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One Hurt In Bangkok Grenade Blast


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or maybe it's all denial. denial is the first of the four stages of grief.

Probably why it's not in the Bangkok Post or The Nation, but being reported by an international chain.

Probably because it happened TODAY (FRIDAY). Do you expect the newspapers to also be soothsayers?

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I live a stones throw from King Power bldg. This was much more than just a Grenade. There was a Large fireball, and the explosion was so loud - It almost blew out the windows in my Condo. a tree was on fire, and several cars were damaged! My entire bldg and neighborhood was out on the street afterwards. Everyone in this neighborhood is freaking out! I could smell a burning gasoline like smell several minutes after the explosion. - Moron Thai cops cordoned off the area, and waited around for at least 30 minutes before they did anything. Not sure about the condition of the body they hauled away, but it seemed very dead to me.

That was no M79 grenade then. Was it the police or the media -or both- minimizing it?

I can't imagine US cops letting a victim lay there because they were scared of more bombs.

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How do you know that the guy who got hurt is not the guy who planted the bomb?

Maybe because:

Witnesses in the area say they saw a green and yellow taxi parked near the tree before the explosion took place. However, the taxi sped away right after the bomb exploded. Witnesses did not get a chance to notice the license plate on the vehicle.

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"Witnesses in the area say they saw a green and yellow taxi parked near the tree before the explosion took place. However, the taxi sped away right after the bomb exploded. Witnesses did not get a chance to notice the license plate on the vehicle." If I am the taxi driver, I would run for my life too.

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Wonder if the latest bombing will match up with previous bombings like the recent one at Big C did:

the latest bomb that took place on Sunday night might be linked to the terrorist cases occurred during the anti-government United Front of Democracy Against Dictatorship (UDD) rally earlier this year.

He believed the series of crime including the latest were committed by the same group of suspects as the bomb wiring method and the explosive material used were similar.


Police have been able to draw ties between the blast and similar bombing incidents in the capital, including attacks on Kok Kram and Nang Loeng police stations.

Similar bomb-making techniques were cited as another strong indication of the attack's connection to past incidents.

Similar bomb-making techniques were cited as another strong indication of the attack's connection to past incidents.


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How do they know it had a rubber band around it?

its called a freudian slip.

It's a common improvised booby trap. You wrap the spoon with a heavy rubber band, then smear it with a little motor oil. The band dissolves in a few minutes detonating the grenade. Bits of greasy rubber band will be left stuck to the spoon. Anybody who served in a well trained unit like the Thai Rangers would immediately recognize it for what it was.

But then again, I am sure the trained crime scene investigators don't hold a candle to the genius at work on the Thai visa comments board.

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Just walked down the street the blast was in. Staying at a hotel just around the corner. Didn't have a clue until I read this article! There's a small area sectioned off and now I know why.

Perhaps it was someone with a gripe against King Power. Though it was on the opposite side of the road.

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truly Amazing there been no car bombs...... yet

Oh my word, don't put any more ideas into their heads :o

I would be amazed if the man survived. He was probably bent right over the bin when it went off. Poor guy.

Another thing. The fact there are people searching through bins says more about the economy doesnt it.

Who needs tourism? Not Thailand!!!!

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How do they know it had a rubber band around it?

On one hand, I'm not surprised they would say something so idiotic.

On the other hand, I'm shocked they would try to say something that idiotic.

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Simply amazing how fast we change our attitude. Not one single post of concern for the victim. I personally wish him a speedy recovery.

It is amazing the lack of concern over two bombs or grenades in one week. People are more concerned about a statement that it had a rubber band around it than that it seriously injured some one. Yes indededo life in farong land can sure be disappointing.

well said

The tradgedy is that a poor person trying to make a living sorting through garbage should become the target of brutal political violence.

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It's a common improvised booby trap. You wrap the spoon with a heavy rubber band, then smear it with a little motor oil. The band dissolves in a few minutes detonating the grenade. Bits of greasy rubber band will be left stuck to the spoon. Anybody who served in a well trained unit like the Thai Rangers would immediately recognize it for what it was.

Yes, but after it deteriorates with the oil and then explodes, is there anything left of the rubber band?

I'm not an explosives expert by any means, but considering all things Thai, I find it incredibly difficult to believe if there was anything left of a rubber band that they could find it. I watched them investigate a small bomb during the chaos in Bangkok and they looked pretty clueless. They more or less just picked up some pieces of what looked like marbles (real playing marbles), took some photos and went on their way.

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Latest Blast Blamed on Poor Intelligence Work

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban has expressed strong dissatisfaction over the work of intelligence agencies following the latest bombing incident in Soi Rang Nam, tapping the defense minister to oversee the task.

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Thai PM warns further bomb attacks likely

by Anusak Konglang

BANGKOK (AFP) -- A grenade blast in Bangkok Friday left one man seriously hurt, prompting a warning from the prime minister of possible further attacks in a city still recovering from a wave of bloodshed.

The grenade, which was in a plastic bag, exploded before dawn on a street in the capital, leaving a rubbish scavenger in critical condition with shrapnel in his head, police and hospital officials said.

"It's likely that the bomb was aimed at inciting unrest," Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva told reporters.

"The overall assessment and evaluation of the situation is that more bomb attacks are likely at this time," he said.

The blast came less than a week after a small bomb exploded at a Bangkok bus stop, killing one person and injuring 10 in an attack that rekindled tensions in the capital two months after the end of bloody street protests.

The main opposition Puea Thai party accused government supporters of setting off that bomb. No one has been arrested in connection with either of the two explosions.

About 90 people died and some 1,900 were injured in street clashes between armed troops and demonstrators during two months of mass rallies by the anti-government "Red Shirts" that ended with a bloody army crackdown in May.

Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban said he believed Friday's blast was politically motivated.

"It's regrettable that the bomber wanted to incite further unrest to show that the government cannot control the situation," he told reporters.

Suthep, who is in charge of security, said he had instructed Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwon to deploy police and soldiers to patrol the city streets.

He added that the blast showed the government still needed to maintain emergency rule in Bangkok and 10 other provinces, out of a total of 76.

"Core anti-government leaders are still inciting unrest," he said.

The latest explosion came hours after Abhisit announced he was lifting a state of emergency in six provinces in central and northeast Thailand.

The government has come under pressure from the United States and rights groups to end emergency rule to help the country recover from deadly civil unrest that has left it deeply divided.

Authorities have used the powers -- introduced in Bangkok on April 7 -- to arrest hundreds of Red Shirt suspects and silence anti-government media.

One top protest leader was released on bail Friday, more than two months after being detained on terrorism charges.

The Appeals Court agreed to temporarily release the movement's chairman Veera Musikapong after he posted bail of six million baht (about 186,000 dollars), a court official said.

He is banned from travelling outside Bangkok without court permission, from joining gatherings of more than five people -- except to meet his relatives -- and from talking to media, the official said.

The protests by the Reds, many of whom back fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, attracted up to 100,000 people demanding immediate elections.

Thaksin, a former telecoms tycoon, was ousted in a bloodless military coup in 2006 and lives in self-imposed exile to avoid a prison term imposed in absentia for corruption.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2010-07-30

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Critical condition and the sociopath lost a lot of merit - maybe next life he will be a cockroach scavenging in the bins that some other fool explodes but amazing how the press release is being downplayed and everyone is finger pointing about politics, no-one claiming responsibility and so on. Kinda stupid really and the world looks on and shakes their heads at how stupid Thai people really can be.

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I suggest perhaps M-67 type grenade with rubber band dropped into a bag of petrol b4 rapid depart. There are usually identifiable parts of the grenade to be found, possibly with part of the band stuck to the spoon. this would account for the large flash and the smell of fuel.

You'd have to be an idiot to try it - in hindsight the right man for the job.

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How do they know it had a rubber band around it?

+ all the other posts by wannabee-smarties.

There is several ways they can have known it, there might be a rubber band-pieces inside the plastic bag that the grenade was inside. The can have found several fragments of a rubber band in the victims wounds. The victim might have told them. And so on. Or all of the above.

Sometimes I am ashamed to be an expat when I realize so many of us are just pure trash. That should have a rubber band around our necks...

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I can't imagine US cops letting a victim lay there because they were scared of more bombs.

A few years ago I witnessed a man in Australia blow himself up, he had six detonators strapped to his body and they went off one by one. They killed him and in the proccess blew one limb off. The police station was just a hundred yards away, they and the local fire brigade etc refused to go near the man for a good thirty minutes in case there were any more detonators still to go off.

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Critical condition and the sociopath lost a lot of merit - maybe next life he will be a cockroach scavenging in the bins that some other fool explodes but amazing how the press release is being downplayed and everyone is finger pointing about politics, no-one claiming responsibility and so on. Kinda stupid really and the world looks on and shakes their heads at how stupid Thai people really can be.

And the world looks on at the USA and nations from Europe in Afghanistan, killing civilians with their wrongly targeted bombs and dying themselves from attacks by the Taliban, and the world wonders at the West's stupidity and failure to learn from history.

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Both blasts in areas frequented by tourists, at least were frequented by them back in the good ole days when bangkok had tourists.

the objective of the bombers is beginning to emerge. tourists beware.

and where are the last tourists to be found, the never say die bangkok regulars?

the likes of patpong, nana, cowboy could be next.

Actually I think you are DEAD right. If these total cowards go for the jugular for tourism they only need hit the classic areas you mentioned. Now they are aiming for what most consider "expendable" people, poor folk who are "nobodies" in the eyes of society. They only need "up the ante" to aim for well known tourist sites and that could enter a whole new ball game. :fight:

It won't take long before one of these loose canons in these uncontrolled extremist groups to start more extreme action and then who knows what will be the outcome? Until the government learns to address real societal issues and forgets concentrating on absolute nonsense like alcohol purchasing times these types of events will continue to rise. :closedeyes:

Real unfortunate, this is not the last time we will see this!:(

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