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London in chaos after terrorist blasts; 45+ killed


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winesses say body parts strewn about train carriages , train carriage floor blown out as it passed another train .

trains hit whilst underground .

smoke inhalation stopped people getting out of carriages .

mobile phone system on limited service to allow emergency services access ...

security services glad it wasnt worse ,only small explosions and no chem or bio bombs .

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This staement can be found on an al-Quaeda website:

In the name of God, the merciful, the compassionate, may peace be upon the cheerful one and undaunted fighter, Prophet Muhammad, God's peace be upon him.

Nation of Islam and Arab nation: Rejoice for it is time to take revenge against the British Zionist Crusader government in retaliation for the massacres Britain is committing in Iraq and Afghanistan. The heroic mujahideen have carried out a blessed raid in London. Britain is now burning with fear, terror and panic in its northern, southern, eastern, and western quarters.

We have repeatedly warned the British Government and people. We have fulfilled our promise and carried out our blessed military raid in Britain after our mujahideen exerted strenuous efforts over a long period of time to ensure the success of the raid.

We continue to warn the governments of Denmark and Italy and all the Crusader governments that they will be punished in the same way if they do not withdraw their troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. He who warns is excused.

God says: "You who believe: If ye will aid (the cause of) Allah, He will aid you, and plant your feet firmly

Scource: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4660391.stm

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######  ######  :D That could have been me. I really hope no one i know aws on any of the buses or tube. I worked in London for years and worked in some of the locations mentioned.So i could have been on the public transport. I'm sure there is many of us on here who feel the same.  :D Makes me so ######ing angry.

Me too Jockstar, makes me f***ing furious! :D !

I am back in London with my wife and baby, lucky at present we are staying with friends in the country....... :o

My wife now doesn't want to go back to my flat in Earls Court, she thinks London is not safe for the baby!

I have a friend's daughter from the States who is staying in Russell Square now, it was a very anxious couple of hours before I was able to contact her!!!!!

I just hope that this is a one off and not the start of an extensive terrorist campaign. :D

Al-Quaeda have been warning of an attack like this for a long, long time!

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Our condolences to those who have been hurt and injured, and to the families of those who have lost loved ones. May they rest in peace.

A good friend of mine is in London, having just left Bangkok a few days ago to go there for a project. He replied to my SMS that he was OK, but trying to find a way out of the city. I am certain his Thai wife and family are thankful to Lord Buddah for his safety.

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'40 dead' in London terror bombings

LONDON: -- At least 40 people have been killed in a series of terror blasts in London, a US law enforcement official said.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity because British officials have yet to make public the death toll, but US officials learned of the number from their British counterparts

Terrorists brought carnage to London with the bomb blasts across the capital, which also injured many more.

There were four confirmed co-ordinated blasts on the Tube network and a bus packed with commuters was ripped apart in what Tony Blair called a "barbaric" string of attacks.

The onslaught was unleashed on the day that G8 world leaders met at Gleneagles.

There were reports that the al Qaida terror network had claimed responsibility for the attacks, which mirrored the vicious assault on Madrid commuters in 2004 in which almost 200 people died.

In the hours afterwards, there was no official death toll from the London bombs, but witnesses saw piles of bodies on wrecked Tube trains and the bus was torn to pieces.

The day of death and chaos prompted the Prime Minister to vow that the terrorists would never win. "Whatever they do it is our determination that they will never succeed in destroying what we hold dear in this country and other civilised nations in the world," he said.

Mr Blair left the G8 summit for London in the wake of the attacks, but the summit would go on. Before his departure, the G8 leaders appeared side-by-side with Mr Blair to condemn the attacks.

The double decker bus which was ripped apart by a massive blast was packed with people forced off the underground when the network was shut down. Eyewitnesses said there were many fatalities.

--AFX 2005-07-07

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My condolences go out to all effected by this tragedy.

The terrorist scum have forgotten the resolve of the English people. They have gone through this before and a tragedy like this only helps to solidify the resolve of the people to rid the world of #@%* like this.

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Keep your chin up, London, everything's gonna be alright. My condolences to those that have been injured or suffered the loss of loved ones. New Yorker's are feeling you right now.


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Emailed a few people in London that i know. Luckily at least 4 have replied saying they are ok and heard about others. Just waiting a few more. I know heaps of people in London but not all are on email or i dont have their email. Grrrrrr! These terrorists.... :o:D:D:D:D:D

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Right now on BBC TV --- report from Scotland Yard press conference. 4 explosions on subway trains , 1 explosion on a bus. 33 people confirmed dead, fatalities on the bus not yet counted. Several hundred minor injuries, around 20 people more serious injuries. One more deivce found , controlled explosion. All subway services out, all London zone one buses out, all major overland stations except Kings Cross now open again.

A tragedy.


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Red alert:

Paris, New York Step Up Security After London Attacks (Update2)

Paris and New York beefed up security in trains and buses and Madrid deployed military forces to aid police to protect malls and power plants, after London's terrorist blasts killed at least 33 people and injured hundreds.

Paris was put on ``red'' alert, increasing the patrolling of train and metro stations and letting police carry out random checks on passengers. In New York, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly redirected forces to the transit system. In Madrid, Washington and Moscow security systems were put on alert.

``Now more than ever, our democracies must come together and show that they are united against the terrorist menace,'' French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said in a statement. ``Now more than ever, we have to show vigilance and determination.''

Terrorists set off bombs during morning rush hour in London's subways in the financial district and on a bus in the center of the capital. A group purporting to be the terrorist organization al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the attacks, a statement posted on the Islamist al-Saha Web site said.

U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair, who was at the Group of Eight summit, which began today in Gleneagles, Scotland, called the bombings ``barbaric.''

``Our determination to defend our values is greater than theirs to impose extremism,'' he said. ``Whatever they do, it is our determination that they will never succeed.''

Four explosions occurred at Underground stations, including Liverpool Street, Moorgate and Aldgate East, U.K. Home Secretary Charles Clark said. An unidentified U.S. official told the Associated Press that at least 40 people died.

Redirecting Forces

New York police reinforced security in the city's transit system. Police Commissioner Kelly ``redirected forces to the transit system, put greater attention to other sensitive locations, and thousands of additional police are working,'' Dora Kalbouros, a police spokeswoman, said.

New York City Transit, the agency that operates the city's subways and buses, asked employees and commuters to report anything suspicious, said spokeswoman Marisa Baldeo. New York has been on a heightened counter-terror alert since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center.

Concern extended to suburban commuter rail stations where heightened security was evident. At New Brunswick, N.J., four state troopers, one armed with a submachine gun, stood guard in the plaza in front of the station.

Military Help

The Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority said it's increasing security throughout its bus and rail network and urged riders to report suspicious packages.

The Chicago Transit Authority, which has about 1.5 million riders on weekdays, said it asked employees to look out for unattended packages. U.S. officials requested that security be increased on transit systems in Boston, New York, Miami, Washington and Atlanta, Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney said.

In Spain, where bomb blasts in a Madrid commuter train on March 11 last year killed 191 people, the government raised its terrorist alert to the maximum level. Police forces across the country will be aided by the military to protect shopping malls and national landmarks as well as power plants, refineries and major transport hubs, the interior ministry said in a statement.

``I gave orders to the interior minister to activate all the systems for warning and prevention,'' Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said at a press conference in Madrid. ``Those responsible for the security of the country will maintain contact with British authorities to give whatever help is possible.''

`Red alert'

Italy's civil aviation authority raised the alert status of the country's airports to its highest level. The city of Milan said it's increasing security in its transport network. Deutsche Bahn AG, Germany's state railway, said it boosted security.

``We have adapted our security concepts to meet the current situation,'' said Heiner von der Laden, a spokesman at Berlin- based Deutsche Bahn.

The attacks come a day after London beat Paris to host the 2012 Olympics. France stepped up its security alert level to ``red'' from ``orange.'' The security system has four levels of alerts: yellow, orange, red, scarlet.

Societe Nationale des Chemins de Fer, or SNCF, France's national railway company and a partner of the Eurostar service linking London and Paris, asked travellers to Ashford and London to postpone their trips, the company said in a faxed statement.

Regie Autonome des Transports Parisiens, or RATP, the company that manages Paris' underground system and the bus network, will increase the number of policemen in the network, spokesman Fabien Contino said.

With a ``red'' alert, France also closes down parts of its air space, forbidding private leisure aircraft to fly, said Sandrine Goursonnet, a spokeswoman for the Paris police.

Athens, Amsterdam

Meanwhile, three Budapest shopping malls were evacuated after receiving bomb threats, while Moscow activated emergency plans to tighten security throughout its subway system.

In Athens, where the government spent 1.2 billion euros ($1.43 billion) on security for the Olympic games last year, security personnel at the airport and subway were told to ``exercise increased vigilance,'' said Dimitris Tsioufos, an Athens subway spokesman.

Security around British offices and diplomatic missions remained tight, Police Colonel Eleftherios Ikonomou, spokesman for Greece's Public Order Ministry said in a phone interview.

``Measures we had in place at the British Embassy and other British offices were strict even before the blasts,'' he said.

Dutch authorities increased protection for official U.K. buildings, including diplomatic offices, tightened border controls and stepped up railway security. The Netherlands' security forces are ``extra alert and vigilant,'' said justice ministry spokesman, Ivo Hommes.

--Bloomberg 2005-07-07

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Some 45 killed, 1,000 wounded in London - Sky TV

07 Jul 2005 13:36:05 GMT

Source: Reuters

LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - At least 45 people were killed and 1,000 wounded in four blasts that ripped through London's transport network at rush hour on Thursday, Sky TV said.

Security sources told Reuters people had been killed at all four locations where explosions were heard and they suspected it was a coordinated attack indicating international terrorists were responsible.

LONDON (Reuters) - Four blasts ripped through London during rush hour on Thursday morning, killing at least 33 people - at 16.40GMT

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Has anyone found lists of dead and injured on the net or is it too soon yet?

What a shitty day, been a good time in the UK so far, glastonbury, live 8, then suddenly this, what a world we live in. :o

Too early I think mate.I have e-mailed two kiwi mates who use the underground on a regular basis.Only one reply so far. :D

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What can you say...? As an expat Cockney I am gutted at todays events. After the high of getting the 2012 Olympics yesterday, Live 8 last weekend and then this horrific return to the "reality" of the world we live in...!

Thankfully my sister who works in the Edgware Road area is safe and well!

Terrorist <deleted>!

Keep The Faith....

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My most sincere condolences to all who are affected by this dispicable attack. Words are of little help in reducing the pain and anger that rip at our hearts and minds in the face of such acts. I offer them only to assure you that I share those feelings, and pray for the families of the killed and injured.

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We are teetering on the edge of global disaster.

My condolences to all who have been directly affefed by such a barberous act of insanity.

Religion is truly the opium of the people.

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If your a moderate muslim with any decency, stand up now and tell us exactly what you think of these atrocities. If we can't hear you we'll take it that you are against us. Reap whats coming religion of peace. :o

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