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Temples, Monastery & Monks


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Hi, I have some families in Phuket, so Phuket is like some place I trust.

I have some friends, kinda is developing into crazy fellas due to the stress of living in Singapore.

I suggested to the family and friends of such persons, to probably allow them to spend some time, living away from Singapore, to put some distance away from the stress/hurt of Singapore.

Is it possible, to send such friends to monasteries in Phuket to learn to keep peace for themselves, and hopefully give the parents some kinda peace too, that their sons are learning Buddhism, to calm themselves and built whatever good karma for the family and themselves?

I have considered doing so too, but I still lack determination.

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Hi VK,

in the health/medicine part of the forum is Channah, they are a sponsor. Although what you describe might not be alcohol-drug related, I'll bet the people there could give you advice anyway, regarding a stress reduction program.

Might be a place to start.

Best of luck, GOM

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I am looking for a lets say, shaved your head, live a 1-2 years monks life, learn the thai language and merge into the monkhood kinda lifestyle. Will go google as much as I can.

If the retrets can be somewhat of a semi sponsorship programs for other foreigners to donate to, to upkeep the monk and temples, will be good. Its to build good karma kinda retreat for some rich fellas, and also to calm some minds and start life anew for some other poorer fellas/foreigner will be good.

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I am looking for a lets say, shaved your head, live a 1-2 years monks life, learn the thai language and merge into the monkhood kinda lifestyle. Will go google as much as I can.

If the retrets can be somewhat of a semi sponsorship programs for other foreigners to donate to, to upkeep the monk and temples, will be good. Its to build good karma kinda retreat for some rich fellas, and also to calm some minds and start life anew for some other poorer fellas/foreigner will be good.


I'm not sure your vision coincides with reality.

"merge into the monkhood kinda lifestyle" (?) " Its to build good karma kinda retreat for some rich fellas" (?)

I guess before I could go any further here, what is your definition of "monkhood kinda lifestyle" as for whatever reason I feel you are glamorizing that a bit.

"retreat for some rich fellas" guess you'll need a golfcourse nearby, no?

You think your target people are ready to give away all possessions, strip down put on an orange robe and wander asking for alms?

I understood in the beginning you had one person that needed help now it sounds like an unrealistic business idea.

Anyway, there are my two satang's worth on the subject.

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LOL, no worries.

And no. I am not planning it as a business venture. Though it does sound like one. Its like something I read in some fiction books long time ago. Where certain monestary have a section that caters to the rich, and that section helps to generate financials for those really poor and seeking 'enlightenment' other disciples of the belief.

Or in my friends case, I will simply just try to locate a temple, encourage donations from friends and family to the temple so they can take on some people we care about, that needs some discipline and peace training....

I know it sounds kinda a long shot. But in buddhism, it is believed that those who went into the service as monks, is building good karma for the family and themselves.

And I had hope to know more of such temples and places that can cater to such training, for the poor and the rich....in this case, i mean the family members that will be donating the $$$ so they have a retreat themselves and be at peace with themselves and the family member that is entering monkhood for this short period.

Hope I wasnt too confusing.

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