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Water In Ear

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My gf went to the salon last week and since her visit she's having some water stuck inside her left ear. I think everybody knows how annoying that sound is when you move your head.

We've tried everything like shaking her head and pouring in more water to flush it all out, but nothing worked.

Today we went to visit a small clinic close to her apartment to have the doctor take a look at it. Having water in your ear for over 5 days is not good, especially if a lot of bacterias came with it brewing in there and causing an infection.

I insisted to come with her inside the doctor's room because given Thai doctor's upsell reputation i didn't want him to scam her.

I asked if he spoke english and he said no, nid noy. How in hel_l can a doctor not speak english? I doubt if he really is a doctor.

He took his ear-light-thingy and looked inside her ear. After 3 seconds he said there was no water in her ear... like he can look far deep inside the middle ear canal... then he started taking her blood pressure, looking inside her mouth etc. just trying to find something to upsell expensive medicines or useless vitamins. I made clear we were there only for the water in ear problem.

The incompetent "Dr" prescribed some stuff saying it would help the water to push out of her ear. <deleted>?? WHat did you just prescribe? an anti-diuretic or something? Everything was in thai so i asked the pharmacy lady what the name of the medication is in Latin. She told me to wait so i could ask the doctor myself who didn't speak english. A while later he wrote BCO and cinnarin?? on it. At that point is was getting a bit aggitated because i didn't know what it was and had a feeling it was just some vitamins or medication which was going to do jack shit about the problem.

Back in my apartment i did some googling and guess what. BCO = just a simple b-complex with an orange flavor, the yellow pills are vitamin C and the white pills, well i have no clue what that is. It looks like he wrote cinnarin or something on it. Can somebody with knowledge of the Thai language please translate the Thai part for me? I made a few pics. The total price for this scam: 280 thb. Just small money, but still...

If this problem is not over within a week i will take my gf to an ear-nose-throat specialist in bumrungrad. Maybe i will go back to the clinic next week to start a discussion about his scam.

Lesson learned, never visit a clinic in Thailand.

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Edited by HollandChampion
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Water can get trapped in the external ear canal if the canal is narrowed or if there is a wax plug in the canal; this should be visible with proper equipment.

The other possibility is that she has a small perforation of the ear drum which may allow water to get into the middle ear; this should also be fairly easy to see with proper equipment.

If so, she would need a decongestant tablet such as Sudafed or Actifen and/or a nasal decongestant to help open the eustachean tube.

Best to have an ENT examine the ear.

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Back in the 'real world' when I had free BUPA cover, I had the same symtoms as if I had water in my ear. It was infact an ear infection that took a nymber of weeks to

clear up. Anti-biotic cream was soaked in small strips of bandage type material and that was then 'packed' into my ear. Worked a treat.

Just thought I'd mention it & hope all goes well for the patient.

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I am susceptible to water stuck in my ear due to the shape of my ear canal. An ETN specialist recommended flushing my ears with a solution of 6 parts rubbing alcohol to 1 part vinegar. I haven't had a problem in 30 years. Great way to keep your ears clean and dry.


I thought about that too, but as FBN mentioned she might have a crack in her eardrum and i don't think it would be wise to pour some alcohol and vinegar in it hehe. I'll remember your tip, might come handy if i happen to get some water stuck in my ear.

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Back in the 'real world' when I had free BUPA cover, I had the same symtoms as if I had water in my ear. It was infact an ear infection that took a nymber of weeks to

clear up. Anti-biotic cream was soaked in small strips of bandage type material and that was then 'packed' into my ear. Worked a treat.

Just thought I'd mention it & hope all goes well for the patient.

Thanks for mentioning it. Did the infection hurt and did your ear canal feel swolen? My gf doesn't feel any pain and her ear canal isn't swolen so i don't think it's an infection.

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I am susceptible to water stuck in my ear due to the shape of my ear canal. An ETN specialist recommended flushing my ears with a solution of 6 parts rubbing alcohol to 1 part vinegar. I haven't had a problem in 30 years. Great way to keep your ears clean and dry.


I thought about that too, but as FBN mentioned she might have a crack in her eardrum and i don't think it would be wise to pour some alcohol and vinegar in it hehe. I'll remember your tip, might come handy if i happen to get some water stuck in my ear.

The solution mentioned above is very helpful for a condition known as "swimmers ear" which is predominantly an irritation or infection of the outer ear canal and can have the same symptoms.

It may cause damage to the middle ear structures though if allowed to get through a perforated drum.

Although unlikely, it would be best to exclude before proceeding.

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Always (but always) get a Western-trained doctor - preferably a Western doctor.

I say the latter because I WENT to the ear, nose & throat specialist in Bumrungrad a couple of years ago (a Thai) - and he used some some extremely painful instrument to scrape the water out of my ears - the pain was intense. It was entirely unnecessary.

I described his methods to a real ENT specialist later (a Swede), who pronounced him a 'butcher'.

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"We tried everything like shaking her head and pouring in more water to flush it out, but nothing worked." Are some people on this forum for real ? It's a bit like your boat's taking on water so you open the stop cocks to keep you afloat. People like that shouldn't be let loose in society.

Edited by sinbin
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I have seen this Dr. at Bumrungrad. He has a top notch education at top schools in the US. Speaks perfect english and is highly capable

Name: Dr. Prayuth Tunsuriyawong

Specialty: Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose:Throat)

Language: Spoken: English,Thai

Qualifications: Medical School:

- M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand, 1993

Board Certifications:

- Diploma of The Thai Board of Otolaryngology, 1996


- Rhinology, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 1999

- Rhinology and Otology, Harvard Medical School, USA, 1998

Assistant Professor, Mahidol University, Thailand

Special Clinical Trainings:

- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (ESS)

Special Clinical Interests:

- Advance ESS, Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy, Endoscopic orbital and optic nerve decompression,

Smell and Taste Disorders

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"We tried everything like shaking her head and pouring in more water to flush it out, but nothing worked." Are some people on this forum for real ? It's a bit like your boat's taking on water so you open the stop cocks to keep you afloat. People like that shouldn't be let loose in society.

Pouring in more water is an effective way to treat "Swimmers ear", just google it before critizising me. People like you shouldn't be let loose on a forum, troll.

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I have seen this Dr. at Bumrungrad. He has a top notch education at top schools in the US. Speaks perfect english and is highly capable

Name: Dr. Prayuth Tunsuriyawong

Specialty: Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose:Throat)

Language: Spoken: English,Thai

Qualifications: Medical School:

- M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University, Thailand, 1993

Board Certifications:

- Diploma of The Thai Board of Otolaryngology, 1996


- Rhinology, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 1999

- Rhinology and Otology, Harvard Medical School, USA, 1998

Assistant Professor, Mahidol University, Thailand

Special Clinical Trainings:

- Endoscopic Sinus Surgery (ESS)

Special Clinical Interests:

- Advance ESS, Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy, Endoscopic orbital and optic nerve decompression,

Smell and Taste Disorders

We went to bumrungrad yesterday and if i remember well that's the dr. we saw.

The doctor examined her ear canal and eardrum. Luckily it's just some water stuck inside that can be taken out just by rolling up a piece of tissue and insert it deep into the canal. Her eardrum is fine and gladly there is no sign of infection or irritation.

The total cost was 980 THB.

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800 baht for the doctor plus any tests

Just back from a 5 week Thai hospitals trip ( combined with Thafex and visiting suppliers.

Bumrungrad: same level as the best hospitals in Netherlands. Prices: 20-25% of here. Some doctors (1 x) seem to believe, they have to "do" someting, so give.." medicines", even when only vitamines. But.. 2 doctors cured a many years long back and muscle pain. Costs per visit: 800-1500 THB.

Also at Thai Nakarin and Lad Prao: cheaper, but.. (much) less collegues to ask a second opinion, lless medical machines, longer waiting times.

For me the choice NL or TH hospital is simple: when I can jump in a plane.. it is Bumrungrad.

NEVER, NEVER and under no circumstances ever I will go to whatever clinic, unless I am sent by a doctor of Bumrungread OR I know the doctor personnaly

Dentist: the same, I went in Lad Prao hospital. First time ever I did NOT feel the injection. One hour, 25 min treatment for .. 950 THB ( = 40 Euro). In NL it will cost 4-5 x so much.

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Just to add my 2 penny worth.

I went to Bumrungrad to see a ENT specialist. (anyone wanting the doc's name can PM me)

He did an Endoscopy of the top part of my throat as I was complaining of a blocked throat and food getting stuck. I got the all clear and told everything fine and tablets, which I later googled to find they were for anxiety. I was shocked!!

I was not better and due to return to the UK, so a month later I went to see my NHS DOCTOR and immediately recommended to have a Gastroscopy, which looks further down the throat. I was then diagnosed with LGD Barratt's Epithelium (a pre cancerous condition) and to cut a long story short I complained to Bumrungrad but short of suing there's no benefit to be had for the bad advice and missed diagnosis, through telling me everything was fine rather than at least suggesting further tests would be prudent and as for prescribing anxiety pills, well that says everything that needs to be said about the diagnosis. Present with a pre-cancerous condition and leave with an all clear and anxiety tablets. btw, I asked about tablets, but didn't really get a clear explanation at the time, other than they would help/improve my condition and nothing to worry about.

To give some idea. LGD is low grade dysplasia. Abnormal cells. The next level is HGD high grade dysplasia. At HGD the choice is to remove the throat and join the stomach to what's left or a newer and so far very promising ablation technolgy called Barrx Radiofrequency (there are other ablation techniques such as cryo). Throat cancer inparticularly has a very poor prognosis and after HGD comes the big C itself.

If I had taken Bumrungrad's results at face value and not sought a proper/full examination I would not now be on daily PPI's and on a 2 year monitoring regime, understanding my condition. Instead I may have left it too late all together. As it is, I could just perhaps have had it found when maybe it was non-dysplastic instead of swallowing anxiety pills!!

Just my experience and it was a rushed visit that failed spectacularly in every conceivable way to do a competent job!!

Edited by twix38
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>>>insisted to come with her inside the doctor's room because given Thai doctor's upsell reputation i didn't want him to scam her.

I asked if he spoke english and he said no, nid noy. How in hel_l can a doctor not speak english? I doubt if he really is a doctor.<<<<

You are in Thailand, what is wrong with the doctor speaking thai??

Many competent doctors here in Thailand can not spek english but THEY ARE REAL DOCTORS.

Open your eye and see the world. There are many language in this world apart from english.

You can not speak the local langage so blame the local not speaking your mother langage??

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>>>insisted to come with her inside the doctor's room because given Thai doctor's upsell reputation i didn't want him to scam her.

I asked if he spoke english and he said no, nid noy. How in hel_l can a doctor not speak english? I doubt if he really is a doctor.<<<<

You are in Thailand, what is wrong with the doctor speaking thai??

Many competent doctors here in Thailand can not spek english but THEY ARE REAL DOCTORS.

Open your eye and see the world. There are many language in this world apart from english.

You can not speak the local langage so blame the local not speaking your mother langage??

Well sir, let me explain to you why a doctor must be able to understand and speak the English language, no matter where he comes from.

Nowadays 99% of the medical research is publicized in English and only a little bit in Thai. A Phd. needs upschooling every year and without the knowledge of English i don't see him being able to do so. He might have graduated 30 years ago from university and many things have changed since then. Do you still feel comfortable with a doctor who can't speak English?

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