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Hi guys, does anyone know the direct translation of "Kai leuat ork"?, this bastard mosquito carried disease has just killed my wifes younger sister (19) in Mae Sai in only 3 days and now her younger sister (4) has the same. My wife says that there are many, many people up here with it but its existance and the infection rates are being kept quiet, she said the hospital is full and the nurse said yeaterday there were another 30 cases in Mae Sai. If i find out what it is exactly i can warn others of its existence, I dont want another family to go through my wife's families grief

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Hi palusa, it is dengue-fewer.

Just read they had 1500 cases in Surin. Many up here in CR too.

One of my best friend stayed in hospital 4 days with drip. He had high fewer, pain in all muscles etc etc. Another guy I know had only a little bit fewer.



Hi palusa, it is dengue-fewer.

Just read they had 1500 cases in Surin. Many up here in CR too.

One of my best friend stayed in hospital 4 days with drip. He had high fewer, pain in all muscles etc etc. Another guy I know had only a little bit fewer.


Appreciate the reply, the hospital staff say the strain in Mae Sai is particulary virulent and deadly (as we well know in this family). For FXXKS SAKE anyone coming up here plaster your self with repellant and especially your kids



mâi <LI class=thaiMeaningLi>out ; out of<LI class=thaiMeaningLi>[to] issue ; produce ; reveal<LI class=thaiMeaningLi>[to] leave ; exit ; go outsound.gifออก

òk <LI class=thaiMeaningLi>chicken ; hen ; cocksound.gifไก่


I just try to get it translated-but this is the only thing, there came out of it-eccept that the first word is missing here-and it was-not-I dont know if this give eny meaning to you.-not out of chicken-hen-cock.?

Sorry, I did my best.

I am sorry to here, your truple in your family-hope you can handle it, and things will be better soon, for you and the family.



Hi palusa, it is dengue-fewer.

Just read they had 1500 cases in Surin. Many up here in CR too.

One of my best friend stayed in hospital 4 days with drip. He had high fewer, pain in all muscles etc etc. Another guy I know had only a little bit fewer.


Appreciate the reply, the hospital staff say the strain in Mae Sai is particulary virulent and deadly (as we well know in this family). For FXXKS SAKE anyone coming up here plaster your self with repellant and especially your kids

Can one not get tablets from the pharmacy to counter the lethal effects of these awful critters? I think you need to take them so many days before going to the infected area and so many days after leaving. Thailand should have also declared it a high risk malarial area.


Hi palusa, it is dengue-fewer.

Just read they had 1500 cases in Surin. Many up here in CR too.

One of my best friend stayed in hospital 4 days with drip. He had high fewer, pain in all muscles etc etc. Another guy I know had only a little bit fewer.


Appreciate the reply, the hospital staff say the strain in Mae Sai is particulary virulent and deadly (as we well know in this family). For FXXKS SAKE anyone coming up here plaster your self with repellant and especially your kids

Can one not get tablets from the pharmacy to counter the lethal effects of these awful critters? I think you need to take them so many days before going to the infected area and so many days after leaving. Thailand should have also declared it a high risk malarial area.

Firts thank for all messages of comfort. My wife is just back from the hospital and says it like a war zone, the place is just swamped with all the worst cases refered to the "Rai" but they are now about capacity as well. I feel for the people across the border who are flooding in to try and get treatment (This is what the nurses have told my wife). There really should be a warning of an official type now given out

Apparently there are no PRE-contracting medicines for Dengue Fever of any real use. (Doctor, Mae Sai hospital)


So very sorry to hear of your loss and i hope the latest victim in your family recovers.

As for the translation 'leuat ork' is 'blood out' or bleeding, and 'khai' is fever, which would support the version of dengue fever mentioned earlier. Told my g/f about it, describing it as being caught from mosquitos and she also said 'khai leuat ork'

Apparently no-one in Chiang Saen has, yet, shown any symptoms, or at least it hasn't reached the epidemic proportions you report from Mae Sai. Sounds truly awful.

Again, I wish your family a swift recovery.



So sorry Palusa to hear of the sad news of your sis-in-law, I hope the younger one is on the road to recovery.

I'm told that the mozzies that spread this are the ones that buzz around during the day, so plaster on the Tiger balm and get swatting!

There are a lot of cases around Wiang Chai district too.


I'm told that the mozzies that spread this are the ones that buzz around during the day, so plaster on the Tiger balm and get swatting!

Didn't think Tiger balm was any good against mosquitos.


I'm told that the mozzies that spread this are the ones that buzz around during the day, so plaster on the Tiger balm and get swatting!

Didn't think Tiger balm was any good against mosquito's.

It actually works but I prefer to get the citronella spray from the Pharmacies. Easy to apply and works a treat


I'm told that the mozzies that spread this are the ones that buzz around during the day, so plaster on the Tiger balm and get swatting!

Didn't think Tiger balm was any good against mosquito's.

It actually works but I prefer to get the citronella spray from the Pharmacies. Easy to apply and works a treat

Tiger balm kinda sorta worked for me, tried the citronella spray, didn't keep the mozzies away but kept the missus at a fair distance! "mehn mehn!" The only thing that worked for me was a 99% DEET spray which I found in Koh Samui, never been able to find it since :( the highest DEET content I've been able to find in pharmacies has been about 15% which the mozzies in Chiang Saen have just laughed at (yes, I heard them laughing!).


I'm told that the mozzies that spread this are the ones that buzz around during the day, so plaster on the Tiger balm and get swatting!

Didn't think Tiger balm was any good against mosquito's.

It actually works but I prefer to get the citronella spray from the Pharmacies. Easy to apply and works a treat

Tiger balm kinda sorta worked for me, tried the citronella spray, didn't keep the mozzies away but kept the missus at a fair distance! "mehn mehn!" The only thing that worked for me was a 99% DEET spray which I found in Koh Samui, never been able to find it since :( the highest DEET content I've been able to find in pharmacies has been about 15% which the mozzies in Chiang Saen have just laughed at (yes, I heard them laughing!).

I suppose anything thats going to mask our natural smell must be better than nothing. They always go for my feet. I always try to wear socks, shoes and long trousers that cover the socks when I'm out an about , but thats for the usual dawn/dusk raiding parties. I suppose it'll work for The Day mosquito's too.

probably good Idea to avoid overly planted/vegetation area's too. Give the restaurants in a garden a miss for a couple of months . I understand the normal Dengue's not something you'll forget in a hurry.


I followed a blog from a guy who had it down south.

He sweated it out at home, and was told to drink 8 litres of "sports" drink daily.

He said sleep was impossible, every time he nearly dosed off he had to get up for a leak.


Tiger balm kinda sorta worked for me, tried the citronella spray, didn't keep the mozzies away but kept the missus at a fair distance! "mehn mehn!" The only thing that worked for me was a 99% DEET spray which I found in Koh Samui, never been able to find it since :( the highest DEET content I've been able to find in pharmacies has been about 15% which the mozzies in Chiang Saen have just laughed at (yes, I heard them laughing!).

If I'm not mistaking, 99% is a toxic level, unless you were stating that for effect. :whistling: 30% DEET is deemed quite effective. The most effective products use a similar concentratioin of around 27% to 30%. I've never found citronella to work for me. I'm from Canada. We know mosquitoes. And black flies, horse flies and deer flies. :unsure:


Tiger balm kinda sorta worked for me, tried the citronella spray, didn't keep the mozzies away but kept the missus at a fair distance! "mehn mehn!" The only thing that worked for me was a 99% DEET spray which I found in Koh Samui, never been able to find it since :( the highest DEET content I've been able to find in pharmacies has been about 15% which the mozzies in Chiang Saen have just laughed at (yes, I heard them laughing!).

If I'm not mistaking, 99% is a toxic level, unless you were stating that for effect. :whistling: 30% DEET is deemed quite effective. The most effective products use a similar concentratioin of around 27% to 30%. I've never found citronella to work for me. I'm from Canada. We know mosquitoes. And black flies, horse flies and deer flies. :unsure:

Well, it was toxic, to the mozzies! I'm not sure what you meant by 'stating for effect' what effect would that statement have? According to this http://www.epa.gov/pesticides/factsheets/chemicals/deet.htm it's ok for humans if you take appropriate precautions and follow the instructions.

I've since found this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Repel-100-Deet-Insect-Repellent/dp/B000VZFNR4/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top and will be bringing plenty with me on my next visit.

I'm from London and we don't know mosquitos or any biting insects, ok an ant might give you a little nip and we've got wasps and bees, but you're more likely to be bitten by a crack head :) hmm I wonder if DEET works on them?


I can't find any DEET related spray products in Thailand that aren't way over-priced, compared to what I can get elsewhere. So, we go with the liquid in the bottle and apply by hand: White and blue bottle, blue top, Thai labeling. 25% DEET. It works well on the skin. Spray works way better on clothing but it costs too much here.

Something to remember about DEET based products: There is no way to test for allergies to DEET. Because of that, people have lost children to the reaction that DEET causes when the kids have an allergic reaction. Strong DEET should never be applied to children. And if the kids have never experienced it before, perhaps a wise move is to place a small amount on a very small amount of skin the first time to make sure they won't react to it. Most people who are allergic to it never know it until it is killing them. And it does kill adults as well, if they are allergic to it.

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