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We like to download and watch movies using Utorrent. Bought a Multi Media player with 1000GB storage in Chiang Mai 8 months ago.

Have been very happy with it and impressed with its huge capacity. Has over 150 movies stored on it and last night it froze up on us.

Would appreciate any referrals to a electronics repair place. Would hope they can help without wiping all the movies off its memory.


Probably a good computer repair shop and Chiang rai has many.

The one I use is on the 1232 road to wiang chai, not far and on the opposite side of the Family bakehouse steak restaurant.

Looks like an ink refill place from the front but the guy repairs printers, computers and stuff. Sorry don't have a name.


I seem to remember previous threads talking about computer repair places but I'm too lazy today to look it up for you. I would advise staying away from the local village shops as they seldom have any training and learn by trial and error. You probably don't want them learning on your machine. Hopefully someone will come up with a location, name and phone number for you. I have never had to repair anything so have no personal experience to relate.


East of the Chiang Rai Hospital on the same side opposite the Jed Yod road turn off. Satham Payaban Road on our map.

His English isn't the best.


Talk about newbies, having just joined today, that is about as new as it gets. Welcome to the Rai. Good luck with your repair job but in the meantime don't forget to get out and about a bit.

Could you vote on the 'Where do you live' thread, please. :) Would be nice to know if you are a towny or out in the sticks like some of us. ;)


I have generally had good luck at a computer place on the soi behind Overbrook Hospital. Look for the HP sign on the east side. It is computer related but maybe can deal with your issue.


Just another thought. Have you searched the net for troubleshooting tips for your machine? You should be able to run diagnostics on it from your computer. Those torrent sights can sometimes send you a bug along with the movie so your machine may just be ill and in need of some anti-viral medication. ;)


It may be the cable,or even the USB port he's plugging it into.

Shamelessly stolen from another site....

1. Try to get it to read:

- Unplug the drive and reboot the PC

- Turn on the drive power to spin up the drive

- Listen to the drive, you'll hear it start, when it the sound peaks and it appears to be spinning at its fastest, plug in the USB cable.

- This is particularly useful if the drive or the more usually the hardware that attaches it to the usb port is a little faulty and slow to read to the drive. While it's still booting up windows finds the usb but can't read the drive and times out. This way the drive is already spinning at full speed and it can be read by the hardware (it's case) almost immediately.

2. If this fails

- Repeat the steps in different USB ports on your computer to rule out the port or the USB controller as an issue.

- Repeat the steps on another computer.

- Try to swap the USB cable

3. If it still this fails

- Consider sourcing a recovery program that can read RAW disks, this way you can recover your data regardless of a broken MBR or corrupt partition tables. There's many free ones about which I always go for first.

- Download free partitioning software such as partition wizard to run a checkdisk on an uninitialized disk or a disk without a recognized partition structure

If at any stage you are able to read your disk, back everything up asap (i guess you know that though)


I have never used any of the computer repair shops in Chiang Rai so I cant comment on them,if its something I cannot fix myself(usually notebook problems),I have always gone to Chiangmai,If I was you I would go back to where you bought it since its only 8 months old.

What make is this machine anyway?


If I were you I would try "Technocom Computer" first.

But for anyone that want to find a real "Electronic REPAIR Shop" I have one that helped me with 3 items.

I have an Sony amplifier that when I moved here probably fell from a height, the big board that you call a motherboard in a computer was broken in two pieces. So I thought that amp was history. 6 months later my old trusty Harman Kardon lost one channel and I got advice from a Thai friend about a shop.

To make a joke I brought both my amps. For the Harman the guys needed 3 days because he needed a new part from BKK. For the Sony with the broken card he needed 7 days, lots of work he said.

The Harman costed 800 baht, one new powerunit and for the Sony they wanted 600 baht, no new parts but lot of work!

Some years later my trusty Sony 28" from the early 90´s gave up. I was looking forward to buy a new flat one but took the Sony to this shop. 3 days later and 800 baht I had my Sony back again.

All 3 items are still running fine.

The shops main business seem to be alarm for cars and audio for cars.

I have put "Electronic Repair" to our Google Map in our Chiang Rai section.

You can also find Technocom Computer there.



Sven- "I have put "Electronic Repair" to our Google Map in our Chiang Rai section.

You can also find Technocom Computer there. "



Thank you very much for the information on your experience and of course the map.

I have printed the map(s) out and am on my way now.

I found the map very informative and interactive.

What a great find!

Will let you know how it goes.

mello B)



This map with all of its clear interactive aspects should be a must for all readers and members here on the board.

I have found out more about Chinng Rai in the last few minutes than several weeks of driving around has taught me.

Happy to be a Newbi on a board that works!

mello B)


Mellofello, don't forget to get back to us on how things went. :) Too often people take their information and run. You can help all of us by letting us know the good, the bad and the ugly, of your experience. Even the newest of members has a lot to offer, by reporting back.

Thanks for plugging Sven's map. I recommend it every chance I get, and take some grief for it, but think it is the best single contribution to this forum. :)(I like it so much I made one of my own for my blog and personal use.)


Mellofello, don't forget to get back to us on how things went. :) Too often people take their information and run. You can help all of us by letting us know the good, the bad and the ugly, of your experience. Even the newest of members has a lot to offer, by reporting back.

Thanks for plugging Sven's map. I recommend it every chance I get, and take some grief for it, but think it is the best single contribution to this forum. :)(I like it so much I made one of my own for my blog and personal use.)

Villagefarang and Sven,

Agree wholeheartedly that the map is worth its weight and spot on. I will keep my clipboard full of these maps and notes.

We found Sven's Tenocom computer store easily just past the white clock tower on the right. Good English by an Indian guy there who told me that my "made in China" Muti Media player could not be repaired,he did seem genuine.

The electronics store that fixed Sven's broken motherboard was clear that he did not work on anything like this...looked mystified as to what it was but was polite.

I ended up sending it back to CM on the afternoon bus...packed in bubble wrap at 2kg only 52tb...not bad as long as it gets there!

Had a couple great sirloin steaks (see map) at the Family Steakhouse and Bakery (opened their doors for us at 3pm).

No bakery in sight but the place was Montana like rustic with knotty pine (like) veneer and old west memorabilia-defiantly worth 450Tb. for 2 of us that included steaks on a sizzling hot plate separate salad - fries - vegetables and ice with our glass bottled water.

All in all a satisfying day without any wrong turns thanks to Sven and his magic map!

Thanks again Sven!



Villagefarang and Sven,

Agree wholeheartedly that the map is worth its weight and spot on. I will keep my clipboard full of these maps and notes.

We found Sven's Tenocom computer store easily just past the white clock tower on the right. Good English by an Indian guy there who told me that my "made in China" Muti Media player could not be repaired,he did seem genuine.

The electronics store that fixed Sven's broken motherboard was clear that he did not work on anything like this...looked mystified as to what it was but was polite.

I ended up sending it back to CM on the afternoon bus...packed in bubble wrap at 2kg only 52tb...not bad as long as it gets there!

Had a couple great sirloin steaks (see map) at the Family Steakhouse and Bakery (opened their doors for us at 3pm).

No bakery in sight but the place was Montana like rustic with knotty pine (like) veneer and old west memorabilia-defiantly worth 450Tb. for 2 of us that included steaks on a sizzling hot plate separate salad - fries - vegetables and ice with our glass bottled water.

All in all a satisfying day without any wrong turns thanks to Sven and his magic map!

Thanks again Sven!


Thanks for a great report. :)

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