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West Vs East Facing Condos/Apts

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For those living in high rise condos/apts, I am wondering how hot does it get for west facing, i.e. do you need to close the blinds all day? How much sunlight do you get for those with east facing, i.e. do you have to turn on the lights during the afternoon? I've heard most thai's prefer east facing condos/apts since it doesn't get hot in the afternoon. But I like the idea of having more direct sunshine throughout the day with west facing. Ideally, would get a south facing condo as this seems to be the best sunshine/heat combination.

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Facing east is best. Morning sun is more bearable than afternoon sun. Lighting is the same in either side. Both are bright all day. It is either too bright and hot or bright and comfortable. West side has more hours of uncomfortable bright.

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I would prefer east, because morning sun is not that hot and in the evening, when you probably want look TV, the sun is not disturbing.

I had a small condo which was west side.. and mostly it became very hot... needs more aircon...

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I have lived in both. I don't like the early morning sun, so the East was a real bummer. No matter what I did, about shades on the windows, the sun still managed to sneak in.

As far as the overall heat, it was the same for both. However the heat radiated from the East facing walls well into the evening. The heat radiating from the West facing walls weren't as long. North is cooler, sun comes out of the South most times out of the year.I prefer the North best of all.

As far as the television, it can be placed on the North or South sides of a room, so the sun doesn't reflect of it and you don't stare in the sun.

Overall, I disliked the East facing condo's the most. Actually, I dislike condo's period

To each his own.

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Facing east is best. Morning sun is more bearable than afternoon sun. Lighting is the same in either side. Both are bright all day. It is either too bright and hot or bright and comfortable. West side has more hours of uncomfortable bright.

I lke facing west and watching the spectucalur sunsets, great after work relaxing with a G&T. Need aircon/ curtains shut after 2 to 3 pm thoughpost-37263-013015100 1279670018_thumb.jp

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Condo units facing east and west get the same amount of sunlight in a day, unless you are in a country that has shifted its time zone,like Malaysia and Singapore where the sun does not rise until 7am.

The reason why west facing feels hotter is similar to boiling water in a kettle. It takes time to initially bring cold tap water from room temp to 100C. Once water starts boiling, it only takes a low flame to keep it boiling. The afternoon sun is that low flame.

Besides sunlight, natural cooling also depends on the direction where the breeze is strongest in the day. For Bangkok, it is south, from the sea. Thus, coolest direction to face, while still having a reasonable amount of natural light, will be southeast. North facing avoid most of the direct sunlight, but lack the breeze.

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Thanks all..I appreciate everyone's comments and taking the time. Yeah, heard the same arguments from some real estate agents and friends..South seems to be good for the breeze, didn't know it was because of the sea, so good point trogers. I'm with you BB1950 (don't like early sun as I'm a late riser) and Spiny (like the sunsets)...nevertheless, everyone has their own preference which is good..take care.

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We rented an apartment in Jomtien for about 4 months until our house was finished. It faced West. And man, it was scorching hot in the afternoon (this was from mid December until mid April). Could never leave the curtains open after 2 or 3. And that side of the building radiated heat for hours after the sun set....so made it uncomfortable to even sit on the balcony in the early evening. The other side of the building was cool.

We had a fairly good view of the sea and the sunset, but had a hard time enjoying it in the afternoons. The AC was usually on full blast around 2 or 3 for several hours.

trogers has an excellent point about the breeze. There is an apartment building near us that faces the sea. 4 units on each floor. Really nice building. The 2 units facing West and South get a great breeze. The 2 units facing West and North get very little. I have a friend looking to sell his as he is in the latter group and wants one that gets the breeze.

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Condo units facing east and west get the same amount of sunlight in a day, unless you are in a country that has shifted its time zone,like Malaysia and Singapore where the sun does not rise until 7am.

The reason why west facing feels hotter is similar to boiling water in a kettle. It takes time to initially bring cold tap water from room temp to 100C. Once water starts boiling, it only takes a low flame to keep it boiling. The afternoon sun is that low flame.

Besides sunlight, natural cooling also depends on the direction where the breeze is strongest in the day. For Bangkok, it is south, from the sea. Thus, coolest direction to face, while still having a reasonable amount of natural light, will be southeast. North facing avoid most of the direct sunlight, but lack the breeze.

Excellent summary, and I will back this up.

Southeast is clearly the best for a cool, less humid unit.

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Condo units facing east and west get the same amount of sunlight in a day, unless you are in a country that has shifted its time zone,like Malaysia and Singapore where the sun does not rise until 7am.

The reason why west facing feels hotter is similar to boiling water in a kettle. It takes time to initially bring cold tap water from room temp to 100C. Once water starts boiling, it only takes a low flame to keep it boiling. The afternoon sun is that low flame.

Besides sunlight, natural cooling also depends on the direction where the breeze is strongest in the day. For Bangkok, it is south, from the sea. Thus, coolest direction to face, while still having a reasonable amount of natural light, will be southeast. North facing avoid most of the direct sunlight, but lack the breeze.

AAA* Great post. I was going to write my opinion but you can't really mess with perfection. Genius.

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Good, that not all people like same. Else a building would only have 1 side for rent or buy, and the other side would be empty.. or they have to build a condo, where is only 1 room per floor, so you have all directions.

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If you have a choice - face West. Sunsets are more common than sunrises.

By more common I mean viewed more often. (Most people work in the morning, no?)

I think you meant, most city bachelors go to bed late and wake up only after sunrise. and thus do not see it. Similar to those who do not like morning sunshine waking them up... :lol:

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