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Dangers Of Taking Your Thai Wife / Gf To Your Country


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There are many bad stories about foreign women who changed dramatically in character when brought to a western country.

They just begin to have the same aspirations as western women.

A comfortable life and kind husband then aren't enough anymore.

Happens with not only Thais, but also Russians, Brazilians, etc.

Never ever bring a woman from developing countries to live with you in a western country.

Edited by tgw
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It's my view that If you are worried about taking your wife back to your home country then your relationship is on rocky ground to start with and maybe you have not married the right person.

I was concerned how my wife would settle as she had never left Thailand before, so I was actually delighted that she soon found Thai friends to socialise with. I feel that It really helped her to settle. I remember clearly the delight when she was able to visit friends and actually eat home cooked Thai food in a country that was foreign to her. She could also just pick up the phone and have a chat in her own language.

We have now been married nearly ten years and have two beautiful children.It depends on the person you marry, as they say a Leopard doesn't change it's spots ! I remember a trip to Thailand after we had been married a couple of years and meeting a friend of my wife's and her new husband. I started chatting to him and told him how nice it would be for his wife if she could find some Thai friends when he took her back home. I will never forget the look of horror on his face ! He thought it was a terrible idea and suggested that this would give his wife the opportunity to stray. Well he took her back home and the marriage didn't last 'til the end of the year !

Put the shoe on the other foot. If you married your Thai wife and then went to live in her town/village/city or wherever how would you feel if she told you that you could not mix or meet with other farangs, or go out for a beer ?

<------- THAT :jap: sa too

RJT used capitals as well.

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I have a friend who brought his wife back to the states and he tried to keep her at home and out of sight. This only worked for a while and she started making friends and worked in a restarurant she had guys hitting on her ( very good looking woman ). They have had their ups and downs but still together back in Thailand now.

No not every Thai woman leaves her older , fat, and bald husband at the first chance.

Edited by moe666
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If the option was open to me I'd quite happily bring as many pretty young ladies back to Canada with me as I could. They could stay for as long as they wanted and then hopefully move on to find some nice young guy their own age. But, with our antiquated laws written by self righteous bigots I can't do that. So, I have to leave the flowers where they grow. What we need is far more hookers and far fewer politicians and lawyers, and the world would be a much better place.

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Interesting Robblok you are spot on, there are not many Thai Girls here who do not cheat certainly in the bars they drink in hubby is nowhere to be seen and some i have seen in the windows due to Imigration being difficult it doesn't take a genius to work out the real motive for coming here. Thing is in Amsterdam there is a very close Thai community drinking cards and whoring seem second nature.

What's with the Thai bashing? Why is this not deleted, if I posted it, it would be trolling right?

Whoring Thailands second nature? No. I believe that's what you farang folk have been pushing on poor struggling Thai women for the last 70 years, and basically turned it into a monster.

Do you actually read what people post or are you just to quick to jump in and assume the worst? I am not talking about all Thai girls or even Thai girls in Thailand, as you know there are some and i quote some Thai girls with an alternative motive and Amsterdam provides these Girls with a golden ticket to make money from whoring taking advantage of Amsterdams tolerance to Girls in the windows selling themselves or whoring (same same) for 50 euro or 80 euro for a 20 minute ride. The Thai bars are located convieniently next to the Red light area and as i said some of these girls work in the windows.

I've been reading what has been going on.

One man talking about his wife, when there and found a new love and life, and was whoring around because of some Thai friends.

And I see a bunch of posters coming in his defense talking about "yea that's a Thais second nature (to whore around), or yea my wife has done that"

I got Thai blood in me, so I'm going to defend my people whether right or wrong, since I'm the only one that looks like he does defend Thai people in this forum.

Don't like it, KICK ROCKS, or don't read my posts.



These guys complain there wife or GF has left them. What do you expect. SHE is lonely, misses the family, has no friends, most of you are not even the same person you where in Thailand when you go back home. Someone was talking about getting his wife or GF pregnant so she will stay home. That's cool if you both want and are ready, but not to do if you want your wife at home 24/7/365 that's just selfish. I mean look in the mirror, and be honest.

Why is it, one Thai person can hurt you and then the whole race garbage? One black steals from you, now they all steal right?


Your reply is a load of &lt;deleted&gt;, your right i won't read your posts.

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Just to make a few things clear, i don't think that what happend with my ex wife happens to all Thai girls that go to the west. However there are a lot who will end up like this like other posters confirmed. I gave her all the freedom she could wish for (and i would do it again because if i cant trust her then there would be no relation).

I just came back from 3 days spending time with her daughters (no relation to me but still have a good time) they came to Thailand to see their dad and see me because i raised them at a crucial time in their life. I was always good and kind and they still tell me it was not my mistake.

I was just giving out some advice here, the whoring isn't the thing that happens most but them getting miserable because they miss Thailand and their family is. I think that those of you who really live here opposed to the guys coming here on long holidays understand that. It takes a certain type of person to pick up his life and leave and be happy in an other country. I would say that Westerners are more suitable for that (if you look at our culture and how we are raised).

I also raised some points about girls leaving their guys who are homer Simson look a likes and this happens too, especially as the guy besides looking bad has a bad character too. After reading it here it seems that many guys experienced the things i posted here. So it is more common then you think, but if you have lived here with your girl for a while you certainly decrease the risks exponentially, but if you promise here mountains of gold (or make her believe this) and take her home on the first plane you can find your setting yourself up to fail.

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I'm either will be king of these forums or the most hated lol!

I'm leaning towards most hated, cause of alot of people gang up on me with there sayings and smart comments just on the strenght of one mans opinion.


I think most pitied might be a little more apt. :rolleyes:

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I'm either will be king of these forums or the most hated lol!

I'm leaning towards most hated, cause of alot of people gang up on me with there sayings and smart comments just on the strenght of one mans opinion.


I think most pitied might be a little more apt. :rolleyes:

If he ever finds a forum where he is king then the following proverb would be real appropriate "in the land of the blind one eye is king"

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To the OP: I had the pleasure to meet you... and you related me your past experience which was -face to face- a much more interesting story, than in front of of a screen.

To the others: I met my Thai girlfriend ten years ago in a bar... But that was the poolbar of the Amandari, in Bali, Indonesia... She was holidaying there... I was working!

Anyway, back to Rob topic, for my point of view it has nothing to do with race or culture.... but just social level and education!

My girlfriend (she is 1000% Thai... born in Dusit!) has a German passport because her Mum has successfull businesses there, but she hates Europe even more than me.

Just more easy for both of us to travel B)

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Actually, some people are beyond help.

Some families here are so dysfunctional that mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons and daughters help one another to cheat. so long as they get some benefit out of the scam.

you really dont need to understand or know your wife well enough, you need to know the entire family and friends, because those are who they turn to when life takes a bump.

I wish everyone goodluck, but I am done marrying a thai woman when i can walk down the streets and get 5 pretty ones every day. My avatar is my proof.

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To the OP: I had the pleasure to meet you... and you related me your past experience which was -face to face- a much more interesting story, than in front of of a screen.

To the others: I met my Thai girlfriend ten years ago in a bar... But that was the poolbar of the Amandari, in Bali, Indonesia... She was holidaying there... I was working!

Anyway, back to Rob topic, for my point of view it has nothing to do with race or culture.... but just social level and education!

My girlfriend (she is 1000% Thai... born in Dusit!) has a German passport because her Mum has successfull businesses there, but she hates Europe even more than me.

Just more easy for both of us to travel B)

I'm sure.. its not a racial thing.. but education... social level too and some culture. I am not saying Thais are prostitutes because they are Thais or whatever. It also depends on the girl for sure, anyway.

And yes it is a bit better to talk face to face. Anyway i posted this more as a warning for people rushing into things. Once you live here you get a much better idea of what is possible and how some girls are then when your on a holiday.

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It's my view that If you are worried about taking your wife back to your home country then your relationship is on rocky ground to start with and maybe you have not married the right person.

I was concerned how my wife would settle as she had never left Thailand before, so I was actually delighted that she soon found Thai friends to socialise with. I feel that It really helped her to settle. I remember clearly the delight when she was able to visit friends and actually eat home cooked Thai food in a country that was foreign to her. She could also just pick up the phone and have a chat in her own language.

We have now been married nearly ten years and have two beautiful children.It depends on the person you marry, as they say a Leopard doesn't change it's spots ! I remember a trip to Thailand after we had been married a couple of years and meeting a friend of my wife's and her new husband. I started chatting to him and told him how nice it would be for his wife if she could find some Thai friends when he took her back home. I will never forget the look of horror on his face ! He thought it was a terrible idea and suggested that this would give his wife the opportunity to stray. Well he took her back home and the marriage didn't last 'til the end of the year !

Put the shoe on the other foot. If you married your Thai wife and then went to live in her town/village/city or wherever how would you feel if she told you that you could not mix or meet with other farangs, or go out for a beer ?

<------- THAT :jap: sa too

RJT used capitals as well.

Actually that is Font 7 in bold type to get the piont across buddy ...

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I'm either will be king of these forums or the most hated lol!

I'm leaning towards most hated, cause of alot of people gang up on me with there sayings and smart comments just on the strenght of one mans opinion.


I think most pitied might be a little more apt. :rolleyes:

If he ever finds a forum where he is king then the following proverb would be real appropriate "in the land of the blind one eye is king"

Be a forum King? Nope,

I don't want that title, I have better things to do but find it funny to shut down some off the things people say on these forums.

Whether I'm defending the women the men or country of Thailand I am definatly hitting a nerve with alot of you older westerners ... But with all the attention and replys / quotes I'm getting just off a few posts I should feel like something or someone is getting very bothered or angry at what I'm saying.

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"dangerous"? Too bloody dangerous for my liking,she'd be looking at young studs,they'd be looking at her,she'd be thinking "what the hel_l am i doing with this old guy" they'd be thinking the same.Just too many pressures.

Go for a holiday but not for good,and if you can get out of the holiday trip,so much the better.Am talking here where the age difference is 20 years or more.

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I wish everyone goodluck, but I am done marrying a thai woman when i can walk down the streets and get 5 pretty ones every day. My avatar is my proof.

Just checked it, looks like Boyz Town would be more your cup of tea.

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My wife received a job teaching pre-school within 1 week of being in my home country and has worked her butt off since then. She mingles with some Thais but we are together 99.9 percent of our free time. She got the job of her own volition, she is a contributer; I have always known what kind of person she is because there is real genuine communication in our relationship, we are around the same age and possess similar levels of education.

Can you say the same about your wife?

My wife has Thai friends, but doesn't see them much. She works 6-7 days a week, saves most of her money for the future, and buys land in Thailand for investment, She doesn't drink or smoke, her only bad habit is a certain clothes shop :lol: and I don't fault her for that. Shes 25 years younger than I am and we have no communication issues what so ever. She is still hot and I love and adore her and she loves me. There are no trust issues, I trust her totally as she does me.

It does rankle me that so many people whose taste in women tend to be bar girls as they don't know how, or don't wanna take the time to meet a different class of Thai Lady.

There are many good decent Thai women, don't use a broad brush to paint all with the limited knowledge you have of the total society.

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There are many bad stories about foreign women who changed dramatically in character when brought to a western country.

They just begin to have the same aspirations as western women.

A comfortable life and kind husband then aren't enough anymore.

Happens with not only Thais, but also Russians, Brazilians, etc.

Never ever bring a woman from developing countries to live with you in a western country.

What he says

Most of us come here to avoid western women, why risk turning our new loves into what we wish most to avoid.

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I am still very much attracted to western women and don't fear any post relationship reprisals. I'd rather give a relation a good go and know that my partner was in it as deep as me. If things go wrong at least we can say we were in it for each other and have those great memories. I love European women mainly because they can really discuss things. I remember once getting caught up with a woman who couldn't talk about anything of any importance. Even on the way to work Chris moyles was joking on the radio about being 24 when he was 30 something. She argued even about that until someone at work showed her the truth on the radio one website. Being with her was physically painful so it ended. I don't know what its like to be able to share your life with someone that you can't talk about your deepest values and ideas with. But I am happy for those who can do it and find here is the place to find the object of their affection.

I've met barely a handful of women who would talk openly even about politics but, I'll say this. Two of them I would never want to be without. Absolutely the most engaging female company I've found here. sadly (?) they are spoken for and another is 17 years my junior, So friendships are much more suitable.

Its good that this warning went out but I think its from someone who is not of the same value disposition of most forum readers.

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Suggesting that if you bring your thai wife to your home country that she may become a prostitute is ridiculous. She was ALWAYS a prostitute she just did a good job of hiding it from you or you did a bad job of figuring it out.

Exactly,.remove those rose colored glasses you fools !:D
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i would never take an attractive Thai woman to the West. It would take her about 10 minutes to realize what a loser I am.

Around here it is not difficult to just blend in. :P

Refreshingly honest, UG. But I'm sure you're being a little too hard on yourself. You're too nice a guy!

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It's my view that If you are worried about taking your wife back to your home country then your relationship is on rocky ground to start with and maybe you have not married the right person.

I was concerned how my wife would settle as she had never left Thailand before, so I was actually delighted that she soon found Thai friends to socialise with. I feel that It really helped her to settle. I remember clearly the delight when she was able to visit friends and actually eat home cooked Thai food in a country that was foreign to her. She could also just pick up the phone and have a chat in her own language.

We have now been married nearly ten years and have two beautiful children.It depends on the person you marry, as they say a Leopard doesn't change it's spots ! I remember a trip to Thailand after we had been married a couple of years and meeting a friend of my wife's and her new husband. I started chatting to him and told him how nice it would be for his wife if she could find some Thai friends when he took her back home. I will never forget the look of horror on his face ! He thought it was a terrible idea and suggested that this would give his wife the opportunity to stray. Well he took her back home and the marriage didn't last 'til the end of the year !

Put the shoe on the other foot. If you married your Thai wife and then went to live in her town/village/city or wherever how would you feel if she told you that you could not mix or meet with other farangs, or go out for a beer ?

<------- THAT :jap: sa too

RJT used capitals as well.

Actually that is Font 7 in bold type to get the piont across buddy ...

:huh: My Ears Are Burning!!!!!!!!

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Basicaly you are trolling

I'm not trolling.

I have an opinion.

I'm not trashing anyone, just letting "the forum" know what I think.

How come it's so one sided here? If someone disagrees, abunch of people gang in and try to report trolling to the MODs?


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