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Farang Men Hitting On Farang Women?


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Hmm. Maybe we need to reconnoiter and you can tell me all the "hot spots" ;) It's true that I do tend to go to the same areas...I think part of it is a dislike of going to nightspots alone, coupled with the fact that my Thai friends have their set list of places they like to go, and it is SO hard to get them to try something new. I'm working on it though :)

Also, I am quite well aware that I put off the aura of not wanting to be bothered. And it's true, I'm quite cautious at first, and I don't plan to change that. I'm fine, livin' my life, and if a man happens along, that'd be nice too. But not required :)

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  • 4 months later...

Tippaporn: you sound so sweet there, if I wasn't crazily in love with my crazy fella I would blow you a big kiss from across the ocean right now :wub:

Oi, I GOT A HIT, I GOT A HIT!!!!! And it feels wonderful . . . it does!! But I didn't see it 'till now. :( Redfish, are you still there? Is it really true you have a crazy fella? What if you ran into a crazier fella?? :crazy:

Mods, what in heaven's name is wrong with this site? Why haven't I been notified of this immediately?? Was there no one who could text my mobile?? I don't believe!!! :o

tee-hee, yes I am still here, sometimes

Sorry Tippaporn, I only just found out you wrote this now, as I don't know how this site works either : )

You did make me giggle though, thanks!

One crazy husband is enough for me, sorry to deline your lovely offer, as am now pregnant and hoping for the outside chance our offspring might be unlike either of us and be normal.

It's the though that counts, so thanks anyways : )

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I think you farang girls will be pleasantly surprised at the result whether you like the advances or not. As many of my mates will not touch an Asian and only date Farangs in a relationship.

Foreign men who pair off with Thai girls are often either weak inadequates or simply at a low ebb in their life.

More often than not, the so-called "Thai wife" or "Thai girlfriend" is little more than a dish cloth or a girl who previously worked in the sex industry. These relationships are invariably flawed and heavily reliant on money or the belief that money will follow.

How often do you see financially independent Thai women with foreign husbands? Almost never. Put another way, how many foreign men would even have the courage to start dating a wealthy Thai girl?

I'm single and would much prefer a foreign woman. Problem is, where do you meet them?

Andrew, you don't know me but I'd like to invite you over to the house for dinner, next time you find yourself in Chiang Mai. Maybe you could sort of recap this post for the wife over hors d'oeuvres. Man, will I enjoy that.

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  • 1 month later...

If one were to believe many of our regular posters, it is a complete figment of your imagination, so, sorry to tell you ihunniebee. Its utterly impossible. You should seek therapy for these delusions of yours. At least, if one were to believe many Thaivisa men, that is. ;)

Envy? :whistling:

Got me in one james, fat old hippie feminazis like myself don't get hit on at all. :whistling:

There are deviants everywhere these days ........ just treat em like you would back home.

Guy's hitting on women are considered deviant? Ok whatever.

To answer the OP's question from a guys perspective. We are just looking for some strange! Back in the US you are not strange. Just more of the same. But in Thailand Farang women definitely are!

When you turn them down they will console themselves with some Thai girl that is probably younger and probably much sweeter and more feminine (as Thai women tend to be compared to Farang women) than you...being the 'deviant' creatures us farang guys are.

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You walked in on an "in" joke between me and james, and you are more than welcome to your opinion but perhaps best to remember that this is the ladies forum and we do require good manners and civility.

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No implication whatsoever, your "ugly truth" happens to be your own. Good manners and civility are required. If you find that difficult to follow then I suggest you read the forum only since forum rules do require it. Cheers.

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No implication whatsoever, your "ugly truth" happens to be your own. Good manners and civility are required. If you find that difficult to follow then I suggest you read the forum only since forum rules do require it. Cheers.

"your ugly truth".....? Is there some other truth?

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No implication whatsoever, your "ugly truth" happens to be your own. Good manners and civility are required. If you find that difficult to follow then I suggest you read the forum only since forum rules do require it. Cheers.

"your ugly truth".....? Is there some other truth?

I don't really see why you need to come on here baiting people. Perhaps you need the practice - though I thought you were a master...

The "General" forum is where you'll get a better response to your baiting, I think; people here generally have a different sense of humour that doesn't really respond well to baiting.


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To the OP,

The perception amongst many farang males in Thailand is that farang females in Thailand are easy and desperate because most of the other farang males are not interested in them. I hope you do not find this insulting. For the most part, I think women would be better off avoiding questioning or wanting to know about what gets talked about in the male locker room because it is usually juvenile and chauvinistic. But, you asked, so I gave you a truthful answer.

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To the OP,

The perception amongst many farang males in Thailand is that farang females in Thailand are easy and desperate because most of the other farang males are not interested in them. I hope you do not find this insulting. For the most part, I think women would be better off avoiding questioning or wanting to know about what gets talked about in the male locker room because it is usually juvenile and chauvinistic. But, you asked, so I gave you a truthful answer.

100% WRONG! I seriously doubt you are a male with those undertones. if you are I have to question other things which I could care less about so won't go into it.

"Juvenile and chauvinistic". Do tell?

I will tell you what me and my buddies say about farangettes in Thailand........NOTHING! About the only thing we say is "I wish they would all just go back to wherever they came from, we don't want or need them here". We don't want to see them in the GoGo's (why the heck do they go in there btw?), we don't want to see them in the Disco's, we don't want to see them in the restaurants, we don't want them in Thailand.....full stop!

And THAT is the truth....100%!

However, after seeing nothing but Thai girls who mostly look similar the Farang women stand out as different which I tried to explain but it appears people do not want to hear the truth. I was simply answering the OP's question. My buddies and I CERTAINLY do not see farang females and easy and desperate. We see them walking around with the same attitudes that we left the western world to get away from. Every time we see them they remind us of that. Once again, that is the gods honest truth.

So 100% wrong on all counts Chunky1.

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No implication whatsoever, your "ugly truth" happens to be your own. Good manners and civility are required. If you find that difficult to follow then I suggest you read the forum only since forum rules do require it. Cheers.

"your ugly truth".....? Is there some other truth?

I don't really see why you need to come on here baiting people. Perhaps you need the practice - though I thought you were a master...

The "General" forum is where you'll get a better response to your baiting, I think; people here generally have a different sense of humour that doesn't really respond well to baiting.


So the gods honest truth is called 'baiting'. Ok.....duly noted!

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Time to let go of the hate ES1, for someone who claims to have no thought of farang women in thailand you (and of course, your friends, ah-hem) certainly have put a lot of opinion on what they should or shouldn't do or where they should or shouldn't be. strange behavior that for people who claim to be so indifferent ;)

Never mind though, I'm sure the thai gals are falling over themselves for you. :)

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first class bater, lol.

About the only thing we say is "I wish they would all just go back to wherever they came from, we don't want or need them here". We don't want to see them in the GoGo's (why the heck do they go in there btw?), we don't want to see them in the Disco's, we don't want to see them in the restaurants, we don't want them in Thailand.....full stop!

I suspect that for most farang women in thailand, their primary consideration for being here, is nothing to do with what farang men need or dont need. like usually stick with like, so you and your buddies are well matched. thankfully though, there are many farang men in thailand who are just regular guys without prejudice and stigma sitting on top of the sizable chips on their shoulders. I guess you and your mates will just have to find some coping method at the sight of farang women, for i highly doubt any are prepared to give up their enjoyable lives in thailand merely because some men with a ridiculous attitude problem dont want them here. So, looks like you will just have to accept it, just as farang women have to accept that thailand will have the occasional racist and sexist farang men walking around with blinkered biased views. Sometimes we cant always get what we want in life. C'est la vie! ;)

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My opinion - the western cultures (through certain advocate groups and their impact on the legal system) have created an adversarial relationship between men and women. Who can trust whom when there is bias in what men can and cannot do to develop a relationship and also in what happens when a relationship comes to an end. I am fully against chauvinism but in my mind the pendulum has swung too far in the west. In Thailand the rules are different and if you are attracted to someone you are free to pursue a relationship without fear of legal retribution regardless of the origins of the person you are attracted to - be it Thai or Farang - as long as you behave yourself. It is a much more natural environment. So if a man is attracted to you here and not back in your home country maybe the lack of this male fear factor has something to do with it. I think a large number of western men have settled in Thailand because, simply put, they are sick of the bias that exists in the west. Just a thought, and again, just my opinion.

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The Farang living in Thailand are subject to lots of narratives that wash and wade through their lives. These narratives convulse and compel the bearers of the narratives to behave and respond in different ways.

There is, unquestionably, a narrative that says "western women in Thailand are desperate". We've all heard it. I think the mistake is to then ask "is it true?". Precisely the existence of this narrative subjects farang women to tactically employ it in their armoury of behaviour. For example, in meeting farang men, aware of this narrative, they feel the need to behave more 'easily' since they fear the ladies aroudn them will employ similar tactics to get the men. In other words, the narrative generates the reality. The nexus of power and knowledge needs to be understood.

So I look at this from a recent experience. I met a gaggle of Western girls who were living in Thailand for various reasons. But one admitted to being a bit stunned at the end of the night because I had not hit on the cutest one. I must be gay, the girl talking to me sincerely explained.

I felt this interesting in two senses. I think like many young westerners living here, it is like shooting fish in a barrel getting a nice, cute, educated Thai-chinese girl. So I become 'unenergetic' towards the task of 'pulling'. Secondly, the girls are evaluating their position of trying in an unusually short space of time to bed a man to be the norm. Back in farangland, typically a girl will not sleep with a man without 6 hours face time. This varies slightly; in France it is around 4 hours, in Italy 8 hours, UK is 6 hours, United States is 10 hours. But here, the girls have dropped this marker to about 2 hours. Partly, because they can. The social ramifications of being classed as a 'whore' are minute. Their reputations need not be protected, for they are in a faraway land.

The point to note is this: the narratives, hwoever they come about, create the reality. The reality does not have some far off grain of truth, it can be entirely the consequence of unfair and cruel controls on the creation of knowledge.

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Gaccha, you have your own personal experiences, so of course i dont dispute that. However, regarding the rest of your post, i relate not one bit to it..so in that instance i can say, from my own personal experience, it doesnt reflect even 1% of me as a Farang woman living in thailand. What percentage of other farang woman living here it may reflect, that i do not know.

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Nope, me neither. But then the interesting thing about life in general and life in Thailand specifically is how different everyone's experiences can be. Despite living in the same country and culture the experiences vary so greatly as to make you wonder sometimes.

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The men who stumble socially back home, stumble even more dramatically here. But here they can build their own legend in their mind and rarely have it challenged. Unless of course they attempt socialization with girls of their own social status and culture. Hence the negativity.

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Time to let go of the hate ES1, for someone who claims to have no thought of farang women in thailand you (and of course, your friends, ah-hem) certainly have put a lot of opinion on what they should or shouldn't do or where they should or shouldn't be. strange behavior that for people who claim to be so indifferent ;)

Never mind though, I'm sure the thai gals are falling over themselves for you. :)

Yea, strange behaviour posting on a messageboard. I'm sure all the posters here will agree with that.

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I guess if ESL saw this girl


He would get sick to his stomach and just wish that she would go back to Europe?

Looks very much like the Thai girl I was with today except mine wasn't photoshopped or airbrushed.

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I doubt anyone would classify me as desperate. Or that men are uninterested in me. Where I do have difficulty is finding a man I am interested in. The pool of interesting, intelligent and attractive men is really rather small.

Still looking for that Rock Star/Scientist/Austronaut/Pro Athlete eh? Plenty of those around. You are just not looking hard enough.

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The men who stumble socially back home, stumble even more dramatically here. But here they can build their own legend in their mind and rarely have it challenged. Unless of course they attempt socialization with girls of their own social status and culture. Hence the negativity.

"Rarely Challenged".....lol! I have Thai girls say sheit to me that nobody at home would ever say. Not even family. I won't go into details but let's just say they can be BRUTALLY honest....about EVERYTHING! And they can be little beotches in their own thai way sometimes so there is NEVER any shortage of challenges.....LOL!

Rarely Challenged......now THAT is funny. What Thailand are YOU experiencing??? One where you do NOT interact with Thais very much I suspect. No worries, I know this post was probably just your hate showing through so of course you lash out with these ridiculous hypotheses that have no basis in reality.

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