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Thais Urged To Stop Drinking


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Stop drinking because alcohol causes impotence?

Last week weren't they concerned about the high birth rate?


To zakk9: I don't drink much alcohol but, I can assure you, the booze here is not cheap. Not the good stuff, anyway. Sex? A lot of guys think it's cheap but end up paying a high price.

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What would happen if we all:

Stopped drinking because it's poisonous

Stopped smoking because it's poisonous

Stopped eating cream cakes and pastries because they're bad for the heart

Stopped drinking Pepsi because it contains too much sugar

Stopped eating red meat because it's bad for you

Stopped eating rice, potatoes and pasta because they are too stodgy

If we listened to the health experts, we'd all end up living on lettuce leaves and water.

Where's the fun in that?

I wish Thailand would stop trying to be politically correct. It just doesn't suit the country to be PC.

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Heavy drinking is really a plague in Thailand. We provide accommodation and pay for all the utility bills of our staff. We pay them salaries above normal wages in the sector and pay them a social security cover. Even so, for half of them, all goes into heavy drinking as soon as they get the weekly pay check. They don't feel like saving for future expenses/purchases... would be of any interest. We even give them incentive for saving on their bank account (extra interests). No results. Looks like the more we pay, the higher the sales of the booze shop. A serious campaign from the authorities is definitely urgent. Didn't even talk here about the roads turned into killing fields... And no, I don't have anything against reasonable drinking that I certainly enjoy.<br>

What you should do is start a liquor shop next to your office. I am serious.

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Thailand in the top 5 eh?<BR><BR>This wouldn't have anything to do with the large amount of farangs who spend all day, everyday in the bars around not only the tourist areas drinking and putting the world to rights, continually complaining "It's not like back home"!<BR><BR>One should also consider the XXXX Million people who come to Thailand every year for vacation, surely their intake of alchohol will affect this statistic too?<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:whistling: src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif"><BR><BR>Is this statistic based on alcohol sales or based on a survey?

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'fredKroket' date='2010-07-21 12:47' timestamp='1279691233' post='3762946']

Thailand in the top 5 eh?<BR><BR>This wouldn't have anything to do with the large amount of farangs who spend all day, everyday in the bars around not only the tourist areas drinking and putting the world to rights, continually complaining "It's not like back home"!<BR><BR>One should also consider the XXXX Million people who come to Thailand every year for vacation, surely their intake of alchohol will affect this statistic too?<IMG class=bbc_emoticon alt=:whistling: src="http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/whistling.gif"><BR><BR>Is this statistic based on alcohol sales or based on a survey?

You seem not to have taken into consideration that many countries have large expat numbers and high tourism , not just Thailand alone , a survey of Thai only would be the only way to establish Thai consumption , it would have to cover all types of areas the length and breadth of the entire country to obtain a degree of acuracy .

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What would happen if we all:

Stopped drinking because it's poisonous

Stopped smoking because it's poisonous

Stopped eating cream cakes and pastries because they're bad for the heart

Stopped drinking Pepsi because it contains too much sugar

Stopped eating red meat because it's bad for you

Stopped eating rice, potatoes and pasta because they are too stodgy

If we listened to the health experts, we'd all end up living on lettuce leaves and water.

Where's the fun in that?

The population would slim down, be healthier and probably live a little longer. Oh, and you're have more money.

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I can imagine in some western countries a government would by now consider to ban the sales of alcohol when they have to face a situation like in Thailand. Just think about all people killed in traffic. I do not write this becos I think that would be the best solution.<div>But lets face it , drinking in Thailand is a big problem, it needs more to solve this as some advise from some well paid people.</div><div>Big problems ask for Big solutions.<br><div><div><br></div></div></div>

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Stop drinking because alcohol causes impotence?

Last week weren't they concerned about the high birth rate?


To zakk9: I don't drink much alcohol but, I can assure you, the booze here is not cheap. Not the good stuff, anyway. Sex? A lot of guys think it's cheap but end up paying a high price.

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This must be a joke.,

Two jokes in one email from "Thaivisa.com News Editor": "Thais urged to stop drinking; Thai banks to address unfair transaction fees"

Quite a humorous day.

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"...Thailand is among the top five nations for liquor consumption."

Guess this helps to explain why the going to work morning rush hours run to about 10:30am.

I know this is not the "I Drink too much" forum, but the article seems appropriate to throw this in. There are some pretty exciting seedbeds of AA springing up in outlying areas. I attended an AA roundup in Khon Khaen last weekend, and it was quite moving. I am a long time AA member from the US. If anyone would like to converse further about this and / or get contact information for some Thai Nurses that are involved in this, you can PM me. Also, does anyone have a suggestion about where on the website to continue this discussion.




Edited to correct typos.

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Thais Urged To Stop Drinking

So we all can die of dehydration.

Better than dieing during a class struggle, I suppose.

Ah my little sparrow I agree with your sense that to die for something is better than to die for nothing. It brings to mind this quote from Don Quixote which I've always carried with me in my helmet bag.:

I have lived nearly fifty years, and I have seen life as it is. Pain, misery, hunger ... cruelty beyond belief. I have heard the singing from taverns and the moans from bundles of filth on the streets. I have been a soldier and seen my comrades fall in battle ... or die more slowly under the lash in Africa. I have held them in my arms at the final moment. These were men who saw life as it is, yet they died despairing. No glory, no gallant last words ... only their eyes filled with confusion, whimpering the question, "Why?"

I do not think they asked why they were dying, but why they had lived. When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. To seek treasure where there is only trash. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!

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Throughout history mankind has used drugs of one form or another to relive the monotony of life, whether that drug is poppy heads, religion or fermented fruits. For the average rural working Thai once they have their head cleared of the alcoholic haze they will be able to focus on other issues, maybe political change.

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<br>"...Thailand is among the top five nations for liquor consumption."  <br><br>Guess this helps to explain why the going to work morning rush hours run to about 10:30am.<br>
<br>Top five nations? On what continent or continental region? I don't believe that figure at all, it's just BS anti drinking propaganda. I'll bet you can find at least 5 countries in Europe who consume much more per capita than Thailand. Sorry I don't have any stats to present to the forum but I don't think that statistic even merits a google. Maybe that stat was based on a comparative between Thailand in relation to the Muslim world and they came 5th just below Saudi Arabia? No disrespect to the Saudis, Muslims nor anyone who chooses not to drink!<div><br></div><div>Server maintenance on TV Forum so checked and Thailand comes in at number 70 worldwide. Ping! Now I know why I can drink Thais under the table as the UK comes in at 8 with Luxembourg being awarded the Gold!<br><br>


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They're not dying because of alcohol per se, it's the quality of the booze. I can't count the number of times I've been sitting drinking a glass of wine, or a decent beer and a Thai will smilingly remark 'gin lao na?' To them, a bottle of Pinot Noir is just the same as a bottle of disgusting and lethal Lao Kao.

Lao Kao is responsible for more deaths through alcoholism than any other type of drink here. Ban the bloody stuff and reduce taxes on quality booze. Lao Kao is all most of them can afford. No good saying 'stop drinking'. Anything. And let's face it, the Thais can't make good liquor.

And nobody makes good drunk, be it good or bad booze, of course cheap rot-gut will kill you sooner, but if your a heavy drinker and very few can just have a drink or two, be it Thai or Farang, some can have a few drinks and enjoy, not being a problem to anyone, to-many take it to far and become a danger to themselves and others, driving, fighting, being rude and crude.

A sickness for most, that is very hard to quit, My name is Gerry and I am a alcoholic, clean and sober for 6 years, heavy drugs 30 years, smoking 6 years, each day a blessing, nobody said it would be easy, If one is a problem drinker and most will not admit it, even if they are! One must learn how to love themselves and become their own boss, one day at a time. Bottoms up, Water that is. When one becomes aware that we are what we eat and drink there can be some life changes, if they care.

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<FONT color=#483d8b size=3>Here in the north most of the Thais enbibe rice whisky, lethal stuff! I would say that the majority are working class, these good people are invariable the majority of smokers too, the only other class of folks who smoke are bargirls. Both these groups of people are under-educated and therefore are not aware of the dangers of alcohol in excess and smoking.  <BR>The other group who abuse alcohol are some of the Farangs who frequent bars. As in the West there is a culture that to drink half the night is clever. When I was in my young 20's I boozed a lot and I'm sure this destroyed a few of my brain cells. Some of my friends could not break this habit and sadly are now alcoholics  or dead! As one ages alcohol and fags have a detremental affect to one's general health and well-being and several of my friends here have sadly met an early end either through booze or the weed. <BR>I am not against alcolhol and I enjoy a odd glass of wine or beer, but I do value my health and think that keeping healthy is far more important than keeping up with the boys. <BR>So folks next week is the start of Punsa (Buddhist Lent) so why not resolve to give it up for a while, or ease back for the sake of your well-being. One can still be sociable and not drink alcohol.<BR>Our occasional gardener gets well drunk on Khow Lao most nights but always stops for the 3 months of Pansa, this probably has saved his liver and his life! Please follow the old guy's example! <BR>In the future take it easy on the booze and smokes and live a long and happy life in this wonderful land!</FONT>

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Alcohol is not the problem. It's the person who drinks it who's the problem.

A lot of people like drinking; this is a stone cold fact. So instead of asking for the impossible, ask for the realistic. 'Drink responsibly' But at the end of the day, if someone wants to drink a lot, that's up to them.

Hi rkidlad - Yes, it is the person who drinks and that's why asking an alcoholic to drink responsibly IS asking for the impossible. Alcoholics are not "social drinkers" who can have a couple of beers and go home. Whether intentionally or unintenionally we usually drink to oblivion. We call it the disease of acoholism.

By coming together to support each other in AA it is possible to live a sober life "one day at a time". I have been a "satsified customer" for over a decade and I wouldn't have the life I have today if it weren't for AA.

BTW, my wife is Thai so I find myself at many social gatherings in Thailand where alcohol is available. Anyone who has spent time here can attest that Thai people drinking too much is a problem in Thailand.

AA meetings in Thailand are available in both Thai and English. You can search the Internet for the website under "AA Thailand".

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Heavy drinking is really a plague in Thailand. We provide accommodation and pay for all the utility bills of our staff. We pay them salaries above normal wages in the sector and pay them a social security cover. Even so, for half of them, all goes into heavy drinking as soon as they get the weekly pay check. They don't feel like saving for future expenses/purchases... would be of any interest. We even give them incentive for saving on their bank account (extra interests). No results. Looks like the more we pay, the higher the sales of the booze shop. A serious campaign from the authorities is definitely urgent. Didn't even talk here about the roads turned into killing fields... And no, I don't have anything against reasonable drinking that I certainly enjoy.<br>

For some individuals drinking is not a choice. It might benefit the Thai people if the power brokers and "leaders" do research. If they do they will find that alcoholism is a disease. Education is important and an open mind to recovery from alcoholism beneficial. If the stats are correct it might be within reason to realize the alcoholism rate in Thailand is high. What is important to realize is how many people an "active alcoholic" effects e.g. spouse, children, extended family, and of course society. The govt. can stop enabling some behaviors i.e. prosecute drunk drivers etc. But alas in a country where sanctions are few .......


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I still cannot understand why booze is legal and cannabis is illegal. Maybey it's because if people started smoking the "herb", their alcohol consumption would decrease, which the liquor companies would not like one little bit.

I once had 40 tenants, that now and again would smoke a joint, go to work the next day, captains of boats, deck hands, scuba instructors, tour bus drivers, waiters, never a problem, then they all started drug testing, required for insurance, most turned into heavy drinkers, causing accident with boats, buses, scuba students, wrong orders, getting fired, not able to pay rent, a little pot never hurt any adult, booze can take you down and mess up ones life. Your right liquor companies make many of the rules just like cigarette companies $$$$, lies, macho adds, pay offs, take the week or unknowing down, nothing to do with health concerns for another human, only for profit. The doors are starting to open in many places, better late then never, except for some of us, plus where one lives.

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Farangs doing all the drinking? Really? How many ex-pats live here? How many tourists are there here at any one time on average? What is the population of Thailand? Do connect brain before posting. 

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They're not dying because of alcohol per se, it's the quality of the booze. I can't count the number of times I've been sitting drinking a glass of wine, or a decent beer and a Thai will smilingly remark 'gin lao na?' To them, a bottle of Pinot Noir is just the same as a bottle of disgusting and lethal Lao Kao.

Lao Kao is responsible for more deaths through alcoholism than any other type of drink here. Ban the bloody stuff and reduce taxes on quality booze. Lao Kao is all most of them can afford. No good saying 'stop drinking'. Anything. And let's face it, the Thais can't make good liquor.

This all depends on who is producing the lau khao. I'm guessing that you've never had the pleasure of imbibing tasty and high quality home brew? Nothing in comparison to the lethal commercial petrol-like substance that passes for liquor. Yes....Thais can make good liquor, if you know where to look.

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