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Getting Online Investment Advice

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I'm fed up paying inflated investment advice from financial advisers and i now want to 'go it alone'

I'm not a novice, i have quite a bit of experience in this area but feel i could use some reliable help/guidance/information as well.

Where can i find it online? i'm especially looking for investment strategies and recomendations for cautious, moderate and agressive investors.

Thanks for any help

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  • 11 months later...

The problem you have faced in the past is you possibly took advice from insurance agents who had a vested interest in what they recommended to you.

If you want to make money investing you either get educated of make sure you take advice from professionally skilled and educated professionals.

Most people - including thos in business have little or no appreciation of economics and rely on accounting methodoligies in their investment and business decision making.

If yu want to start making real money running your business or investing you need to first understand how to structure things - taking maximum advantage of tax allowances, financing strategies and exit planning.

For example - if you pay cash for a property investment you have had to earn around 142,000 before tax in order to have net 100,000 to invest.

Then say your property doubles in value and you sell it you lose 30% in tax so you make 70,000 for an outlay of 142,000

A more sophisticated approach would be to borrow the 100,000 and use the 142,000 of pre-tax earnings to service the investment loan. It should cost you about 6 or 7% in interest instead of 42% (which is the amount you would be throwing away in tax by paying cash - or paying the loan off over time!

(If you really want investment advice start by learning how to manage your money - and stop relying on yur accountant for your decision making)

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