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Brace Yourselves Against Robberies


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Last night, there were some suspicious teenagers roaming our streets with flashlights shining at houses and the TW just told me that she heard on Thai news that because of all the gambling on the world cup that there would be a rash of robbries and deaths due to debt from gambling on the world cup.

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them :(

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them :(

I DO blame them for gambling [and stealing]!!!

Sorry to sound so cold hearted, but after spending 2 decades here in Asia, I see most of the poor are poor by choice or lazyness. I used to feel sorry for them when I wore those 'rose colored glasses' for the first few years. I now help those that help themselves or the ones that really have come on hard luck.....illness, accident etc , but I'll never help a drunk, gambling, stealing, lazy no good thief!!!

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them :(

Unable to feed their families because they drank and gambled all their money away and we should feel pity for them? I've seen liberals before but this is too much! :lol:

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them :(

Unable to feed their families because they drank and gambled all their money away and we should feel pity for them? I've seen liberals before but this is too much! :lol:

Of course my comments do not include those that have drank and gambled their money away, don't be ridiculous. As i said times are tough in thailand and by that i meant drop in economy and trouble politically has lead to less tourists and also less building jobs as companies opt out of development here etc etc. I have nothing but contempt for those that rob to feed their habits of drugs alcohol and gambling - my sympathies are with the honest workers who are now out of work and perhaps i did not make that clear and perhaps my comment was not appropriate for a thread about world cup gambling debt :jap:

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them :(

Unable to feed their families because they drank and gambled all their money away and we should feel pity for them? I've seen liberals before but this is too much! :lol:

Of course my comments do not include those that have drank and gambled their money away, don't be ridiculous. As i said times are tough in thailand and by that i meant drop in economy and trouble politically has lead to less tourists and also less building jobs as companies opt out of development here etc etc. I have nothing but contempt for those that rob to feed their habits of drugs alcohol and gambling - my sympathies are with the honest workers who are now out of work and perhaps i did not make that clear and perhaps my comment was not appropriate for a thread about world cup gambling debt :jap:

Yeah, i think that you didn't read the topic completely.

And for the record, being out of a job is still no excuse for turning to crime. I too feel some sympathy for the many who are loosing their jobs and to them, I advise that they return to their provinces and live the simple life again and maybe get a payback from the relatives that they have beeen sending their pay checks to while working in the city.

and re: the west having a 'cushion' to fall back on....not so true any more with western countries going broke and cutting back on social services.

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Surely the gambling problem can't be that bad.

Richb.....where have you been living?? in a cave or on a small deserted island in the Andamin sea?? I see by your avatar that you have been here since 2006. Wake up my friend......Gambling is rampant here even tho it's illegal.

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The restaurants and bars we hang out at occasionally have been really empty. When we ask the waiters/waitresses why, they say folks have no money after the gambling last week. Gambling seems epidemic in Chiang Mai. A few months ago, I ran into a group of guys half way up Doi Suthep gambling on the last digit of license plates of cars coming up the road. They were having a good time by the looks of it.

Our normally safe Moo Bann has had two break-ins during the last four months. Not a good trend. I don't think the thieves in our "hood" use flashlights though!

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them :(

Yeah sure dont worry about saving a bit for a rainy day, why dont you just go out and hand out your money to them?

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them :(

Yeah sure dont worry about saving a bit for a rainy day, why dont you just go out and hand out your money to them?

wow, someone's having a bad day! If you leave your home and valubles unprotected then yes you may as well just hand over your money to them (see above)...but i for one have protected my home and belongings against the rising crime as best i can. Don't understand how you can confuse my empathy with desperation with being flippant about my money, savings and belongings :huh:

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them[/color [/b]:(

Yeah sure dont worry about saving a bit for a rainy day, why dont you just go out and hand out your money to them?

wow, someone's having a bad day! If you leave your home and valubles unprotected then yes you may as well just hand over your money to them (see above)...but i for one have protected my home and belongings against the rising crime as best i can. Don't understand how you can confuse my empathy with desperation with being flippant about my money, savings and belongings :huh:

Hmm how u can see Im having a bad day?

You virtually condone the theft therefore in my eyes it makes you an (insert expletive of choice)

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We seem to have had a big rise in the number of opportunist thefts happen recently among people we know. 4 house break ins in the last 4 weeks and 2 motorcycle bag snatches. We have put bars on our easily accessible windows and bought a safe just as a precaution. Times are tough and the Thai people dont have a social security system that is a fall back for desperate times like most of our home lands. I get angry at these thefts but on the other hand if they are unable to feed their families and see an easy target then who can blame them[/color [/b]:(

Yeah sure dont worry about saving a bit for a rainy day, why dont you just go out and hand out your money to them?

wow, someone's having a bad day! If you leave your home and valubles unprotected then yes you may as well just hand over your money to them (see above)...but i for one have protected my home and belongings against the rising crime as best i can. Don't understand how you can confuse my empathy with desperation with being flippant about my money, savings and belongings :huh:

Hmm how u can see Im having a bad day?

You virtually condone the theft therefore in my eyes it makes you an (insert expletive of choice)

Gosh, since when does having a bit of sympathy for the poor and desperate warrant me being an 'insert expletive of choice'? Kudos on the unnecessary name calling- says a lot but more about you than me, shame you cannot discuss this without twisting what i say and leaping to untrue conclusions and accusations. Your responses are not worth my attention as clearly you are spoiling for a fight. toodles and have a nice day x.

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Have empathy for those that are poor and desperate, not lazy alcoholic gamblers that waste their families money, present and future savings etc...

absolutely, as i said before, no sympathy for those who commit crimes to support their drug, alcohol and gambling addictions

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Surely the gambling problem can't be that bad.

Richb.....where have you been living?? in a cave or on a small deserted island in the Andamin sea?? I see by your avatar that you have been here since 2006. Wake up my friend......Gambling is rampant here even tho it's illegal.

Thais gambling you say! No way! You'll be telling me they drop litter and drive irresponsibly next! :o

Yes, I am well aware that Thais love to gamble. What I didn't realise was that it was driving them to loot, rape and pillage on such a scale.

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... As i said times are tough in thailand and by that i meant drop in economy and trouble politically has lead to less tourists and also less building jobs as companies opt out of development here etc etc.

The truth is things are not really too bad and all indicators for the Thai economy is actually up this year. Certainly the building industry has not suffered at all. Tourism is certainly having a bad time though.

To blame the economy or even World Cup gambling debts for a rise in crime is just taking the responsibly for people own action away from where it belongs, with them that make the decision to rob or steal.


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Gosh, since when does having a bit of sympathy for the poor and desperate warrant me being an 'insert expletive of choice'? Kudos on the unnecessary name calling- says a lot but more about you than me, shame you cannot discuss this without twisting what i say and leaping to untrue conclusions and accusations. Your responses are not worth my attention as clearly you are spoiling for a fight. toodles and have a nice day x.

Like anywwhere in the world I seriously doubt 99.99% of them are poor and desperate more like idle thieving gits, no need for kisses sweetheart.

Id rather die than steal from someone else.

Next you'll be telling us we cant wear short skirts "well it was our fault we got raped etc" we were asking for it.

Edited by yabaaaa
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Have empathy for those that are poor and desperate, not lazy alcoholic gamblers that waste their families money, present and future savings etc...

absolutely, as i said before, no sympathy for those who commit crimes to support their drug, alcohol and gambling addictions

And the bone idle??

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Surely the gambling problem can't be that bad.

It is if you gamble with money you don't have.

Ahh sort of like what the banks did with "securitised" mortgages? Seems to me that the bankers in Europe and the USA walked away with some massive bonuses despite the crippling losses due to their gambling and yet no one condemns them quite the way the poor and uneducated are condemned.

wow, someone's having a bad day! If you leave your home and valubles unprotected then yes you may as well just hand over your money to them (see above)...but i for one have protected my home and belongings against the rising crime as best i can. Don't understand how you can confuse my empathy with desperation with being flippant about my money, savings and belongings :huh:

Don't waste time on the angry people. People like you minimize their losses, maintain their sanity and are less likely to be targeted. Whereas the finger waggers usually end up getting clubbed over the head with a 2X4. There is a reason why some foreigners are targeted. Many of the home burglaries are commited by locals that know the victims. They target the easy pickings first and then the people they dislike. Kindness and empahy has a way of protecting those that practice it.

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Don't waste time on the angry people. People like you minimize their losses, maintain their sanity and are less likely to be targeted. Whereas the finger waggers usually end up getting clubbed over the head with a 2X4. There is a reason why some foreigners are targeted. Many of the home burglaries are commited by locals that know the victims. They target the easy pickings first and then the people they dislike. Kindness and empahy has a way of protecting those that practice it.

Your a funny guy.. i believe jesus ended up quite nice.. on a cross.

My dogs protect me plus a well locked house.

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There is a reason why some foreigners are targeted. Many of the home burglaries are commited by locals that know the victims.

Exactly! they are poor and having a difficult life by choice! perhaps not all of them, but the most i came across this is the case, they look at everything you do because they haven't got anything better to do (and there is no will to look for something better, other then by committing crimes), even if they know they can get something for free by just asking for it, they will wait the moment you go out and start their low life acts, perfectly aware that the police is corrupted even more than them and will not step in, TiT.

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Don't waste time on the angry people. People like you minimize their losses, maintain their sanity and are less likely to be targeted. Whereas the finger waggers usually end up getting clubbed over the head with a 2X4. There is a reason why some foreigners are targeted. Many of the home burglaries are commited by locals that know the victims. They target the easy pickings first and then the people they dislike. Kindness and empahy has a way of protecting those that practice it.

Your a funny guy.. i believe jesus ended up quite nice.. on a cross.

My dogs protect me plus a well locked house.

Yes, Jesus did that, but that's what was supposed to happen since he died on the cross to save you. (Not me, since I am apparently lost.) However, we are in agreement, as you have removed yourself as an easy target, although they have the disgusting habit of poisoning the dogs on Phuket. Just for that alone, I'd like to catch a burglar in the act. The police can have him after I help the thief get up after he "falls".

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Gosh, since when does having a bit of sympathy for the poor and desperate warrant me being an 'insert expletive of choice'? Kudos on the unnecessary name calling- says a lot but more about you than me, shame you cannot discuss this without twisting what i say and leaping to untrue conclusions and accusations. Your responses are not worth my attention as clearly you are spoiling for a fight. toodles and have a nice day x.

Like anywwhere in the world I seriously doubt 99.99% of them are poor and desperate more like idle thieving gits, no need for kisses sweetheart.

Id rather die than steal from someone else.

Next you'll be telling us we cant wear short skirts "well it was our fault we got raped etc" we were asking for it.

Sir, I have absolutely no problem with you going out wearing a short skirt, Im positive it will not lead to you being targeted for rape.

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Gosh, since when does having a bit of sympathy for the poor and desperate warrant me being an 'insert expletive of choice'? Kudos on the unnecessary name calling- says a lot but more about you than me, shame you cannot discuss this without twisting what i say and leaping to untrue conclusions and accusations. Your responses are not worth my attention as clearly you are spoiling for a fight. toodles and have a nice day x.

Like anywwhere in the world I seriously doubt 99.99% of them are poor and desperate more like idle thieving gits, no need for kisses sweetheart.

Id rather die than steal from someone else.

Next you'll be telling us we cant wear short skirts "well it was our fault we got raped etc" we were asking for it.

Sir, I have absolutely no problem with you going out wearing a short skirt, Im positive it will not lead to you being targeted for rape.

I wouldnt be so sure <_<

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to a certain extent i agree.

I have a neighbor who is a bit of a prick. treats his maid like crap, rude to the motorcycle guys, doesnt eat at the food stalls out front. his house has been burgled thrice in 5 years.

i live 30 meters away. I have lost a pair of shoes in 10 years. We have another neighbor who as also never had an issue. So why him?

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