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Making A Calculated Transfer Abroad

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Useful advise from http://uk.finance.yahoo.com/news/making-a-calculated-transfer-abroad-tele-b6f05456a8dc.html?x=0&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Do the maths and you could save yourself tens of thousands, says John Greenwood

Planning a new life in a foreign country can be exciting, and changing your money is probably one of the last things you want to think about.

But getting to grips with currency exchange is likely to save you thousands of pounds, and could make the difference between a successful new start and one day having to sell up and come home.

Whether for big one-off payments such as buying a property or regular payments such as income, pension, repatriating salary or monthly bills, you will almost always get more for your money by using a specialist currency dealer instead of your bank.

High street banks charge an average of four per cent more for foreign exchange than the cheapest operators, according to research by currency exchange specialist HiFX. With the average family emigrating from the UK taking assets of £250,000 with them, that adds up to a £10,000 exit penalty.

As important as picking the best value currency broker is choosing the best moment to change money. By giving yourself time, you may be able to avoid being hit by price shocks of up to 10 per cent caused by exchange rate volatility.

No organisation exchanges your money for nothing. Some offer a commission-free rate with a charge, while others offer a charge-free rate with commission. Some charge both.

Specialist foreign exchange companies are generally the cheapest option, and they typically charge no commission or fees, but make their profit on the difference between the rate they offer the consumer and the price they buy the currency. This is a premium on top of the interbank rate, which is the exchange rate set by the banks. For foreign exchange brokers, this premium is normally less than one per cent, while high street banks can charge as much as three per cent more, and often add fees in the region of £20 per transaction on top.

Buying a property abroad is likely to be your biggest foreign exchange transaction. Getting the best deal can save you thousands.

You can check the best rates at www.sendmoneyhome.org This is an online foreign exchange comparison site originally set up by the Department for International Development to help low-paid migrant workers source cheap deals, but is now used by expats of all income groups. The site tells you the best rates, the lowest fees and the fastest way to send money around the world.

Choosing when you change your money can also save, or cost, you thousands. Currencies move against each other constantly, and the global financial crisis has made them even more volatile, with 10 per cent fluctuations over periods as short as two weeks not uncommon.

Richard Kirk, head of personal transfers at Travelex, says: "If I was selling you a house, and said it might cost £300,000 or £330,000 depending on when you buy, you would be pretty upset. That is what happens when you buy in another currency."

Over longer periods, currencies can fluctuate more. Australia is a popular retirement destination, but its surging currency will have hit even the best laid migration plans recently. Two years ago, the Australian dollar stood at 2.709 to the pound. Today it stands at just 1.545, up 65 per cent. That means the sterling cost of an AUS$200,000 property has risen from £73,827 to £129,449.

If you have access to the funds for your property purchase today, you have two options. The risk-free option is to buy the currency today and put it on deposit, earning interest, until you are ready to make payment.

Alternatively, if you have a strong view that today's rates are poor, you can fix a "market order". This involves telling your foreign exchange broker the rate you are targeting. They then automatically make the exchange if and when the rate hits your target rate.

But this involves playing the currency markets, and there is no guarantee that you will get it right. Just because rates go up, it does not mean they go down again. Experts can, for example, tell us the Australian dollar is at a 28-year high in relation to sterling, but this tells us nothing about its future. "Back in the Forties a pound was worth US$5 dollars. Does that mean $2 to the pound was a bad rate?" says David Franks, chief executive of Blevins Franks, the expat tax planning firm.

But that does not mean you cannot make fluctuations in the interest rate work in your favour, and the one tip all currency specialists agree on is to start thinking about exchange rates early on. Leave it to the day before you have to transfer cash, and you give yourself no chance of getting a deal you can live with.

Mark Bodega, marketing director for HiFX, says: "The sooner you begin to understand what is happening with exchange rates, the more likely it is you will get a deal that is suitable. If there is a rate available and it will get you what you want, but you think it is a low rate, you should think about what it will mean to you if the rate gets even worse. If it means that you won't be able to buy the property you want, then you should accept the lower rate."

You can still fix at today's rate, even if you do not have the cash to hand over right now, by entering into a "forward contract". This allows you to buy the currency now, usually by putting down a 10 per cent deposit, and paying the balance any time over two years. The amount you pay will be slightly more than the broker's regular rate, to reflect the interest your sterling might generate between taking out the forward contract, and completing it.

Duncan Higgins, market analyst at Caxton FX, suggests moving your money across in tranches to spread risk. "If the rate then goes against you, at least you got part of your money exchanged at the favourable rate," he says.

But if you are ready to buy your property now but think today's rates are too low, you can take out a mortgage in the currency of your new country.

"People are taking out euro mortgages, keeping their pounds on deposit and waiting for the exchange rate to come back to a figure they are happy with before paying it off," says Miranda John, international manager at Savills Private Finance.

There are risks and costs to this strategy, however. The exchange rate may get even worse in future, meaning the property will end up costing you more, not less. You will pay to set up the mortgage often one per cent of the transaction value and you will be paying more interest on the overseas mortgage rate than you are getting on your sterling on deposit.

Specialist brokers can also take the hassle and expense out of regular payments, which can be made in one of three ways. You can fix an amount of sterling to be transferred monthly, although this means the amount you will receive will fluctuate with the exchange rate.

Secondly, you can opt to fix the amount of the foreign currency you receive, although the amount deducted from your UK bank account will vary each month.

Finally, you can lock into regular payments at an exchange rate for up to 24 months. If the rate goes down, you are protected against the falls; if it goes up, you lose out. You pay a deposit, but you will know how much you have to live off each month.

These payment methods are also available to anyone repatriating salary from abroad to the UK. While you can protect your spending power for up to two years by fixing a rate, this will not insure you against a prolonged downward trend in an exchange rate, as the many Britons who have had to return to the UK because of sterling's decline have found out to their cost.

The only way to insure against long-term currency exchange trends is to move assets into the country where you are spending. But many investments carry exit penalties, and you will incur charges on setting up new ones overseas. But if your move is permanent, it makes sense to put some savings and investments into the currency of your new home.

While the state pension will always be paid in sterling, you can now transfer your private pension to a new form of overseas plan called a qualifying registered overseas pension scheme. These allow you to put your pension assets into the currency of your new home and can also reduce your tax bill.

There's no short cut to avoiding currency risk, but when you learn what that risk actually means to you, the sooner you can build the financial foundations of your new life.

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I agree with this article's author that currency dealers offer the best deals when transfering money, and the article is balanced as it addresses repatriation of income from abroad too.

out of curiosity, has anyone actually used these currency dealers instead of banks to buy property?

Edited by reefsurfah
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"High street banks charge an average of four per cent more for foreign exchange than the cheapest operators, according to research by currency exchange specialist HiFX."

= load of crap! :bah:

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"High street banks charge an average of four per cent more for foreign exchange than the cheapest operators, according to research by currency exchange specialist HiFX."

= load of crap! :bah:

Well, if somebody is stupid enough to get the UK bank to exchange to THB before sending the money out here, then they will be maybe a couple of percent worse off than sending the GBP and letting the Thais exchange it. 4% on average does sound a bit much, though. But I can easily imagine there are UK banks that will screw their customers over this.

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