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My dog (bull terrier breed) has recurent demodex problems. For the past 2 years we bring her to the vet at least once a month, often several weeks in a row. We manage to keep the demodex under control that way. It's still present, never totally desapears, but if no medecine is given it becomes really nasty and dog loses hairs, gets secondary skin infections etc. Problem is that those visits to the vet end up being costly. I'm thinking about buying the medecine in bulk and seld-medicating my dog. I've read that Ivermec usually does the job. Where can I get it in bkk? Universities hospitals? Is it really better to inject it or would it be ok to just give it orally? Any other drugs/medecine? Thanks in advance


I was looking for an alternative to ivermec as I have a soi dog who looks like she could be part collie - Ivermec is dangerous for certain breeds and collies are one of them.

I came across a remedy on earthclinic using hydrogen peroxide and borax called "Ted's remedy". Many, many positive feedbacks from readers who had tried it. I had another soi dog who had recurring problems with mange which would not clear up, so I decided to give it a go. After three baths, the mange stopped and I haven't had any problems for over a year.

I don't think I can post a link but please do a search for either "Ted's remedy" or earthclinic. Ted, incidentally, is a Thai who has become a bit of a star for his very effective remedies on earthclinic, which is an American site. So we know his remedies take our hot humid weather into account!

You can get 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) at most chemists in Thailand. The one I see most of is the "SB" brand - Siribuncha, in a brown bottle with a blue label. As it's 3% you need to dilute it with water three times its volume to get the 1% solution needed in the remedy.

I was able to find Borax in the "Seua Baa" shop near National Stadium/MBK in Bangkok. I think asking a motorcy or samlor around there for "Raan Seua Baa" should get you there. I think "Seua Baa" means "Cub Scouts" (although the literal translation is "Forest Tiger"). It's basically a school supplies shop and you can get everything to kit out a mini chemistry lab there, including bunsen burners , test tubes and Hydrochloric and Sulphuric Acid (and they wonder why the incidence of acid attacks here is high), as well as basic art and craft supplies.

Good luck. Oh yeah, your wallet will thank you as well as your dog!


Thanks for your reply. I'm sure giving chemical treatment (such as ivermec) to any dog breed can be harmful in the long run but... I'm not sure I will get around going across town to get the different solutions. mix, etc. Was hoping to go for a one stop solution, ivermec or other if anyone has got any other sugestions.

Thanks again B)


I get the mite and tick treatment at a booth at one of the local outdoor sales, and I've seen several persons selling dog medicines at these outdoor sales in Sattahip, Ban Chang and Bangkok.  I put it on the back of their necks every 2 weeks, and it keeps their skin infections and ticks, mites and flees under control.  It costs 50 baht at the outdoor sale compared to  300 baht at the vet for the same medicine.   <br><br>Occasionally they have a flare up and I have to take one or both of  them to the vet, but that running them in there every 4 weeks was a too inconvenient.  Also, those medicines really only seem to work adequately for 2 weeks even though the manufacturers claim they are good for a month.   The rain we've been having lately can also bring your dog into contact with  dirty water and cause skin infections, or cause the small sores from the mites to get infected and look much worse.      <br><br>Don't get me wrong, I love my dogs and will do whatever it takes to keep them happy and healthy,  it's just easier and cheaper to get the medicine myself when I can  without the 400% mark-up. <br>

Does anyone know why my computer keeps adding   and br to my posts????????


Thanks. Info from link was very useful. Will go for Ivermectin and eventually borax and hydro mix if I don't get good results.

Can anyone tell me where I can buy Ivermectin in Bkk? Preferably eastern Bkk (Bang na, Onnut) since I live in Prawet district, but anywhere ok. I'd like to go tomorrow morning so if I don't get amnanswer before then, I think I will go to Chula uni (at Siam) to see if they carry it. Thanks.


Are you sure that your dog has Demodex? Can there be another fungus? I'm asking, because a friend of mine had problems with his dog (same coat as a bullterrier). His dog had another fungus ......... And it was really difficult to find out. The vet has scheduled no culture, only looked under the microscope. That doesn't help. (just an idea )

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