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First Aid Course


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I always figure that if it is a guy, you give him a beer and a pat on the back. If it is an attractive girl, you give her the kiss of life and perhaps a little chest compression if there is anything to compress. I have had no formal training but it has always worked for me. ;)

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Halfhead, do you seek a course in English or Thai? Do you have a group that needs the class or only one person? Do you seek general first aid or primarily the CPR course?

Let me know. The BIL says he can probably help if he knows exactly what it is you are looking for. If you need a course for you only, in English, then is might be difficult.

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A lot of basic first aid stuff is available on the internet. Stabilising people with serious injuries and treating minor ones can be learned like this. Even if you go to classes, like I did on a couple of occasions, they don't let you near any real victims anyway. :(

CPR is probably the most difficult part but is usually covered in a couple of lessons and ten minutes with large doll. (Boy that will get a few people interested).

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A lot of basic first aid stuff is available on the internet. Stabilising people with serious injuries and treating minor ones can be learned like this. Even if you go to classes, like I did on a couple of occasions, they don't let you near any real victims anyway. :(

CPR is probably the most difficult part but is usually covered in a couple of lessons and ten minutes with large doll. (Boy that will get a few people interested).

True. Lots of good vids out there if a guy does a search.

But maybe he is looking for classes in Thai for family or employees. I dunno if there are good vids on the net in Thai for this stuff.

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Thanks to those who left useful replies,

I think a course in thai for the wife would be a good start,(the basics choking etc,)

Our ten month old nearly choked to death on Friday,luckily slapping her back eventually worked

because its all I knew how to do,It would be nicer to be better prepared.

anyway thanks for the replies


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It just seems to me, that if people would include more information in their opening remarks, they could get more appropriate answers. Why in the world would one not include the initiating incident and reason for asking? I'm pretty sure first aid for infants and adults would be quite different, at least in practice.

Kandahar did try to get at what information is needed to give a serious answer but such information should be offered and not extracted later on by helpful but frustrated individuals trying to give useful advice.

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It just seems to me, that if people would include more information in their opening remarks, they could get more appropriate answers. Why in the world would one not include the initiating incident and reason for asking? I'm pretty sure first aid for infants and adults would be quite different, at least in practice.

Kandahar did try to get at what information is needed to give a serious answer but such information should be offered and not extracted later on by helpful but frustrated individuals trying to give useful advice.

Is this reply from an intelligent person????????????????

Maybe a computer generated reply.

Give the guy a break for **** sake

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So what are you so upset about? With no more than a topic title and a Cheers all, what do you expect. People continually ask questions and then later say what they really wanted and why. That just seems backwards to me. People need to learn how to ask intelligent questions if they want "useful replies". Looks to me as if someone is trying to stir the pot. :P

Edited by villagefarang
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So what are you so upset about? With no more than a topic title and a Cheers all, what do you expect. People continually ask questions and then later say what they really wanted and why. That just seems backwards to me. People need to learn how to ask intelligent questions if they want "useful replies". Looks to me as if someone is trying to stir the pot. :P

No stir, just trying to be fair to one of the few interesting posts that we see in Chiang Rai forum.

I think we have an unintelligent reply to a useful question not the other way about.

or maybe we should talk about good day, bad day and how far u live from Chiang Rai all the time.

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So what are you so upset about? With no more than a topic title and a Cheers all, what do you expect. People continually ask questions and then later say what they really wanted and why. That just seems backwards to me. People need to learn how to ask intelligent questions if they want "useful replies". Looks to me as if someone is trying to stir the pot. :P

No stir, just trying to be fair to one of the few interesting posts that we see in Chiang Rai forum.

I think we have an unintelligent reply to a useful question not the other way about.

or maybe we should talk about good day, bad day and how far u live from Chiang Rai all the time.

Gotta agree,or maybe we could talk about where you have coffee and what price it is,who gioves a s%$t,or even talk about dogs with ticks,very interesting topics (NOT),if you dont like the ?,dont give an answer (simple),and some of us are not all as clever as (no names) so give everyone a chance,well said dingdong,and pleased halfheads baby is ok.

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It suits me, I rarely need to access the forum for my own personal information now, most of my time spent here is trying to help new arrivals and tourists but if you guys find it boring I wont waste my time.

A lot of the guys in the sticks find the forum useful for the type of social interaction most people take for granted, but obviously dindong and woralak have a problem with this.

Like I said, I really can't be bothered if I have to put up with this type of shit if I want to talk about something that IS important to me, like ticks on my dog.

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It suits me, I rarely need to access the forum for my own personal information now, most of my time spent here is trying to help new arrivals and tourists but if you guys find it boring I wont waste my time.

A lot of the guys in the sticks find the forum useful for the type of social interaction most people take for granted, but obviously dindong and woralak have a problem with this.

Like I said, I really can't be bothered if I have to put up with this type of shit if I want to talk about something that IS important to me, like ticks on my dog.

No, no, no. Don't go away. MOST of us like a good tick story. Others like a good tock story. There's room for all.

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So what are you so upset about? With no more than a topic title and a Cheers all, what do you expect. People continually ask questions and then later say what they really wanted and why. That just seems backwards to me. People need to learn how to ask intelligent questions if they want "useful replies". Looks to me as if someone is trying to stir the pot. :P

There's really no need for anyone to get upset.

I did quite a bit of first Aid in my youth, and baby first Aid was very similar to Adult from what I could see. Just have to be a bit gentler. I've since forgotten almost all of it. And its constantly changing developing. We all need refreshers. It is a good topic, my Wife knows zero about first aid too. We had issues with the kids when they were young, luckily I was around. All kids get to choke on a sweet. Not everyone knows to turn them upside down and pat them on the back instead of breaking their ribs with the Himelick manouvre or what ever its called. If the original poster had mentioned a baby in the first place then the answers would probably have been more sensitive and perhaps no Jokes.

We are all different. VF will keep trying to up the content to his perceived level. I'll keep trying to keep the content at my level. I.e. Backwards :whistling:

Kd will hopefully keep contributing with his essays , Scea will keep trying to change the subject :D and hopefully Limbo will be back on the Football thread and some of his history threads which I always look forward to reading.

And Hopefully, McG will keep moderating with his subtle 'Hands off Approach"

I nearly forgot, People don't need to 'learn' how to ask intelligent questions, Its not the Mensa forum. The question was intelligent enough. The op was probably just touching the subject and didn't want to go into detail.

Its a Forum Guys, Bad day, Good day, Coffee , Most of them are written with the intention of trying to get people to participate or just having a laugh , We're also lucky to have a Forum considering the activity or lack of.

OK, We have a dig from time to time. We need to get over ourselves and contribute, there's room for all of us in my opinion which ofcourse counts for nothing :D .

Have a nice Day you'll ;)

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Do you know what I thought when I saw the OP, all two words of it not including heading?

I thought, he’s looking for a job on the rigs or something similar and needs it for his resume. Because I’ve done first aid courses and virtually everyone else was there because their company sent them, or they were looking for a job that needed it.

If the comments were flippant there may be a chance the poster thought the same, but no, he’s instantly judged on the later revelations of choking babies.

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So what are you so upset about? With no more than a topic title and a Cheers all, what do you expect. People continually ask questions and then later say what they really wanted and why. That just seems backwards to me. People need to learn how to ask intelligent questions if they want "useful replies". Looks to me as if someone is trying to stir the pot. :P

There's really no need for anyone to get upset.

I did quite a bit of first Aid in my youth, and baby first Aid was very similar to Adult from what I could see. Just have to be a bit gentler. I've since forgotten almost all of it. And its constantly changing developing. We all need refreshers. It is a good topic, my Wife knows zero about first aid too. We had issues with the kids when they were young, luckily I was around. All kids get to choke on a sweet. Not everyone knows to turn them upside down and pat them on the back instead of breaking their ribs with the Himelick manouvre or what ever its called. If the original poster had mentioned a baby in the first place then the answers would probably have been more sensitive and perhaps no Jokes.

We are all different. VF will keep trying to up the content to his perceived level. I'll keep trying to keep the content at my level. I.e. Backwards :whistling:

Kd will hopefully keep contributing with his essays , Scea will keep trying to change the subject :D and hopefully Limbo will be back on the Football thread and some of his history threads which I always look forward to reading.

And Hopefully, McG will keep moderating with his subtle 'Hands off Approach"

I nearly forgot, People don't need to 'learn' how to ask intelligent questions, Its not the Mensa forum. The question was intelligent enough. The op was probably just touching the subject and didn't want to go into detail.

Its a Forum Guys, Bad day, Good day, Coffee , Most of them are written with the intention of trying to get people to participate or just having a laugh , We're also lucky to have a Forum considering the activity or lack of.

OK, We have a dig from time to time. We need to get over ourselves and contribute, there's room for all of us in my opinion which ofcourse counts for nothing :D .

Have a nice Day you'll ;)

Thats fair comment Jubby,i also live in the (sticks) but i visit the forum every day,i dont post that much mainly becuase i dont have a lot to say,but when i need info i always check in here,in the main we do receive very good advice/help,but some replies are having a dig at the poster that feels he has a genuine question (at least to him),also the jibes are in bad taste,like i said if you dont have any cotributoin /answer that would be helpful to the poster then please refrain to this childish piss taking.

This attitude wont help people who have a question to ask but dont incase their going tto be slated or mocked,it will also put people off visiting the forum if that is all there is to offer,one other thing its all very will dishing it out but if you cant take it then dont give it,banter is great but but please take into consideration your answer as it may offend,in dingdongs case i dont think giving his kid a beer or or a massage would have been much help.

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Scea, You know what they say here don't you :whistling:

"Falang think too Mut" :D

I just thought he was interested in a first aid course, It was a bit lacking in detail but hey , we're all different. No probs that I can see. maybe I just lack your immagination :D Anyway, Hows the Weather in Chiang Rai and will that Noahs Ark float and is it really going to be a 'Den of Iniquity' :whistling::D

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first aid for infants is, indeed, very different from first aid for adults. I have had first aid training as part of my job. It was, however, completely inadequate as it consisted of a one day course. It included how to put people into the recovery position, establish whether they're breathing or not and CPR. The instructor admitted it was next to useless as by the time we would need to use it we would have forgotten most, if not all of it. He did touch on CPR for infants but pointed out that, as is also the case with adults, you are likely to cause some damage to the patient whilst administering CPR. This is, of course, balanced out by the fact that if you don't do it they may well die. It is something that requires quite intensive training and regular practice. We had the CPR for infants described to us but were told that it should really only be a very last resort and ideally should only be done by front line medical staff.

He also pointed out that it is a skill in itself to know when CPR is necessary, so I would only use videos as a guide to understand how to unblock an airway or put someone in the recovery position, also to pass on accurate and useful information to the emergency services as quickly as possible.

Actual practice of potentially life saving and/or life threatening techniques should only be done under the supervision of suitably qualified professionals.

If you do it wrong you can do more harm than good.

If the OP finds suitable training in the area then it should be regularly attended to keep it all fresh in the mind. When someone is in an emergency situation it's easy to panic and freeze but if you've been regularly schooled it tends to kick in automatically.

I'm also glad to hear the youngster is ok, must be very frightening for all concerned.

I also feel I must add that I'm a bit surprised that some folk decided to use this thread to belittle other discussions about coffee and ticks and good/bad days and agree with VF that the OP's first post could have had more information, but hey. it didn't, and we got there in the end ay?

I guess there's always a risk, when you take part in open discussions on a public forum that some people will use what you have said in the past as some kind of rod to beat you with, still, as the mrs says 'they have mouth, if they want to talk, cannot stop, up to them'

cheers, Biff

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Like I said. if the baby had been mentioned first then you would have got nothing but concern and thoughtful responses. I give it and can take it, It touches a nerve sometimes but I get over it, Lifes too short and sh&t there are many many more important things going on in my life than this forum, please allow us to have a laugh. I only really have a dig at someone I know personaly and know they can take it. A fair bit of hidden meanings in there too, but the recipients know that. I don't think anyones going to be completely nasty to any newbies , quite the opposite. People shouldn't be too sensitive about words on a almost anonomous forum in my opinion. The moderator does and has stepped in when its been necessary, but its not often. You have to give people the benefit of the doubt. Some of us just want a laugh , some of us want and give info and some want to improve things to their level, and some just don't get it :ph34r:

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Okay, so we have heard from the 'users' of this forum and how they need to be treated with kid gloves. Now what about the actual 'contributors' who do all the legwork in finding answers to all these question, often with little direction, no thanks and no followup. It is always the same thoughtful individuals running around trying to find answers to vague off the cuff questions that show little thought or preparation.

Perhaps intelligent questions are indeed too much to ask for. One should at least put in a fraction of the effort one is expecting from the people who will search for the answer.

For example. "Hey guys I need some help and if you could point me in the right direction it would be greatly appreciated. The other day we had a slight choking incident with our infant choking on some food. It became clear that no one in the family had the knowledge or training to deal with medical emergencies. If someone could tell us where we might go, or who we might contact, to arrange a first aid course, in Thai and or English, I would be most grateful."

On the other hand if the OP were looking for a certificate or something more geared toward a dangerous work environment that would be good to know before kandahar or one of the very few contributors to this forum, sets off on a search for answers. If people can't or don't want to do their own legwork for some reason, they could at least provide enough information in their questions so that the rest of us don't waist our time going off in the wrong direction.

While I'm at it, thank you Jubby for being more balanced today. Usually you put it all on me to put up with the shouting and profanity while forgetting to mention to others that their histrionics are not necessary or productive. ;)

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Scea, You know what they say here don't you :whistling:

"Falang think too Mut" :D

I just thought he was interested in a first aid course, It was a bit lacking in detail but hey , we're all different. No probs that I can see. maybe I just lack your immagination :D Anyway, Hows the Weather in Chiang Rai and will that Noahs Ark float and is it really going to be a 'Den of Iniquity' :whistling::D

As usual I have virtually no idea what you're talking about.

If anyone wants me I'll be sitting with Limbo out the front of the Swiss delicatessen. (I'll be the one drinking Coke Lite).

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banter is great but but please take into consideration your answer as it may offend,in dingdongs case i dont think giving his kid a beer or or a massage would have been much help.

Interesting how it is always considered okay by some to use censored profanity "****" when responding to perceived slights. Not sure how "****" can be considered banter, inoffensive or considerate. Of course no one was suggesting giving beer to or massaging children because of course no one knew we were talking about children. And who's fault is that?

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Scea, You know what they say here don't you :whistling:

"Falang think too Mut" :D

I just thought he was interested in a first aid course, It was a bit lacking in detail but hey , we're all different. No probs that I can see. maybe I just lack your immagination :D Anyway, Hows the Weather in Chiang Rai and will that Noahs Ark float and is it really going to be a 'Den of Iniquity' :whistling::D

As usual I have virtually no idea what you're talking about.

If anyone wants me I'll be sitting with Limbo out the front of the Swiss delicatessen. (I'll be the one drinking Coke Lite).

OK %eR$#^* (Hidden profanity here) , That makes two of us Scea. :huh:

Hows Limbo today anyway, Tell him we miss him. Honestly :(

So today we've got two new words . Histrionics and profanity.

Histrionics I'm not even going to look that up, I doubt I'd understand it anyway , but ofcourse I'm sure it wouldn't apply to moi B)

Profanity, well thats a good one. I have and I know others who use this so called profanity for added expression and occasionally due to a limited volcabularly. I can see its still profanity to others but not to me. I don't expect anyone, least Scea to understand what I'm trying to say here. maybe I digress ................ B)

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You will note dear Jubby, by visiting your profile page, that I have launched you on the path to a better reputation. :D This is due to your stellar post further up the page. You are still "neutral" but have advanced from zero to one. No thanks necessary, I'm just trying to spread the joy. ;)

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You will note dear Jubby, by visiting your profile page, that I have launched you on the path to a better reputation. :D This is due to your stellar post further up the page. You are still "neutral" but have advanced from zero to one. No thanks necessary, I'm just trying to spread the joy. ;)

Stellar , thats some sort of belgium Lager. Never touch the stuff it brings out the beast in me. There was one time when I found myself on the roof of a Taxi, never touched the stuff to this day .

If I was into Brownie point's and I'm unfortunately not, I would suspect 'Neutral' was far too good for me. My reputation in the real world , if indeed anyone can convince me its real seems to be in a constant state of Flux these days ;-)

As for Pricks, I've always been a prick but my mother Loves me, or so they say

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