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Girlfriend Only Went To School For Six Years


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Girlfriend only went to school for six years, is there any schools that offers adults to study some basics so she can get an education?

Or maybe some other possible options to study?

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You do not say where you are , You can get Adult education in the UK if you look , You may have to pay , but it is a small amount. If you are already in the UK she can get Adult Education for free.My lady is doing an English Esol course at the moment at college. Other than than like every thing else you will have to pay.

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As the previous poster mentioned, where is the girlfriend?

Yes she can get educated in Bkk, take it she completed P1 to P6 only, and may now have to complete at least M1 to M3.

Dont know how long the above would take, at least a year if not 2 years.

How old is the girlfriend and what are her skiils, where is she working at the moment?

Reason for asking, she may be better off enroling in some sort of college for vocational skills.

Take a look at some of the job adverts placed in newspapers or in dept stores, or even in 7/11 shop windows to see the problems these girls face,

she may even be too old already, or lack the English skills demanded.

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You do not say where you are , You can get Adult education in the UK if you look , You may have to pay , but it is a small amount. If you are already in the UK she can get Adult Education for free.My lady is doing an English Esol course at the moment at college. Other than than like every thing else you will have to pay.

Thank you for your reply, I live in Bangkok.I know there are several English courses she can take, but I would like her to be able to get some basic general education, study subjects that would normally be covered by public schools.

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There are many schools in BKK hat offer classes that can be taken on Sundays to finish her high school education. I believe that most of the people who attend these type of classes are adult learners and when they finish they will get a certificate for equivalency of M6.

If you ask you wife about this, she is sure to know about them, as they are very well known. If she says she doesn't, it is very likely that she is not interested.

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Like any type of education it is the person in question that has to WANT to get it. You can help, but your girlfriend actually has to want to learn. There are many things you can do to help if she actually wants help.

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These are called Non Formal Education schools.

They have them in every province, and not just in the cities.

In addition, there are schools that will teach vocational skills for jobs such as barbers, hair stylists and many more. Often they have this training at temples.

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Good news.

Many, many Thais are in the same boat. They do something called "Gor Sor Nor" การศึกษานอกโรงเรียน. This gives them the equivalent of a high school diploma. This is available everywhere.

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Thank you for your reply, I live in Bangkok.I know there are several English courses she can take, but I would like her to be able to get some basic general education, study subjects that would normally be covered by public schools.

My wife is doing this highschool course in ChiangMai, every Sunday morning for 1 hour for 2 years.

Useful for the bit of paper at the end, worthless as education.

The teacher is completely useless and only interested in getting a bit of cash to give a good grade at the end.

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Forgive the bluntness, but if you like her now with precious little education, why would you try and change her?

Or put it another way, if you do change her, what makes you think she'll still find you to be "the one"?

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

...and if it is broke, get another one. Not like there's a shortage for you velly hansum men.

Of course, if she is a "hotel manager" and she just wants a better bit of paper so she can get a better job to help out with the bills. Different proposition entirely*.


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No need for long blank posts
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I can only speak for my wife. My wife wanted to go to school to learn, Some thing she could not afford while in Thailand, There are many Thai people who want to learn but cannot afford it, My wife is 37.You are never to old to learn.

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Good news.

Many, many Thais are in the same boat. They do something called "Gor Sor Nor" การศึกษานอกโรงเรียน. This gives them the equivalent of a high school diploma. This is available everywhere.

Thanks all for the helpful replies (those that stayed on topic that is)

Briggsy, what does "Gor Sor Nor" really means? The thing you wrote afterwards as far as i can tell would be "gaarn suksa nook roong rian" and would not be "Gor sor Nor".

Which of the two sentences should i look for and use when founding out more information about this, i am a little confused.

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Good news.

Many, many Thais are in the same boat. They do something called "Gor Sor Nor" การศึกษานอกโรงเรียน. This gives them the equivalent of a high school diploma. This is available everywhere.

Thanks all for the helpful replies (those that stayed on topic that is)

Briggsy, what does "Gor Sor Nor" really means? The thing you wrote afterwards as far as i can tell would be "gaarn suksa nook roong rian" and would not be "Gor sor Nor".

Which of the two sentences should i look for and use when founding out more information about this, i am a little confused.

Gan Seuksa Nork rong rien.


Literally Education outside of school.

Every single Thai knows what this means. It is a recognised qualification equivalent to a Mathayom 6 certificate.

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There is a large Thai education complex close to the EKKAMAI BTS where there is a Sunday program for adults. My GF who had a 4th grade education and was 36 years old started Sunday classes there six years ago. She received her Gor Sor Nor three years ago and just graduated last week from Siam Dhurakit College with a certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Management.

Will it lead to a job? Probably not, but her pride in accomplishing something she never thought she had the ability to do and the feeling of self-worth it has given her makes it entirely worth while.

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There is a large Thai education complex close to the EKKAMAI BTS where there is a Sunday program for adults. My GF who had a 4th grade education and was 36 years old started Sunday classes there six years ago. She received her Gor Sor Nor three years ago and just graduated last week from Siam Dhurakit College with a certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Management.

Will it lead to a job? Probably not, but her pride in accomplishing something she never thought she had the ability to do and the feeling of self-worth it has given her makes it entirely worth while.

My partner had a similar experience. He graduated from Primary 6 at his local school, worked for some years, then did two years at Gor Sor Nor to cover the full secondary education (M.1 to M.6). This taught him very little, but qualified him to enter a Higher Diploma Course at Vocational School... two years of that and he had his HD. He could then have done two years at Rajabhat and got a degree.. but he decided "Enough is enough".

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Some of the best business people in the world and some of the richest had only basic school education...at best.

Business know how is not necessarily learned at college.

Look at your girlfriends skills and build upon them. Can she cook? Send her to an advanced cooking course.

Does she have an aptitude for hairdressing, beauty consultancy, does she possess artistic ability, designing, dress making etc. etc.

Don't waste her time and your money on a useless educational course unless SHE sees some future benefit in it for herself.

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Good news.

Many, many Thais are in the same boat. They do something called "Gor Sor Nor" การศึกษานอกโรงเรียน. This gives them the equivalent of a high school diploma. This is available everywhere.

Thanks all for the helpful replies (those that stayed on topic that is)

Briggsy, what does "Gor Sor Nor" really means? The thing you wrote afterwards as far as i can tell would be "gaarn suksa nook roong rian" and would not be "Gor sor Nor".

Which of the two sentences should i look for and use when founding out more information about this, i am a little confused.

Gan Seuksa Nork rong rien.


Literally Education outside of school.

Every single Thai knows what this means. It is a recognised qualification equivalent to a Mathayom 6 certificate.

Great, this is exactly what I was looking for! Thank you.

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There is a large Thai education complex close to the EKKAMAI BTS where there is a Sunday program for adults. My GF who had a 4th grade education and was 36 years old started Sunday classes there six years ago. She received her Gor Sor Nor three years ago and just graduated last week from Siam Dhurakit College with a certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Management.

Will it lead to a job? Probably not, but her pride in accomplishing something she never thought she had the ability to do and the feeling of self-worth it has given her makes it entirely worth while.

Ok, great, yes, education does not automatically means that she will get a job, but she gets more opportunities, more self confidence etc as you pointed out.

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There is a large Thai education complex close to the EKKAMAI BTS where there is a Sunday program for adults. My GF who had a 4th grade education and was 36 years old started Sunday classes there six years ago. She received her Gor Sor Nor three years ago and just graduated last week from Siam Dhurakit College with a certificate in Hotel and Restaurant Management.

Will it lead to a job? Probably not, but her pride in accomplishing something she never thought she had the ability to do and the feeling of self-worth it has given her makes it entirely worth while.

My partner had a similar experience. He graduated from Primary 6 at his local school, worked for some years, then did two years at Gor Sor Nor to cover the full secondary education (M.1 to M.6). This taught him very little, but qualified him to enter a Higher Diploma Course at Vocational School

Yes, getting the basic education on paper will get him/her more opportunities.

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You do not say where you are , You can get Adult education in the UK if you look , You may have to pay , but it is a small amount. If you are already in the UK she can get Adult Education for free.My lady is doing an English Esol course at the moment at college. Other than than like every thing else you will have to pay.

Thank you for your reply, I live in Bangkok.I know there are several English courses she can take, but I would like her to be able to get some basic general education, study subjects that would normally be covered by public schools.

Edited by Livinginexile
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Good news.

Many, many Thais are in the same boat. They do something called "Gor Sor Nor" การศึกษานอกโรงเรียน. This gives them the equivalent of a high school diploma. This is available everywhere.

Thanks all for the helpful replies (those that stayed on topic that is)

Briggsy, what does "Gor Sor Nor" really means? The thing you wrote afterwards as far as i can tell would be "gaarn suksa nook roong rian" and would not be "Gor sor Nor".

Which of the two sentences should i look for and use when founding out more information about this, i am a little confused.

Gan Seuksa Nork rong rien.


Literally Education outside of school.

Every single Thai knows what this means. It is a recognised qualification equivalent to a Mathayom 6 certificate.

Btw, how long it would take to finish each Mathayom? Is it like one year for M1 and M2, another year for M3 and M4 etc?

Also, if anyone knows in general, a rough idea how much this would cost? Including fee for school and study material?

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My wife took M1 to M6 (grade 7 to 12) as an adult in Bangkok. Price less than a thousand bath per term, Grades 10 to 12 took approx 1.5 years if I remember right. It's available everywhere. ก.ศ.น. (gor sor nor) is what your girl friend should ask for. Most poor girls who never had the opportunity to study dream about finishing high school. If she wants to do it, then help her and encourage her to do it, but don't push her. Good for her self confidence. Don't expect much knowledge increase

The quality of the teaching isn't that good though, or rather, most of it is taught at an unbelievably low level rather. I asked for the fun of it and remember a few things; One question was something like - Why do you get fever, and the correct answer to tick was - Because you have an infection in your body.

Mathematics was totally Idiotic: Most of the students can't even do 27 + 36 without pen and paper and yet they are supposed to learn what a logarithmic scale is (one question - If one fire cracker is 80 decibel, how many decibels will it be if 100 fire crackers go off at the same time?). One question they got as homework that they HAD to make a written answer to pass (that was just before the last maths test) was something that I had no idea how to answer and I have a M.Sc... A friend of a friend something got the answer from the internet and everybody copied, easy. Actually, no one expects the students to understand anything about logarithmics and the more difficult stuff really, if they can memorise at least something for the exams, then that's good. It is not difficult to pass the maths tests, my wife passed and she can't do 27 + 36 without a pen and paper. But she has other good qualities :)

If the girl friend wants to do it, then I would encourage and support her, she will be grateful

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Like any type of education it is the person in question that has to WANT to get it. You can help, but your girlfriend actually has to want to learn. There are many things you can do to help if she actually wants help.

That's actually something i've seen so many people <deleted> up on, trying ot be this " Knight in Shining Armour " when the reality is, the Maiden doesn't actually want to know, in the slightest..

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I was recently pleased to find that my step-daughter, a niece and a nephew have elected to begin gor sor nor classes. I have been giving them gentle encouragement and it finally paid off.

I wouldn't expect the instruction to be much but when they finish there should be more opportunities for them than if they didn't. The step-daughter and the niece are smart girls and I was dismayed when they quit attending school after finishing prathom. The nephew has learning difficulties and I told him not to give up as he should benefit in the end if only by having better self esteem.

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then did two years at Gor Sor Nor to cover the full secondary education (M.1 to M.6).

2 years from M1-M6 is very short. My friend just did M1-M3 which was a 2 year programme, and is now half way through M4-M6 which is another 2 year programme.

After this they'll probably study a B.Ed from Sukhothai Open University. Which is a good option for those who are also working.

These are the degrees available:


I'll guess that non-fluent foreigners can't study which is a pity as I'd like to study the same course.

Don't waste her time and your money on a useless educational course unless SHE sees some future benefit in it for herself.

It doesn't cost any money.

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BTW, I'm just reading that Sukhothai O.U. is one of two Open Universities in Thailand.

I can't find any info on the other though, does anybody know it's name?

Ramkhamhaeng University, one of the largest in the world with over 400,000 students enrolled. Sukhothai has a very good reputation, Ramhkhamhaeng not as good. Enrollment very cheap, 1,500 to 2,000 bath per year something

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I agree that the instruction level and curriculum at the GOR SOR NOR school was very poor and some of the programs ridiculous. As a 36 year old, my GF had to participate in "cheer leading" and weekend long, yearly field trips with the eight to ten year old weekday students.

One of the really positive things was the number of friendships she made with other adult women taking the course. It's not easy for Isan girls to make worthwhile friendships in Bangkok but many of the friendships she made at that school have been long lasting.

I should have mentioned in my previous post that her success in school gave her the confidence to start her own food business recently and that business is doing very well.

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Give the OP a break. Making more money isn't the only reason to further one's education. If I only had six years of formal education, I'd certainly want to go back to school. It can't be easy going through life with only a child's knowledge of reading, writing and math.

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