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The nefarious riffraff that congregates on the beach side of beach road at night, making passage on that side precarious to say the least.

A shame, as it offers a walk-around to negate the foot traffic, tailors and touts on the other side, not to mention the possibility of a cool breeze coming off the water on a nice evening stroll, etc.


Not being able to walk with my eighteen year old daughter down town after a certain time in the evening without idiots of all nationalities being rude and well, idiots.

Yes I agree, I went through the same a few years ago when walking with my step daughter! :angry:


Not being able to walk with my eighteen year old daughter down town after a certain time in the evening without idiots of all nationalities being rude and well, idiots.

Yes I agree, I went through the same a few years ago when walking with my step daughter! :angry:

But just to put this in perspective, a friend who is married to a Thai lady, and lives in the UK, was once stopped by the police in the UK when walking with his daughter, who was 12 (and looks very Thai). Some idiot woman had called the police.


Pimply faced chronic masturbators , who live in their mothers basements, and constantly make anti Pattaya posts.

Sorry if I have offended any acne sufferers, the residentialy challenged, or any sex starved non - Thailand residents.

Not at all, they are also welcome to live in Pattaya


Pimply faced chronic masturbators , who live in their mothers basements, and constantly make anti Pattaya posts...

saliva flowing out of their mouths and running down their chins when they hear the word "Pattaya".


I don't like the bad press Pattaya and Thailand get worldwide for being what they are.

Makes it difficult to say that you like to live in Thailand or worse near Pattaya.


While I don't hate any one thing in particular about Pattaya I just hate the over all feel of the place. As far as people taking exception to negative posts about Pattaya they should read the Phuket forums which at times get a lot of negative posts.


Not enough people standing up for the place. It's not that bad....................

(5 murders and fourteen cases of manslaughter t recorded in Phuket during June)


Not being able to walk with my eighteen year old daughter down town after a certain time in the evening without idiots of all nationalities being rude and well, idiots.

Yes I agree, I went through the same a few years ago when walking with my step daughter! :angry:

How about not being able to walk with my wife's cousin without everybody thinking he is my BF!!!! We get stares all the time....especially when we are out partying and I put my arm around him....or is that his arm around me to help steady me from too many drinks!!

But what I hate about Pattaya is the lousy state of construction. Place looks like junk...as does most of Thailand. Seeing that birds nest of electrical wiring everywhere plain scares me....


I only go to Pattaya maybe 2 max 3 times per year with the family so I am certainly not a frequest visitor but what strikes me the most is how not Thai Pattaya is. That being positive or negative is up to the reader.

Another thing that strikes me is how expensive things are. I went and had an ordinary dinner for 3 without beer and it still cost me 800 bath (only the water was 3*30=90 bath). I get the same at 13 Coins tasting equally good for 500 bath in Bangkok.

A third thing that strikes me is the number of Thais I met in 3 days who weren't that polite

And a forth thing is the cheapskate 20 bath rip-offs that seem to happen so often. Never happens to me except when I go to Pattaya

But the bars and night life don't trouble me at all, they're fine - and fun


The Mia Falangs with bad attitude who so obviously were ex bar girls who now think they are hi-so.

You can take the Girl out of the bar...........

I am soooo with you on this one!

Guys who spoil sex workers like they are something special leads to this false elevated status for these girls. They can only get away with it in Pattaya or their home village, though.


I only go to Pattaya maybe 2 max 3 times per year with the family so I am certainly not a frequest visitor but what strikes me the most is how not Thai Pattaya is.

A third thing that strikes me is the number of Thais I met in 3 days who weren't that polite

My thoughts exactly. One of the first things I noticed in Pattaya was that nobody wai's or smiles. It is the land of smiles, no? Also, people don't wear yelllow shirts on Monday, pink on Tuesday, etc. as they do in Bangkok.

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