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The Lizards Are Eating My Food


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I'm referring to the little green lizards, about 3 to 5 inches long that you see all over the place. I don't know which variety they are.

What they're getting into are my tomatos, apples and onions that I've normally been leaving on the countertop or under the sink. I usually have my bread in a plastic container, but I had an extra loaf the other day, and they chewed through the wrapper to munch on the bread.

I wasn't sure what it was until two days ago when I caught one in my waste can eating the apple peels. Now, I know where those droppings have been coming from that I'm finding on my counters and shelves.

Yesterday, I bought enough sealed containers to keep everything I think they might get into. Also got a trash container with a tight fitting lid.

This morning, I was ready to pour a glass of water and found one curled up in the bottom of the glass.

I'm on the 14th floor of a condo and didn't think I'd have trouble with those critters up here. I'm guessing that they found a food source and made themselves at home here.

Besides the food they ruined, I'm concerned about sanitation with them crawling and pooping on things.

Is there anything else I can do to discourage them from coming around?

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you mean geckos? they're not eating your food.

they're eating the other critters that are eating your food.

don't know if geckos leave droppings. aren't they

hermetically sealed? must be the mice trying to eat the lizards.

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you mean geckos? they're not eating your food.

they're eating the other critters that are eating your food.

don't know if geckos leave droppings. aren't they

hermetically sealed? must be the mice trying to eat the lizards.

After way too many years of experiencing geckos in different countries, I have to say I, too, have never heard of them eating human food, only insects. We always leave fruit out on the counter, along with bread during the cold season. The only thing that we have seen eating them have been ants. But mice would be a likely candidate, also.

I get gecko droppings here and there. Most of the time they are dropping from the ceiling (have experienced the thrill of having some land on my head), but I guess they may also just show up when the gecko is on a horizontal surface when I am not around.

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Frequently had geckos lapping up my tea (the drops in the saucer) whilst I leave it unattended, on the telephone etc.

Another one that lives in the toaster (must like the breadcrumbs!).

They'll get in the rice cooker if you leave the lid off. So far suggests a diet more towards carbohydrates!

Also caught one lapping up some spilled Coca Cola.

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"I'm referring to the little green lizards, about 3 to 5 inches long that you see all over the place"....

Wonder what kind of critters you actually have been invaded by? The lizards, I see all over my place and fitting the size, never touch my food and they're all pale beige/light-brownish - so, although they do tend to adapt a bit color from the environment, I can't quite relate to what you may refer to. - Are your furnitures, walls etc. all green?

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I admit, it's possible something other than the lizards are feeding on my produce.

I assumed it was the lizards because it looked like the lizard was eating the apple peel when I spotted it. I had closed cereal boxes on the shelf during this time and there was no evidence of anything getting into them. If it was mice, I think the cereal would have been their first choice, or the bread.

In the bread, the apples and the tomatos, there was a very neat hole chewed into them without making any mess (no crumbs). With the onions though, it looked like they scraped off the outer skin to get to the juicy part.

I do have a fridge, but I thought these items were better left out.

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After way too many years of experiencing geckos in different countries, I have to say I, too, have never heard of them eating human food, only insects.

Hmm.. Can't elaborate on human food but frequently have been witnessing them eating

away their own breed, if the target just fits into mouth.

Even more astonishing, my houshold gekkos have created taste for guppies which

they get from two small fishtanks on my balcony.

If the water level is high enough - every once in a while

one crawls down, waits for its prey, catches the fish and run away.

Those bastards, now they killed Kenny#27... :realangry:

(though the guppies breed faster than the gekkos can eat them...)

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Sure sounds like Geckos. They're helping you control insects; not eating your food. We read a little story about them in my Thai language reading class recently. Apparently it's considered good luck to have them in your house. I Googled 'em and learned that they lay little eggs that look like white bird eggs, but are just the size of the end of your little finger. They lay the eggs in quiet dark places, to hatch at the beginning of the rainy season when insects are plentiful.

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I Googled 'em and learned that they lay little eggs that look like white bird eggs, but are just the size of the end of your little finger. They lay the eggs in quiet dark places, to hatch at the beginning of the rainy season when insects are plentiful.

Actually quite a bit smaller then the end of the little finger. I remember one day when our phone stopped working. I opened it up and found dozens of those little white eggs in there clogging up the bell. :D

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I Googled 'em and learned that they lay little eggs that look like white bird eggs, but are just the size of the end of your little finger. They lay the eggs in quiet dark places, to hatch at the beginning of the rainy season when insects are plentiful.

Actually quite a bit smaller then the end of the little finger. I remember one day when our phone stopped working. I opened it up and found dozens of those little white eggs in there clogging up the bell. :D

Wow! A phone with a bell, that can get clogged up! Glad to know that the good old days aren't completely gone, yet.

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Wow! A phone with a bell, that can get clogged up! Glad to know that the good old days aren't completely gone, yet.

To be fair, the phone came with the house 15 years ago. No longer used as everyone in the household has mobile phones now. ;)

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Geckos? mice? They're quite unexciting.

I have family who live in the tropics, just outside Cairns in Queensland, Australia, who have all al sorts of critters come into their place everynight for a looksee and snack. Bandicoots, bilbys, rats, bats, geckos, all visit nightly. The unusual bit is pademelons (small wallabies), but even that's not so unusual in itself. It's the massive pythons that have learnt the pademelons' habit and lie in wait.....inside the house!!

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My neighbour's dog just got nailed in the eyes by one of these yesterday. ph34r.gif. He lost another dog in the night about 2 weeks ago.


(Indochinese Spitting Cobra)

http://www.siam-info..._naja.html#Naja siamensis

Sorry a bit off topic.

EDIT: To be more on topic- I've found dead geckos in open bags of sweet kanom a few times, now. Maybe it's like catnip for clones but they all OD.

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Yah, the lizards around my place keep eating my pet dogs...


Seriously though, I thought geckos only ate insects. I've seen many small lizards in the garden, but never in the numbers that would cause any harm. They do more good than harm.

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Yep, that would be Kuranda ChouDoufu. Nice place. No leeches to my knowledge, but the midges are a problem nipping from about January to March.

I'm looking at buying a couple of teak houses from Thai Lanna and shiping them to Kuranda and setting up there for a few months each year. That rainforest is quite a place to live.

I forgot the monitors (goannas), big ones, IanForbes. Just another critter in the forest.

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I am living up in Isaan, and we have these "iguana´s" all over the place. They are eating just bugs and insects, and if one can look pass through the unpleasent feeling ones get when sees them, They are actually at good use inside our home.

When it comes to preserving or store food-stuff, you did just the right thing, buy plastic containers and

bag all of your stuff. i think that will put an end to all problems you have, if not......

The other thing is hygiene, as soon as we miss a spot to clean or just miss to pick up leftover stuff there will immy be a trail of ants or other insects infecting the place... So keep it clean,, that will take care of

the most part of the problem.


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Although, I share the opinion that they mostly serve as a household aid by eating those probably deadly insects, I must admit that I do hate it when they sh.t on my monitor, though.

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Jesus Christ, another "newbie sees a gecko" topic. This is just embarrassing.

Whats wrong with newbies talking about things that are new to them. Weren't you new once yourself. As for embarrassing well you've done that yourself a few times.

Awww ya just gotta know him,,,,, hes our own WtK,,,,, color him red for embarassed...


For heavens sake Photojohn, I hope they don't get into your freezer


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  • 3 months later...

Yah, the lizards around my place keep eating my pet dogs...


Seriously though, I thought geckos only ate insects. I've seen many small lizards in the garden, but never in the numbers that would cause any harm. They do more good than harm.

Does anyone know if rat poison will kill monitor lizards like the one in this photo?

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I admit, it's possible something other than the lizards are feeding on my produce.

I assumed it was the lizards because it looked like the lizard was eating the apple peel when I spotted it. I had closed cereal boxes on the shelf during this time and there was no evidence of anything getting into them. If it was mice, I think the cereal would have been their first choice, or the bread.

In the bread, the apples and the tomatos, there was a very neat hole chewed into them without making any mess (no crumbs). With the onions though, it looked like they scraped off the outer skin to get to the juicy part.

I do have a fridge, but I thought these items were better left out.

Bread will go stale faster if you put it in the fridge. However you can freeze it and when you thaw it it will still have some freshness in it.:)

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I admit, it's possible something other than the lizards are feeding on my produce.

I assumed it was the lizards because it looked like the lizard was eating the apple peel when I spotted it. I had closed cereal boxes on the shelf during this time and there was no evidence of anything getting into them. If it was mice, I think the cereal would have been their first choice, or the bread.

In the bread, the apples and the tomatos, there was a very neat hole chewed into them without making any mess (no crumbs). With the onions though, it looked like they scraped off the outer skin to get to the juicy part.

I do have a fridge, but I thought these items were better left out.

Bread will go stale faster if you put it in the fridge. However you can freeze it and when you thaw it it will still have some freshness in it.:)

I freeze bread, milk, cheese.They all freeze really well. Happy to have geckos- they love mozzies. Our problems are more with BIG toads, centipedes and scorpions seeking shelter from the rain, and occasionally snakes also seeking a dry place

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