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We can read many threads about International Schools, Thai schools with English programs and we can read many complaints.

Some common complaints include the low level of English taught to kids, kids coming home speaking English with Thai accent, the lack of certain subjects in Thai curriculum (history, geography), too much rote learning and not enough questioning, analytical skills, forming own opinions. I also read about international schools who dictate what language students should speak in the breaks, on the playground, I found this shocking and it got me thinking.

It seems that some Thai children do not benefit much from having English pushed upon them from an early age because their parents think it's important for later in life. They get lessons taught in English and many probably understand too little of what is going on. Foreign kids from non English speaking countries included.

English speaking kids might miss out on true integration into the culture of the county they are living in. One could argue that it would make sense for children who are living in Thailand, to go to a school where the same language is spoken, Thai. It would mean complete immersion and they would acquire good Thai skills.

I would think that there are quite a few children who would benefit more from a school teaching a more international curriculum and teaching style but in Thai language. Sure the English class would be English, but not the other subjects. For children who live in Thailand long term, I find this makes a lot more sense.

For members who read some of my other posts, you know I don't think that school itself is the best option for most kids, I think alternative natural learning options make more sense. Still school is part of our lives so I am thinking about it and wondering, are there schools like this?


In summary, is there any school in Thailand

  • where the teaching language is Thai by native Thai speakers for all subjects except English or other foreign languages
  • Western teaching style, small classes, questioning the teacher is allowed/desired
  • Thai culture but also Western curriculum (not too short on Sports, History, Geography)
  • clean and reasonably modern, Western standards
  • airconditioned
  • clean bathrooms
  • Western Style management (open, responsive, complaints & suggestions welcome)
  • good teacher parent interaction
  • no hitting or cutting of students hair / nails
  • school does not dictate playground language

I think that would be a school that would make sense for many children living in Thailand.

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