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At Least 10 Injured In Explosion In Front Of Big C Rajdamri

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I hope the bomber drops dead. A plague on you, scum.

Hey, that's an incendiary comment that most of us would agree with, whatever color the bombers were, but let's face, they were reds.

How can you write such weird words? Have you ever heard about the never ending problems down the south? Ya can't point your finger on anybody now. Just wait and see.

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I hope the bomber drops dead. A plague on you, scum.

Hey, that's an incendiary comment that most of us would agree with, whatever color the bombers were, but let's face, they were reds.

How can you write such weird words? have you ever heard about the never ending problems down the south? Ya can't point your finger on anybody now. Just wait and see.

The bombings in the south have been, guess what, drum roll ...


Bangkok violence has been related to the red/yellow/etc. thing. Face reality.


well the burning of Bangkok has not been solved yet, we all saw how wrong people could be with the missing weapons, rockets launched, poo thrown over wall etc. but yes, people will speculate, I already have, The government are trying to justify the emergency decree.

I wish the victims well. They were just going about there ordinary life when some sicko did that.

Tony a shrewd business man like you might be interested in this Bridge I own in Arizona For you I could let it go cheap.

It is a sad state of affairs when innocent people can get hurt by bombs and the first thing people do is take it as a opening to bash people they don't like. Regardless of the illogical reasoning they use.

I am curious about the target. As I understand it, Big C's in general appeal to the lower economic portion of society.

Big C customers are typically middle class. Anyway this particular store is still closed after being damaged by arson following the May red-shirt protests. Big C is owned by the Central retail group whose major shareholder is a big supporter of the yellow shirts and the Democrat party.

Big C customers are "middle class" ??? Reckon you should try visit a Big C sometime soon.

I don't quite know how to interpret your question-marks - do you mean to say that Big C is upper class? - If not, I'd suggest you get out of your ivory tower a bit more often. Except for the few of the species, that might live near one, traveling to Big C, etc. means expenses. Although a carefully planned budget might reveal that spending a bit on transport, might be the cheapest in the long run, it seems to me that most lower class thais prefer to just buy their items at the nearest socalled "mom-and-dad-shop" (which is why you see them allover).


well the burning of Bangkok has not been solved yet, we all saw how wrong people could be with the missing weapons, rockets launched, poo thrown over wall etc. but yes, people will speculate, I already have, The government are trying to justify the emergency decree.

I agree with both of your posts Mr. Tony. It also helps the government, or at least they think so, justify keeping opposition party members in jail to prevent them from their constitutional right to participate in the election process. It makes it alot easier to win elections when you've got the opposition locked up, don't ya think?

When enough people react like you do and immediately assume it's some evil scheme by the government to assert control, then it certainly provides a great motive for the red-shirts or other government opponents to commit such acts to discredit the government, does it not?

Let's stick to the facts, OK? The kind of speculation you are engaging in is pointless and offensive.


Reds are not normal, rational people

says it all really...reds under.....

whilst at the same time...Historians have been analyzing the impact of Senator Joseph R. McCarthy, variously describing it as the product of status anxiety.. :huh: .... :( ...MPR


well the burning of Bangkok has not been solved yet, we all saw how wrong people could be with the missing weapons, rockets launched, poo thrown over wall etc. but yes, people will speculate, I already have, The government are trying to justify the emergency decree.

Forgot to mention I have some great property in Louisiana good fishing. For you cheap


So someone thought this was real funny. Why don't they go to the hospital and look their victims straight in the eye and see how much fun it was.


Speculation on the identity of those responsible is unhelpful and merely exposes the prejudices of those doing the speculation.

I'm sure that whoever is responsible will announce themselves in due course.

If it is Moslems they will announce it. If it is the red shirts They will announce the government did it. If it is the Government or the Yellow shirts they will say nothing.:whistling:


told yer the other month to watch this space.....this is not the end but the beginning....all the people want to do is vote..so let them


i wonder who planted it, the government to justify the continued emergency decree, the reds or the yellows, or southern insurgents (terrorists). My money is on the fist one.

You're over the top. The government would try to kill its own people to justify the decree which NOBODY enforces anyway. Did you miss the red shirt protest recently in the Rachaprasong area? That was a political meeting that SHOULD have been dispersed under the decree.

You know deep in your hear who did it. I've said all along that the red shirts would go underground and resort to terrorism. I had no idea Isan was palestine. Should Thailand give it back to Laos?

Ermmm - study your history a bit more closely - I think you mean "back to Angkor"?

The reason Isaan has strong Laotian cultureal and linguistic connections is because ( a ) what is now Laos was once part of Lan Na and heavily assimilated into Tai (no H) culture and structure, then ( b ) both Ayutthayan and post-Ayutthayan military campaigns (against Burmese occupying the northern region) brought Laotian prisoners and volunteers into Isaan to populate an under populated area (after the Khmer were driven out), plus ( c ) post-Ayutthaya, large parts of west and central Laos fell under the rule of Rattanakosin Siam following eviction of the Burmese from Lan Chang and Lan Na.

Angkor had ruled Isaan (all the way up to Vientiane and beyond, and to Chiang Rai in Lan Na) for centuries before Ayutthaya emerged, and did for a couple of centuries afterwards too.

Remember too, the main reason modern Laos has land on this side of the Mekhong is due to post-WW2 division of Indo-China by the Allies and punishment of Thailand for failing to more forcefully resist the Japanese.

All of which (for the sake of pot stirring) throws into the equation that instead of southern insurgents, maybe it was south-of-Mehkong Laotians wanting to get Thai attention to help them secede and join their Tai brethren? Maybe it was Burmese dissidents or nationalists wanting Lan Na back under Burmese rule? Who the hel_l knows right now?

Seriously - at this point, unless I've missed something, it's not known who planted the bomb, save up your angst and wait for the police to say who it was .... must be true if the police tell us who did it. :whistling:


Er. Yeah.. Thanks for the history lesson. I think you missed the point of what I was trying to say. Obviously what I wrote was tongue in cheek and not a historical reference and obviously nobody is talking about secession. The point was that the reds, who in part largely hail from Isaan, have no serious grievance except for contrived wrongs perpetrated by the elite in Thailand.

But as to your history lesson on retrospect it explains a lot. Thanks to Isaan being populated by Laotian prisoners, the reason for the guturral intellect of red sympathizers makes complete sense.


Let's make sure we stick to commenting on the topic and the posts about it; NOT the poster making it.

I am curious about the target. As I understand it, Big C's in general appeal to the lower economic portion of society. Buses are also used by the poorer segment of society, so the people who get injured are more likely to be red shirts, I would think.

I agree with your reasoning. But not pointing fingers who showed concern for innocent people just trying to make a living.in Bangkok. I really don't think they care what color shirt or lack of shirt gets hurt. to them it is just collateral damage perfectly acceptable.


i wonder who planted it, the government to justify the continued emergency decree, the reds or the yellows, or southern insurgents (terrorists). My money is on the fist one.

I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy. Heck, figuring out what evils the US government has done is a hobby of mine. But if you are going to have an opinion, you need to base it in facts. You have to look at past history, and you have to look at who stands to gain.

The simple fact is, if the government or the military wanted to extend the emergency decree, they certainly would not place a bomb at a crowded bus stop and detinate it on a Sunday after the election. They gain nothing from that. They could just as easily extend the emergency decree by blowing up an abandoned building at 2 am. No loss of life, and they still get justification for the result they want. 50 failed LPG tank bombs would be just as effective at giving them justification to extend the decree.

On the other hand, let us look at the scenario from the reds perspective. They said they would join the roadmap if the government ended the emergency decree. This was conveniently done before the election, when they needed to try and swing the votes of those in the center. So far, so good, but now the election is over, and they need a way to back out of this. They never had any intention of going through with that. It was just a stunt to try and gain a last minute voting advantage.

Now, if THEY blew up an abandoned building, the government might not take it seriously enough. There is still a chance the government might cancel the emergency decree, and they would have to join the roadmap as they said they would. On the other hand, if they start putting people's lives at risk, killing and injuring innoncents, the government will have no choice but to keep the emergency decree in place.

Now they can back out of their promise with no reprisals. In a few months everyone will have forgotten about it.

The timing of this to coincide with the end of voting is very incriminating for the reds. They needed a way out of their promise which they had no intention of keeping. Innocent deaths that the government can not ignore gives them one.

So, for the theory the government did it, I come up with unlikely. They had easier options.

On the other hand, it clearly does make sense in the context of what the PT recently got themselves into. They needed these deaths and an extension of the decree to cover their duplicity in saying they would join the roadmap, which they have consistently refused to do until the surprise about face before the election.

Nope. Reds did it.


Think I might cancel the Thai holiday I had planned for September, haven't booked anything yet. There's obviously a fair chance that tensions will flare up again and who knows if they'll block the airport or what they'll do to ruin my 2 week holiday.

Sorry to those of you in the tourism business there but i think I'll head to Cambodia instead.

Where it rains daily the saying is if you wait for good weather you'll never get anything done,

You could book your itin in what you perceive to be the most peaceful and stable of times,

the reality is that anything can happen at anytime, anywhere, it's the luck of the draw.

But security and peace of mind is in the eye of the beholder,

you want to swat mosquitos in Cam, have a ball.


In my opinion October will be extremely sensitive. I predicted the crackdown last time for May, now, if they can't get things under control, October could become very serious.

Red October?



JS 100 radio reports the 51-yr-old Thawatchai Thongmak died. The toll is 8 injured and one dead. /via @Veen_NT

Urgent: The seriously injured victim of Big C bomb has been pronounced dead. /via @tulsathit

Its a sad state of affairs when things like this can happen. I sincerely hope the family will not suffer more than the loss of a love one. That in itself can last for years.


I would bet the house that the vast majority of both Thais and foreigners who are following this news would say the most probable culprits are a faction of the red movement. I won't bother to do a poll though and of course just because most people think that doesn't prove it.


Such a crime to set a bomb like this to deliberately injure innocent people who are such easy targets. Thailand is a beautiful country however if these problems are not soon solved it will be on the road to self destruction.

No, this will not result into self destruction, for example ... London and many other major / minor English cities had to suffer attacks like this for a long time (IRA action) with many, many fatal casulties, not to mention the huge numbers of injuries, and it did not result into self destruction.

On the contrary, London, and the other attacked English cities got moral support from right across the globe, and the same global moral support will be given to Bangkok should those attacks continue,

Perfectly correct.

Well said.

Common sense will prevail, but there is some turbulence ahead.


FAIR COMMENTS But remember the IRA bombings happened in a country with fairly decent police forces with fairly elected governments ( I Could Go On) but this is happening in a 3rd world country with massive and complex issues this is a disaster just after another disaster you are correct more trouble ahead and more and more there is no easy cure and im afraid folks this is going to be a long journey maybe longer than my ass will point to ground and i hope the cheesy losers who are making money from this cant sleep at night after they have ruined their own country !

Just my View anyhow lets have a Chang and forget about it !

Well for the most part I agree with you. How ever as much as people would like to believe it Thailand is not a third world country. Also you mention that England had a fairly elected government. They use the same system as Thailand. Doesn't really mater if people like it or not it is a fact.


If this Bombing was Politically motivated or otherwise? it is a totally wasted statement, unless the Culprit/s take responsibilty for their actions,

bombing their own people for what purpose?

Justification will no doubt not be forthcoming!


Does anybody else feel like they're out in force tonight?

Yes, I get that feeling as well,probably back on the payroll too.


told yer the other month to watch this space.....this is not the end but the beginning....all the people want to do is vote..so let them

And should the Reds lose the vote and fail to gain power,will that satisfy them? or indeed their Paymaster?


i wonder who planted it, the government to justify the continued emergency decree, the reds or the yellows, or southern insurgents (terrorists). My money is on the fist one.

I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next guy. Heck, figuring out what evils the US government has done is a hobby of mine. But if you are going to have an opinion, you need to base it in facts. You have to look at past history, and you have to look at who stands to gain.

The simple fact is, if the government or the military wanted to extend the emergency decree, they certainly would not place a bomb at a crowded bus stop and detinate it on a Sunday after the election. They gain nothing from that. They could just as easily extend the emergency decree by blowing up an abandoned building at 2 am. No loss of life, and they still get justification for the result they want. 50 failed LPG tank bombs would be just as effective at giving them justification to extend the decree.

On the other hand, let us look at the scenario from the reds perspective. They said they would join the roadmap if the government ended the emergency decree. This was conveniently done before the election, when they needed to try and swing the votes of those in the center. So far, so good, but now the election is over, and they need a way to back out of this. They never had any intention of going through with that. It was just a stunt to try and gain a last minute voting advantage.

Now, if THEY blew up an abandoned building, the government might not take it seriously enough. There is still a chance the government might cancel the emergency decree, and they would have to join the roadmap as they said they would. On the other hand, if they start putting people's lives at risk, killing and injuring innoncents, the government will have no choice but to keep the emergency decree in place.

Now they can back out of their promise with no reprisals. In a few months everyone will have forgotten about it.

The timing of this to coincide with the end of voting is very incriminating for the reds. They needed a way out of their promise which they had no intention of keeping. Innocent deaths that the government can not ignore gives them one.

So, for the theory the government did it, I come up with unlikely. They had easier options.

On the other hand, it clearly does make sense in the context of what the PT recently got themselves into. They needed these deaths and an extension of the decree to cover their duplicity in saying they would join the roadmap, which they have consistently refused to do until the surprise about face before the election.

Nope. Reds did it.

A exclent post

I got to thinking it over about the reds actions in Bangkok. Not a great deal if smarts involved. Then I said to my self, self who would not understand the miserable failure of these type of incidents in the mid east. I then called my grade 2 teacher and she assured me that 2 plus 2 equals 4. Not trying to point fingers just stating a few facts. You are all perfectly allowed to draw your own conclusions from them.


not so sure what the benefit is to the red cause with this bomb attack. odd target. don't think it is the government as this not USA. someone else is playing here.


not so sure what the benefit is to the red cause with this bomb attack. odd target. don't think it is the government as this not USA. someone else is playing here.

Not the USA, huh? That's a bizarre comment.

I am curious about the target. As I understand it, Big C's in general appeal to the lower economic portion of society.

Big C customers are typically middle class. Anyway this particular store is still closed after being damaged by arson following the May red-shirt protests. Big C is owned by the Central retail group whose major shareholder is a big supporter of the yellow shirts and the Democrat party.

Big C customers are "middle class" ??? Reckon you should try visit a Big C sometime soon.

I don't quite know how to interpret your question-marks - do you mean to say that Big C is upper class? - If not, I'd suggest you get out of your ivory tower a bit more often. Except for the few of the species, that might live near one, traveling to Big C, etc. means expenses. Although a carefully planned budget might reveal that spending a bit on transport, might be the cheapest in the long run, it seems to me that most lower class thais prefer to just buy their items at the nearest socalled "mom-and-dad-shop" (which is why you see them allover).

I went to big C one time ages ago. It's not a place I Like to shop as I prefer items that are imported so go elsewhere. But anyway, if big C customers are rich poor or middle class, who gives a crap!!!! People got caught up in an explosion today. Who gives a crap if these people are rich or poor, they are people with loved ones and they are suffering. If they are red shirts or yellow shirts it does not matter, what matters is people got caught up in this mess. The bomber probably dropped his package off in the bin at the bus stop without any thought of who would get hurt. Let's spare a thought for these people who got hurt.


i wonder who planted it, the government to justify the continued emergency decree, the reds or the yellows, or southern insurgents (terrorists). My money is on the fist one.

OH ya lets blame it all on the Reds, my guess it was the government boys themselves to keep making them looking good, and to have them win the election in BKK, which they did.


shocking news!!!! i hope we all do not start pointing fingers untill the truth is found. If it is a continued effort to keep the country in chaos it certainly will have that effect! Why as in all these sort of cases is it aimed at the local person on the street - COWARDS!

1. Lets hope the injured can make a recovery and get on with their lives.

2. Hope the government recognise the need for some financial support for these inocent people

Best wishes to the victims


suspect that travel warnings will be updated within the next few days by European governments.

there will not be a month pass with peace in this country,

for the people who have businesses here that relies on the tourist trade they will be hit hardest by this senseless carnage, having lived true this for nearly 3 decades in my home country, if the Thai government does not put a stop to this now it will escalate out of all proportions.

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