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Bangkok Grabs World’s Best Award 2010 For Best City


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Do any of the posters complaining actually live in Bangkok?

Probably not. If you hated a place and complained so much, would you live there? Personally, I don't like Bangkok and that is exactly the reason why I don't live there.

No, I was just interested.

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Travel & Leisure is based in New York, owned by American Express, and does these polls every year. The poll was done before the recent demonstrations in Bangkok. The mag has 4.5 million readers. The polls are voluntary for readers to respond and are totally unscientific. Actual numbers are never published -- only a resulting score. These polls have a long history of wierd and distorted results. Among this years interesting results : in Europe, Krakow is rated ahead of Paris in South Pacific ( include Aus and NZ ), the top 10 has only 5 results.

That being said, congrats to Bankok and Chiang Mai

Thanks for the source. Scientific or not, 4.5 million readers with voluntary voting, being top and second is still impressive. One would not care to vote if one has no liking of any cities. The only that the citizens should not be overjoyed is the poll was before that dreadful events in April and May. I like very much to know of the result next year.


Think for just a moment....of all the 4.5 million readers, what percentage have every been to BKK? Now consider all the destinations of the world, and in the total universe of readers there would have to be a high enough percentage of the reader universe that have spent time in BKK in order for such poll results to even be mathematically possible. In other words, if the overwhelming majority of the reader universe have never been to BKK they would have had to have picked other cities. Polls are not like sweepstakes, which are subject to regulations and audits, when there is no consideration for volunteering an opinion. How the polling instrument (questionnaire) is designed and distributed will influence the results. For example, data is captured and then tracked and can select readers that have used AE cards in BKK, and a survey can be circulated to 100% of this group with an AE invoice, or, since all cardholders receive the magazine and the mailing labels are printed from the database, surveys can be printed in issues that go to this select group, just like you can run an ad or blow in an insert to a zip code select or any other select. Polls like this can easily start with the desired result and reverse engineer the process to deliver the result.

Well both would be in my Top 10... I think the fact that everyone must past through BKK to nearly go anywhere in Asia probably helps. Little hard to believe when seeing CMai over the last few months... many happening Farang places nearly being totally without Farangs.

Fact is the mag probably came into the poll with an outcome in mind... a few bucks from the Thai Tourism board would secure the result. Yet you would think SG, Japan and HK could pay far more.

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I lived in Bangkok for almost a year...and then off and on for many years after that. I love the city, but decided not to live there anymore. I am sure one reason they are on top is the value factor. Japan and Singapore are crazy expensive. Way better value here, if you are in that 4-5 star range. I know that's what sold me in the first place. Great value for your money.

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I'm in Hong Kong and I'd rather be in Thailand , the good chairman on mainland China keeps sending over what seems like air thats full of broken down chook Sh!!!t every day, so air pollution is bad , the place could do with a make over,a bus driver died of heat stroke last week, we then find out he was 81, for christ sake, and whats more there's a typhoon heading our way. Congratulations BKK.

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Why does this poll have to be a sinister conspiracy? Why do so many expats on this site always have to smear and put down Thailand, it's people and it's culture. If you dislike and disrespect Thailand so much, why do you live here? I'm betting you would be just as negative about anywhere in the world, and you just can't help to always see the bad in most everything.

Anyway .... I love Thailand and I think BKK is one of the most cosmopolitan, coolest and hippest cities in the world. Yes, there are problems ... there's problems everywhere ... but all-in-all BKK is a great city to visit and reside in. Now I'm going out to get some delicious Thai food, then an excellent and very cheap massage, and then spend the evening with my beautiful, polite and very sweet gic. Yes indeed, Bangkok is my favorite city in the world!!

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Bloody nonsense!! OK, here goes,Rio, Buenos Aires, New York, San Francisco, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Sydney, Brisbane, Florence, Rome, Venice, Berlin, Copenhagen, Stockholm...........Get my drift? Need I go on? Dont think so!!!!!!!!

Edited by PostmanPat
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Bloody nonsense!! OK, here goes,Rio, Buenos Aires, New York, San Francisco, Paris, Barcelona, Madrid, Sydney, Brisbane, Florence, Rome, Venice, Berlin, Copenhagen, Stockholm...........Get my drift? Need I go on? Dont think so!!!!!!!!

lol, Bravo Postman Pat, you don't need to go on but..

you forgot Melbourne, Prague, Dublin, Amsterdam, Athens, Istanbul, Edinburgh, Kyoto, Verona..any more for any more?

I could only stay there for a few days but I do love Bangkok. The result however, does seem slightly skewed. Clearly, a lot of factors have been ignored in the poll. Factors which I won't go into for fear of upsetting the "criticise? why don't you just get out!" brigade.

Bangkok would probably get into my top ten though, if only because it offers something so different to all of the above named cities.

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It really does not matter what point of view you like to take or what angle you look from

Bangkok is a dirty, car unfriendly city that has hardly anything to offer.

How about it is one of the funnest places on Earth to party? That is what makes it a great city.

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It really does not matter what point of view you like to take or what angle you look from

Bangkok is a dirty, car unfriendly city that has hardly anything to offer.

How about it is one of the funnest places on Earth to party? That is what makes it a great city.

Well then again all depends on what people consider fun.

Personally been stuck in traffic i do not consider fun, not do i consider fun having to argue with a taxi every day. I am also not a big fan of pollution and coming home with black inside my nose is not exactly a thrill. and i did live in BKK for 5 years.

Yes it can keep you busy all day long but i seriously would not vote it to be the best city in the world. Perhaps the best in the region or country but surely not worldwide

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i live in bkk, and i've spent time in many other cities.

bkk has more rotting garbage than ANYWHERE ive been.

the smell alone should keep it wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy outta the top ten best anything.

but as ppl are aware, money talks.

and if u never leave the confines of a/c rooms and vehicles, u 'could' see bkk as a lovely place.

i like the parks. but not the geniuses that need to blow whistles or pump techno to exercise to.


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Of course a city like Bangkok topped the poll as it was AmeriEuro centred holidaymakers/travellers who voted.

I wonder what the result would be if you conducted the same poll in South East Asia? I think the queues outside certain Embassies might give you a clue.

No, to be fair it is glimmer of good cheer in the gloom of the present situation. The problem is though it is likely to promote an air of complacency. "Bangkok is the #1 city so we don't need to do anything to improve it".

Personally I don't like Bangkok, that's why I don't, and never have, lived there but still visit on occasions.

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Jeez guys...lighten up. Read the criteria and that helps explain why these cities were selected. This is a survey of tourists, not residents...as explained above at least 2 times. So it is mainly for tourists (couples) who are here for 3-7 days, max. For only one visit.

They don't visit Nana or Cowboy and are chauffeured town by a driver in one of those really nice mini vans...or perhaps a Benz. So who cares about traffic. Lunch on the river at the Peninsula ain't all that bad. Followed by a drink at the Bamboo bar over at the Oriental and then that overpriced, but not bad, cultural dinner show.

The next day is another chauffeured drive to see the floating market and the Rose Garden. The next day they are chauffeured to the Grand Palace, do a quick trip on the river, a drink at Vertigo and then to dinner at a 5 star restaurant. If it is raining, their driver holds the umbrella for them!

Their departure is another chauffeured drive to the airport. Remember, these guys are up class. T&L magazine targets this group....which is why I don't subscribe any more! They claim to have the most affluent reader of any travel magazine in the world. Here is what they say on their website:

"High spending power. Our readers indulge because they can. They have the disposable income that allows them to shop, eat, drink and stay where they want, when they want." I think that leaves most of us out....

If you hate it so much here, leave! And if you are not here, why waste time on this board? I just don't get it...

Bangkok is a world class city...and until recently, had my favorite mall in the world!!!! :annoyed:

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Anyone who believes that Bangkok is the " Best City" under any criteria is either snorting, smoking or dropping to much Ya Baa. Its a sewer and everyone not completely hood winked by their bar girl girlfriends and/or "wives" knows it!!!

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Travel & Leisure is based in New York, owned by American Express, and does these polls every year. The poll was done before the recent demonstrations in Bangkok.

The mag has 4.5 million readers. The polls are voluntary for readers to respond and are totally unscientific. Actual numbers are never published -- only a resulting score. These polls have a long history of wierd and distorted results.

Among this years interesting results : in Europe , Krakow is rated ahead of Paris

in South Pacific ( include Aus and NZ ) , the top 10 has only 5 results

That being said, congrats to Bankok and Chiang Mai

A determining factor in scenarios like this can be a big media buy for ad space in T&L, or special concessions to AE for vacations packages, or deeply discounted blocks of seats on TG, or a number of other inducements. Then it becomes in AE's own interest to promote the destination.

Hogwash. You think that a TG ad is going to be able to compromise the integrity of a magazine of this size? I spoke to a senior editor of T&L in 2005 when Chiang Mai first popped up in the listings and emailed Heidi S. Mitchell, senior editor of Travel+Leisure magazine (at the time, she is now at Town and Country) to ask her what her thoughts on this matter were she replied, "With the opening of the Mandarin Oriental and the overall evolution of the city, Chiang Mai is finally 'on the map'. American travellers seek authenticity when we venture beyond our borders, and Chiang Mai gives visitors a real cultural experience, without being a difficult place to navigate. More and more, we're seeing smaller cities (like Oaxaca in Mexico, and Chiang Mai) topping our lists, which shows how we're venturing beyond the big cities and the obvious destinations. And with great shopping, restaurants, nightlife, culture, hotels, and location - not to mention gentle and welcoming people - no wonder Chiang Mai is moving up the ranks."

Reading the scornful posts here about Bangkok and the integrity of T+L just astounds me. You may not like Bangkok, and to be honest, I personally don't, but millions of people go there every year and obviously have a fine time. They eat, shop, spa, sight see, they don't get emboiled in politics or focus too much on the underbelly of the city. This is simply a poll voted on by high end travellers and this is their vote. While I personally disagree, I am glad for my country that so many people still find it a great place to visit. Why foundlessly accuse them of fixing the poll, or suddenly blame the goverment for bribery when you obviously have no evidence.

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