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Hi everyone,

I am quite distressed here and wanting some advice. Basically I live opposite an Indian family in Soi Rungland,Pattaya and their dog had an accident last night. His leg is broken and has damages in many other places and looks in serious pain.

The thing is these Indians aren't doing anything !!! They have just laid him down and tried to give him some food and are just so ignorant. They wont take him to the vet as they say they don't have the money. They wont even let me do anything.

This is very sad to watch and I am just wondering if anyone knows of a vet that would come out to see this dog ???

I am not an expert but it seems his injuries are to bones and eye and I hope not vital organs but who knows.

These Indians wont let me take him out but maybe if I can get someone to come.

Seems weird to me that I am writing this while a dog is in serious pain and i cant do anything but hopefully someone has some advice ???



Thailand does have a statute forbidding cruelty to animals, but obviously it is not enforced, and the police here are not anxious to enforce obscure laws. My English language book of the Thai criminal code is at my work, so I cannot quote you the exact code section number of this law.

My suggestion would be to pay a licensed animal doctor to come out there and treat the dog. If the Indians still refuse to allow it to be treated with the doctor present, call out the police. I suspect that the police would force them to allow treatment if an animal doctor was present, if for no other reason than the fact the doctor himself or herself would be a higher member of Thai society than Indian farang.

I hired a Thai vet last year to come out and treat a litter of puppies I was feeding that were born in the field opposite my house. They had a painful and severe tick infestation and needed their puppy shots. She charged me a 1000 baht to come out, then insisted I take the money back after she had treated the animals. She was a very nice woman who obviously loved dogs herself.

I love my dogs, people who mistreat dogs are a low form of life. Good luck, I really hate to see an animal suffer.


This reply may be too late but i hope not. I have just goog;ed "animal cruelty law thailand" and it came up with the Thai Animal Guardians Association, not sure if i am able to put their web address and unfortunatelt the site says that they take calls Monday - Saturday (noon) but it is wort a try. Check out their website or their tel numbers are 0-2373-2886 and 0-2728-1656. It would seem they are based in Bkk but hopefully may be able to offer some assistance or advice. GOOD LUCK!


Just discovered the following mobile and email addresses for the Association, may be better to contact them this way as after hours.

Mobile (081) 808-0769

//e-mail removed as per forum rules, PM for info - admin//


Good advice above.

Call a vet to come out to the house. If your neighbors don't allow the vet to treat the dog, call the police.

Maybe you can find a vet close to where you live. I think the Vet would willing to see the dog withour distance concern. I suggest that you may go to the vet in person. You are a foreigner so usually the vet can try to help if they can.

good luck with the dog.

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