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Sleeping Pills


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Never sought them out myself but I can tell you from experience that Actifed can knock you right out. I had to park the car up and nap for nearly any hour in the middle of the day after taking just one. I can only imagine with cough syrup it would do the job nicely. I heard to the term "robo-tripping" once...

In all good conscience though, I feel the better response would be, " why can't you sleep?"

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Probably not many, or any, but any antihistamine should do it.

There's an over the counter sleeper available in Australia called Dozile. It's just a high antihistamine dose, so will cure runny noses, hayfever, etc, for the duration, but they geneally leave you drowsy beyond when you wake.

Common prescription names here are Normison, Euhypnos, Temazepen and Temtabs. You may be able to buy a couple at a time from a pharmacy, but I doubt they would sell you what could potentially be a lethal dose.

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