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Beware Of Embassy Touts!

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Hi all,

On a recent visit to Laos to obtain a new non-immigrant 'o' visa, my friend informed me that the following happened to him.

A tout approached him outside of the Thai embassy and said that he could assist him with getting his visa. My friend (stupidly) agreed and was asked to produce his marriage certificate, which he did.

He had only been married for two weeks and the tout informed him that he must have been married for a minimum of one year. Getting panicky, my friend asked about alternatives and the tout informed him that for an extra (under the table fee, going of course through him) he would be able to get the visa.

To cut a long story short, the visa should have cost 2000 baht but ended up costing him 5000 instead.

Upon returning to Bangkok, he found out through reliable sources that the one year minimum story was a load of hogwash. He has kindly asked me to send this mail for him because he is not internet friendly and in fact can't work a computer (he's in his fifties and 'doesn't have time for modern technology!)

So bear this story in mind anyone, when going to apply for you visas in another country.


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When I went to Vientiane to get my Non-O visa a couple of years ago, I got to the Thai Embassy early to get a good place in line. Heh heh. I couldn't even figure out where the line was...

A tout approached me, had all the forms set up on his table, knew what he was talking about, and told me I could have my Visa the next day, instead of the 2 or 3 day wait I had expected.

I gave him my bankbook and passport and despite his insistance on prepayment, I told him I'd pay him when I picked up my Visa from him the next day at 3.

He asked me what would he do if I didn't come back and pay him...lol... He returned my huge grin when I suggested he could possibly sell my passport...

I walked about a block before I imagined myself in a Laos police station describing a 5'6" male with a slim build and black hair and dark brown eyes who had ripped me off for 800,000 baht and my passport... I returned and took a photo of him and slept well that night.

He was fifteen minutes late so I just paid him the agreed 1,800 baht and not the tip he thought he should get for fronting the bribe money (this was before the price increase).

I don't like paying bribes or commissions, but it was certainly money well spent.

And your friend getting ripped off for 3,000 baht sounds like a cheap price to pay for being at best naive when you know you are doing something illegal.

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