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Review - Ipad And Kindle


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My post sounded like I was frothing? Guess I should have put all those smilies in it.... or perhaps the antiapplefanboys just really want to believe what they want to believe regardless of what is right in front of them. :lol:

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I can see it being useful as an internet tablet and may myself buy one (or an android tablet) just for that.

But really it's just a large iPhone/Android I don't see what is groundbreaking apart from the fact apple got it together and made it rather than threatening to like Microsoft did for 3-4 years.

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I stated quite clearly that I hate apple, but the antiapple fanboys just refuse to hear it. Unfortunately apple makes the best phone and portable device on the market currently and I'm forced to buy from them. Hopefully in a few years someone else will properly compete (not pathetically compete) and I can buy from someone else.

I will describe how the ipad works better than another similar device by how I used it today. I was working on a 4 page newlsetter than needs tables, charts and pictures alongside text. So... went to the toilet and had a few minutes to spare....took all of 3 seconds to turn on the ipad and open my work in progress, leaving me several minutes of productivity I normally wouldnt have thought of having. Added a table and started inputting data in a beautiful and extremely easy to make format. Continued to work while lounging in bed, the newsletter was really starting to look great, adding pics and a chart and moving them around to the right position with all the text seamlessly floating around the images until I find the right place to put them. Had to go to work so jumped on the bts and again whipped out my ipad and was working within SECONDS. And doing things that take me 10 times as long and dont look nearly as nice on my pc. I'm using the pages app btw.

The point is, this is what makes the ipad so great, no bootup, almost instant loading times of documents, can work instantly on the go standing up, sitting down or lounging around anywhere. Dont have to save anything because it is saved automatically when I close the app with the home button to quickly rush out of the BTS. Open up my work in progress at the office and its instantly there to show anyone or continue working on.

This really has improved my life, besides the time saving and ease of use that has increased my productivity, its so much fun it encourages me to work more and harder! No other device has ever done that for me.

Back on the topic of reading books. Farangbuddha mentioned the way he can buy and download ebooks anywhere anytime.... I'm pretty sure this is exactly how it works on the ipad. I already have an extensive ebook collection so I simply transfer them all to my ipad (beautiful full colour book covers displayed) and brwose my large collection of books and comics and magazines.

I'm sure all you say is true and Apple makes some neat products...no doubt about it (even though the only Apple products I currently use/own is iTunes and an iPod Classic, which I both think are great (maybe even "insanely"). but your catalog of how you used the iPad today describes someone using a personal computer...a great one in your opinion but a computer nonetheless. A 500-700 dollar computer makes for a pretty expensive E-book reader for someone primarily or solely interested in reading e-books. Of course, you could argue that since it does both functions well, it is cheaper than buying both products separately, which it may be if one was starting from scratch. However, I would guess that most people already have a notebook and that a Kindle or similar reader is a supplemental device for reading only. Also, it seems to me the Kindle may be more rugged for outdoor use than an iPad and if you did get it wet or drop it in the sand, it would be less painful replacing a $200 device than a $500-700 dollar one.

Kindle's can also display PDF files (books, documents, whatever) but of course they are in B&W e-ink only.

As per the Whisper-sync function, it works over the GPRS/EDGE cellphone networks around the world. I believe there is also rudimentary email and web surfing on these networks as well. I was pleasantly surprised to see for once that Thailand was included in the Whisper-sync coverage area. My understanding is the download (network data download) is paid for by Amazon. The iPad would have to work over either a wi-fi or 3G phone network as those are its network options. So for practical purposes (at least outside of Bangkok) it would have to be wi-fi in Thailand.

Also the small and light form-factor of the Kindle is more suited to reading. The larger size of the iPad is great for video and web-surfing and other computer type uses but the smaller and lighter Kindle would make holding it for reading for extended periods much more comfortable.

Finally, the iPad looks like a great product...when they work out the first-gen kinks, come out with the next version of the OS with more and better features [the next one after iOS4], increase the storage to at least 120gig, and all that for less than US$ 500, I may very well one (or an equivalent Windows based slate or whatever comparable product the Wintel manufacturers come up with).

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I can see it being useful as an internet tablet and may myself buy one (or an android tablet) just for that.

But really it's just a large iPhone/Android I don't see what is groundbreaking apart from the fact apple got it together and made it rather than threatening to like Microsoft did for 3-4 years.

Maybe you should actually use one and find out. Its nothing like an iphone, cant work efficiently on an iphone at all. Whole different universe of ease of use and functionality. Try making a numbers spreadsheet or a pages document on the ipad and you will immediately understand.

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I can see it being useful as an internet tablet and may myself buy one (or an android tablet) just for that.

But really it's just a large iPhone/Android I don't see what is groundbreaking apart from the fact apple got it together and made it rather than threatening to like Microsoft did for 3-4 years.

Maybe you should actually use one and find out. Its nothing like an iphone, cant work efficiently on an iphone at all. Whole different universe of ease of use and functionality. Try making a numbers spreadsheet or a pages document on the ipad and you will immediately understand.

lol, you are kidding right?

I have used one, It's exactly the same but with a screen that's a little larger than an iPhone. Apart from that it is identical, what do YOU think is so different?

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Farangbuddha, the ipad uses edge too. FYI. It also displays PDF. In full colour.

Im starting to realise the critics of the ipad simply dont have most of the information. Not you in paticular Farangbuddha, you are actually talking about things and showing that you dont have all the facts, whereas the others are just calling it a "gadget" without saying much else. They probably dont know anything about the ipad.

You are right though, I see the ipad as an on the go pc replacement. Not a reader only, it consumes all media and is a great work device. Which is why the op with his "review" is so annoying, especially discounting the ipad as basically useless because he prefers a black and white screen...... lighter is an argument I will not contend, that is all true, the ipad is heavier so not as nice to hold out in front of you for a long time. Although I personally dont have a problem holding it out and reading from it, I can imagine if it were lighter it would be even better.

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lol, you are kidding right?

I have used one, It's exactly the same but with a screen that's a little larger than an iPhone. Apart from that it is identical, what do YOU think is so different?

No you have not used one, you just said the ipad screen is "a little larger". The iphone screen is 3.5" across diagonally, the ipad screen is almost 10 inches diagonally. Is such a huge difference a "little bigger"? Cmon... you havent even seen a picture of one yet have you? No idea what you are talking about :lol:.

Like I said, try making a spreadsheet on an ipad or a pages doc (word doc). Its easy and simple and fast. Cant do anything as simple and easy or fast on the iphone, not that apps that powerful can even work on an iphone, unless the iphone 4 is powerful enough I dont know. It would still be too small to effectively work.

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I think the iPad is a bit of a stretch of the imagination, that's all. Even if you have played with one for an hour, you might just still not get it. Or you might not need it.

There's three thoughts you might have: It's a netbook, only worse (no 3 USB ports or something like that). It's an ebook reader only worse (here I agree for only reading ebooks and nothing else the Kindle might be better, if uglier. But if you add magazines and comic books, things turn around very quickly). Or, it's a large iPhone.

None of this is true. The combination of software and hardware adds something new. Apple brazenly calls it "magical" (maybe to rile up the Apple haters). But there is truly another quality to it. It can be compared to all three of these devices, yet it's none of them. Remove a few of the constraints that are currently on this device, and I'd call it the future of computing. This tool makes way more sense than a desktop PC to my mom. It's more intuitive; it's faster; it's smaller; it's cheaper (than her PC desktop); it looks nicer. Remove the iTunes tethering and somehow make it work standalone and you have the computer of 2015. That's the iPad.

Apple fanboy - nah. I don't get high on brands. I don't buy XY brand just for a logo. I'd actually like my MacBook Pro better without the Apple logo, it's too big. But I enjoy better products, and better computers. Tools that are thought out to a level of detail most people wouldn't even think of. Competition is good, hopefully there will be some. Bare knuckles competition against an excellent Windows or Android tablet device - that would be perfect. Press releases and vaporware don't quite cut it though.

Apple's strategy is to innovate. They know everyone will copy them, their plan is to innovate faster than others can copy. It's bold, and crazy, in fact, but that's what they are doing. How long will it take until others can catch up with the iPhone 4 in hardware? Probably not so long, but then also to catch up in software, it's going to take over a year. And then, there'll be the iPhone 5. The iPad probably has a few years of rest now... IMO Steve Jobs is simply the Thomas Edison of our time. A genius with no peers. He invents stuff, and assembles teams that make things happen. He also came very close to dying twice over the last few years so if he seems extremely driven and focused... that's why. Allright, so you can call me a Steve Jobs fanboy. The man's unbelievable. Watch the D8 interview with him, and look how carefully he chooses every response to every question. Or read the 1986 (?) Playboy interview with him, it's online - there you see a man who knew things about the computer business 20 years ahead of time.

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Just as Apple haters don't know everything about Apple, the Apple fanboys don't know all the alternatives. There are already several phones that run circles around the Iphone 4, Take for example HTC EVO or Motorola Droid X - each of these beat Iphone 4 on all parameters. Android 2.1 can already do what IOS 4 can, but does it better. Real multitasking for example, not the pseudo multitasking though up by SJ for IOS4. And Android 2.2 has just been released with Android 3.0 in the pipeline to be released before the end of this year.

As for Android tablets, there are a whole line waiting to be released, just check out http://www.google.com/search?q=android+ipad+killers

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Do those phones truly do so much better? I would like it if they did. But every time someone says that, I investigate the new phone only to see that the person was completely wrong. For instance, you mention true multiple tasking, alright.... But does the phone operate as smoothly as the iPhone? Last phone I checked a phone people were trying to compare as better it was choppy and slow... Ridiculous. The whole superiority of the iPhone is it's smooth and beautiful ease of use..... I'm still dying for a windows mobile based phone that works that well. I hope you are right about new phones finally being competitive, but I've been disappointed so many times.

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I'm still a Win PC notebook and desktop user. But for music players, nothing beats the iPod, for a phone, nothing beats the iPhone, and now for tablet PCs, nobody is even close to the Ipad. I try out my gadgets and do a lot of careful selection, and these are my conclusions.

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They are. And you can hold them anyway you like while calling ... even in your left hand ... B)

What? So it feels like someone else is calling you?

Haha, very funny. No but according to many tech articles you can't use the Iphone 4 for calling if you hold it in your left hand. Something to do with how they run the antenna around the metal of the edge of the phone.

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I dont understand how a crappy looking black and white "straight from the 70's" looking screen is somehow better than my full colour bright and beautiful pages with amazing cover art displayed so nicely on my "bookshelf".

Hmm.. The books I read are all black and white. What kind of books do YOU read?

Also, I'm not sold on the ipad. Sure, it's kind of cool, but I can't think of a good reason for it, besides gaming and art. I'll stick to my laptop - iPhone - ereader combo of devices, which individually outpace the ipad in their own ways.

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I would just suggest you use an ipad and see for yourself. My books have beautiful colour covers in my bookshelf, colour pics or drawings inside some of them and of course I also read magazines and comics books all in stunning colour looking exactly like they were bought in the store.

As for other uses, again you need to use it to see, I discovered all my uses for it as it pertains to my work and leisure style just from fiddling with it, I had no idea all its uses until I did that. I mean I knew the obvious uses (great video, perfect pic viewing, music, internet browsing and email) but the hundred other things I was pleased to discover come from checking out apps that improve your life and suddenly finding new great things you never did with a laptop.

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and suddenly finding new great things you never did with a laptop.


My books have beautiful colour covers in my bookshelf

So you buy the books for the cover, and shining magazine and comics, yeah, exactly as my son.

C'mon, Ipad is just a cool, expensive gadget. That's all.

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Hehe, just use one for crying out loud, its like I'm telling you the sky is blue and you dont want to look out the dam_n window to see for yourself so call me a liar. I'm working on it all day, gadgets dont increase productivity, that kind of defies the definition of gadget.

Your kid reads computer tech magazines? And I love books, so if I'm going to be forced to do the ebook thing, it makes it a hundred times more enjoyable to have a virtual bookshelf that reminds me of my actual bookshelf back home, instead of a list of text that totally destroys any illusion that Im reading anything but an ebook.

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I love everything Apple. But just got back from a Hua Hin trip basically lying on the loungers and next to the pool.

I took both my kindle 2 and the ipad. I started off with the ipad and the glare was a nightmare to read anything. But progressed adjusted the umbrella and got the glare to a manageable level. The next issue after 2-3 hours reading and sipping on a gin & tonic - I found myself resting the dam_n thing on my legs or turning on my side to read and placing it on the lounger as it just gets too uncomfortable for long term reading next to the pool. Its too heavy.

I returned to the Kindle 2 and its just the perfect reading device it the right size, weight and glare is a zero issue and the battery no need to worry. 3G Book downloads (Yes I know ipad has it if you have the 3G model).

I hate to say it but Kindle 2 p*ssses all over the ipad for book reading in normal book reading environments: Bed, Beachfront, Poolside, in the subway. Glare / clarity and weight were the 2 main things that kindle engineers based their design on.

Just tried to get another for my dad from that kindlethai.com no answer to calls, sms etc. Shame he has dropped his price to a semi normal price now and is only a few hundred baht more than getting one direct from amazon to thailand.

Edited by negreanu
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  • 2 weeks later...

E-books overtake hardcover sales: Amazon

Online retail giant Amazon has said that sales of electronic books for the Kindle have overtaken hardcover book sales.

Amazon founder and chief executive Jeff Bezos also said the growth rate of sales for the Kindle had tripled since the company cut the e-reader's price from $US259 to $US189 a month ago.

"We've reached a tipping point with the new price of Kindle," Bezos said in a statement.

"In addition, even while our hardcover sales continue to grow, the Kindle format has now overtaken the hardcover format," he said.

"Amazon.com customers now purchase more Kindle books than hardcover books – astonishing when you consider that we've been selling hardcover books for 15 years, and Kindle books for 33 months," Bezos said.

Amazon said that over the past three months, it has sold 143 Kindle books for every 100 hardcover books sold. Over the past month, Amazon has sold 180 Kindle books for every 100 hardcovers sold, it said

The figures do not include sales of paperbacks.

The Seattle-based online store also said it had sold three times as many Kindle books in the first half of 2010 as in the first half of 2009.

Amazon does not release sales figures for the Kindle but says it has been the company's bestselling item for two years.

Facing competition from Apple's new iPad tablet computer, Amazon dropped the price of its basic Kindle on June 21 to $US189.

On July 1, Amazon unveiled a new large-screen version of its Kindle and cut the price to $US379 dollars from $US489 dollars.

Apple's cheapest iPad, the Kindle's chief rival, costs $US499 and features a color e-reader compared with the black-and-white Kindle, which is devoted exclusively to digital books.


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One would think so, I rarely buy hard cover books now.

Can Word documents be loaded onto the readers I wonder? I've downloaded a number of free books from sites like Gutenburg Press and converted them to Word for ease of handling.

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One would think so, I rarely buy hard cover books now.

Can Word documents be loaded onto the readers I wonder? I've downloaded a number of free books from sites like Gutenburg Press and converted them to Word for ease of handling.

Resave the word files as RTF (using WORD), then use Calibre to convert to the format of choice.

I believe MS wants money from device manufacturers using WORD, hence nobody does.

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