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Farang Men Hitting On Farang Women?


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to the guy who doesn't want farang women here. Who are you to say that this country is only for farang men. There are many sexy thai men here who would much prefer us kind and honest ladies over the thai girls. You are talking out of your ass so just stick your head back in there and shut up!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your kind thoughts.

It's not just me. It's the vast majority of us.

You can kick and scream and hiss all you want about it. An understandable response since you are used to getting your way all the time back in the western world. Unfortunately for you Thailand is very much a mans world and that BS doesn't go over so well here

So once again, you can spit and curse all you want. Does not change the fact most Farang guys don't want you here. You will of course still do whatever you want but that does not mean we have to like it. Fortunately in Thailand we don't have to deal with it. Only thing we have to deal with is seeing Farang women walking around with the same western attitudes most of us despise. I wish I could walk around with special sunglasses that blocked out any Farang women within view.

Yes, I am aware there are some Farang guys who bring a Farang wife/gf/whatever with them here and are perfectly happy doing that. If a guy wants to bring a sandwich to a banquet that's his choice.

I went for months eating the same type of sandwich every day; meat, bread, salad vegetables - what more could a man ask for? Nothing exotic, nothing too spicey, but a delicate blend of subtle flavours...

Oh - happy days!

Whereas even if I try something different off the menu in Thailand every day, I still enjoy a western meal every now and again; nothing fancy - a simple sandwich will suffice; and I still hanker for a good shortcrust mutton pie with chips and sauce, as mentioned earlier, if any of my compatriots of Italian descent are listening...

Or failing that, a 99 cone


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I don't often stick my nose over in this side of the forum, but some unusual responses to a reasonable question have been posted.

All men are different, but from my own perspective and in conversations with other men, generally speaking, many men might be a little more apt to have a broader range of whom they find attractive as in demographic groups. Men certainly profess to be willing to date more demogrpahics in various studies, at least. The point is that many men, even if they have a strong liking to, say, short redheaded accountants would be more than interested in a tall, black, physician. Women, on the other hand, if you believe the studies, are a little more true to their predilections. So even if a man is partial to Asian women, if he sees a foreign woman here in Thailand, that is not going to turn him away if he is the type to approach women in hopes of a connection. Of course, this is not including the misogynistic, anti-Western men who seem to like to post here.

Second, in Thailand, foreign women are a huge minority. So they stand out. And for a man who is on the prowl, it is easier for a foreign woman to catch his eye.

Third, and I don't want to generalize too much, I firmly believe that some men who are either on the shy side or damaged in the battle between the sexes come to Thailand, and due to all the reasons delineated in a multiple of posts on TV, they are able to date and socialize with Thai women. That brings on a sense of confidence, and when they see a foreign woman, there might be a urge to try what they would never do back in their home country, that is, "hit" on the woman.

Bottom line is, though, that men are men and women are women, and some men will approach anyone, no matter their race, nationality, age, or appearance, and try to make a connection. It is up to the recipient of that interest to decide if there should be a positive reception or not. And if not, then no biggie. Most guys who have the personality to hit on strangers are well used to rejection. :)

And for the sad men who insist that Western men don't want Western women here in Thailand, first, T.S., and second, their loss.

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I wonder if whoever has told you those stories about Thai women have been reading you accounts from the days when Thailand still had slaves? :)

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To be honest the more time I spend here the less time I have for Western men (NB - I'm talking about the expats, not tourists - this another topic in itself...)

I hate to generalise but, regrettably, Thailand really does attract some of the worst types of Western men in SE Asia. Only Cambodia is worse. For sure I've met some really nice Western men here who have travelled lots, have a broad outlook on life and are interesting to talk to and fun to be around. Sadly more generally I meet bitter, twisted Western men who have some serious underlying issues - either with Western women or Thai women: all of which are based on generalisations and more often than not because of the limited social circles they mix in.

I should also say that I'm generally more impressed with Asian men as they have something that many in the West don't have (including many of the men that live over here). It's very simple and free: it's called manners. Even in a professional setting Asian men will do little things like hold doors open - whether you're more senior than them or not. On the otherhand I've found Western men, even in a professional setting, to (generally, but not all) behave appallingly in this manner: taking the holding doors open example - the only time they bother is if it's a woman who's from one of our customers companies or a woman they're trying to impress (i.e. date).

Finally, as regards the 'Thailand is a man's world' comment. Maybe this holds true in low paid, unskilled professions like retail (I wouldn't know) but in a professional environment this is definitely not the case: the most senior Thais in my office are all women. We have more professional women, both generally and in senior positions, than the EU based HQ which I transferred from (about 65% female professional staff here vs. about 35% in the EU) and to put this into context: I work in Engineering - a traditionally male dominated profession. And I very much prefer working here because it's NOT a 'man's world' - I actually find it to be a very balanced world.

Edited by andie
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Actually, Cambodia has in my experience a lot of very normal western men -- skilled professionals there for work-related reasons.

And in general one sees western men there with their western wives/gfs far more often than you do in Thailand. And a fair amount if western-western dating.

Aside form the real bottom feeders among the tourists, I seldom encounter a western man whose reasons for being in Cambodia have anything at all to do with issues around western women/fascination with Asian women etc.

And I'm there at least much time as I'm here in Thailand.

Of course one big reason for the difference is the very open policies with regard to employment of foreigners and foreigners running businesses. This plus still a shortage of skilled locals in many areas (altho this is getting less so) results in a large percentage of foreign residents being there primarily for professional or business reasons.

But even the tourists see to be generally a better class...I see lots more families, couples etc...single men are not as prominent in the tourist profile as they are in Thailand.

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  • 1 month later...

Some years back I embarked on my first trip to Thailand with the firm prejudice that men would not be interested in me there. Since I was coming straight from India, where I had been constantly overwhelmed by male attention, i was actually welcoming a change. So I put this idea in my head that in Thailand i would be just taking a break from men. And, sure enough, my whole stay was pleasantly peaceful and uneventful, and I did not enjoy male attention until my next stop in Bali, where instead I had no prejudices.

A year later I was back in Thailand - yes, it was just the beginning of a long-time addiction, as you can see - and this time I totally forgot that men were not supposed to be interested in me. I simply forgot to remind myself that men only liked Thai girls here, and travelled around Thailand just as I was travelling around any other country. Well let me tell you, as soon as I entered LOS I found myself hit upon by all kinds of men, Thai and farangs, and I enjoyed every minute of it, because it did not even have the somewhat obsessive/predatory feel that being hit upon can sometime have in places like India or Indonesia.

Since then I have lived and worked in many countries, and this whole business of Western/local likes and dislikes is no exclusive of Thailand, the yellow fever factor is found everywhere, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam, etc.... I don't fully dismiss it as purely psychological, either. But in my opinion, the situation in Thailand is a whole lot better than in the other countries, and, by being my usual self, I actually tend to be more successful here than elsewhere - even back home, sometimes. Sure, now and then I do see a few losers who grab every opportunity to show off their racist misogynous self, but they usually are also ugly as sin and I would not consider them anyways among my potential desirable conquests...

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  • 2 weeks later...

just my 2 pennoth, if i am near a western lady, if possible i will try and engage in converation , i i feel they are uncomfortable then ovioulsly i stop, usually they realise its not a hit on, just i really enjoy western ladies company for chats etc, and after 9 years of Thai ladies really enjoy a chin wag with a western lady, more so then western guys. so maybe there are other ex pats craving an educated conversation with a western female and not hitting on them. cretainly my case would never hit on them, not polite, for a start, just an hello, where you from or its hot today!, if its cold responce leave well alone but has led to many an enjoyable conversation and ladies view on living here.

i am not a western lady hater, after all my dear mum was one, and is till best mate, friend etc.

Edited by NALAK
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Interesting thread this. As I read through it I kept expecting to have something to say about it as a male loog-kreung but actually I don't. . . well, what is there to say about nature taking it's course?

Rationalisations of attraction can be pretty complex and the preposition that the OP highlighted just seems far too crude to tally. Anyone who knows anything about themselves or other human beings probably already knew it to be bolleaux anyway.


Still, it's always nice to have confirmation that there are some other 'normals' around.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Just saw and read this thread for the first time and it made for intetesting reading. I am a 38 year old British male who has now been living fulltime in Jomtien,Chonburi

for 10 years and here is my own,subjective of course,take on it all.

For me,any wow factor that may have existed for Thai females(even young beautiful ones),has long since vanished.I would modify the catchphrase "familiarity breeds contempt"

with saying "familiarity breeds a jaded feeling". I do,oh so miss,at times,a really decent conversation with a foreign female sometimes.It is such a different dynamic and

perspective to be had by chatting with a female foreigner as opposed to a male one. I personally have never had an age issue/barrier either and now that I think of it

would relish the idea of a Starbucks coffee and fun chat with a lady of an older age than myself.

All to often,if a foreign male expresses a wish to meet foreign females it is suggested to seek out Russians/Eastern Europeans......well,that would not float my boat

at all. As for foreign women being "hit on", I suppose it depends on perspective. Does it mean a man walking up and flat out proposing a session of bedroom gymnastics

or merely a conversation that starts to get flirty with suggestive double entendre tounge-in-cheek comments. A flat out proposal is out of order in my opinion,....as for innocent

flirting,well,suppose it depends on how the man and woman are connecting and both parties making mature judgement calls on when and when not to say things.

A man usually should know when he is being out of order.

It is all moot for me anyway,where I live there are precious few opportunities,it seems,to meet foreign ladies and have a few female foreign friends as opposed

to the swathes of males that are here. Ah,if only,if only,lol !!! I say the following in jest(or do I? ,lol),if any foreign ladies would like to put the thread title to the

practical test I would welcome a PM with the possibility of a meetup for a latte or whatever in somewhere like Starbucks.....would make a nice difference to be honest.

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With AIDS, herpes, hepatitus etc and widespread non usage of condoms in the sex industry, and also reading a most enlightening thread on another forum regarding western men who boast on "bagging" western women, I would seriously think long and hard about having sex with foreign men you may not know that well.

Yes, yes surely there must be one or two guys :rolleyes: who are not here for cheap, easy sex, but really- is it worth the risk?

There is also a huge shift in Lady boy interest. This is rampant and is really not well known So if they aren't doing the female prostitutes....

Actually this goes for current partners, too. Not just new dating friends.

You know it's actually a good thing to be getting older and not so interested ( or interesting.. ) in all that. Must be terrible for young women today.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I was last in Thailand I got hit on by Western men and Thai men. I have to say it was all very flattering. I have found Thai men to be much more reserved and shy but there are some who are used to lots of farang women now so they appear to have more confidence.

I think it is a flying generalisation to say that all Farang men in Thailand are only after the Thai ladies, even though it is very common.

Who knows, I might find the man of my dreams in Thailand whether he be Farang or Thai! rolleyes.gif

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I Shy away from Ferang Ladies, Why do they allways tell me ."They Love Their Children, dont they ".!!. As if we Westerners Eat Them.. American Ladies are the worst for such comments. .Im sure you ballanced Ladies have heard this too.:jap: .Why is it.?.

No, I have never heard a woman say this. You must find some weird ones.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I Shy away from Ferang Ladies, Why do they allways tell me ."They Love Their Children, dont they ".!!. As if we Westerners Eat Them.. American Ladies are the worst for such comments. .Im sure you ballanced Ladies have heard this too.:jap: .Why is it.?.

Lost In Translation.

I'm a little lost on this one as well.

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I don't mind farang women here in Thailand I'm just not particularly attracted to them anymore. I like them as friends and truth be told I enjoy their company more than that of a Thai woman, but I don't feel the need to pursue them any longer let alone hit on them. I do think many farang girls here think guys are hitting on them when they are doing nothing of the sort.

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With AIDS, herpes, hepatitus etc and widespread non usage of condoms in the sex industry, and also reading a most enlightening thread on another forum regarding western men who boast on "bagging" western women, I would seriously think long and hard about having sex with foreign men you may not know that well.

Yes, yes surely there must be one or two guys :rolleyes: who are not here for cheap, easy sex, but really- is it worth the risk?

There is also a huge shift in Lady boy interest. This is rampant and is really not well known So if they aren't doing the female prostitutes....

Actually this goes for current partners, too. Not just new dating friends.

You know it's actually a good thing to be getting older and not so interested ( or interesting.. ) in all that. Must be terrible for young women today.

From conversations with Thai men, it's not just "falongs" that participate in the sex industry. Almost every Thai town of any size has brothels that offer just about anything imaginable to their Thai clientele. This includes ladyboys, children, etc. Apparently, this had long been a part of the Thai culture.

Thai men (married or single) are just as likely to have unprotected sex with professionals as "falongs". It's just that the Thai sex-tourist/patriates get all the publicity.

Also, in regards to "Must be terrible for young women today", ever heard of the phrase, "Just say No!"

Anyone, male or female, married or single who participates in "one night stands" incurs increased risk from STDs. Regardless of racial preferences/beliefs.

So that handsome Thai man, you go home with, might just be the boyfriend (or husband) of the diseased bargirl that "falong" whoremonger just slept with!

That's life in the big city.


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