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Govt. And/Or True Blocking U.S.-Based Video Streaming Sites

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I was doing some work today assembling a list of some different web sites that stream commercial TV content from the U.S. and found that a couple of the very prominent and popular ones -- Justin.TV, UStream.TV and TVUNetworks.com -- appear to be being blocked by the Thai government and/or True Internet.

I don't recall ever having problems accessing either of those site -- which aggregate a lot of different video streaming content -- in the past (prior to the Red riots). But today, I find I cannot access either via my True Internet connection from Bangkok. www.tvunetworks.com doesn't resolve at all... And Justin.tv shows trying to connect to the MICT (Ministry of Information, blah blah blah) web site, but never does resolve there.

And, I did a quick check with friends outside of Thailand today, and they were able to access all three sites fine... So I know it's not any kind of problem with the sites themselves.

Anyone else experiencing these kinds of problems, with True or other IS providers??? Any other sites of similar nature that are being blocked still?

I know the Govt. was going after Ustream during the Red riots because the Reds were using one of their channels to broadcast their stuff. But it's surprising (maybe not) that someone is blocking those entire sites and apparently more to boot, even now.

I hope that's not a taste of the government's planned media reforms... :realangry:


In on a TOT package and all three are blocked when I tried to reach them. Never heard of the sites until your post.


Yes they are blocked on account of trying to limit the information coming from the red shirts.

They were blocked "temporarily" but that of course is open to interpretation and thus the sites will probably remain blocked for a long time.

Several more are blocked too, and the suggestion by True is to break the law should you want to access the sites.


Yep Ustream.tv has been down a while now.

But anyway aren't we so lucky to have a government that wants to protect us from miss informed TV!

Just use software to watch TV instead.

Some say it doesn't effect me so I don't care!!:whistling:


Pib, thanks for the info/update on that....

I presumed the block was with the Thai govt.... but you never can be sure... Sometimes in the past, one ISP has had different censorship/filtering in effect from the others.... So for example, you could get to a particular site via True, but couldn't via TOT... Things like that...

But in this case, as your comments show, the censorship is with the Thai govt... not just the individual ISPs...

Stay tuned, though. Shortly, I'm going to be posting a new thread with a list of online streaming channels for major U.S. and UK television programming...all gathered together in one list... I'll post a link to the thread here on this thread, as well.

There are plenty of other streaming sites the Reds never heard of, and thus, the Thai govt. isn't blocking...

In on a TOT package and all three are blocked when I tried to reach them. Never heard of the sites until your post.


FA, thanks for the comment...

As anyone familiar with these subjects knows, there certainly are fairly easy ways around the Thai government's censorship of these kinds of things... But it would be nice/better if people didn't have to take those kinds of steps....

I'm curious, though, about your comment below... I'm a True customer for TV and Internet... What do you mean below??? Did True say something like that???

...The suggestion by True is to break the law should you want to access the sites.


Interesting.. all 3 work for me (on a True Business ADSL account). I've only tested the main webpage, but it's strange that business users would be allowed to access them.

- Martin


@ jfchandler. It means exactly that. According to Thaivisa rules I can not post anything more.

And I also suggest NOT to post a list of links to streaming sites. It would make blocking and filtering of such sites as easy as copy+paste. Let them work a little at least.

I'll continue enjoying my streaming media from all the obscure places on the net far away from the page 1 search result websites....

@ glimcoil. Business package users have always enjoyed a little less restrictions. You basically pay your way. Typically a Thai way?


I understand the concern you voice below...

One of the differences, though, is that most of the other sites (at least the ones I'm aware of) are not open to outside users to come in and put up whatever content they want, such as the Red channel stuff. I.e., the kind of thing the Thai govt. would be concerned about, such as occurred with Ustream, et. al. The other sites from the U.S. choose their own commercial content to re-transmit, and of course, it generally has absolutely nothing to do with Thailand... like TNT network, or ABC news or such...

I'm open to comment on that issue though... I was just trying to be helpful to folks, and was hoping others such as yourself would share as well. If there's a significant opinion against posting the info, I'd be content to keep the list and provide a link to it by PM for those interested... But my inclination is to go my original route, and that's to at least post a link to a web-based page of links here...

The purpose of TV is to share information among our community. And the content I'm talking about (links to television content web sites) is not violative of either TV forum rules or Thai law, to the best of my knowledge.

And I also suggest NOT to post a list of links to streaming sites. It would make blocking and filtering of such sites as easy as copy+paste. Let them work a little at least.

I'll continue enjoying my streaming media from all the obscure places on the net far away from the page 1 search result websites....

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