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Farang Men Hitting On Farang Women?


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ES1, I never mentioned it being strange to post on a message board. Read my post again & try to keep some semblance of relevancy to my post.

Really, why do you bother? Why do you care? Think once, think twice, think "how can I stop him responding?"

Straying back on topic, I was brought up a farang, and so I have inherited farang tastes, and the girls I find most beautiful, to be honest I could not classify racially - they could be dark-skinned gweilos or fair-skinned Indian, Thai or Chinese

Anyway, does anyone else find the term "hitting on" offensive?


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very true SC, thanks for the reminder to not feed the hate. :)

"Hitting on" an offensive term? Not really, there are better ways of putting it I suppose but it is a general well worn phrase.

I think nearly every western woman I know in Thailand gets hit on when out & about by men of all nationalities. Lets face it, most straight men like to get off with women & when you throw in drink & fun then chances are taken. Last year I had a very cute, younger Norwegian guy putting on his moves one night whilst out without Mr boo or the sprog. It was flattering after 10 years of marriage to have a good looking young guy pay attention & my group had a fun night drinking & chatting with him & his friends but before marrying Mr boo I dated across the thai/farang divide equally & never had a problem having western bf's or making platonic male farang friends.

Of course I've come across the ones who think they are doing me some sort of favour by chatting me up, sorry for their egos when I let them know they can save their pity :D but they are very few & I usually enjoy having a chat with a farang (male or female), esp after extended periods in Khon Kaen where I am usually the only one around. B)

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I doubt anyone would classify me as desperate. Or that men are uninterested in me. Where I do have difficulty is finding a man I am interested in. The pool of interesting, intelligent and attractive men is really rather small.

Still looking for that Rock Star/Scientist/Austronaut/Pro Athlete eh? Plenty of those around. You are just not looking hard enough.

I find it enlightening that you assume that interesting, intelligent and attractive men must be rock stars or astronauts.

In fact, I was referring to the pool of men in Thailand, not all men in general. I find it rather sad when men in established relationships with Thai women try to pick me up, it shows a distinct lack of respect for not only their partner but women in general.

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I doubt anyone would classify me as desperate. Or that men are uninterested in me. Where I do have difficulty is finding a man I am interested in. The pool of interesting, intelligent and attractive men is really rather small.

Still looking for that Rock Star/Scientist/Austronaut/Pro Athlete eh? Plenty of those around. You are just not looking hard enough.

I find it enlightening that you assume that interesting, intelligent and attractive men must be rock stars or astronauts.

In fact, I was referring to the pool of men in Thailand, not all men in general. I find it rather sad when men in established relationships with Thai women try to pick me up, it shows a distinct lack of respect for not only their partner but women in general.

I prefer to think of it as a pond rather than a pool


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ES1, I never mentioned it being strange to post on a message board. Read my post again & try to keep some semblance of relevancy to my post.

Anyway, does anyone else find the term "hitting on" offensive?


Out of all the things the easily offended can choose to be offended about and you pick that.....lol! There are literally hundreds of things to be offended about in Thailand if one were so inclined to not accept the way things work here. If you actually live in Thailand how do you even get out of bed in the morning without being offended to death?

In fact I am quite certain you do not live in Thailand otherwise you would have never come up with that doosy!

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Well, I never had a problem meeting farang men whilst on holiday and having a laugh with them. And perhaps a bit of romance on occasion!!

And I went to bars, and discos and go go's too!!

There are some farang ladies that are tolerable because they do not bring a western attitude with them to Thailand and accept the differences here.

Quite certain you are about the only one I see posting here who seems to 'get' it. Literally, figuratively etc. Can't say I have met any of these tolerable ones but never tried and don't hang out where ever it is they do.

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Well, I never had a problem meeting farang men whilst on holiday and having a laugh with them. And perhaps a bit of romance on occasion!!

And I went to bars, and discos and go go's too!!

There are some farang ladies that are tolerable because they do not bring a western attitude with them to Thailand and accept the differences here.

Quite certain you are about the only one I see posting here who seems to 'get' it. Literally, figuratively etc. Can't say I have met any of these tolerable ones but never tried and don't hang out where ever it is they do.

And do they ever show their gratitude?

I doubt it - typical, eh?


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ES1, I never mentioned it being strange to post on a message board. Read my post again & try to keep some semblance of relevancy to my post.

Anyway, does anyone else find the term "hitting on" offensive?


Out of all the things the easily offended can choose to be offended about and you pick that.....lol! There are literally hundreds of things to be offended about in Thailand if one were so inclined to not accept the way things work here. If you actually live in Thailand how do you even get out of bed in the morning without being offended to death?

In fact I am quite certain you do not live in Thailand otherwise you would have never come up with that doosy!

I'm not easily offended, so the offensive I can tolerate. Anyway, I really don't see a relationship between colloquial english terms and social injustices, thoughtless behaviour, poor infrastructure, poor education... no that's me exhausted now - anyway, I don't see the relationship with things one could take offence at in Thailand. But why one should be offended by those things, rather than sympathetic towards the people that must suffer them, I don't know.

It must be dreadful being offended by such things, and yet trapped in the Venus fly trap - struggling to get free, but lacking the wings of international opportunity. Well, c'est la vie, as they say in England.


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Posts deratory of women have been deleted, there are rules here and it seems some forget that.

It's no wonder this is such a den of misogyny, with spelling like that.

Anyway, what are you doing later tonight?


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typo darling, sorry, will try to be more careful next time. Going to bed, soon I think. ;)

Smashing! I thought I was going to have to put in the four hours' face time that someone mentioned earlier... See you there!


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typo darling, sorry, will try to be more careful next time. Going to bed, soon I think. ;)

Smashing! I thought I was going to have to put in the four hours' face time that someone mentioned earlier... See you there!


That depends on the lady's culture. If SBK is American you've got 10 hours ahead of you. Although, you can take breaks. Say, two 4 hour dates and then a quick meet up at the wine bar and you'll be good to go.

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Well, I never had a problem meeting farang men whilst on holiday and having a laugh with them. And perhaps a bit of romance on occasion!!

And I went to bars, and discos and go go's too!!

There are some farang ladies that are tolerable because they do not bring a western attitude with them to Thailand and accept the differences here.

Quite certain you are about the only one I see posting here who seems to 'get' it. Literally, figuratively etc. Can't say I have met any of these tolerable ones but never tried and don't hang out where ever it is they do.

And do they ever show their gratitude?

I doubt it - typical, eh?


I'm just a wee lassie frae Kirkaldy...!!! Best pies in Scotland..

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What a load of <deleted>.

I go on holiday to sit on beaches and enjoy the fact that i am away from cold Europe. I bring my Western attitude with me and i "get it". Getting it does not mean that i accept it. But who gives a dam_n i am on my beach. Far away from my problems at home.

I am on holiday - so i am allowed to go to bars, discos, go go's if i want. I worked and paid for my holiday, just like you. I don't like the fact that wassishame says that western women are not allowed in these establishments.

What do i do? sit on the beach all day getting nice and brown, eat a nice meal and then i am sent to my room to watch tv? Whilst Macho Man goes out on the prowl??

Us ladies also like to have a good time... I do a good shimmy.

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You are so easy StreetCowboy. First me, now patsy, who is next? :P

Let's just wait and see...

Einstein's dartboard theory...


lol well said patsy. :giggle:

See? That didn't take long...

Fancy a mutton pie supper, hen?


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to the guy who doesn't want farang women here. Who are you to say that this country is only for farang men. There are many sexy thai men here who would much prefer us kind and honest ladies over the thai girls. You are talking out of your ass so just stick your head back in there and shut up!!!!!!!!!!!

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to the guy who doesn't want farang women here. Who are you to say that this country is only for farang men. There are many sexy thai men here who would much prefer us kind and honest ladies over the thai girls. You are talking out of your ass so just stick your head back in there and shut up!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm sure that there are a lot of guys, both Thai and Farang, who prefer western women over Thai ladies, it just seems that you are implying that Thai ladies are not kind and honest. Kind of like a lot of the men on TV who assume that all Western women in Thailand are somehow flawed in one way or another.

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I agree Graham. I guess put it down to writing something in anger? There are indeed both Thai men as well as other nationalities interested in the farang women here. Some dont go for the Thai look. Most single (or even attached, just looking or otherwise) men who decide to move to a country, often do so with the opposite eye candy in mind. So goes without saying that those men who choose to live in Asia, are drawn to Asian looks. Just as those men who choose to live in South America, or Africa, are drawn to those kinds of personalities/looks.

Some men are placed here for work, or have come for the culture and/or a variety of other reasons that doesnt involve the women. As we are all different, with different tastes, some of those men are not going to be into the Asian look. Ive known several men who were interested in all women they deemed attractive, just as ive known several men who were into Asian women, just as ive known several men who preferred western features etc.

Everyone has their preferences, its just how far each individual takes them. Just would be nice if the negative aspect and stereotyping was left out of it.

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Depends on the person, actually. I know many long term successful relationships between western women and Thai men just like I know alot that don't work out at all-- same as with western guys with Thai wives.

Making broad based generalizations based on limited experiences is usually not a good idea and something I try to avoid.

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What a load of <deleted>.

I go on holiday to sit on beaches and enjoy the fact that i am away from cold Europe. I bring my Western attitude with me and i "get it". Getting it does not mean that i accept it. But who gives a dam_n i am on my beach. Far away from my problems at home.

I am on holiday - so i am allowed to go to bars, discos, go go's if i want. I worked and paid for my holiday, just like you. I don't like the fact that wassishame says that western women are not allowed in these establishments.

What do i do? sit on the beach all day getting nice and brown, eat a nice meal and then i am sent to my room to watch tv? Whilst Macho Man goes out on the prowl??

Us ladies also like to have a good time... I do a good shimmy.

You go girl.

'Macho Man'.......hmmmmmm interesting choice of words. Smells like resentment. Care to elaborate?

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