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Nothing Is As Easy As Denouncing


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Nothing is as easy as denouncing. It doesn't take much to see that something is wrong, but it takes a lot to see what will put it right.

Today I have a choice - to be for something or against it. Shall I put energy and time into what I seek and admire, or shall I give it to opposition and resistance of what I dislike?

If someone asks a favour, I have a choice to resent and resist the intrusion or to engage with the person and see where it might lead. If a project I am working on is frustrating, I can wallow in criticizing it or try to get a clearer picture of what work and what I want.

Criticizing may be a helpful first stage in learning but it is seductive because it holds little riiiiiisk and I feel safe doing it. In that comfort I forget to go forward to create what I really want! My negative energy, when I am seduced by it, creates negative results. When I look back upon today, I will admire those choices that risked creating something positive.

Today, I have got a burst of postive thinking, so I am going to make the most of it. I will not give my energy to denouncing but to creating what I believe is worthwhile.

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