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Amazing Thailand Always Amazes You


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  • 600 Billion expected income from 15.5million expected tourists equates to 38.7 million Baht per toursist !!! - I and every SME [Thai or Foreigner] in this sector would have no complaints if this bore any semblance to the truth

I read that as 38,700 baht, but that's because I assume these days everyone treats a billion as nine zeros (a thousand million), rather than a million million.

Edited by Shiver
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Let's face it, us who live here and receive income from abroad are being shafted by the exchange rate so why would anyone want to travel 7000 miles or so with a years savings to get shafted by it? For a family of 4 in the UK by the time you add the price of 4 flights, hotels, restaurants and car rental then factor in the crap exchange rate, you're better off renting a cottage for 3 weeks or so in the sunny south of France. Thailand has lost it's cheap appeal and it's tourists with it.

Political unrest has very little to do with it as in the southern provinces there's been political unrest and attacks on the army and police for years resulting in many deaths. That unrest is a lot closer to the tourist destinations (that always did so well in the past), than the recent red shirt protest in Bangkok. No tourist destinations, tour buses, airplanes, hotels nor resorts have been targeted in Thailand as all factions want the tourist dollar.

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I just got back from Pattaya yesterday and asking and looking at the restaurants and some of the bars, they are asking, 'where are the tourists?' Most of what I saw in my travels were expats who lived there. Seeing ten waitresses and no patrons tells you something. Walk into a beer bar and you got mobbed. Don't know where they get the stats at but they better start looking before they start with the rumor of an increase in tourism. They must be sampling too much of something.

Pattaya is not Thailand, its only one of the many destination within this country.

Their has been for a long time an oversupply of entertainment venues around some beach destinations, so this is not a good measurement.

Tourist coming to Thailand are swifting, more come from a wide variety of countries and maybe they don't enjoy the entertainment venues which are offered in Pattaya.

More & more tourists are regular holiday makers, families with children and people who come to see the attractions of Thailand.

who you working for.where may I ask will all the family's get travel insurance from.

with emergency decree.

overinflated baht.

Euro countries in recession.

china bubble about to bust in property.

everyone that loves Thailand knows the truth and those who are dilusionist are everywhere.

for those who have invested in Thailand tourist industry hoping to retain the dream are in for a slow decline in foreign visitors and as I have seen for myself a delusion of asserts.

but they will come back when. they will be a lot of water under the bridge before then and a hel_l of a lot of pain.

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If you do the maths (maths with an 's' for all you North Americans!) 600 billion divided by 15.5 million tourists - kinds leaves you gasping at how much TAT worked out they spend per capita? rolleyes.gif

don't worry about what they spend, they still haven't even realised that they double count all the visa runners yet.


The numbers are skewed, as they total all foreign passport arrivals at all the international airports in Thailand. These are also people that come here on business, and people that live here, not all tourists.


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What does TOT, "Telephone of Thailand" have to do with tourism, TAT is "Tourism Authority of Thailand." Talk about dum and dumer! Amazing farang!annoyed.gif

Gee, I guess "typo's" are not allowed in your "perfect world"? By the way it's "Dumb" and "Dumber", not dum and dumer!

Hello folks,

One would call this 'T.i.T for TAT'

phrase used when someone pays back one wrong or injury with another

whilst most know TOT in the Thai word means = a Fart, Trump, Raspberry.


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TAT's "Rose tinted" Crystal Ball is working over time again.:whistling:

What political situation has eased ? Tell that to the families of the Thai soldiers killed down South.

Red Shirts are out of sight but not out of hearts and minds.

Why is that political propaganda slogan written in English but not Thai? "Together we can" Can what?

Thats an Abisit thing; he has a thing for Obama and loves to use his slogans, copy his actions, and just plain emulate him.

It would be easy to predict domestic Tourism in Europe. Because millions do not have the spare cash to come and be Amazed in Thailand.

Amazed - - Shock and stunned more like.:o

I only wish that TAT's prediction were to come true, if there is one thing Thailand needs soon, its a boom in Tourism.:jap:

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thais are so good and smart they will find another terrible thing to scare of more tourists, wanna bet ? ah yeah, betting illegal in thailand...

Funny you bring that up.

I actually have a case/story that would be pretty big should Thai company chose to ignore me for much longer.

I can guarantee that this story will rock not only Thailand but if i will be able to get it to the right people in media worldwide, my story may just rock the world.

Mind you what happened to me can only happened in Thailand and despite all the searched i think this would be the first incident ever.

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thais are so good and smart they will find another terrible thing to scare of more tourists, wanna bet ? ah yeah, betting illegal in thailand...

Funny you bring that up.

I actually have a case/story that would be pretty big should Thai company chose to ignore me for much longer.

I can guarantee that this story will rock not only Thailand but if i will be able to get it to the right people in media worldwide, my story may just rock the world.

Mind you what happened to me can only happened in Thailand and despite all the searched i think this would be the first incident ever.

well spell it out let's hear it.

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thais are so good and smart they will find another terrible thing to scare of more tourists, wanna bet ? ah yeah, betting illegal in thailand...

Funny you bring that up.

I actually have a case/story that would be pretty big should Thai company chose to ignore me for much longer.

I can guarantee that this story will rock not only Thailand but if i will be able to get it to the right people in media worldwide, my story may just rock the world.

Mind you what happened to me can only happened in Thailand and despite all the searched i think this would be the first incident ever.

well spell it out let's hear it.

Sorry can not do it as yet, as i am in talks with the company and keeping my mouth shut is part of the deal, but it looks like it will fall through just as everything else does in Thailand. Moment it does, i will be making a big post(sorry to tease but have to wait)

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Please don't tell me that it has something to do with the "Joseph Solution"! :lol:

Ok, I keep seeing people refer to the "Joseph Solution", but have ZERO idea of what that is? Would someone care to enlighten me? Or give me a web site where I can read about it?

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They had a meeting and concluded inbound arrivals would reach 15.5 million next year? How in the world do you determine such data in a meeting???? It is data, not opinion. Or, ist it? Tell me how a meeting concludes that a country will have 15.5 million arrivals in 2011 when there is no apparent research to even project arrivals for the fourth quarter of this year, which would be simple to ascertain through research. Meetings are where data is presented and substantiated based on research. What is this federation? Never heard of it. And then the guy admits there is no research and that it is at best an ubstantiated guess when he says that his projection is based on his presumptions that political turmoil has eased so the number of Chinese is likely to increase. Let's talk bookings, not wishful thinking or fortune-guesser bull caca.

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Please don't tell me that it has something to do with the "Joseph Solution"!   :lol:

Ok, I keep seeing people refer to the "Joseph Solution", but have ZERO idea of what that is?  Would someone care to enlighten me?  Or give me a web site where I can read about it?

I'm not sure if the member who was promoting it did either. He recommended it thousands of times, but would never explain what it was.  :blink:

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I just want to put a few simple points and will not get involved with the politics

  • This is the lowest low season in 10+ years in Pattaya, and I understand Bangkok as well,in so far as tourist & golfing for general bar, food accomodation sales and green fees.
  • From surveys I have done based on current actual turnover/revenue it appears on average the tourist numbers and spending is down 65-70% on average 5 year High Season and down 45% on average 5 year low season.
  • Individual spending per Expat long termers is down approximately 65% due to caution and Forex rates particularly for Europeans
  • High Season instead of being from November to April [6 months] for 2 years has been mid Dec to Mid Jan [2 months
  • TAT's statistics seem to be based on their budget forecast and I can not see that there is any relevance to actuals
  • 600 Billion expected income from 15.5million expected tourists equates to 38.7 million Baht per toursist !!! - I and every SME [Thai or Foreigner] in this sector would have no complaints if this bore any semblance to the truth

It seems the age old adage "... well I read it in the paper [or now on the net] or saw it on TV so it must be correct....!!!" When will people ever learn?

Thanks for taking the time to read this... I know it will not acheive anything expect give you some other figures to ponder while we are Guests in Their Kingdom..

Please do your maths again

600 billion spent by 15,5 milj tourist is 38700 per tourist, with a average stay of about 15 - 20 days will come out at average of 2000 baht per day/per tourist.

This is for hotel/accommodation, excursions, transport, food & souvenirs.

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I just want to put a few simple points and will not get involved with the politics

  • This is the lowest low season in 10+ years in Pattaya, and I understand Bangkok as well,in so far as tourist & golfing for general bar, food accomodation sales and green fees.
  • From surveys I have done based on current actual turnover/revenue it appears on average the tourist numbers and spending is down 65-70% on average 5 year High Season and down 45% on average 5 year low season.
  • Individual spending per Expat long termers is down approximately 65% due to caution and Forex rates particularly for Europeans
  • High Season instead of being from November to April [6 months] for 2 years has been mid Dec to Mid Jan [2 months
  • TAT's statistics seem to be based on their budget forecast and I can not see that there is any relevance to actuals
  • 600 Billion expected income from 15.5million expected tourists equates to 38.7 million Baht per toursist !!! - I and every SME [Thai or Foreigner] in this sector would have no complaints if this bore any semblance to the truth

It seems the age old adage "... well I read it in the paper [or now on the net] or saw it on TV so it must be correct....!!!" When will people ever learn?

Thanks for taking the time to read this... I know it will not acheive anything expect give you some other figures to ponder while we are Guests in Their Kingdom..

Please do your maths again

600 billion spent by 15,5 milj tourist is 38700 per tourist, with a average stay of about 15 - 20 days will come out at average of 2000 baht per day/per tourist.

This is for hotel/accommodation, excursions, transport, food & souvenirs.

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I just want to put a few simple points and will not get involved with the politics

  • This is the lowest low season in 10+ years in Pattaya, and I understand Bangkok as well,in so far as tourist & golfing for general bar, food accomodation sales and green fees.
  • From surveys I have done based on current actual turnover/revenue it appears on average the tourist numbers and spending is down 65-70% on average 5 year High Season and down 45% on average 5 year low season.
  • Individual spending per Expat long termers is down approximately 65% due to caution and Forex rates particularly for Europeans
  • High Season instead of being from November to April [6 months] for 2 years has been mid Dec to Mid Jan [2 months
  • TAT's statistics seem to be based on their budget forecast and I can not see that there is any relevance to actuals
  • 600 Billion expected income from 15.5million expected tourists equates to 38.7 million Baht per toursist !!! - I and every SME [Thai or Foreigner] in this sector would have no complaints if this bore any semblance to the truth

It seems the age old adage "... well I read it in the paper [or now on the net] or saw it on TV so it must be correct....!!!" When will people ever learn?

Thanks for taking the time to read this... I know it will not acheive anything expect give you some other figures to ponder while we are Guests in Their Kingdom..

Please do your maths again

600 billion spent by 15,5 milj tourist is 38700 per tourist, with a average stay of about 15 - 20 days will come out at average of 2000 baht per day/per tourist.

This is for hotel/accommodation, excursions, transport, food & souvenirs.

To summarize this topic and the responses by Thai Visa posters TAT noone believes you! I wonder if any thai people believe them? It maybe is a case of having to say the right thing. A few years ago us Farrang teachers were given a briefing about our schools plans for the next year in full speed Thai we were the only ones present. noone understood it but the Teacher doing the briefing was doing her duty by briefing us. perhaps the TAT are doing their duty too by being upbeat. TIT :rolleyes:

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Regardless of what TOT says, or maybe in spite of it, Insurance companies will not issue travel insurance to anyone traveling to a country that is under a State of Emergency. And while some governments may have eased their travel warnings, that hasn't necessarily alleviated the situation, and until those warnings are petty much downgraded to "normal", most tour operators won't even bother trying to book tours to Thailand, and will, instead, encourage their travelers to try other destinations. Such as Vietnam, Bali, Malaysia, Indonesia.

The one thing I find truly "Amazing" about Thailand is their ability to act as if absolutely nothing is wrong, everything is perfect, and everyone loves them. I live in Chiang Mai, and while I realize this is "low season", this is the lowest I've seen it in the last 3 years. I'd like to know where the 7.5 million tourists so far this year went, as most of the major hotels here are running at around 20% occupancy, which is very low, even for this time of year. When I go into town near the mall, I see twice as many tuk tuks sitting idle than I do on the street with customers, and most of those customers are Thai.

Yeah, it's "Amazing" all right.

Ditto here. I went for two days in a row to Kao Sarn rd. in the morning and early afternoon. If I had shot a gun on one end of the street I would have hit the wall at the other end. Deserted would the right word to describe this Farang hub in Bangkok. Then I went to Wat Chanasongkram, around which 95% of backpackers go to find lodging, cheap beer and meals. It was empty. Nevertheless, amazing Thailand once again did its

"I am out of touch with the real real world" bit. Small restaurants on the Trok around the Wat where beer has been for years 50 and 60 THB, now proudly advertised a new price: 80THB! At one of those places I asked a waitress: "with these prices do backpackers come to drink and eat? She replied with candor: no, they don't. The go to 7/11 and buy beer for 45 THB." I stopped by a place where I have bought rides to and from the border to do my visa runs and what was 500THB for a round trip now is 550 and up. I went and asked if they had available seats for PoiPet the following day and they told me that maybe they would not do the run as they did not have enough people to make it viable. Thais just don't get it. From the TOT brass to small businesses they want to wish a change and only by wishing and raising prices things will be better. But, TOT's official truth makes the government very happy and they think that CRES or not, that the free tourist visas will be all they need to bring zillions of tourist back to LOS, where most businesses are not smiling at all. What a pity! :(

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Regardless of what TOT says, or maybe in spite of it, Insurance companies will not issue travel insurance to anyone traveling to a country that is under a State of Emergency. And while some governments may have eased their travel warnings, that hasn't necessarily alleviated the situation, and until those warnings are petty much downgraded to "normal", most tour operators won't even bother trying to book tours to Thailand, and will, instead, encourage their travelers to try other destinations. Such as Vietnam, Bali, Malaysia, Indonesia.

The one thing I find truly "Amazing" about Thailand is their ability to act as if absolutely nothing is wrong, everything is perfect, and everyone loves them. I live in Chiang Mai, and while I realize this is "low season", this is the lowest I've seen it in the last 3 years. I'd like to know where the 7.5 million tourists so far this year went, as most of the major hotels here are running at around 20% occupancy, which is very low, even for this time of year. When I go into town near the mall, I see twice as many tuk tuks sitting idle than I do on the street with customers, and most of those customers are Thai.

Yeah, it's "Amazing" all right.

Ditto here. I went for two days in a row to Kao Sarn rd. in the morning and early afternoon. If I had shot a gun on one end of the street I would have hit the wall at the other end. Deserted would the right word to describe this Farang hub in Bangkok. Then I went to Wat Chanasongkram, around which 95% of backpackers go to find lodging, cheap beer and meals. It was empty. Nevertheless, amazing Thailand once again did its

"I am out of touch with the real real world" bit. Small restaurants on the Trok around the Wat where beer has been for years 50 and 60 THB, now proudly advertised a new price: 80THB! At one of those places I asked a waitress: "with these prices do backpackers come to drink and eat? She replied with candor: no, they don't. The go to 7/11 and buy beer for 45 THB." I stopped by a place where I have bought rides to and from the border to do my visa runs and what was 500THB for a round trip now is 550 and up. I went and asked if they had available seats for PoiPet the following day and they told me that maybe they would not do the run as they did not have enough people to make it viable. Thais just don't get it. From the TOT brass to small businesses they want to wish a change and only by wishing and raising prices things will be better. But, TOT's official truth makes the government very happy and they think that CRES or not, that the free tourist visas will be all they need to bring zillions of tourist back to LOS, where most businesses are not smiling at all. What a pity! :(

"What a pity" Agreed, on a quick trip to Chiang Mai from Phrae my friends and I couldn't get over how few tourists there were. It's as bad as what it was 10 years ago when TAT stopped advertising Chiang Mai and the tourist numbers collapsed!

About half of the farangs in Phrae are either leaving or considering leaving because of the strength of the Thai baht against the Euro and the Pound, dam-ned if I know why the baht is so strong, it must be hel_l trying to export goods overseas?

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what a lot of people don't understand is that the strength of currency depends on how much US Dollars they have in reserve, and Thailand has quite a bit. As for the exports, yes, it is definitely hurting, especially in rice. Five years ago Thailand provided 60% of the world's rice. Now it's down to 30%, and they have been surpassed by Vietnam, who is quickly becoming the leading rice exporter.

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what a lot of people don't understand is that the strength of currency depends on how much US Dollars they have in reserve, and Thailand has quite a bit. As for the exports, yes, it is definitely hurting, especially in rice. Five years ago Thailand provided 60% of the world's rice. Now it's down to 30%, and they have been surpassed by Vietnam, who is quickly becoming the leading rice exporter.

What does currency strength and exports have to do with Thailand trying to bring back the tourism?

If anything, currency should be weaker, much weaker to bring back tourism and make the place attractive again.

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Why should I care what TAT says? They just spend a lot of the Thai Government's money for what? And they always want more. How can I get their job? Please don't reply, I already know the answer. It doesn't really bother me there aren't any tourists. I hope it stays that way! It's not my problem and it never will be...

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what a lot of people don't understand is that the strength of currency depends on how much US Dollars they have in reserve, and Thailand has quite a bit. As for the exports, yes, it is definitely hurting, especially in rice. Five years ago Thailand provided 60% of the world's rice. Now it's down to 30%, and they have been surpassed by Vietnam, who is quickly becoming the leading rice exporter.

What does currency strength and exports have to do with Thailand trying to bring back the tourism?

If anything, currency should be weaker, much weaker to bring back tourism and make the place attractive again.

Exports don't have anything to do with tourism, but the strength of the baht does, and right now it's much stronger than countries such as Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bali and Philippines. Plus, there are some experts who think the Bank of Thailand is artificially keeping the baht strong, which is possible, but which would make no sense. Until the baht weakens, especially with the global economy the way it is, it will have a direct effect on tourism. People who CAN, or who COULD HAVE afforded to come to Thailand will look to the countries I mentioned above for vacations and more "bang for their buck". Naturally, TAT and the Government will continue to spout their rhetoric that anyone with any sense simply laughs at, while tourists head elsewhere.

But it's not just the baht that's hurting tourism (although it certainly isn't helping matters), but other things as well.

1) Global economy

2) Political unrest in Thailand

3) State of Emergency in Thailand, which has now been extended for another 3 months in most areas, including BKK.

These are the 4 main factors in regards to tourism, and while the Global Economy is not something Thailand can do anything about, the other 3 are. But, being Amazing Thailand, they won't.

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what a lot of people don't understand is that the strength of currency depends on how much US Dollars they have in reserve, and Thailand has quite a bit. As for the exports, yes, it is definitely hurting, especially in rice. Five years ago Thailand provided 60% of the world's rice. Now it's down to 30%, and they have been surpassed by Vietnam, who is quickly becoming the leading rice exporter.

What does currency strength and exports have to do with Thailand trying to bring back the tourism?

If anything, currency should be weaker, much weaker to bring back tourism and make the place attractive again.

I can completely understand the political will opposing managing a devaluation of the baht. 1997 RUINED thousands of companies here.

Tourism is important, but there are thousands of companies doing very well thank you very much at the current USD level, GDP is growing, interest rates are reasonable, inflation is under control, and they have a current account surplus. Where is the economic pressure to devalue the baht supposed to come from? 75 to the GBP and 48 to the USD were at times of crisis. No one could have expected this level to remain.

Economically the rest of the world is a complete basket case. Thailand isn't perfect, but it isn't about to change its policies anytime soon.

Anyone for 50baht/litre for their fuel? It isn't so simple as devalue the currency and everything will be hunkey dorey. If it is a trade off between moving the currency to get a 10% rise in tourism (1.4mn tourists) or potentially effect industry where do you think any politician's loyalties lie?

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They had a meeting and concluded inbound arrivals would reach 15.5 million next year? How in the world do you determine such data in a meeting???? It is data, not opinion. Or, ist it? Tell me how a meeting concludes that a country will have 15.5 million arrivals in 2011 when there is no apparent research to even project arrivals for the fourth quarter of this year, which would be simple to ascertain through research. Meetings are where data is presented and substantiated based on research. What is this federation? Never heard of it. And then the guy admits there is no research and that it is at best an ubstantiated guess when he says that his projection is based on his presumptions that political turmoil has eased so the number of Chinese is likely to increase. Let's talk bookings, not wishful thinking or fortune-guesser bull caca.

they use a spinning dart board with all high numbers on it

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