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:o Another crock of shit. Anyone want to bet that the very people that are coming up with this latest crackdown are probably also the greatest users of anything goes clubs? TIT all smoke and mirrors!

I truly think that it is a crock of shit also,,what do they think they are doing?

That will get them no points at all,even looks silly on paper.

Why don't they try cleaning up the real things that people are again, Like the youth whore houses that we hear so much about, Even before I came here to live this time,I was asked about the kiddy whore houses for the pedophile tourists that are booking tours out of Germany for the express purpose of bringing pedophile to BKK to indulge their pervert interests.

You can read in the papers about the fight to stop them,but I never hear about any of them getting busted. And I was asked about this by a tour booking person in the USA that books tours for a French co.

prostitution is illegal in Thailand,how long would it take you to get layed if you went looking? I do not know as I only spent 2 days in BKK and then left for CM,and while in BKK I just took my daughter to the zoo and croc farm and sight seeing, So I really only know what I hear.

So why don't some of you that live in BKK and such places where this is happening ,check it out and post addresses and how you found them and about such things that are an affront to normal people.

From what I hear, Thailand is a "PERVERT PARADISE", lets see what we can do about that.,seems to me that someone UP THERE is making a lot of money.

They have way to many cops in this country to justify the amount of law enforcement that is being done.

The last time I was in BKK,we came out of the Thai Immigration,went to the sidewalk and hailed a cab,I had lit a smoke just as we came out and so i threw it in a rain drain and got into the cab,a cop pulled us out of the cab and wrote me a 300 baht ticket for it and said to throw butts in a shitcan,of which there were none. now that is the kind of law enforcement you have and there is a whore every 15 feet thru out town.


Anyone have fashion tv? this seems to be the norm in the fashion industry.

What are these nipple stickers they mentioned?

I took a walk down Pat Pong road one time last year, that is as close as I have come to the go go bars and so forth, have never seen a teeny brothel. Do they exist or is it just a media hype thing?

I am a bit niave when it comes to the seedy aspect of LOS, but before I actually came here all the stories put me right off. I met my Thai wife overseas and before that I only ever heard about Thailand in the media and the sex tourism documentries, if it wasn't for my wife I would never have come to find out the real LOS.

Glad I did.

Guest IT Manager

Teeny brothels exist all over Thailand. Have had them pointed out, well "it" rather" than "them" by locals I was visiting in the country. I asked if they had ever seen a "farang" there, their answer an emphatic "NO".

BTW a Thai view of teeny seems to be 15-18 years of age.

The documentaries I have seen, funded by people who have never been in the LOS at the behest of well intentioned but badly informed employees of NGO's etc., do nothing for the image of LOS and really seem to only be pushing their particular wheelbarrow, ably guided for want of a better word, by a single self serving parliamentarian who, with trying regularity "raids" a knock shop and gasp!! finds 15 or 16 yr old Isaani girl who was supposedly traded off by her Dad.

Not to suggest it doesn't happen, but it seems to me with the thousands of underage hookers described on Western television to the shock of some and the hardons of others, seem to be quite invisible according to my wife, who knows about such things from people she has worked with at times preparing surveys of the locals, about their use of brothels, visiting prostitutes etc.

If western press actually spent some time doing some actual research, I suspect they would find the problem is in the minds of under-funded lesbiangos as my wife is wont to describe them. No juice no money. Ergo; make juice.

Elsewhere in the forum the expression "crock of shit" has been used to describe a situation extant in the minds of the proclaimers.


What about the thing going on last year about the CD that the officials here would not let be sold in Thailand because the photo on the album was taken in a thai boxing ring and showed an advdrtisement on the wall for a teeny whore house and the PM blew his top??

I remember the issue but never saw the photo so I can not say if it was true or not.

And I do know that the travel agent that told me about there being such things in Thailand knows what she is talking about and do not doubt her in the least.She had no axe to grind and is a very close friend of a friend of mine.

Guest IT Manager

As I said Kevin, it goes on, just, IMHO, nowhere near as much as the western one handed newspapers would have us believe. I am not aware of the CD issue so am not equipped to comment on that.

Perhaps the censor recognised it from his usual Friday Foray into the dens of iniquity in Pattaya.


I am not aware of the CD issue so am not equipped to comment on that.


FYI. I was working in Singapore when that came up, so I saw it on the news.

The singer was Christina Aguilera and it did cause quite a stir. I think it might have been in the video clip.

I believe it was totally innocent on the artists behalf tho.

I read a book recently called Sex Slaves, boring book full of so called facts that seemed irrelevant, but the assumptions made were that every girl in asia around the age of 12/13 was on the game. More often than not sold by her father to buy a bag of rice.

Written by a Lady from, and living in the U.K.


Hey, this is Thailand, and the Thai's can do what they want to do, no matter what we think Most of us live here as a guest of the Thai Gov't, that is those of us who have the proper visas. I have lived here 4 years, could live here 1000 and still not fully understand the Thai way of thinking. TIT

Guest IT Manager
I read a book recently called Sex Slaves, boring book full of so called facts that seemed irrelevant, but the assumptions made were that every girl in asia around the age of 12/13 was on the game. More often than not sold by her father to buy a bag of rice.

Written by a Lady from, and living in the U.K.

Maybe one of the lesbiango's my wife referred to. They have a living to make, and do a fine job of it. Suffer the results upon someone elses shoulders. They have whats her name the parliamentarian to do the raids.

Is it wrong for me to think that people who have nothing better to do with their time should actually do something instead of raising funds to support their fund raising to look into the possibility of forming a coalition of others who raise funds for the same things.

Years ago, I spent some research time looking into support directions for my son, and contacted a couple of local organisations working with "people with AIDS" they told me. I went along to see what they did hoping maybe to get some directions on dealing with my son.

In fact all of them knew someone with the virus, most had a "friend" with the virus, but essentially all they did was go to gab fests and talk about fund raising. Never saw any funds going to people who have the virus, <deleted> no that was too limiting altogether. Much better to gather information and form coalitions to lobby governments, (Not Thailand's surprise surprise) to raise money to research better ways to raise funds.

In my opinion the AIDS industry is just that, as is the industry surrounding child sex. Hear lots of talk, see lots of news items, see maybe 4 people a year in Pattaya done for phuquing boys from the beach, who were there hustling because they were trying to raise funds. This could become a circle so I will stop but you get my drift.

If half the people dedicating their existance to raising funds for the victims/whatever of the issue they are so keen to "educate not proliferate" probably find a lot more kids living 7 to 10 years, rather than 6-18 months.

That little issue is absolute bullshit IMHO. Now, with the meds (GPOvir) costing 1,346 baht per month for the cocktail plus vitamin support and a preventative like Bactrim at 180 baht per month, dying in 6-8 months is bullshit perpetrated on Thailand by these same lesbiango's. To be fair, they are not always, but my wife says enough of them are for it to be an accurate generalisation.

And for the record if anyone here is from an organisation specialising in the AIDS industry and wants to have a go for what I have said, feel free, because when I cremate my 19 year old friend from round the corner, and in a few years, my son, be very sure I will take it very phuquing personally. And no I haven't raised funds. :o

Also to BKKHarry, tomorrow when you are sober, reread your post and edit it, or apologise. Thai people don't condone child sex, though it may be true that many do practice it. Thats like saying that all foreigners who live in LOS condone it becaue it has been going on for years. Thats not true so either you mis wrote your post or you are full of shti, which I personally am not convinced of.


WAY TO GO IT M, I am with you all the way, I had to bury a 38 year old son who died from AIDS,so I know how you feel.

Those drug cocktails are a bitch.

And thanks for the kick in the ass of BKKHARRY, If as he says the Thai people were for it ,then there wouldn't be a law again it. sounds to me like a draft dodger or some other form of liberal.

As to your views on the fund raising, Very little money,if any makes it to the people it was collected to help,,just as my friends in the states said when I told them I was thinking of collecting a little money to help me buy winter jackets and shoes for the kids at my wifes school as there are some very poor people live in those mountains and some of the children have never owned shoes in their lives, they said"we'll send you some money,at least it will go to the kids" and they got my bank address and the checks started to come in quick.and these are friends that I have never seen but met on a forum.



Accidental exposure of breasts okay, says Sant

BANGKOK: It is not illegal if the breasts of a fashion model become partly exposed while she is on the catwalk, the national police chief said yesterday.

“Intention is the key [to decide whether an act is illegal]. It appears the models intended to show the beauty of clothes they were wearing, not their breasts,” Pol Gen Sant Sarutanond said. He noted that most of the models had their nipples covered, although they did not wear bras in the show.

Sant said he did not think such “accidental” exposure could be regarded as a lewd act or a stage show aimed at inducing lust, both of which are offences under Thai law.

The controversy arose following a recent fashion show in which models provoked the ire of the Culture Ministry by parading in flimsy clothes that exposed their breasts.

The chairman of the House committee on religion, arts and culture yesterday criticised the Culture Ministry for what he called its inability to deal with the issue.

MP Vichai Chaijitwanitkul said the committee agreed that if the ministry did nothing about the matter, it would complain directly to the prime minister to spur an action.

Vichai said the ministry should first contact fashionshow organisers in writing, advising them against breast exposure on the catwalk. If the suggestion is not heeded, he said, the ministry could file a police complaint against the organisers and models involved.

Culture Minister Anurak Jureemas said the ministry was doing everything it could to deal with the matter, although there were no specific laws for this situation.

--The Nation 2003-11-18

The original story is here



All I was saying I DON'T understand the Thai way off thinking, and I have been living here for four years. Maybe you know much more than I. Why the cheap shot?

######, sorry but don't drink. Read my post-as I said I don't understand the Thai way of thinking, do you?


There was a documentary on Brit TV a while back investigating Kiddie brothels in LOS.

They went to this dirt town near the Cambodian border (if I remember correctly), there they found some teenage boys directing them to some dirt floor huts. In one of the huts was about 10 girls and a couple of boys. The English guy used his translator to ask their ages, all the time acting like a customer, if memory serves they ranged from 5 to 11. He haggled and bought a nine year olds time. Can’t remember the cost – forty dollars US comes to mind, but not sure. He was shown into the only other room of the hut which was merely a wicker wall and a curtain. Inside there was a straw pallet bed about 5 foot long (far too small for the journalist) – this is where he backed out and left.

They spent several more days filming ‘visitors’ – apparently there were several such places in this village and it was well known. Think they spotted two westerners – A German and a Scandinavian (can’t remember exactly which country). There was also a group of several Japanese men and a Japanese woman (?) – not sure if they were lost or what. The journalist approached some of the foreigners, but got little info (the westerners were not happy, the Japanese looked bemused).

They reported their findings to some Thai official, who said he would stamp it out. I wonder if anything happened?

There was speculation that the girls came from Cambodia, but may have just a likely been Hill Tribe etc.



bkkharry,Sorry if I misumderstood you, It seemed to me that you were saying that if they did a thing that it was OK with you,as it is their country.

I will go along with that thinking to a certain extent but not to a point to where it harms children.

I am not new in thailand or the far-east in general,I first came to Thailand in 68 and moved here and got married 3 years ago, and was here as a visitor many times.

My take on thai thinking is that if it happens,it happens and don't make waves,maybe I don't like it but there is nothing I can do about it.

Now that is what it looks like to me,last year we had a power problem and it was hard on our electric and electronic equipment,Very seldom the power would get up to 220,and mostly ran 180 tops and down to 160,burning up computers and reefers and air cons.I told my wife to call the power co and bitch,she said there was nothing we could do,,so I phoned them and told them,,the next day they came,found a bad transformer and replaced it,told me they were very sorry but they didn't know about the problem,end of problem.

So even being a falang,if you see something that isn't right,tell someone and it might do some good,as not every Thai will just shrug it off and look the other way. Some Thais do want to improve their country.

Guest IT Manager

BKK Harry like KevinN, I am ok with your post as you explained it. Thai people nor hilltribe people sell their kids enmasse as it were. There are instances sure, but they are neither acceptable to Thais nor to foreigners.

As I read your post, and from the follow up I assume you saw what my grief was, it was condoning an issue, not misunderstanding a viewpoint.

I am sorry if it seemed a bit hard in the response, but it twists my balls to see people say "its their country they can do what they like" when Thai people don't see it that way at all and most hate the reputation of LoS as the Worlds Bedroom. It bloody well isn't and only the Western Gutter Press, in an effort to increase circulation, say it is. :o

  • 5 months later...
Thai people nor hilltribe people sell their kids enmasse as it were. There are instances sure, but they are neither acceptable to Thais nor to foreigners.

I just wish it was unacceptable to _all_ Thais and _all_ foreigners. It just takes one rotten egg to make the omelette rotten...

Teeny brothels exist all over Thailand. Have had them pointed out, well "it" rather" than "them" by locals I was visiting in the country. I asked if they had ever seen a "farang" there, their answer an emphatic "NO".

You had it pointed out, huh?


Childabuse is nowadays punished in europe when the thai authorities send the abuser bach to his country and a repport to the police. Having of marketing childporno is punished by law as well.

I've seen on Tv stories about children being abused by foreigners. This things have been so often on tv and magazines that they must be true.

For the ones who are against any kind of childabuse I would say let everyone know your opinion and if you notice someone being busy with it bring the police to him/her. Don't tolerate it, don't look the other way as if it's none of your business.

Om your own modest way you can just make a difference. Specially the ones who live in Thailand should take this shore upon their schoulders together with their thay relatives and friends, because children deserve protection.

Thai people need to know that in western countries this crimes are not tolerated, so they shouldn't tolerate it as well.

Childabuse is nowadays punished in europe when the thai authorities send the abuser bach to his country and a repport to the police. Having of marketing childporno is punished by law as well.

Thailand does not tolerate childsex and childporn. Punishment is very severe.

And if they catch somebody from Europe and put him in jail, then all are bashing Thailand for inhuman treatment of prisoners.

If an offender gets 15 years in Thailand, for the same crime they are sentenced to 15 weeks in Europe....ridiculous sentences....

Do not blame Thailand, better blame Europe.....

For your information, the busiest sex-trade of this world including minors, is not Thailand....it is the former iron-curtain route in Europe, the former border-line between the former Capitalist Western Europe and the Communist Eastern Europe.

Busy sex trade can be found in many other countries in this world, like in Latin America, or Eastern Europe or in parts of Africa.....

Why to single out Thailand?

Because it is an Asian Buddhist country?



No, that is not why.

It is illegal,but as with everything that is illegal,if the right people make the money from it,then it is overlooked,,No one makes any money from a tourist that is 4 days over his visa and living here,money is made from short timers down in the juicier parts of town from pussy and beer and big hotel bills,eating in food shops and buying trinkets to take home.

So to prove that we are doing our jobs,Lets throw his ass in jail and deport him and then we will be doing our jobs and shutting up a farang that is pobly screaming that we are on the take .

There are a lot of things that are illegal here that are completely over looked that cost lives and dignity, A very short visa overstay hurts no one one and a fine will take care of it. Victimless crimes are no reason to jail and deport anyone.

If a law is on the books,it should be enforced or taken off the books,not left there to enforce when ever they need a show of force or a few baht in the pocket,and ignored the rest of the time.

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