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Young People Need Protection From Bad Thai Soap Operas


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Young people need protection from bad soap operas

By The Nation

Producers and parents are both responsible for allowing children to watch inappropriate TV content

BANGKOK: -- The rating system on Thai television should be effectively enforced to ensure appropriate content for viewers. Although the rating system exists, the airtime of some programmes with inappropriate content for children and youth is before many youngsters' bedtime.

At a recent seminar by the Christian Council of Thailand, panellists voiced concern that many Thai soap operas are broadcast too early, and that most of these soaps have content that is not appropriate for children. For instance, many contain graphic or violent scenes of sexual assault on women. In addition, the theme of these programmes doesn't offer anything to provoke constructive thought, as most of them are about female characters cat-fighting over a man.

If we agree with the values that these soaps portray, then here are the characteristics they will promote, based on what we have watched:

We will tend to make decisions from emotion instead of rational thinking, as virtually no Thai soaps show how protagonists overcome a difficult situation by rational judgment.

Most soaps are about people who seek an easy fortune, because that's what many Thais desperately wish for. Thai soaps don't value hard work, either, as virtually none are about how a hard-working person can become rewarded or successful at the end of the story.

We should not continue to be complacent about this. These soaps have a strong influence on our children, especially with television now accessible to almost every household.

The seminar panellists voiced concerns that children under the age of 8 are most vulnerable. Children at this age cannot properly distinguish drama from real life, and many will imitate what they see. If these children are allowed to watch programmes with violent content or verbal abuse, day in day out, they will eventually come to believe that this kind of behaviour is acceptable. Under such circumstances, it doesn't take a great stretch of the imagination to realise what will happen to these individuals and our society. In a recent incident, a student hanged himself after copying a scene he saw on a TV show.

This is not to suggest that Thailand should employ rigid censorship on television. But what we are asking is that the appropriate rating system is applied and more space is allocated for children's programming.

TV producers tend to claim that they cannot produce quality, or children's, programmes because these types of shows cannot attract sponsors, unlike the soap operas with their emotionally-charged themes.

The only solution therefore, is that the rating system be strictly enforced to ensure that adult soaps are aired at appropriate times. If we let the free market rule on TV, people will have a tendency to watch lurid, low quality programming.

Low quality TV may be a factor in our increasing cynicism and inability to tolerate others or to articulate arguments or express our opinions. We are an attention-deficit people who seem to prefer punchlines and sound bites that we agree with, rather than facts, information and alternative opinion. Much has been said about how this medium can have a bad influence on us. Now it's time to look at what other options are available for audiences.

Ironically, while Thai censors are highly sensitive about the content of certain movies, they allow Thai soap opera producers to air inappropriate scenes direct to young viewers at home every day, even though these soaps are more influential than movies. They let TV producers get away with such content, but censor thought-provoking themes that feature in many movies.

Surely this should work the other way round: Low-grade TV programmes should be subject to more scrutiny because they appeal to a mass audience that is impossible to regulate.

Parents should be vigilant in controlling what their children are watching. Sadly, many parents let their children watch these soaps because they themselves are addicted to them.

Producers have a responsibility too, to write scripts that instil desirable values such as honesty and hard work. Many Korean and Japanese soaps have successfully done this, through smart story lines. It's about time that Thais followed suit. Otherwise we may end up becoming what we watch.


-- The Nation 2010-07-21

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In addition, the theme of these programmes doesn't offer anything to provoke constructive thought, as most of them are about female characters cat-fighting over a man.

Maybe it really is a national pastime. :lol:

TV producers tend to claim that they cannot produce quality, or children's, programmes because these types of shows cannot attract sponsors, unlike the soap operas with their emotionally-charged themes.

I hope that the producers are underestimating the people. If the producers are creative, I bet they could get enough people to watch their programs.


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Boy, it would be good if they really took this to heart and did something about the programming. Hope it turns out to be more than the usual rhetoric.

Thai soaps are created for the lowest level of intelligence as entertainment. Either the ultra rich hi-so family in their palace screaming and fighting each other or the "poor' rural family (always dressed in brand new clothes)in their wooden house screaming and fighting each other.

Near5ly every soap involves a woman crying her eyes out.

Censors block out anyone smoking or an exposed tittie, but are quite happy to show guns, blood and women being beaten with sticks and other things. Domination and violence seems to be OK. No real plots involved in any of them. At least the funny ones are amusing.

No wonder the kids have problems/

Edited by ratcatcher
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The seminar panellists voiced concerns that children under the age of 8 are most vulnerable. Children at this age cannot properly distinguish drama from real life, and many will imitate what they see. If these children are allowed to watch programmes with violent content or verbal abuse, day in day out, they will eventually come to believe that this kind of behaviour is acceptable. Under such circumstances, it doesn't take a great stretch of the imagination to realise what will happen to these individuals and our society. In a recent incident, a student hanged himself after copying a scene he saw on a TV show.

If it's in color on Tv, it must be real.

Edited by metisdead
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Shame it took a Christian group to get this issue into the papers.

The TV was on last night, and after the soaps at about 10.30pm, they showed the Thai equivalent of "Thailand's Got Talent", where the contestants were kids.

Of course it was on TV from 10.30 to about 11.30, just in time for the kids to be in bed.

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"You're beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal...In God's name, you people are the real thing; we're the illusion." - Howard Beale (a character in Paddy Chayevski's film "Network.)

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TV scheduling is all about attracting viewership numbers , they offer these numbers to prospective advertisers who want the most 'Show-time ' for thier products , the standard of movies/soaps etc give them a good idea of the 'Intelligence' level of the viewers and how best to obtain the highest viewer numbers . The vast number of viewers are those that find it difficult to amuse themselves , consequently they spend multiple hours in front of 'The goggle box' , they become so addicted , they encourage thier children to sit and watch with them because they do not want to miss the show attending to them .

Many years ago , advertisers used a 'Sublimal' form of adverting , short blips during a show that imbedded itself into the memories of the viewers , these gave results such as : a person walks into a store and does not ask for 'Tissue' as such , but asks for the imbedded 'Kleenex'' , this type of advertising was banned . Anything that is shown on TV at a constant repeat basis , also becomes imbedded as the norm , watch children kicking and punching each other on the soi .

When my children were small , we had a TV programing book showing times and dates of what was coming , I circled the appropriate shows they were allowed to watch , any deviation and TV was OFF for 24 hours , sound harsh or draconian ? They were also in bed by 9 oçlock , they needed sleep to be attentive at school the following day , children need rules to live by , I explained they were part of a community and needed to appreciate those around them and show consideration for thier needs as well as thier own . In later years my children would pass a comment "Gee dad , you were hard on us kids growing up , or so we thought at the time , thank you Dad "

Just some food for thought .

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I would say it is up to parents and then the individual to choose their programming.

Having said that....I had a wife that lived her life like it was one of these stupid shows. She is now an "ex". Her living her life like that turned my life into the same.....a little too much drama for me. Personally, I think it would be great if all stupid shows were gone....but who is to say what is and what isn't. Let the viewer decide.

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Boy, it would be good if they really took this to heart and did something about the programming. Hope it turns out to be more than the usual rhetoric.

Never mind young people need protection from bad Thai soap operas my question is do they have any good Thai soap operas?

I also need protection from those ridiculous sound effects such as Boingggg! that they keep playing. Does anyone know why they put in these effects? I would love to know why.

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Thai censors are brainless beings. They cut out a beer bottle when drinking. But allow when beating in the brains of a woman. They forbid commercials and rape movies by cutting out scenes. However when there is a soap, torture, drinking, beating and cheating is allowed. On the other hand they perceive it as a good lesson, after all a good cheater can always become a great thai politician. And a good rapist can run a race track and become Vice Prime Minister. Someone who can torture can become a coup taker and others become policemen. If you have really watched those soaps well you qualify as head of the DSI, you need to be able to write well and plant evidence of course.

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I agree, soap operas are just for the couch-potato-drama-seeking-instigator. In addition, to messing-up the minds of those who view such trash. In turn disturbing and creating issues in the community as a whole. Unfortunately, there are too many weak-minded individuals who fall prey to this viewed trash. Can only imagine how messed-up the so-called actors/actresses are. :huh:

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"Bad thai soaps" is redundant. I have actually found myself getting physically upset at some of the things I see on TV here. As mentioned, the abuse towards women, the over the top violence and horror. (Not unlike at the movies when I go to see an action or comedy and have to sit though the previews of horror movies with people eating each others intestines) As for the soaps, I am convinced people see this and think this is how life is suppossed to be. Filled with drama, jelousy, rage, hate, revenge and murder. Whatever makes people a buck I guess. Art imitating life or life imitating art? Who knows.

Maybe it wasn't a soap, but during daytime hours I was recently subjected to a show/movie a Thai guest was watching involving ghosts and spirits where a very attractive young woman was tied down, tortured by what appeared to be various family members, then killed by inserting various instruments into her vagina. <deleted>?

Now that I have Thai cable the contradictions are even worse. Not saying I'm offended by it, but I keep coming across soft core porn when I flip through the channels, like the unedited Bruno movie which has lots of full frontal nudity and some sex scenes, some simulated and some supposedly real when he visits a swingers party. Yet cigarettes get blurred out? Land of contradictions!!

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TV scheduling is all about attracting viewership numbers , they offer these numbers to prospective advertisers who want the most 'Show-time ' for thier products , the standard of movies/soaps etc give them a good idea of the 'Intelligence' level of the viewers and how best to obtain the highest viewer numbers . The vast number of viewers are those that find it difficult to amuse themselves , consequently they spend multiple hours in front of 'The goggle box' , they become so addicted , they encourage thier children to sit and watch with them because they do not want to miss the show attending to them .

Many years ago , advertisers used a 'Sublimal' form of adverting , short blips during a show that imbedded itself into the memories of the viewers , these gave results such as : a person walks into a store and does not ask for 'Tissue' as such , but asks for the imbedded 'Kleenex'' , this type of advertising was banned . Anything that is shown on TV at a constant repeat basis , also becomes imbedded as the norm , watch children kicking and punching each other on the soi .

When my children were small , we had a TV programing book showing times and dates of what was coming , I circled the appropriate shows they were allowed to watch , any deviation and TV was OFF for 24 hours , sound harsh or draconian ? They were also in bed by 9 oçlock , they needed sleep to be attentive at school the following day , children need rules to live by , I explained they were part of a community and needed to appreciate those around them and show consideration for thier needs as well as thier own . In later years my children would pass a comment "Gee dad , you were hard on us kids growing up , or so we thought at the time , thank you Dad "

Just some food for thought .

Amen spoken like a true man. I think the same way about my father and hope my children will do the same. Respect.

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There is a need to expand the definition of 'Young people' to include From conception to 110 years of age. The only purpose I can imagine subjecting anything to a Thai soap for, is the possible training of an attack animal.

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Does anyone know why they put in these effects? I would love to know why.

This is so the intelligent viewers of this cr@p know when to laugh. :whistling:

I find this terribly annoying also. That said: I was asked by a Thai friend why the American comedies all have the "fake" laugh tracks added. Now that it has been brought to my attention, I find it equally annoying and silly.

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There is a need to expand the definition of 'Young people' to include From conception to 110 years of age. The only purpose I can imagine subjecting anything to a Thai soap for, is the possible training of an attack animal.

Nice one, you got me cracking up at work... attack animals... nice.

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In my house it's simple. No Soaps. Problem solved.

How the hel_l did you manage that with out a fight...surely they must be getting the soap opera fix from somewhere else?

Unless you rule your house with an iron rod (your own soap)? :D

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With all of the broohaha from the powers that be concerning the effects of TV programmes on children , in the end it comes down to the mental state of the parents , are they aware of what happens in a childs mind watching all that disgusting soap and other mindless offerings ? I doubt it very much , I have often made the comment " Chidren having chidren " , consider the fact that many of these children are reared in a village environment by grand parents with little to no education , small knowledge on the use or worth of money , and still surviving in the ways of the last 100 years , with no concept of how the outside world operates . I am not talking of the vast majority of Thai , but more than enough to show concern , it appears to be an endless cycle of despair .

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The Thai Soaps ("Movies") are a national disgrace.

It is absolutely incomprehensible to me how they allow the continual domestic violence to be shown.  TV should be used to educate the people, not to only show the cowardly and dispicable acts of the hi-so's.

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Beat me to it. I say scrub the lot, have the vain acting crew do some real work somewhere other than TV, and introduce quality content such as nature and science programs as well as how the world works outside Thailand.

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