time to take a taxi back to Hat Yai and board the Bangkok bound train early evening on the same day. Most of the carriages remain at Hat Yai anyway....it was only a few carriages that ever went on to Butterworth.

Edited by prodriver
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Hi again chaps,

Ok, all done. Took the train down to Padang Besar and stamped out of Thailand and into Malaysia there at the train station.

I then walked upstairs (where there is a place selling hot food. Thai or Malaysian currency welcomed, of course) and over the footbridge. There appear to be two covered footbridges up there. One very short one and one very long one. I took the long one and kept going right to the very end of it and down the steps to ground level. (Once you start going down the first steps just keep going straight down ignoring the side steps about half way down on the left.)

There were several motor cycle taxi chaps there just after I got to ground level. Presumably waiting around to take people through to the Thai side.

I fancied a walk anyway so I turned left and found the Malaysian exit booths where I was very quickly stamped out of that country. I then walked the few hundred yards towards the Thai entry booths where I was greeted by a very polite and cheerful uniformed Thai man who actually shook me by the hand and welcomed me to Thailand!

He pointed to where I should stamp in so there I went ( there was no one else there at all being stamped) and was quickly dealt with with by a very friendly immigration chap.

He actually got up out of his seat to hand the passport back and to confirm that it was another 90 days he had stamped me in for. He gave me the most gracious and friendly smile as he handed it to me despite me being stupid enough to misread the stamp he put in my passport as I watched through the window. I did speak a few words but quickly shut up thank goodness when I realised my mistake.

A refreshingly warm and welcoming entry into Thailand.

I then asked a chap in uniform nearby if there was a bus to Hat Yai and he said to wait over the road. I did that and within 5 minutes a minibus stopped and took me back to Hat Yai for 50 Baht.

There is a Thai chap who is always on that train (International Express. Train 35) who hands out immigration cards. He said he always goes back to Hat Yai on the train at 10 am. I did'nt realise there was a train back to Hat Yai at 10am but presumably he knows what he's talking about. (check beforehand that he's correct if you plan on using the '10 am train' !)

Quick word of warning for any idiots out there: At Padang Besar train station you will almost certainly be asked to open your bags for inspection by Malaysian customs so don't be stupid enough to carry anything you should'nt be. Some people's bags were being gone through quite thoroughly.


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Thanks for posting your report - it should be helpful for others.

Yes there are Malaysian trains in morning and evening return that go to Hat Yai.

As for Malaysia Immigration it is not just idiots that can be caught out as they are looking for books/magazines that many would not believe an issue.

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Yes, there is a train from Padang Besar to Hat Yai at 1000, train number 954, the 2010 from Kuala Lumpur. Its shown departing Padang Besar at 0900 Thai time in the SRT timetable, but that doesn't take into account the one hour time difference. Its due Hat Yai at 0950.

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