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Who "Cheats" More - Germany Or Netherlands?


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I'm cheering for Netherlands tonight and Germany tommorow. However, if they both end up in the final I'll want to support the team that dives the least (preferably one that doesn't dive at all). Since I'm only a fan when a major tournament comes around, I'd like to ask you more knowledgable fans which of the two play more sportsman-like. I didn't include Uruguay or Spain - for obvious reasons. :)

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Neither of them are saints. On the Dutch side Robben while a fine player does fall theatrically a lot. The guy I dislike most is Van Bommel who has always been nasty and is getting away with murder. He should have been sent off against Brazil and again in the semi-final tonight. If you see a replay of the lead up to Van Brockhurst's goal he makes a lunge at a Uruguan player which should have been a yellow card at least and an Uruguan free kick. He made more bookable fouls later in the game.

None of the present German side leaps to my mind. It would be true to say that both sides if they meet will be committed and there will be no one sparing themselves.

To answer your question IMO at present it is the Dutch. I would expect a few varying opinions. :rolleyes:

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If anyone played dirty in this game it was the Uruguay team. Robben has the reputation of diving a lot however he really hasn't been doing much of that during this World Cup. Van Bommel should have been send of tonight?? Sure he made some fouls as do most players but certainly not anything worth a red card.

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If anyone played dirty in this game it was the Uruguay team. Robben has the reputation of diving a lot however he really hasn't been doing much of that during this World Cup. Van Bommel should have been send of tonight?? Sure he made some fouls as do most players but certainly not anything worth a red card.

Agree in principle - but the thing with van Bommel is the number of fouls he is committing and and in the addition he deserves a yellow practically every time he plays.

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This referee is well known for allowing a lot of fouls and not pulling a card very quickly. Perhaps some players used that knowledge in the game. I don't know what you guys have against van Bommel, he was one of the best players on the Dutch side and he has been all World Cup.

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I'd be amazed if the word " Robben " doesn' actually mean " Cheat " in Dutch to be honest..

Either that or it's " Van Bommel " which could also possibly stand for " Dirty $^ who tries to hurt peopel & ruin their Careers on purpose "..

& we haven't even mentioned Van Persie...

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