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If You'Re Listening To Music Now... Whats Playing? 4


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Good news to report rgs, the grandson, aged 3 and a half,is a Lizard King fan. He immediately picked up my acoustic guitar and started leaping around, hollering after I put this track on. He'll (i'll) soon be adding The Dead to his nightly aerobics too.

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Poor rgs, according to a poster he hasn't got long left in this world, mind you I'm not sure anyone has in this heat,

BN, you really are a cad, please get behind me satan, LOL, its hilarious.

Yet another expert who has never rocked up on these shores, maybe should invest in a vets business, make a killing taking care of all these sick buffalo, LOL

Never mind, mrs will be well taken care of by the companies pension schemes, shoit, better not tell her that, might wake up tomorrow and find myself dead.

Down here in Bkk we have this amazing new invention called a/c, I just point a remote and all of a sudden its only 25 degrees, agat yen sabai, LOL

Anyway I know you are a good lad and can have a larf and joke, and you wont take this personally,

As a student of the language, maybe you should head over there and explain the difference between farang kee nok and farang kee ngok.

Take care matey, been busy of late, talk later.

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BN, yes funnily enough i can believe you about your spacious farang macmansion, I see them littered about all over Isaan, proper mansions,

the whole family move in, all 5 generations of them, him falang jai dee, lol.

I know you hate this pretentious crap as much as I do, its a means to an end, I guess I aint a,

None of us know when we will depart this mortal coil and

Meanwhile I am stuck in my boring cookie cutter house on a boring gated community, not the real Thailand according to some.

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Not a mansion rgs, first of all we bought a standard wooden house from a villager 10 km away,dismantled it, transported it and rebuilt it, all within 2 days, over the years we've added extensions so now we have tiled floors in the living room, bathroom, kitchen....,the whole house is its own style, there are no gated villages here with rabbit hutch style houses half an inch from each other

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