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Prostitution : Is It Wrong To Pay For Sex ?


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I don't frequent prostitutes, but I must admit, i do enjoy a good story where the man loses everything he owns to one.

I don't like lawyers much either.

Allot more men lose everything to women in the west then they do to so called prostitutes in the east.

That is where the theory of legalized prostitution comes in (marriage)

Another relevant fact is that 80% of the divorces in the west are the result of financial difficulty.

If you'd had said that 80% of western divorces are the result of "irreconcilable differences" then I might have believed you.

There are many reasons why marriages fail and people divorce, arguments and conflicts, incompatability,physical abuse, sexual abuse, alcholism and the list go's on but to say 80% of western divorces are the result of financial difficulty I don't agree with, statistics show that there are many reasons why people divorce, and "infidelity" is a big one, and to keep on topic I'd say that plenty of women have divorced husbands because they went with a prostitute.

And why did those guys go with prostitutes ? Probably because their female partners where not holding up their end of the bargain in bed.

I might add that if the guy won the lottery the day before, I am sure the woman would not have a problem holding up her end of the bargain the next night.

I always thought that the majority of guys who used prostitutes were either old, ugly, fat, low self esteem or just had no game....and when I visit bars now and again, it seems my assessment is not far wrong.

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I always thought that the majority of guys who used prostitutes were either old, ugly, fat, low self esteem or just had no game....and when I visit bars now and again, it seems my assessment is not far wrong.

You have just summed up the problems that men in the western world have with women.

I am quite good looking, slim, have very high self esteem (if fact I am one of elite of the world in the IQ and education departments) and extremely good with women.


I suffer from being over 50 or 'old' as you describe it.

Because I am old, no woman in the western world, that I would desire, would desire me.

Why should I have to lower my expectations of my lovers just because I am old, this makes no sense to me.

Easy to point your finger at us when you are young and a 'very hansum man', but one day you too will be old.

(there is also a good chance that you will also become fat, ugly and bald .... what you gonna do?)

Edited by sarahsbloke
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This thread reminds me of a joke:

Man and woman get married, after the initial honeymoon period, every time the man wants sex, the wife charges him 20$US.

Jump ahead 40 years, 64 year old man loses his job is distraught over what he sees as certain money problems.

The wife says "don't worry honey, the 20$ I've been charging you all these years I've been putting in a bank account, with interest is 1.5 million, we'll be alright".

Husband exclaims "geeez if I knew that's what you were doing I would've given you all my business!"

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I always thought that the majority of guys who used prostitutes were either old, ugly, fat, low self esteem or just had no game....and when I visit bars now and again, it seems my assessment is not far wrong.

You have just summed up the problems that men in the western world have with women.

I am quite good looking, slim, have very high self esteem (if fact I am one of elite of the world in the IQ and education departments) and extremely good with women.


I suffer from being over 50 or 'old' as you describe it.

Because I am old, no woman in the western world, that I would desire, would desire me.

Why should I have to lower my expectations of my lovers just because I am old, this makes no sense to me.

Easy to point your finger at us when you are young and a 'very hansum man', but one day you too will be old.

(there is also a good chance that you will also become fat, ugly and bald .... what you gonna do?)

I have all the attributes that Sarah'sbloke has except that I am not slim.

I guess that puts me in Dlocks category. This guy has clearly not been to Pattaya and seen the young, athletic types engaging in their sexual olympic quest - no problem with that, a normal buyer/seller market.

For me, any so-called 'all night romps' are behind me (slightly exaggerated to boot!).

However, as Sarahsbloke and I while away our time, waiting for our Old Age Pension to arrive, it is good to know that if we want to share the warmth of a younger Thai woman for the night we can do so for the princely sum of GBP 25.00

For my part, I find myself attracted to Thai ladies in their early to mid 30's. I would not consider a "Go-go princess", I have had too many starfish. Passably attractive, divorced or widowed 2/3 years ago, 1 or 2 kids with Mum and only one month in Pattaya - perfect profile and they genuinely seem to appreciate some gentle attention.

The choice is extensive, it is a buyers market (we are ALL hansum men) and in our countries we could get into a fight for just looking at a lady of that age.

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This thread reminds me of a joke:

Man and woman get married, after the initial honeymoon period, every time the man wants sex, the wife charges him 20$US.

Jump ahead 40 years, 64 year old man loses his job is distraught over what he sees as certain money problems.

The wife says "don't worry honey, the 20$ I've been charging you all these years I've been putting in a bank account, with interest is 1.5 million, we'll be alright".

Husband exclaims "geeez if I knew that's what you were doing I would've given you all my business!"

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Whoops, he just gave her a little too much information... bye, bye honey... and money. :annoyed:

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old, ugly, fat, low self esteem or just had no game

Guilty on all counts, Ain't Thailand great! :)

Yes, when you look at it that way...it is pretty sweet.

Sometimes when I see older guys with hot, young Thai girls, part of me wants to be disgusted, but secretly I know I have a lot to look forward to and I'll often give a nod and a smile to that guy, because I know that he is keeping the dream alive that I shall one day inherit.

Play on good sir. Play on.

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Nobody has yet given me a logical answer why a single man should give up sex once he passes the age of 50. The options for a man of that age in the western world (Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand) are zero if he prefers someone young and attractive to someone fat and homely as sexual partner. Any man who says he would rather make love to a fat, homely gal rather than someone young and attractive is either a liar or has a weird fettish. Good looking prostitutes are available for a price... all over the world. It's just that they are a bit less expensive in a few Asian countries... of which Thailand is just one. it's a simple business transaction between consenting adults, and where both participants go home happy. I've never been with a woman yet who didn't go home with a big smile on her face and then ask for my cel number for future visits. And, had I ever decided I wanted to settle down (for any length of time) with one of the lovelies, then the option was always there for me. Those options don't exist in the western world unless you are rich and famous.

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Nobody has yet given me a logical answer why a single man should give up sex once he passes the age of 50. The options for a man of that age in the western world (Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand) are zero if he prefers someone young and attractive to someone fat and homely as sexual partner. Any man who says he would rather make love to a fat, homely gal rather than someone young and attractive is either a liar or has a weird fettish. Good looking prostitutes are available for a price... all over the world. It's just that they are a bit less expensive in a few Asian countries... of which Thailand is just one. it's a simple business transaction between consenting adults, and where both participants go home happy. I've never been with a woman yet who didn't go home with a big smile on her face and then ask for my cel number for future visits. And, had I ever decided I wanted to settle down (for any length of time) with one of the lovelies, then the option was always there for me. Those options don't exist in the western world unless you are rich and famous.

Cause nobody can...and those who try, are either young, in a satisfying relationship/marriage or simply can't fathom?

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I always thought that the majority of guys who used prostitutes were either old, ugly, fat, low self esteem or just had no game....and when I visit bars now and again, it seems my assessment is not far wrong.

Guys like Charlie Sheen ? I am sure Kobe bryant wished he had just got a prostitute.

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I always thought that the majority of guys who used prostitutes were either old, ugly, fat, low self esteem or just had no game....and when I visit bars now and again, it seems my assessment is not far wrong.

You have just summed up the problems that men in the western world have with women.

I am quite good looking, slim, have very high self esteem (if fact I am one of elite of the world in the IQ and education departments) and extremely good with women.


I suffer from being over 50 or 'old' as you describe it.

Because I am old, no woman in the western world, that I would desire, would desire me.

Why should I have to lower my expectations of my lovers just because I am old, this makes no sense to me.

Easy to point your finger at us when you are young and a 'very hansum man', but one day you too will be old.

(there is also a good chance that you will also become fat, ugly and bald .... what you gonna do?)

I have all the attributes that Sarah'sbloke has except that I am not slim.

I guess that puts me in Dlocks category. This guy has clearly not been to Pattaya and seen the young, athletic types engaging in their sexual olympic quest - no problem with that, a normal buyer/seller market.

For me, any so-called 'all night romps' are behind me (slightly exaggerated to boot!).

However, as Sarahsbloke and I while away our time, waiting for our Old Age Pension to arrive, it is good to know that if we want to share the warmth of a younger Thai woman for the night we can do so for the princely sum of GBP 25.00

For my part, I find myself attracted to Thai ladies in their early to mid 30's. I would not consider a "Go-go princess", I have had too many starfish. Passably attractive, divorced or widowed 2/3 years ago, 1 or 2 kids with Mum and only one month in Pattaya - perfect profile and they genuinely seem to appreciate some gentle attention.

The choice is extensive, it is a buyers market (we are ALL hansum men) and in our countries we could get into a fight for just looking at a lady of that age.

Cardholder, my post was not meant to demean anyone. It was just an observation based on my limited experience in such bars.

I have been to Pattaya too many times to remember and I have seen these girls you speak of.

Me, I enjoy fishing very much. But I like to fish for the big game fish that are hard to catch, but worth the effort and patience if I can land them. Sometimes I come home with nothing, but I enjoyed the experience and the chase. Now, I could go to a fishing park and catch a catfish, but it's just not me. Some guys really like the fishing parks and catching a handful of catfish. They have their reasons, and as long as they are catching fish, I guess that's all that matters...as long as they tag and release. One day, I expect I will be at that fishing park, so leave a few catfish for me.

Keep the dream alive my friend and enjoy your fishing.

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Cardholder, my post was not meant to demean anyone. It was just an observation based on my limited experience in such bars.

I have been to Pattaya too many times to remember and I have seen these girls you speak of.

Me, I enjoy fishing very much. But I like to fish for the big game fish that are hard to catch, but worth the effort and patience if I can land them. Sometimes I come home with nothing, but I enjoyed the experience and the chase. Now, I could go to a fishing park and catch a catfish, but it's just not me. Some guys really like the fishing parks and catching a handful of catfish. They have their reasons, and as long as they are catching fish, I guess that's all that matters...as long as they tag and release. One day, I expect I will be at that fishing park, so leave a few catfish for me.

Keep the dream alive my friend and enjoy your fishing.

Ah yes, on the fishing analogy I can relate. I love both... beautiful women and great fishing. Fortunately, I can have both and believe me, I am fussy. I won't bother posting pictures because most people here have seen them anyway. You just have to have the proper skills and use the right bait for success. :rolleyes::whistling:

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The long term consequences of engaging in prostitution are over overwhelmingly negative. I wouldn't criticize those who engage but I do think that they should face the reality of it (most in this thread don't seem to).

The long term consequences for which party... the man or the woman? Using prostitutes has little or no affect on the man... other than public distain for the practise. For the woman it can have good or bad results. I've known quite a few former prostitutes who greatly improved their lives by a few years working in the trade. Very few women stay in the trade longer than 5 or 6 years, and probably 10 years at the most. After that they've usually met someone and settle down somewhere. As per usual, the more attractive gals get more attention and are more likely to meet someone they are willing to stay with in some sort of marriage. The people I associate with hold no stigma to the women who were former hookers. It's only the bigoted, self righteous people who hold others in distain for what they did in their past. The smart gals save their money and invest it in property for themselves and their family.

All of us adjust to our surroundings. The wealthy and attractive people have more choices in life. Those not so fortunate settle for second or third best. It a man is short, fat and ugly then he better have a lot of money or he isn't going to wind up with the beauty queen. Same goes for the girls. If she's not a beauty then she better have a good brain and the smarts to take care of herself. There are many homely, plain looking women in the prostitution trade, but they don't get much action and they have to settle for the ugly guys... who also can't get the pretty gals. I know a lot of pretty hookers and I've seen them turn away from some men. And, they DO talk among themselves about who is nice and who isn't.

I've helped several young women stay out of the sex trade for the one reason that it's usually a dead end for those that can't handle it properly. Once they''ve been in the trade, then most Thai men won't have anything to do with them on anything but a professional level. There only option of meeting a man after they've been in the trade is with one of the clients. And, there aren't that many nice clients available. Prostitution WILL harden a woman emotionally and scar her feelings for others. But, that happens to all of us anyway even if we try to live like a saint. Most of us learn from the school of hard knocks.

The Thai women who work in the farang sector have it much better the average prostitute because many farang choose to marry prostitutes and/or financially support them beyond their wildest dreams. Still, even for Thai women working in this particular subset, the long term consequences are overwhelmingly negative.

Edited by Chunky1
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I haven't read all posts here, but I feel qualified to comment based on the couple of dozen I have read.

Before I do that, I'll point out that I'm not tall, not build like a body builder but slim to medium, and I consider myself above average in looks- not out of vanity or narcissism, just because I have eyes and and have done very well with the ladies in my younger years- better than almost any other guy I have met.

I have had a lot of sex without paying for it. The number or women is in the double figured dozens, I reckon. I just got lucky with looks and learned how, when, where, and who to get it from.

As a result, I became very knowledgeable and understanding of both men's and womens emotions, both with sex and with love.

There isn't that much difference really- both parties get horny and like to bang. Too much of it desensitises you and can corrupt your soul, too little can do the same, and a balanced amount is good for mind, body, and soul.

Marriage isn't prostitution. The people who say so are usually those who've been stung by nasty break-ups and have had to pay alimony/child support, so they are understandably bitter.

Marriage is for love. It used to be for convenience, but nowadays it's a love, commitment and devotion ceremony. Prostitution is a one off deal- one party needs cash, the other party wants sexual gratification, they trade- cash for a service. No love, commitment, or devotion is involved. Sure, it can cost, but so can being single and not having someone to entertain you cheaply, paying for sex, drinking more, and sharing accommodation, meals, chores etc that you otherwise might pay more for.

Most women can and do orgasm. In my entire sexual history, only a few women have never been able to orgasm at all. If most of yours aren't able to, either you're very unlucky or (more likely) not doing it right. then again, if you only do it with "working girls", they are so desensitised to sex that you're pushing shit uphill to try to get them off. I only succeeded with one bar girl at this, and only when she had a hangover (which made her mega-horny!).

Some women can get off in minutes, others only orgasm a handful of times in their life. It's like men- some last minutes, some (like me) take a while (usually 20-40 minutes, up to an hour or more sometimes), most are in the middle I think. Society says men should last longer, but trust me, getting told to stop before you're done is not fun. It's just like everyone saying women with big tits are better. They are good to look at, sometimes, but I prefer small, sensitive and firm/perky, to big, insensitive and floppy/squishy. Everyone's different and everyone has different tastes.

Now I didn't pay for sex until I was in my early 30's, but I did buy the odd girl a coffee, dinner, drinks etc to get it. They didn't usually try to "hold" me after one shag, unless they were really inexperienced or we had been dating for a long while beforehand (ie: more than 3-4 dates).

Some just wanted sex. At one stage when I was 21, I broke up with a Korean girl who wanted to marry for residency. She married an older Korean resident in my country, then came over at random hours demanding sex. It was always kinky, rough, dirty sex, and I LOVED it! Another time in my early 20's, maybe 3 years later, I was seeing three girls at once, on and off. One was engaged to a man overseas and wanted to have her affair in my country before settling into married life. Another was planning to get engaged and married soon, again to a man back home, and wanted to try out white guys first. The third was chasing someone who she loved, but he wasn't interested. She still had sexual desires though, and I got to fulfil them for her.

This alone shows us that women are NOT using sex "to get something", and they DO have sexual desires and CAN separate love and sex, thesame as men do.

We are different, but not as much as everyone seems to think.

Way to go stud - but Is It Wrong To Pay For Prostitution? :)

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I haven't read all posts here, but I feel qualified to comment based on the couple of dozen I have read.

Before I do that, I'll point out that I'm not tall, not build like a body builder but slim to medium, and I consider myself above average in looks- not out of vanity or narcissism, just because I have eyes and and have done very well with the ladies in my younger years- better than almost any other guy I have met.

I have had a lot of sex without paying for it. The number or women is in the double figured dozens, I reckon. I just got lucky with looks and learned how, when, where, and who to get it from.

As a result, I became very knowledgeable and understanding of both men's and womens emotions, both with sex and with love.

There isn't that much difference really- both parties get horny and like to bang. Too much of it desensitises you and can corrupt your soul, too little can do the same, and a balanced amount is good for mind, body, and soul.

Marriage isn't prostitution. The people who say so are usually those who've been stung by nasty break-ups and have had to pay alimony/child support, so they are understandably bitter.

Marriage is for love. It used to be for convenience, but nowadays it's a love, commitment and devotion ceremony. Prostitution is a one off deal- one party needs cash, the other party wants sexual gratification, they trade- cash for a service. No love, commitment, or devotion is involved. Sure, it can cost, but so can being single and not having someone to entertain you cheaply, paying for sex, drinking more, and sharing accommodation, meals, chores etc that you otherwise might pay more for.

Most women can and do orgasm. In my entire sexual history, only a few women have never been able to orgasm at all. If most of yours aren't able to, either you're very unlucky or (more likely) not doing it right. then again, if you only do it with "working girls", they are so desensitised to sex that you're pushing shit uphill to try to get them off. I only succeeded with one bar girl at this, and only when she had a hangover (which made her mega-horny!).

Some women can get off in minutes, others only orgasm a handful of times in their life. It's like men- some last minutes, some (like me) take a while (usually 20-40 minutes, up to an hour or more sometimes), most are in the middle I think. Society says men should last longer, but trust me, getting told to stop before you're done is not fun. It's just like everyone saying women with big tits are better. They are good to look at, sometimes, but I prefer small, sensitive and firm/perky, to big, insensitive and floppy/squishy. Everyone's different and everyone has different tastes.

Now I didn't pay for sex until I was in my early 30's, but I did buy the odd girl a coffee, dinner, drinks etc to get it. They didn't usually try to "hold" me after one shag, unless they were really inexperienced or we had been dating for a long while beforehand (ie: more than 3-4 dates).

Some just wanted sex. At one stage when I was 21, I broke up with a Korean girl who wanted to marry for residency. She married an older Korean resident in my country, then came over at random hours demanding sex. It was always kinky, rough, dirty sex, and I LOVED it! Another time in my early 20's, maybe 3 years later, I was seeing three girls at once, on and off. One was engaged to a man overseas and wanted to have her affair in my country before settling into married life. Another was planning to get engaged and married soon, again to a man back home, and wanted to try out white guys first. The third was chasing someone who she loved, but he wasn't interested. She still had sexual desires though, and I got to fulfil them for her.

This alone shows us that women are NOT using sex "to get something", and they DO have sexual desires and CAN separate love and sex, thesame as men do.

We are different, but not as much as everyone seems to think.

You happened to grow up around a bunch of sluts so now you think you know more about this then anyone else ?

BTW allot of what you wrote goes against some basic biology which is what this is really about.

Edited by sokal
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The long term consequences for which party... the man or the woman? Using prostitutes has little or no affect on the man... other than public distain for the practise.

One need only read some of the attitudes being expressed in this thread for examples of how men who use prostitutes develop a set of rather disturbing attitudes towards women.

There are a number of examples here of people completely switching off their critical thought in order to justify their views on prostitution and male/female relationships - At least one guy who clearly needs help.


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Me, I enjoy fishing very much. But I like to fish for the big game fish that are hard to catch,

So you are glad you are not in Brad Pitts shoes because then you could not play "hard to catch" ?

Allot of guys that say this kind of thing are really just stuck in the delusion that their charm gets them all their tail. If you need to reassure yourself that it was your charm or looks that got you a woman just to enjoy the sex then I pitty you.

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Cardholder, my post was not meant to demean anyone. It was just an observation based on my limited experience in such bars.

I have been to Pattaya too many times to remember and I have seen these girls you speak of.

Me, I enjoy fishing very much. But I like to fish for the big game fish that are hard to catch, but worth the effort and patience if I can land them. Sometimes I come home with nothing, but I enjoyed the experience and the chase. Now, I could go to a fishing park and catch a catfish, but it's just not me. Some guys really like the fishing parks and catching a handful of catfish. They have their reasons, and as long as they are catching fish, I guess that's all that matters...as long as they tag and release. One day, I expect I will be at that fishing park, so leave a few catfish for me.

Keep the dream alive my friend and enjoy your fishing.

That is all very well DLock but the rod and bait are not what they were ! :whistling:

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The long term consequences for which party... the man or the woman? Using prostitutes has little or no affect on the man... other than public distain for the practise.

I'd disagree, I think there are long term psychological impacts on men who use prostitutes, particularly expats and sex tourists here in Thailand.

I personally know a number of men who came to Thailand to work here, got involved with a string of prostitutes and left bitter, cynical and unable to establish relationships with women who are not prostitutes.

One need only read some of the attitudes being expressed in this thread for examples of how men who use prostitutes develop a set of rather disturbing attitudes towards women.

You might of course argue these attitudes were already held in men who came to Thailand for the sex industry (as sextourists and perhaps remained as  sexpats ) but I'd say even in their case the use of prostitutes reinforces the attitudes we read above.

There are a number of examples here of people completely switching off their critical thought in order to justify their views on prostitution and male/female relationships - At least one guy who clearly needs help.

I think these are examples of exactly the kind of negative impacts the use of prostitutes can have on the psychology of men who use them.

Can't argue with anything there.

I am not making any moral statement here on the issue, but I think it is clear that frequenting prostitutes in lieu of less impersonal-type relationships will likely change a man.  

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Me, I enjoy fishing very much. But I like to fish for the big game fish that are hard to catch,

So you are glad you are not in Brad Pitts shoes because then you could not play "hard to catch" ?

Allot of guys that say this kind of thing are really just stuck in the delusion that their charm gets them all their tail. If you need to reassure yourself that it was your charm or looks that got you a woman just to enjoy the sex then I pitty you.

If you like using prostitutes then good for you, but you don't need to mask your own insecurities by making assumptions on why I choose not to partake in easy sex with prostitutes.

Read my analogy any way you want, but the point is that I don't like to spend my time with whores at this stage of my life.

I'm not sure I am worthy of your "pitty". I do just fine.

...enjoy you catfish.

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Me, I enjoy fishing very much. But I like to fish for the big game fish that are hard to catch, but worth the effort and patience if I can land them.

Enjoy your fishing Captain Ahab,

If you try hard enough, you just might catch a Great White Whale! :bah:

Been there, done that, tossed it back.

Edited by sarahsbloke
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In the western world (I'm making assumptions, never paid for sex there with cash upfront) prostitutes of the get them in, get them done, get them out variety while turning their heads to one side and having the 'get it over with' attitude had no attraction for me at all, in fact they would appear to be pretty much the same as my former UK wife .... so no desire to indulge.

In Thailand this was entirely different, 'I love you so much', exactly what I was looking for, a woman who made some pretense of loving me and wanting to be in bed with me. Do I care if it is real or not, not at all, I'm happy with the fantasy .........

i believe that you have a very valid point.  I know men who would never patronize a prostitute in the west but enjoy the girl friend experience that is reputed to be the norm in Thailand or the Philippines, for example.  And this is true even if they completely understand that this experience is just an act.

From reputation, prostitutes in the US seem to fall under the uber-expensive corporate call girl we read about when some bank or such goes under or the "$5 crack whore."  One is out of reach for most men, the other scares most men.  But for men without a partner or with a partner who doesn't fill that niche, then the fantasy available here is what they are buying.

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The long term consequences for which party... the man or the woman? Using prostitutes has little or no affect on the man... other than public distain for the practise.

I'd disagree, I think there are long term psychological impacts on men who use prostitutes, particularly expats and sex tourists here in Thailand.

I personally know a number of men who came to Thailand to work here, got involved with a string of prostitutes and left bitter, cynical and unable to establish relationships with women who are not prostitutes.

One need only read some of the attitudes being expressed in this thread for examples of how men who use prostitutes develop a set of rather disturbing attitudes towards women.

You might of course argue these attitudes were already held in men who came to Thailand for the sex industry (as sextourists and perhaps remained as sexpats ) but I'd say even in their case the use of prostitutes reinforces the attitudes we read above.

There are a number of examples here of people completely switching off their critical thought in order to justify their views on prostitution and male/female relationships - At least one guy who clearly needs help.

I think these are examples of exactly the kind of negative impacts the use of prostitutes can have on the psychology of men who use them.

Can't argue with anything there.

I am not making any moral statement here on the issue, but I think it is clear that frequenting prostitutes in lieu of less impersonal-type relationships will likely change a man.

I think he is very much over-generalizing. I know plenty of "Johns" who respect sex-workers and certainly do not hate them. I have met a few real losers that do, but it is because they have problems with almost everyone that meets them. It is never good to judge any group of people by the actions of just a few.

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Nobody has yet given me a logical answer why a single man should give up sex once he passes the age of 50.  The options for a man of that age in the western world (Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand) are zero if he prefers someone young and attractive to someone fat and homely as sexual partner. Any man who says he would rather make love to a fat, homely gal rather than someone young and attractive is either a liar or has a weird fettish. Good looking prostitutes are available for a price... all over the world. It's just that they are a bit less expensive in a few Asian countries... of which Thailand is just one. it's a simple business transaction between consenting adults, and where both participants go home happy. I've never been with a woman yet who didn't go home with a big smile on her face and then ask for my cel number for future visits. And, had I ever decided I wanted to settle down (for any length of time) with one of the lovelies, then the option was always there for me. Those options don't exist in the western world unless you are rich and famous.

If you insist on early 20's, then you might be correct.  But ages are not equal for men and women.  "Cougars" are derided, but older men with younger women are given a wink and a thumbs up.

Men over 50 can easily find women in their early or mid-thirties on up.  And I for one, while I certainly look at the uni girls as they walk by, can appreciate an older women who knows where she is mentally and physically.  Other than in appearances, I don't think I have ever met a 20-ish woman who can match most 40-ish women in bed or just in conversation across the dinner table.

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Me, I enjoy fishing very much. But I like to fish for the big game fish that are hard to catch,

So you are glad you are not in Brad Pitts shoes because then you could not play "hard to catch" ?

Allot of guys that say this kind of thing are really just stuck in the delusion that their charm gets them all their tail. If you need to reassure yourself that it was your charm or looks that got you a woman just to enjoy the sex then I pitty you.

If you like using prostitutes then good for you, but you don't need to mask your own insecurities by making assumptions on why I choose not to partake in easy sex with prostitutes.

Read my analogy any way you want, but the point is that I don't like to spend my time with whores at this stage of my life.

I'm not sure I am worthy of your "pitty". I do just fine.

...enjoy you catfish.

I was just saying that the "hard to catch" thing, when you really think about it, doesn't make very much sense because in the eyes of a guy like Brad Pitt or Lewis Hamilton all girls must look like whores because they are so easy to get.

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I think he is very much over-generalizing. I know plenty of "Johns" who respect sex-workers and certainly do not hate them. I have met a few real losers that do, but it is because they have problems with almost everyone that meets them. It is never good to judge any group of people by the actions of just a few.

I don't agree.  A steady diet of anything changes a man, for good or for bad.  I know in combat, for example, men change.  I also know that I am different when I am intimate with a woman than I was when I first discovered this particular aspect on life.

I am not holding that patronizing prostitutes makes a man bad.  I am just saying that it changes men.  And for many men, that change might be that they tend to see women as money-grubbing, asexual bitches who will do anything to earn a baht. If you are a monk in an isolated monastery, your opinion of women might be shaped by your mother.  If you have been happily married for all your life, your opinion will be shaped by your wife. But if you have been primarily frequenting bargirls, then your opinion on women will be influenced by the actions of these women while they are in working mode.

I am not being critical here.  I happen to lean more to the live-and-let-live camp.  But I think it is fair to say that we are affected by the lifestyle choices we make.  I know I certainly am.  

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Me, I enjoy fishing very much. But I like to fish for the big game fish that are hard to catch,

So you are glad you are not in Brad Pitts shoes because then you could not play "hard to catch" ?

Allot of guys that say this kind of thing are really just stuck in the delusion that their charm gets them all their tail. If you need to reassure yourself that it was your charm or looks that got you a woman just to enjoy the sex then I pitty you.

If you like using prostitutes then good for you, but you don't need to mask your own insecurities by making assumptions on why I choose not to partake in easy sex with prostitutes.

Read my analogy any way you want, but the point is that I don't like to spend my time with whores at this stage of my life.

I'm not sure I am worthy of your "pitty". I do just fine.

...enjoy you catfish.

I was just saying that the "hard to catch" thing, when you really think about it, doesn't make very much sense because in the eyes of a guy like Brad Pitt or Lewis Hamilton all girls must look like whores because they are so easy to get.

I never said how successful I was at fishing...it was the experience and the hope I land a big'un that motivate me.

You are reading way too much into my post. It was based on my experiences in Thailand for average guys like you and me...

Brad did pretty well for himself and has Lewis. Tiger...not so much.

I'm sure they suffer from the opposite problem we do....but it's a problem that might be fun for a while.

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