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I am testing the Mandriva distro :o [2005 edition]

it's from FAR the easiest to install I found so far :D

no worries for hardware and the first use is "let's say" as easy as windows could be :D

you can download the free cd set or get a full dvd by torrent ...

or apply to be a member ofthe linux community and receive more ...

it's all up to you :D

just to say, this distro deserve a try :D



Hello francois,

I'm using Fedora Core 4 distribution, which is 100% free and has the largest Linux support community around. This latest release of Fedora uses the latest releases of all popular packages and supports an impressive amount of hardware (including lots of new stuff)

It comes with both the latest version of Gnome and KDE and is probably the first international Linux distribution which supports Thai language also in OpenOffice, Fedora Core 4 comes with version 2.0 of OpenOffice.

Better even, you can download Fedora Core 4 CD's from servers within Thailand





for now, we have a few "major" distro and some others more ...

I swapped from Suse to mandriva for a test as many people might be interested, I heard many times about Fedora, I might give it a try too ...

is the version of OOo 2 the beta one or the final release?

holala ... :o I need to get one more hdd :D



Hello Francois,

Fedora Core 4 comes indeed with version 1.9 of OpenOffice, which is the same version as included with Suse 9.3 Professional.

I use OpenOffice daily and I can say that an OpenOffice “pre-release” works as good or even better as a commercial release of Microsoft office running on the latest version of Windows.

For people new to Linux, I can suggest that they have a look at Fedora; within Bangkok I’m willing to make copies of the CD’s (in exchange of 5 empty CD’s).

Hello Francois,

Fedora Core 4 comes indeed with version 1.9 of OpenOffice, which is the same version as included with Suse 9.3 Professional.

I use OpenOffice daily and I can say that an OpenOffice “pre-release” works as good or even better as a commercial release of Microsoft office running on the latest version of Windows.

For people new to Linux, I can suggest that they have a look at Fedora; within Bangkok I’m willing to make copies of the CD’s (in exchange of 5 empty CD’s).

nice :D

and go ahead, give a hand to newbies for a first install ... open source spirit :o

spread it :D


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