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Hi to all members.

Are you using plastic bottles, especially those big white ?

Then you should go to Yahoo and search for "Danger of Dioxin".

In short, some plastic extracts poison to air and water, especially when it's hot, it is exposed to the sun (while delivered on truck), and if it is old plastic (like reused bottles).

To prove it to yourself, put 4 white big bottles is a closed room when you go out in the morning and get deep breath when you come back at evening. You will fill it immediately.

The best solution - order glass bottles which are Dioxin free.



Sure no need to panic. The poison is accumulated in the body during the years and when it results (as cancer for example), you even don't know the reason. So you never know you were poisoned.

We were using those bottles for 8 years. My Thai wife always explained the strong smell as "generated from the TV" (original idea). The day we removed the bottles the smell stopped. I spent whole day on the web reading about the connection between plastic and Dioxin. Then I remembered I used to meet many people who always preferred to drink from a glass bottle. They probably knew what I didn't know yet.

When plastic is used in heat or it is frozen, it releases the Dioxin. That is why it is better to use ceramic or glass for the microwave. When worming food which comes in plastic trays better remove it to a ceramic bowl before worming, and don't freeze water in plastic bottles.

Dioxin is also found in burnt papers and is one of the poisons we get while we smoke cigarettes.

Sure no need to panic, just to read some medical articles on the net.


I believe there is no scientific evidence to say that dioxins can leach into water at generally low temperatures found in plastic water bottles. It has been refuted that dioxin leaches at microwave temperatures. What is known is that dioxins are released on burning. So unless you have a bonfire don't worry about it. :D

If you are worried about dioxins you can eat very little as they are all around you. :o


What a load of bunk. First SARS, then avian flu, now an outbreak of dioxin poisoning caused by white plastic containers. What will you worry warts think up next? You're a hoot!

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